Gearing up for the last days before Prelims, Don’t Give up!
Red Book
Red Book


Dear Friends,

You have come a long way since you started with us at SFG/ RLG. At this point we would like to tell you a few things.


#1 First, you have a weekly chance to redeem yourself. Every week is a new beginning. And every week, no matter how you have performed in the past, you have a fresh chance to do well or poor. Because people who do not have the will power to protect their gains, often end up losing it.

Interestingly, this is also how the exam is designed. Every year, thousands of first timers clear the Prelims – and have the largest share in the final list.

Also, every year, a few hundred people serving in IPS, IRS and other Allied Services fail to clear Prelims, because they take things for granted OR work takes priority OR they lack the enthusiasm of a first timer.


#2 If you have not cleared Prelims before ( and attempted it ) , its likely that you made some wrong decisions. We are a consequence of the choices that we make.

In these two months before, the exam, we earnestly request you not to make any wrong choices, and do what has been working for you. Some of the wrong decisions could be as below

a) I am already good at cracking prelims, I don’t need to write the SFG tests anymore

b) I can skip the Simulator Tests, as I am already doing well in SFG/ RLG

c) I am performing poorly, no point of investing time, energy and money in future SFGs/ Simulator Tests.

The SFG has been designed with a learning curve in mind. If you only half do it, do not expect half results.

We can tell you that 90% efforts may not lead to 90% results- the correlation is difficult – but 110-% efforts do lead to 100% results.


#3 Avoid Trouble . Be Laser Beam focused on the exam.

“These are the best of times, these are the worst of times. ” These are also true of these two months. These are months of anxiety, irritation and give ups. A small trouble will look like an insurmountable mountain right now. A small pinch feels like a slap in the face.

In short, all our problems are likely to feel magnified right now. So in these days, avoid any confrontation with landlord ( those who are living in rented accommodations around Old Rajinder Nagar ) , who is likely to get troublesome as the exam approaches for some reason.

So that means, no fighting battles on many fronts. You just have to fight one battle – the Prelims. And that will be won when you have won the battle within.

A time will come when you will sort out these battles, but that time will be after June 3


#4 Take courses for whatever you are weak at.

We have lined up both Current Affairs Classes for Prelims and Static Revision Classes for you. The Current Affairs classes will ensure that your current affairs preparation is rock solid with no missing links.

The Static Classes will ensure that the difficult parts of the syllabus  are covered thoroughly so that you do not struggle with it.

The choice of joining courses must be based on the need for it and not on financial considerations – because a) the courses are rationally priced for prelims aspirants  and b) neither you nor us would want candidates who saved the money , but wasted a year instead. Its painful to see candidates do the exact opposite of what should be done – annually and waste years. And repeat the cycle. Your careers are more important than you may currently estimate.

We hope that you maintain positivity and stability of mind in the coming days. Both mental and physical health  will be crucial.


#5, Meet Vaibhava, IFoS Rank 1 on Tuesday

Vaibhav, our offline students, just like you will be having a small talk at 4PM on 27th March ( Tuesday ) on his preparation strategy and overall prep for Prelims, Mains and Interview .

He will be undergoing the 25kms running exercise – a mandatory physical test that one has to undergo before being inducted in the Indian Forest Service ( IFoS) in the morning, and will be addressing aspirants in the evening by 4PM.

We recommend that you drop by. Its always nice to meet people like you who have secured a rank – and not just any rank, but the first rank by sheer hard work.

You will need to register at the below link for that


#6 Lastly, Be proactive. Sole your problems today.

The world is not a wish granting factory. You may always get what you wish. But you will get what you have earned by your hard work.

Remember the hard working candidate will always beat the genius as far as the Civils examination is concerned.

We know this because we witness it year after year.

If you are facing any difficulties, please meet us. We are here to help you. Do not wait till the last moment. If you would like to meet a mentor, please see us after the class / test or take an appointment with Aditya.

We are here to help. And see you succeed,


Wishing you success,



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