Mains Guidance Program 2020 Details
Red Book
Red Book

Our Mains Guidance Program aims at providing the students with Full-Length GS tests and sectional tests to prepare them for the Mains Examination. The candidate gets to compete with numerous serious candidates in a real exam-like format.

The details of the program are as follows:

MGP Batch A/A+

Commencement Date: 15th June 2019
Tests: 18 Sectional + 10 Consolidated + 8 Full Syllabus Revision Tests + 8 Essay Test*
Detailed Brochure: MGP 2020 Brochure

For Registration: MGP Batch A | MGP Batch A+

*Essay tests will be the part of MGP Batch A+ only

MGP Batch B/B+

Commencement Date: 27th July 2019
MGP B: 18 Sectional + 10 Consolidated + 8 Full Syllabus Revision Tests
MGP B+: 18 Sectional + 10 Consolidated + 8 Full Syllabus Revision Tests + 8 Essay Test*
Detailed Brochure: MGP 2020 B/B+ Brochure

For Registration: MGP Batch B | MGP Batch B+

*Essay tests will be the part of MGP Batch B+ only

Download Detailed brochure from here: MGP-2020-B/B+ – Brochure

MGP Batch C/C+

Commencement Date: 05th October 2019
MGP C: 19 Sectional (3hrs/250 marks) + 8 Full Syllabus Tests
MGP C+: 19 Sectional (3hrs/250 marks) + 8 Full Syllabus Tests + 6 Essay Test*
Detailed Brochure: MGP 2020 C/C+ Brochure

For Registration:MGP Batch C | MGP Batch C+

*Essay tests will be the part of MGP Batch C+ only

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