The horrors of Partition must be remembered — but for the right reasons

Source: The Hindu and Indian Express Relevance: Announcement of 14th August as “Partition Horrors Remembrance Day”. Synopsis: The journey of remembrance should be to seek forgiveness and not to reopen wounds or reignite hatred Contents1 Importance of Remembrance Day2 Why does India need a remembrance day?3 Why the date 14th Aug is a cause for concern?4… Continue reading The horrors of Partition must be remembered — but for the right reasons

Prime Minister declares 14th August as Partition Horrors Remembrance Day

Source: The Hindu, PIB, PIB   Synopsis: In a fitting tribute to all those who lost their lives due to the partition of the nation and were displaced from their roots, the Government has decided to observe 14th August as the day to commemorate their sacrifice. Background: The country celebrated 75th Independence Day on 15th August… Continue reading Prime Minister declares 14th August as Partition Horrors Remembrance Day
