Following are the Suggested Answers for Mains Marathon, April 27:
कृषि विकास में भूमि सुधारों की विवेचना कीजिए | भारत में भूमि सुधारों की सफलता के लिए उत्तरदायी कारकों को चिन्हित कीजिए |
- Land reform usually refers to redistribution of land from the rich to the poor. More broadly,it includes regulation of ownership, operation, leasing, sales, and inheritance of land.
- In an agrarian economy such as India, with great scarcity and an unequal distribution of land,coupled with a large mass of the rural population below the poverty line, there are compelling economic and political arguments for land reform.
Land reforms and agricultural development:
- Tenancy reform:
- It may lead to changes in landlord-tenant relationships such that tenurial security is increased and may enable tenants to gain security against eviction.
- So the bargaining power and the stake in land utilization of the tenant are increased.
- This may lead to increased investment by the tenants in modern agricultural technology.
- To protect tenants from ejectment and to grant them permanent rights on lands, laws have been enacted in most of the states.
- Land can be resumed by the landlord only on the ground of personal cultivation. But the land-lord can resume the land only up to a maximum limit.
- Abolition of intermediaries:
- Land reforms put an end to the middlemen culture benefitting the sharecroppers and the landless farmers.
- Consolidation of disparate landholdings:
- Due to consolidation of landholdings agricultural productivity increased along with the increase of landholding
- Reduction in land rent allowed farmer to retain more profits for agriculture investment.
- Land reform adopted since Independence have failed to bring about the required changes in the agrarian structure.’
- Tenancy reform has actually increased inequality in operational land holdings in India.
- It has led to large-scale eviction. Large-scale eviction, in turn, has given rise to several problems social, economic, administrative and legal.
- Instead of the abolition of the official land-lords, absentee land-lords as a class have emerged.
- It lead to fragmentation of land, thus increasing the number of small and marginal farmers with unviable land holding.
Factors that led to success of Land reforms:-
- Constitution and laws:
- Since Independence, land reform legislation in the 1950s mandated implementation of land ceilings, vesting of surplus lands and distribution to landless and marginal landowners.
- Constitutional mandate in the form of Article 39 of DPSP
- Safeguarded by the Ninth schedule in the constitution.
- Computerisation of land reforms and laws like LARR.
- Political will :
- During left-wing administration in Kerala and West Bengal,
implementation of land reforms was done more actively that might have a direct effect on productivity. - Agricultural development was at the forefront of most of the five year plans and adequate funding was done to boost the agricultural output.
- During left-wing administration in Kerala and West Bengal,
- Civil society :
- It has played a significant role as seen in past “Bhoodan movement “
- Green revolution
- Awareness of the people for their land rights .
Land reforms is a continuous process. Recent efforts by government like Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, Krishi Sinchayi Yojana promising doubling of farmers income by 2022 also show that land reforms is headed towards a fruitful future.
2.“Terrorism is emerging as a competitive industry over the last few decades.” Analyse the above statement. (GS 3)
“पिछले कुछ दशकों से आतंकवाद एक प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक उधोग के रूप में उभर रहा है |” उपर्युक्त कथन का विश्लेषण कीजिए |
Yes,it is:
- The current competitive market in terrorism means that groups are trying to distinguish themselves from one another through more memorable violence. They need to do so because this is the only way in which they can be heard and become popular enough to attract recruits.
- Human Resource:
- Competitive pay is offered to the fighters which is able to pull youth fight in terrorist organisations.
- Globalisation:
- This process aided the terrorist activities due to flexibility in movement of people across borders.
- Nexus of criminals and terrorists:–
- Terrorists need finances for their activities. So, criminals colluding with terroristS is emerging as a competitive industry. For example, credit card information theft, smuggling, drug trafficking and child trafficking.
- Due to Internet and social media, all terrorist activities like money transfer, recruitment, propaganda became easy without physical movement of people.
- Regional conflicts: Such conflicts are benefiting the terrorism. For example sunni-shia rivalry in west Asia, India-Pakistan rivalry in South Asia.
- Control over large tracts of land especially by ISIS .
- Marketing:
- Social Media and Advertisements are key methods of radicalization. Terrorist organisations run their own news channels, Twitter handles and constantly update latest changes.
- Existence of hawala networks
- Support of governments to terrorists due to which they have corporatised their industry and made it competitive.
- Increased migration to Europe and East Asia causing imbalance
However despite the industry being competitive most of the people do not think it as attractive as it is against the values and principles followed in the society,create violence etc..
By trying to educate youth and understanding their alienation the governments can strive to work towards deradicalisation,nab organised crime ,Implementing provisions of BEPS for throttling Hawala finance would make terrorism to be controlled effectively.
अन्तरिक्ष विज्ञान और प्रौधौगिकी के क्षेत्र में भारत की उपलब्धियों की चर्चा कीजिये | इस प्रौधौगिकी का प्रयोग भारत के सामाजिक-आर्थिक विकास में किस प्रकार सहायक हुआ है?
India’s achievements in space science and technology:
- Recently PSLV launched 104 satellites in to space in one launch..This is the first for any space agency.
- Mangalyaan, 2014:
- India joined an exclusive global club when it successfully launched the Mars Orbiter Mission on a shoestring budget that was at least 10 times lower than a similar project by the US.
- Chandrayaan, 2008:
- India’s first unmanned lunar probe was launched almost a decade ago and was a landmark in India’s space mission.
- Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System, 2016:
- The seven-satellite system created India’s very own satellite navigation system e terrestrial and will provide services in marine navigation, disaster management, vehicle tracking and fleet management, and navigation aide for drivers.
- Reusable Launch Vehicle, 2016:
- In May 2016, India successfully tested the Reusable Launch Vehicle.
- Successful launch of GSLV with Indigenous Cryogenic Stage
- Development of Next Generation Geo-Synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mk III
- GAGAN (GPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation):
- It is primarily being used in aviation sector for precise position information services. With this, India becomes the Third country in the world, after USA and European Union, to offer Global Navigational Satellite System (GNSS) based precision approach services to civil aviation sector.
Application of space technology in socio-economic development :-
- Agriculture:-
- Remote sensing satellites provide key data for monitoring soil,snow cover,drought and crop development.
- Rainfall assessments from satellites,for example, help farmers plan the timing and amount of irrigation they will need for their crops.
- Accurate information and analysis can also help predict a region’s agricultural output well in advance and can be critical in anticipating and mitigating the effects of food shortages and famines.
- Acreage and production estimates for the principal crops such as wheat, rice, sorghum, cotton, mustard, and groundnut using Forecasting Agriculture Output using Space Agrometeorology and land based observations (FASAL).
- Precision farming using IRNSS.
- Precision Precision farming using IRNSS
- Identification of diseases of crops through hyper spectral method.
- Wasteland mapping, watershed development and monitoring as well as help in fisheries sector for augmentation of income.
- Agro Metrological (AGROMET) Towers to measure soil temperature, soil moisture, soil heat and net radiation, wind speed, wind direction, pressure and humidity; Flux Tower for multi-level micrometeorological observation as well as subsurface observations on soil temperature and moisture over the vegetative surfaces.
- A number of academic and research institutions as well as industries participate in the Indian space Programme.Several Indian industries have the expertise to undertake sophisticated jobs required for space systems.
- Resources:
- The other major application of space technology is the use of earth observation satellites for resources survey.
- Investment:
- Space science always puts high demands on technology and these technologies could be n important investment for sophisticating future application missions to bring increased benefits to society.
- The successful conduct of planetary missions like Chandrayaan and Mangalyaan puts India in an exclusive club and this in turn gives the right credentials for international collaboration and cooperation on an equal partnership basis.This will develop both scientific and space manufacturing industry in India
- Foreign Exchange source through revenue.
- Commercialization of space launching technologies by ANTRIX has resulted into economic gain.
- The data is used for several applications covering agriculture, water resources, urban development , mineral prospecting, environment, forestry, drought and flood forecasting, ocean resources and disaster management.
- Disaster management:
- It plays a vital role in delivering cyclone warnings and is used in search and rescue operations
- Use of INSAT for e-governance and developmental communication applications is also fast expanding.
- Doppler Weather Radar (DWR) to monitor severe weather events such as cyclone and heavy rainfall.
- Satellite communication:
- Another application of satellite communication is Satellite Aided Search and Rescue (SAS&R), as a part of India’s commitment to the International COSPAS- SARSAT programme for providing alerts and position location services for aircraft and ships in distress.
- Scientific Temper :
- ISRO through it’s achievements can attract millions of young minds towards science and further ISRO can ignite these young minds through collaborations with various colleges, schools and universities like NASA.
- Finding prospective groundwater zones to provide drinking water in villages, providing land and water resources development plans at watershed level using IRS.
- Tele-fishery:
- VRCs located at coastal tracts are being provided with near real time information on satellite derived Potential Fishing Zones (PFZ). Information pertaining to inland fisheries, aquaculture, etc., is also provided through VRCs as relevant.
- Telemedicine:
- Introducing telemedicine via satellite for making speciality treatment accessible to people in remote areas of India.Places around Bangalore,Kolkata and Tripura are networked with a hub using VSAT terminals.
- Biodiversity information system:
- Use of space technological tools for characterization of biodiversity at a landscape level.
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