Author: ForumIAS

  • Mains Marathon : 5 Questions on Contemporary Issues – 16 September

    1. Increasing antibiotic resistance  across all ages is a man made problem. In this context, discuss the reasons for the same and suggest measures to check it. Link 1 2. The widening rift between Pakistan and Afghanistan is an opportunity, which India must tap. Critically examine in the light of India-Afghanistan relations. Link 1 3.…

  • Must read news articles – September 16

    National Babies fall victim to antibiotic resistance – Infected with ‘superbugs’ in birth facilities within 72 hours of being born, thousands of Indian babies are dying due to an ‘alarming degree’ of drug resistance, a major study has found. ‘Yatri Mitra’ to the aid of rail passengers in need of assistance – In an initiative…

  • 9 PM Daily Brief – 15th September 2016

    9 PM Daily Brief – 15th September 2016

    Click here to Download 9 PM Daily Brief PDF (15th Sept. 2016) EDITORIAL   [1]. Letting Nepal be  The Hindu Context:- Author states that India should treat Nepal as a separate sovereign state with a right to carve out its own national policy on important issues, rather than considering it just a playground for its diplomatic…

  • Mains Marathon – GS Test 8 – September 15

    CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD GS MAINS TEST 8 QUESTION PAPER Read the below questions carefully and answer them in your own words not exceeding 200 words. Time: 1 Hour Total Marks : 10 x 7 = 70 Marks 1. Infrastructure financing is very crucial for the development of any country. Discuss the challenges that India is…

  • 9 PM Daily Brief – 14th September 2016

    9 PM Daily Brief – 14th September 2016

    Click here to Download 9 PM Daily Brief PDF (14th Sept. 2016) NATIONAL   [1]. Approved strength of judges enough to end backlog: Law panel head  The Hindu Context:- With current logjam between executive and the judiciary over judicial appointments not looking to settle anytime soon, Law commission chairman and former SC judge has said that…

  • Mains Marathon : 5 Questions on Contemporary Issues – 13 September

    Read the following Questions and answer them by clicking on the links, in not more than 200 words. Time : 45 Minutes 1)Building toilets not enough, India need behavioural change for becoming Swachh Bharat. Critically Examine. Link | Link 2 2)NGOs and Governments need to compliment each for for inclusive and sustinable growth; they cannot…

  • Must Read News Articles of the Day – September 13

    National GST Council gets Cabinet nod, roll-out likely in April – The Union Cabinet on Monday approved the setting up of the Goods & Services Tax (GST) Council and its Secretariat. The Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers on the GST could cease to be the forum at which the discussions between the Centre and…

  • 9 PM Daily Brief – 12th September 2016

    9 PM Daily Brief – 12th September 2016

    Click here to Download 9 PM Daily Brief PDF (12th Sept. 2016) NATIONAL   [1]. Do police get away with rights violations? The Hindu Context:- Article ties to bring out the fact that our system has no concrete mechanisms to deal with human rights violation by the police in India. NHRC deals with such cases but…

  • Mains Marathon – 5 Questions on Contemporary Issues – September 12

    1. Write a note on Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV)? What are it’s significance for India and how is it different from Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)? Link 1 2. India is the home to large no. of child labourers in the age group of 0–18 years. Critically examine how far the Child Labour (Prohibition…

  • Must Read News Articles – September 12

    Jharkhand at bottom of Swachh table; government red-faced – The survey was conducted by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) between May and June 2015 covering 73,176 households in 3,788 villages across the country has placed Sikkim at the top of the list and Jharkhand at the bottom of the list. Kerala decentralises disaster management…