Category: Mains Marathon

  • UPSC Current Affairs Questions and Answer Writing – Mains Marathon – April 5

    UPSC Current Affairs Questions and Answer Writing – Mains Marathon – April 5

    Read the following questions and answer them by clicking on the links in not more than 200 words Time: 30 Minutes Kindly review each others answers. 1. What is National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF)? Discuss the parameters and methodology used in the ranking. नेशनल इंस्टीट्यूशनल रैंकिंग फ्रेमवर्क (एनआईआरएफ) क्या है? रैंकिंग में प्रयुक्त पैरामीटर और पद्धति…

  • UPSC Current Affairs Questions and Answer Writing – Mains Marathon – April 4

    UPSC Current Affairs Questions and Answer Writing – Mains Marathon – April 4

    Read the following questions and answer them by clicking on the links in not more than 200 words Time: 30 Minutes Kindly review each others answers. 1.In simple terms, What do you understand by General Anti Avoidance Rules or GAAR? Why is tax avoidance such an important area of concern in India? (GS 3) साधारण शब्दों…

  • UPSC Current Affairs Questions and Answer Writing – Mains Marathon – April 3

    UPSC Current Affairs Questions and Answer Writing – Mains Marathon – April 3

    Read the following questions and answer them by clicking on the links in not more than 200 words Time: 30 Minutes Kindly review each others answers. 1.What are Bharat stage emission standards? Why has SC ordered a freeze on the registration and sale of BS-III fuel compliant vehicles? (GS 1) भारत स्टेज उत्सर्जन स्टैंडर्ड्स क्या हैं?…

  • Announcement : Weekly Prizes – Mains Marathon 2017, March 13 – March 18

    Announcement : Weekly Prizes – Mains Marathon 2017, March 13 – March 18

    Dear Aspirants, Here are the Weekly Winners of Mains Marathon Answer Writing practice from March 13 – March 18. While coming up with the winners list, we have given priority to: Consistency, Answer Quality and Active Participation.  The Winners/Top Contributors are gifted ONE UPSC Answer Writing Notebook ? for FREE! The winners are shortlisted from the Mains Marathon Initiative,…

  • Announcement : Weekly Prizes – Mains Marathon 2017, March 20- March 25

    Announcement : Weekly Prizes – Mains Marathon 2017, March 20- March 25

    Dear Aspirants, Here are the Weekly Winners of Mains Marathon Answer Writing practice from March 20- March 25. While coming up with the winners list, we have given priority to: Consistency, Answer Quality and Active Participation.  The Winners/Top Contributors are gifted ONE UPSC Answer Writing Notebook ? for FREE! The winners are shortlisted from the Mains Marathon Initiative, that…

  • Answered: Mains Marathon – UPSC Mains Current Affairs Questions – March 30

    Answered: Mains Marathon – UPSC Mains Current Affairs Questions – March 30

    Following are the Suggested Answers for Mains Marathon, March 30: 1.List some differences between chemical and physical weathering. Describe the significance of weathering.(GS 1) रासायनिक और शारीरिक मौसम के बीच में अंतरों की सूची लिखें। इसके महत्वों का वर्णन करें। Link-1 | Link-2 | Link-3 Weathering: It is the total effect of the various sub aerial processes that cooperate in bringing about decay…

  • Answered: Mains Marathon – UPSC Mains Current Affairs Questions – March 29

    Answered: Mains Marathon – UPSC Mains Current Affairs Questions – March 29

    Following are the Suggested Answers for Mains Marathon, March 29: 1.What is Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS)? Mention some major challenges to operator participation in RCS. (GS 3) क्षेत्रीय संपर्क योजना (आरसीएस) क्या है? आरसीएस में ऑपरेटर भागीदारी के कुछ प्रमुख चुनौतियों का उल्लेख करें। The Hindu | UDAN Introduction:- The Government recently  kickstarted its Regional Air Connectivity Scheme (RCS) by…

  • Announcement : Weekly Prizes – Mains Marathon 2017, March 27- April 1

    Announcement : Weekly Prizes – Mains Marathon 2017, March 27- April 1

    Good Afternoon Aspirants, It is time for Weekly Prizes 🙂 Here are the Weekly Winners of Mains Marathon Answer Writing practice from March 27- April 1. While coming up with the winners list, we have given priority to: Consistency, Answer Quality and Active Participation.  The Winners/Top Contributors are gifted ONE UPSC Answer Writing Notebook ? for FREE! The…

  • Essay Test – April 1 :-)

    Essay Test – April 1 🙂

    Instructions:  Write an essay on any one of the following in about 1000-1200 words. Time : 90 minutes Marks : 125 1. True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. सच्ची व्यक्तिगत स्वतंत्रता आर्थिक स्वतंत्रता के बिना मौजूद नहीं हो सकती है। 2. Who is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything…

  • Answered: Mains Marathon – UPSC Mains Current Affairs Questions – March 28

    Answered: Mains Marathon – UPSC Mains Current Affairs Questions – March 28

    Following are the Suggested Answers for Mains Marathon, March 28: 1.Discuss some reasons for the delay in operationalization of Indo-US nuclear deal. What is the significance of the nuclear deal? (GS 2) भारत-अमेरिका परमाणु समझौते के संचालन में देरी के कुछ कारणों पर चर्चा करें। इस परमाणु समझौते का क्या महत्व है? The Hindu Introduction: The 123…