Question 1

Ram had some money. He gave one quarter if this money to Vinod and one third of the remaining to Rishabh. If the money remaining with him is Rs. 40, what was the initial money he had?
(A) 60
(B) 80
(C) 90
(D) 120

Question 2

A batsman in his 17th innings makes a score of 85, and thereby increases his average by 3. What is his average after 17 innings?
(A) 36
(B) 37
(C) 38
(D) 39

Question 3

A ship develops a leak 12 km from the shore. Despite the leak, the ship is able to move towards the shore at a speed of 8 km/hr. However the ship can stay afloat only for 20 minutes. If a rescue vessel were to leave from the shore towards the ship, and it takes 4 mins to evacuate the crew and passengers of the ship, what should be the minimum speed of the rescue vessel in order to be able to successfully rescue the people aboard the ship?(A) 37 km/hr
(B) 28 km/hr
(C) 41 km/hr
(D) 25 km/hr

Question 4

A single thread made up of carbon nanotube is designed in a manner that it is wound around the entire earth and just fits it. It touches the earth at all points. Due to rising temperature, the thread heats up and expands by 10 metres in length. The thread is still spherically shaped and rises above the earth’s surface equally at all points. What would be the gap between the earth’s surface and thread? Assume the earth to be perfect sphere with radius of 6400 km.(A) 1.6cm
(B) 16 cm
(C) 1.6 m
(D) 16 m

Question 5

One-third of a certain journey is covered at the rate of 25 km/hr, one-fourth at the rate of 30 km/hr, and the rest at 50 km/her. Find the average speed for the whole journey.(A) 33
(B) 35
(C) 37
(D) 40

N.B. Please note that the official timings for publication of these questions is 11 am daily.


1. (B) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (B) 5. (D)

1. 10 years ago, total age of all family members: 24×4 = 96.
Today, total age of all family members: 24×6 = 144 (because the average today is same as 10 years ago).
Extra years added in these 10 years are 48. Each of the original four members have contributed 10×4 = 40 years.
So the two new children have contributed a total of 8 years. Therefore, their ages are 5 years and 3 years.

2. Simple enough problem. The paths can only start either from points A or C. Examples are AECDABC, CBAECDA, ABCEADC, ABCDAEC etc. A total of 12 such paths are possible.

3. This is a trick question. Ideally, you should answer this without solving anything. Here is how. If the first guy (Ram) has taken a third of the original number of mints provided (before returning four), then the original number of mints in the bowl would have to be divisible by 3. Since none of the first three options are divisible by 3, the answer is ‘none of these’.
The actual answer is 36, by the way.

4. In these kinds of questions, find out the LCM of all the times mentioned (4 hours, 6 hours and 3 hours in this particular question) and assume that the cistern has a total capacity of that much. LCM here is 12. So lets assume cistern’s capacity to be 12 litres.
Since pipe A alone fills it in 4 hours, so pipe A fills in 3 litres in one hour.
Since pipe B alone fills it in 6 hours, so pipe B fills in 2 litres in one hour.
Since pipe A alone empties it in 3 hours, so pipe C drains 4 litres in one hour.
Now, at the start, there are 6 litres in the cistern. C alone is opened for one hour after which the amount remaining would be 2 litres. Then B and C would be opened together for half an hour, which means combined, the cistern would be emptied at 2 litres an hour. After half an hour, the amount remaining would be 1 litre. From hereon, A, B and C would all be working together, and this means that overall, the cistern would get filled at 1 litre per hour. So to go from 1 litre to full capacity of 12 litres, it would take another 11 hours.
Total time taken: 1 hour + 0.5 hours + 11 hours = 12.5 hours.

5. Assume that the point where all the trains meet is P. Let the time taken for train A to get to P be ‘t’ hours. So, time taken by train B to get to P will be ‘t-3’ hours, because B has started after three hours. Now, distance covered by train A = speed x time i.e. 60t. And distance covered by train B = speed x time i.e. 90(t-3). Since distance of P from Mumbai always stays the same, 90(t-3) = 60t from which we get ‘t’ to be 9 hours.
So distance of P from Mumbai is 60t i.e. 60×9 = 540 km. Therefore, distance of P from Delhi is 1260-540 = 720 km.
In 6 hours, train C has travelled 720 km. So, speed of train C is 120 kmph.


43 responses to “CSAT DAILY MISSION #99”

  1. Magesh N Avatar
    Magesh N

    Can u explain the q.4 for mission 100

  2. Magesh N Avatar
    Magesh N

    can you explain -Q4 for mission 100

  3. And is
    1. B
    2. B
    3. A
    4. B
    5. A

  4. Praful Avatar

    1. b
    2. b
    3. a
    4. c
    5. a

  5. dorjay Avatar

    Thank you so much for starting this topic. I am not good at maths and now I hope to overcome it by practicing these questions regularly.

  6. 1-B

  7. 1. B – Rs. 80/-
    2. B – 37
    3. A – >= 30km/hr
    4. C – 10/(2*pi) metres
    5. A – 33.3* kph

  8. 1) B
    2) B
    3) A
    4) C
    5) A

  9. Rohan Pillai Avatar
    Rohan Pillai


  10. Abhinandan Rout Avatar
    Abhinandan Rout

    For Mr. Palash : P is the point where A and B are meeting. It is where B overtakes A. So, if A has taken ‘t’ hours to get to P, then B would have taken ‘t-3’ hours to reach P. After that point P, B will move ahead of A and arrive earlier in Delhi.

  11. Abhinandan Rout Avatar
    Abhinandan Rout

    For Mr. s : The first two trains have both started from Mumbai and met at a place called P (like Ahmedabad). So, the distance travelled by both is the same i.e. the distance from Mumbai to Ahmedabad. Since the second train has started 3 hours later at 9 pm, so its time taken is ‘t-3’ hours if ‘t’ is the number of hours taken by the first train. Speeds are given. Distance is same, therefore speed x time of the first = speed x time of the second.

  12. B B A – A

  13. for yesterday ques 5?

  14. can answer 5 be explained again..?

  15. Narottam Kumar Avatar
    Narottam Kumar


  16. Total time available to vessel to reach the ship=20-4=16 min
    In 16 min with the relative speed i.e speed of ship+vessel it should cover a distance of 12km
    In simple way,
    Speed of ship(8)+speed of vessel(v)=12*60/16
    60 is used bcoz time is in min. Not in hour

  17. Nikhil Avatar


  18. CHANDRAKANT Avatar

    ans: 1) B

  19. ABHISHEK Avatar

    2 B
    3 A
    5 A

  20. Ashwin Avatar

    Q)3 = A , finally solved it.

  21. 1. B
    2. D
    3. A
    4. C
    5. A

  22. 1. B
    2. B
    3. A
    4. C
    5. A

  23. chand Avatar

    1.B 2.B 3.A 5.A

  24. Ashwin Avatar

    can anyone explain Q)3 plzzz…

  25. 1.B

  26. sankirtan shukla Avatar
    sankirtan shukla

    1. B
    2. B
    3. A
    4. C
    5. A

  27. 80…37…37kph…*….33kph are the answers

  28. BBAAA time taken 9 min 12 sec

  29. Animesh Avatar



  30. teedee Avatar


  31. venky Avatar

    Sorry I meant Option C is correct i.e 1.6 me

  32. venky Avatar

    4. D


    2pi*r = height of cylinder

    h+10 = 2pi*(r+ increase in gap)

    ==> gap = 10/(2pi) metres

    = 1.6 me

  33. BBAAA

  34. 1. B
    2. B
    3. A
    4. C
    5. A

  35. B,B,C,A,A

  36. raibahadur diljale Avatar
    raibahadur diljale

    1. B: 80
    2. B: 37
    3. A: 37kmph
    4. C: 1.6m
    5. A: 33

  37. venky Avatar


  38. Ashwin Avatar


  39. 1. B
    2. B
    3. A
    4. A
    5. B

  40. sneha Avatar

    1 D
    5 A

  41. Palash Gupta Avatar
    Palash Gupta

    In yesterday’s 5th ques, how can you say that B will take t-3 time to reach point P as the speeds of A & B are different. Therefore it does not take t-3 time.

  42. 1 b. 2 b. 3 a. 4. 5 a

  43. Palash Gupta Avatar
    Palash Gupta

    1. D
    2. B
    5. A

    Got 4 out of 5 questions correct yesterday. Thanks for the initiative

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