[WpProQuiz 148]

Daily MCQs 2.0: UPSC Prelims Marathon: May 5
53 responses to “Daily MCQs 2.0: UPSC Prelims Marathon: May 5”
Daily MCQs 2.0: UPSC Prelims Marathon: May 5
05 May, 2017Post By : ForumIASComments : 51Category : Daily QuizDaily MCQ 2.0: May 5
2 of 5 questions answered correctlyYour time: 00:01:48
You have reached 2 of 5 scores, (40%)
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3/5 correct!
Daily MCQ 2.0: May 5
4 of 5 questions answered correctlyYour time: 00:01:56
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
Thanks for attempting the Quiz.
According to your link, option (a) is wrong.
2:53 -
Thanks for the tip..ATB 2 u too
It’s abt perspective… Consistency in learning and avoiding same mistake could be game changer…!
Keep it up.. ATB -
Daily MCQs 2.0: UPSC Prelims Marathon: May 5
05 May, 2017Post By : ForumIASComments : 40Category : Daily QuizDaily MCQ 2.0: May 5
2 of 5 questions answered correctlyYour time: 00:03:19
LOL…:-) very consistent in scoring low marks
anyway thanks 4 the motivation -
3 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:53
Very good consistency..
Keep revising.. atb -
3 of 5 questions answered correctly
So this line:
“When cases of vector-borne diseases shoot up in the monsoon, some municipal Corporations ramped up fogging, or fumigation to kill larva.”
is wrong, is what I am saying -
Thanks for the reference Bhavika.According to article both fogging and fumigation are ineffective in killing larva and adult mosquito.
Although the adult mosquitoes are killed, the young ones – the larvae, are protected from the insecticide laden fog, only waiting for a few more days to emerge into adult mosquitoes and replace their dead comrades.
Fogging does not kill the larvae.
To kill the baby mosquitoes – the larvae, fogging is not the answer
Hey Jyoti, thanks for the appreciation
0/5. Pat on the back. Great chances of clearing prelims.
pls mark the options
otherwise nice -
Dear Wikipedia (Bhavika),
Hats Off To Your Work.It Is Really Commendable as Every Day You Come Up With The New Topic Which Is Informative and Important as well.
Keep Learning and Keep Growing…..!!!
2 of 5 questions answered correctlyYour time: 00:03:03
You have reached 2 of 5 scores, (40%)
When cases of vector-borne diseases shoot up in the monsoon, some municipal Corporations ramped up fogging, or fumigation to kill larva.
Fumigation has however minimal impact on controlling the spread of vector borne diseases as it only targets adult mosquitoes.
FIrst line mentions larvae and second line mentions adult mosquitoes. -
4 of 5 scores, (80%)
Haan bachche ko lollipop bhi chahiye….
Yo Bro…positive attitude…
Forum ias admin kuch CSAT ke bhi quest de do.. Bina 66 marks aaye gs-1 ke 120 ka kya karenge..
Koi Bandhu ise Dil pe na le ?? -
Sabke score Aise hi hain. So u r not lower than others. Today at par, tomorrow at above
Yeah ..bt not so good score…
Same same
The solution states that “Fumigation has however minimal impact on controlling the spread of vector borne diseases as it only targets adult mosquitoes”
Mosquito-borne diseases or mosquito-borne illnesses are diseases caused by bacterial, viruses or parasites transmitted by mosquitoes. They can transmit disease without being affected themselves.
Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes include: malaria, dengue, West Nile virus, chikungunya, yellow fever,filariasis, Japanese encephalitis, Saint Louis encephalitis, Western equine encephalitis, Eastern equine encephalitis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, La Crosse encephalitis and Zika fever
What’s your optional?
the 3rd question itself says it is to kill larvae….and explanation is silent on the same….what a glitch!!! -
1/5……..really confusing questions
2 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:37
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