Daily MCQs: May 4

[WpProQuiz 145]



102 responses to “Daily MCQs: May 4”

  1. Samarjyoti Thakuria Avatar
    Samarjyoti Thakuria


  2. Geetanjali Joshi Avatar
    Geetanjali Joshi

    Daily MCQs: May 4
    04 May, 2017Post By : ForumIASComments : 100Category : Daily Quiz

    Daily Quiz: May 4
    6 of 6 questions answered correctly

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  3. Ajay Sisodiya Avatar
    Ajay Sisodiya


  4. Pragmatist Avatar

    Same here..?

  5. Arthanari Avatar

    4 of 6 questions answered correctly

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  6. 6 of 6 questions answered correctly

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  7. Thanks team

  8. vivek Avatar



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  10. Kumar Aakash Avatar
    Kumar Aakash

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  11. also attempt hundreds of MCQs on COMPLETE POLITY at:

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  13. ISHAAN Avatar

    6 of 6 questions answered correctly

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  14. Try one more time! Avatar
    Try one more time!

    5 of 6 questions answered correctly

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  15. Alpha Centauri Avatar
    Alpha Centauri

    6 of 6 questions answered correctly
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    Oops 😛

  16. jairaj Avatar

    Daily MCQs: May 4
    04 May, 2017Post By : ForumIASComments : 86Category : Daily Quiz

    Daily Quiz: May 4
    5 of 6 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:01:43

    You have reached 5 of 6 scores, (83.33%)

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  17. Solitude Avatar

    Hehehe…….U r better and would be best..

  18. lolzzzz

  19. Monica Avatar

    of 6 questions answered correctly

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  20. $partan Avatar

    3 of 6 scores, (50%)

  21. aspirant@avi Avatar

    Daily MCQs: May 4
    04 May, 2017Post By : ForumIASComments : 81Category : Daily Quiz

    Daily Quiz: May 4
    5 of 6 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:04:42

  22. Shubham Avatar

    Launch Vehicle falls in sea after launch, so how they lead to space debris?

  23. Vib2017 Avatar

    Daily Quiz: May 4
    5 of 6 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:02:43

  24. Mrinal Mukherjee Avatar
    Mrinal Mukherjee


  25. HoneyBee Avatar

    2/6 Finally some respite 🙂

  26. mango Avatar


  27. mausam Avatar


  28. darkknight Avatar

    Bhai ye FORUMIAS hai..lol 😛

  29. darkknight Avatar

    5 of 6 questions answered correctly

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  30. <3 KH <3 Avatar
    <3 KH <3


  31. Lord Vorminious Avatar
    Lord Vorminious

    Batman returns 😀

  32. Lord Vorminious Avatar
    Lord Vorminious


    Time taken: 2:03 minutes

    GG EZ 2

  33. Anjani Roushan Avatar
    Anjani Roushan

    You have reached 5 of 6 scores, (83.33%)
    thnku Insights team

  34. Hrangkekuala Avatar

    This type of score come once in a year for me

  35. Results
    4 of 6 questions answered correctly

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    You have reached 4 of 6 scores, (66.67%)

  36. 5/6

  37. Lara croft Avatar
    Lara croft


  38. HimalayanBrownbear-CE,JK,HP,UK Avatar


  39. rashmi Avatar

    6 of 6 scores, (100%

  40. UTTAM LAL Avatar


  41. Solitude Avatar

    Same to you. 🙂

  42. Komal Mishra Avatar
    Komal Mishra


  43. UPSC aspirant Avatar
    UPSC aspirant

    Good…bdiya hai..
    All the best.

  44. Solitude Avatar

    Going fyn….No…Just doing revision of all the stuffs.

  45. UPSC aspirant Avatar
    UPSC aspirant

    Hows urs preparation going on? have you taken any last time classes for current affairs?

  46. Solitude Avatar


  47. Solitude Avatar


  48. UPSC aspirant Avatar
    UPSC aspirant

    Yeah..things are going peacefully….Not so good, not so bad…:)

  49. destination Avatar

    Tides caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun also play role in the forming of oceanic currents.
    except this there is no reason how gravity plays role to influence the ocean current. movement of water at sub surface level from pole to equator and vice versa.is just because of density difference of water .

    final verdict 🙂 🙂

  50. Solitude Avatar

    Long tym seeing u…Hows things r going on sis?

  51. ?? jyoti ?

  52. UPSC aspirant Avatar
    UPSC aspirant


  53. 3/6 ?

  54. Bruce Wayne Avatar
    Bruce Wayne

    Ha ha ha,big NO. Time nahi hai yar ab kisi bhi type ki convincing activity me padne ka.
    Exam ke baad scientific debate karenge.

  55. Solitude Avatar

    its not frustration….its a enthusiasm…..:)

  56. 4/6

  57. Murinder Nodi Avatar
    Murinder Nodi

    Aaj toh kisi ka katal ho hi jayega, lag raha hai. 😛 .
    The amount of frustration in this thread is damn too high.

  58. Solitude Avatar

    Pacal law states – Pressure = Density*Depth*g
    Density changes as well as depth…agreed.
    But g doesn’t change. Even g differs at pole against equator by only 0.05. It would have negligible effect. .
    It is the pressure that might induce the change in ocean current rather than gravity of earth

  59. Bruce Wayne Avatar
    Bruce Wayne

    I told you its a non ending debate if you won’t be convinced. ABG had explained mechanism,so I won’t repeat the same,you can see it.
    I tried to explain it in a very lucid manner. Had it been gravitaion by sun and moon,it would have mentioned there.
    In my knowledge its gravity of the earth itself. And yes,not here for further arguements,you can vouch at your understanding.

  60. anonmyous Avatar


  61. Bruce Wayne Avatar
    Bruce Wayne

    He asked for name of atmospheric current.
    Do you know any current developed solely due to pressre difference,in my knowledge there is none.

  62. Solitude Avatar

    It is true that Gravity is higher at pole than equator but it doesn’t mean that water current should flow to pole from other parts of the earth. Even we have observed ocean current outflows of poles to lower latitudes. Second, if due to change in electromagnetic field if we assume any anomaly in earth’s gravitation then its effect would be negligible on ocean current.
    I think “Gravitation” in option means gravitation exerted by moon or sun or other terrestrial body. Then that option would be correct.

  63. Bruce Wayne Avatar
    Bruce Wayne

    No,there are other factors as well that guides ocean current.
    At macro level,atmospheric pressure guides ocean current.There is no such example that current is guided only by pressure,but as soil formation is the product of multiple factor,similar is the case here.

  64. Abhijit (ABG) Avatar
    Abhijit (ABG)

    density differences in water masses caused by temperature and salinity variations
    See, temperature and salinity imbalance will create density differences. But, what is the force which will lead to movement of water at the surface of the ocean.
    High temperature will result in decrease in density, which will lead to expansion of water. It will subsequently lead to difference in level of water. Now in order to level down the ocean water, ocean currents will be generated. You would have listened about pressure at the same depth or level should be equal as per Pascal’s law. Gravity force is the basic force = density * depth * g, which creates the pressure imbalance.

  65. Bruce Wayne Avatar
    Bruce Wayne

    Waise toh we can have an indefinite debate over the topic,but as fas as general studies is concerned..any force is the product of mass,differential density in the lithospheric crust as well as mantle created anomaly.Also,radius of earth is smaller at the poles then at the equator(geoid),so force exerted by core is greater on the poles.

  66. Kriss Raghunath Avatar
    Kriss Raghunath

    5 of 6 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:03:20

  67. destination Avatar

    Greater than 1000 PMP in 2015
    To bring down less than 100 PMP in 2035 but long term vision is less than 1TB case PMP..???

  68. Bruce Wayne Avatar
    Bruce Wayne

    Gravity is the reason for atmospheric pressure. Hence,gravitational anomaly creates pressure differences which induces current.

  69. destination Avatar

    <1 TB case per million population ??
    Seems required some modification. ?

  70. Rohit Avatar


  71. Abhijit (ABG) Avatar
    Abhijit (ABG)

    Best hai ye !!!
    You will be satisfied after viewing it 🙂

  72. Solitude Avatar

    Not Satisfied

  73. GreenHorn Avatar

    spot on..!! thanks I missed that one.

  74. Solitude Avatar

    Nautanki….. 🙂

  75. Abhijit (ABG) Avatar
    Abhijit (ABG)

    What causes Equatorial counter current then ?
    Gravity is one of the main reasons for the flow of these currents in direction opposite to the trade winds.
    Doldrums are calm zones, where wind speed is very low. Now, due to difference in level of water brought by equatorial currents, gravity comes into play and counters wind force in determining the direction of ocean current

  76. Solitude Avatar

    How gravity anomaly created?

  77. destination Avatar

    He he…

  78. GreenHorn Avatar

    What types of oceanic currents are produced because of atmospheric pressure? examples? There are mostly because of temperature and salinity imbalance.

  79. destination Avatar

    He he..
    Forum ias Valon ne personally FB pe msg Kiya tha ki mat jao yahan se??

  80. Bruce Wayne Avatar
    Bruce Wayne

    Gravity is the reason for atmospheric pressure. Hence,gravitational anomaly creates pressure differences which induces current.

  81. destination Avatar

    Vo is vajah se Kiya tha kyun ki forum ias Valon ka koi schedule hi ni tha kabhi bhi quiz de dete the ..
    Dusra insight ka follow kar paunga ye doubt hai mujhe Abhi vision ka hi bahut revise karna hi.
    Yhan to 5 quest hi hain vahan to 20 aayenge ??

  82. Jyoti Singh Avatar
    Jyoti Singh

    Kal Toh Danke Ki Chhot Par Isne GOOD Bye Bola Tha….!!!

  83. Abhijit (ABG) Avatar
    Abhijit (ABG)

    5 of 6 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:01:39

  84. Jyoti Singh Avatar
    Jyoti Singh

    Our Mind Is A Magnet.If You Think Of Blessings,You Attract Blessings;And If You Think Of Problems,You Attract Problems.
    Always Cultivate Good Thoughts and Remain Positive and Optimistic…..!!!

  85. Bruce Wayne Avatar
    Bruce Wayne

    Gravity is the reason cause for atmospheric pressure. Hence,gravitational anomaly creates pressure differences which induces current.

  86. Solitude Avatar

    Good realisation…..
    U r made of tougher one….
    Asaan sawal humlogo ke liye chhor do….
    Jao yahan se….Kyun aaye ho…
    Kal to goodbye kiya tha tumne

  87. Bhavika Avatar

    Hehe forumias ko goodbye kia tha na kal

    Have patience ans solve ques with full focus

  88. destination Avatar

    Tough quiz – sare Kahan sahi honge mere
    Easy quiz – don’t worry yahan bhi sare sahi ni honge..
    Then what’s the final conclusion here..
    Kuch ni ho Sakta mera ??

  89. 6/6

  90. Solitude Avatar

    I have countless blessings of GOD so I count my worries to eliminate them….
    My vision doesn’t stay in hold rather it goes beyond the horizon….
    I don’t trust the process because it sometimes fails, I trust in system where even all processes are got corrected….

  91. GreenHorn Avatar

    I don’t think gravity is responsible for ocean currents. It causes tides and I don’t think tides are ocean currents. Please share your opinion.

  92. Bruce Wayne Avatar
    Bruce Wayne

    You have reached 6 of 6 scores, (100%)

    Expecting some brainstorming Science and tech and Environmental ques in the coming days.

  93. Jyoti Singh Avatar
    Jyoti Singh

    So Informative But Complicated To Understand…..!!!

  94. Bhavika Avatar

    Global elimination of TB as a public health problem, defined as 1,000 per million population in 2015 to <100 per million by 2035

  95. Ankit Avatar

    6/6.. 🙂

  96. Pre Fail Avatar
    Pre Fail

    5 of 6 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:03:59

    You have reached 5 of 6 scores, (83.33%)

    Thanks for attempting the Quiz.

  97. Jyoti Singh Avatar
    Jyoti Singh

    All Terms Above Mentioned Has Been In The News Quite Often ie Bedaquiline,LIGO,RLV,Red Light.

    To Aspirant;Count Your Blessings Not Worries.So Hold The Vision and Trust The Process…..!!!



  99. navodit verma Avatar
    navodit verma


  100. shaktialive Avatar


  101. Nimesh Nair Avatar
    Nimesh Nair


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