Daily Quiz 2.0: UPSC Prelims Marathon: April 10

Topic of the Week: Polity and related issues

[WpProQuiz 105]


66 responses to “Daily Quiz 2.0: UPSC Prelims Marathon: April 10”

  1. Samarjyoti Thakuria Avatar
    Samarjyoti Thakuria


  2. Ajay Sisodiya Avatar
    Ajay Sisodiya


  3. there’s some confusion regarding the case laws- some books +some previous newspaper articles mention that SC read Right to Privacy as a part of Article 21, though not exclusively provided for in the Constitution…however, the recent articles mention the exact opposite (especially when a larger supreme court bench is being set up to review the earlier judgment)..pardon for the last message here..regards

  4. Daily Quiz 2.0: UPSC Prelims Marathon: April 10
    10 Apr, 2017Post By : ForumIASComments : 62Category : Daily Quiz

    Topic of the Week: Polity and related issues

    Daily Quiz 2.0 : April 10
    3 of 5 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:03:18

    You have reached 3 of 5 scores, (60%)

  5. KnowledgeBuff Avatar

    Thank you!!

  6. Daily Quiz 2.0: UPSC Prelims Marathon: April 10
    10 Apr, 2017Post By : ForumIASComments : 59Category : Daily Quiz

    Topic of the Week: Polity and related issues

    Daily Quiz 2.0 : April 10
    4 of 5 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:01:54

  7. In both Kharak Singh and M P Sharma, SC ruled that right to privacy is a part of many FRs and a part of Article 21 resp


    You have reached 5 of 5 scores, (100%)

  9. Nikita chauhan Avatar
    Nikita chauhan

    May I get your WhatsApp number…we can be friends..

  10. Lokmanya Avatar

    It’s ok learn from your mistakes

  11. Jyoti Singh Avatar
    Jyoti Singh

    Kuch Bhi Nahi Hua, It Just You Tend To Feel Bad When You Don’t Perform Well…….!!!!

  12. sc has said it cannot be used for social programs but it is has been made mandatory for most of programs and nowhere it has said it to be fundamental right.

  13. Lord Vorminious Avatar
    Lord Vorminious

    SC has said Aadhar cannot be mandatorily used for social benefit programs. Also Aadhar is very unlikely to eliminate poverty on its own. The mandatory inclusion of Aadhar in banking and finance will definitely be Unconstitutional without necessary privacy and security.

    Unfortunately the SC had earlier ruled that Aadhar may be used outside of Social Benefit programmes also, which is the crux of the debate.

  14. The Common Man Avatar
    The Common Man


    5 of 5 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:02:26

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  15. it can’t be fundamental right becoz in yesterday’s article I read that the adhar card should be used even if it hurts privacy because the main issue is eliminating poverty through social schemes by the use of adhar card, there are bigger issues . Read this under point of no return, last para . http://www.thehindu.com/-paper/ttodaysp-opinion/clarity-and-facts-on-the-ground/article17899450.ece
    and SC would realise , it has not declared it a fundmental right

  16. Diwakar Avatar


  17. Lord Vorminious Avatar
    Lord Vorminious

    Right to Privacy should certainly be a fundamental right, it is a fundamental aspect of democratic culture and civilized society. We can only hope the esteemed SC will realise the Right to Privacy as an inviolable part of the Constitution and restore the citizens their due.

  18. Lord Vorminious Avatar
    Lord Vorminious



  19. Lara croft Avatar
    Lara croft

    As per my understanding since its an inferred right its not guaranteed ..just like right to sound sleep is an inferred right under article 21 but still we may say its violated due to external factors therefore not guaranteed..

  20. Lokmanya Avatar

    Kya hua

  21. Lokmanya Avatar


  22. Arthanari Avatar

    2/5 except 1,4

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  24. Results
    5 of 5 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:04:03

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  25. Alpha Centauri Avatar
    Alpha Centauri


  26. hey
    nope, i usually read newspaper one day later,….so most of the time its only thought process on such recent current question and mostly i do wrong. so its more like learning…:)

  27. Ubermensch Avatar

    Plus age. Art 45 focused on 6-14 years children before the amendment while ECCE focuses on 0-6 years.

  28. maruthi007 Avatar

    3 of 5 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:02:27

    You have reached 3 of 5 scores, (60%)

  29. devmitra sen Avatar
    devmitra sen

    Ok..so both care and education..

  30. Vib2017 Avatar

    Daily Quiz 2.0 : April 10
    4 of 5 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:03:23

  31. 4/5
    Thanks team!

  32. UPSC aspirant Avatar
    UPSC aspirant

    2/5 🙁 🙁

  33. Hrangkekuala Avatar

    i did 2 correct but awarded 1 correct only…SAD ;-(

  34. KnowledgeBuff Avatar

    Supreme Court is yet to determine whether right to privacy is a fundamental right or not. Isn’t that what Aadhaar contoversy is about? There is an article also in today’s newspaper.

  35. Siddharth Avatar

    If it’s not guaranteed, then what’s fundamental about it?

  36. THOR wd MJOLNEER Avatar

    3 of 5 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:03:42

  37. satyashiv1991 Avatar

    same here with same score 🙁

  38. satyashiv1991 Avatar


  39. Jyoti Singh Avatar
    Jyoti Singh


    You Can Not Expect To Come Up With A Winner Always.You Win Some ,You Loose Some…..!!!!

  40. anonmyous Avatar


  41. Try one more time! Avatar
    Try one more time!

    4/5 🙂

  42. Komal Mishra Avatar
    Komal Mishra


  43. 5/5

  44. Results
    4 of 5 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:02:27

    You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)

  45. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird


  46. Ubermensch Avatar

    Article 45 was amended to provide for ECCE (Early child care and education). Earlier it provided for education for children of 6-14 years. Now that 86th amendment made it a fundamental right, DPSP was amended to enshrine another goal.

  47. devmitra sen Avatar
    devmitra sen

    What is the change in DPSP by 86th amendment..The amendment provided voice to DPSP..which change actually?

  48. devmitra sen Avatar
    devmitra sen


  49. devmitra sen Avatar
    devmitra sen

    Hi 🙂
    You went correct with stats act 2008?

  50. Lara croft Avatar
    Lara croft

    Its not a “guaranteed” fundamental right

  51. 4/5

  52. Hoopoe (National Bird -Israel) Avatar
    Hoopoe (National Bird -Israel)


  53. 4/5

  54. You have reached 5 of 5 scores, (100%)

  55. Checkmate Avatar

    It is an executive vs legislative tussle over who is supreme over other … so currently it is claimed by legislative that it is not a fundamental right … where as opponents argue it is a part of article 21.

    As such in Menaka Gandhi case about interpretation of article 21, ambit of enlargement of article 21 included right to privacy.

  56. 3/5

  57. Rakesh Anand Avatar
    Rakesh Anand

    3/5..and I thought i am Hulk in polity

  58. UTTAM LAL Avatar


  59. i also think right to privacy shouldn’t be fundamental right

  60. ashwin kumar p Avatar
    ashwin kumar p


  61. Assassin Avatar


    right to privacy a fundamental right?? then why aadhaar issue is in court for privacy concern and not struck down??

  62. Results

    5 of 5 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:02:15

    You have reached 5 of 5 scores, (100%)

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