Prelims Marathon 2.0
[WpProQuiz 67]
5 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:00
You have reached 5 of 6 scores, (83.33%)
Same for Christian Missionaries
5 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:50
You have reached 5 of 6 scores, (83.33%)
Average score 44.43%
Your score 83.33%
Need to check them out now.
‘Was’ nahi dada. They are still active, although not as active as they were long back.
3 : 02
Did blunder in Q2 … Should have thought about dyarchy
Daily Quiz 2.0: March 17
5 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:42
You have reached 5 of 6 scores, (83.33%)
Whats wrong with the third ques?
Its 1833 Act which opened trade. Untill then EIC maintained monopoly with trade in Tea and China.
2/6 …….
He prabhu ( UPSC ) ab tuhi bachale…….
There was an Indian Black Metal band I was a great fan of, they called themselves “1833 AD”. In one of their shows I had asked them why, and they said the name stems from the first mark of European declaration of India as a Western property, designated on the audacious appointment of Lord Bentinck as the Governor General of ‘India’, even when a large part of India was not under British control.
Even ForumIAS can’t make me doubt that question.
Q3 option 3 was wrong;Charter Act of 1833, Lord William Bentinck became the First Governor General of British India
logical reasoning ka,,,,mera to aise hi correct aaya,,,
5 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:59
You have reached 5 of 6 scores, (83.33%)
Q3 Answer wrong … governor general of Bengal became governer general of india in 1833 but not in 1813
Wasn’t tea and trade with China was reserved for east India company in act of 1813?
Yess u r right
5 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:04:11
5/6..nice questions..
3rd question — Governor-general of Bengal designated as governor-general ofIndia.
This statement is not right.
It was the Charter Act of 1833 which provided for this provision and Lord William Bentick became the first Governor General of India.
@ForumIAS check Q.3 explanation given by you. It needs to be updated.
3 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:21
Started with a fifty.
Q3 answer should be 1 & 2 ….Governor general of Bengal was made governor general of India by Act of 1833
Daily Quiz 2.0: March 17
3 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:38
Q 3 ka answer is wrong.
Illogical trick to remember Charter act of 1833-
Governor general of Bengal (GGB) was made Governor General of India (GGI).
GGB = 3 letters. GGI= 3 letters. 3+3= 33 = 1833
Works for me :p
Fir mere 6/6?
ForumIAS, we take your words very seriously. sir, please be cautious .
Sir please see question no 3 . Its answer should be 1 and 2 . It’s a request sir please cross check the answer .
Answer should be 1 and 2 . As both were the provisions of 1813 Act . 3rd statement about gov general of India is a provision of 1833 Act .
4/6. 1833 gvrnr gnr of india.
5/6 .. Governor general???
Such mistakes can be disastrous
This act made the Governor General of Bengal the Governor General of British India and all financial and administrative powers were centralized in the hands of Governor General-in-Council. Thus, with Charter Act of 1833, Lord William Bentinck became the “First Governor General of British India
Aspirants’ discretion advised !?
Statement 3 belongs to Charter Act 1833
This kind of explanation can ruin our career.
Yeah first time 100% accuracy ..
6/6 answered correctly ..
Time limit 00:01:15
Fifth question ka answer question me hi hai ??
5th question history ka hai ya mathematics ka?
5 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:33
You have reached 5 of 6 scores, (83.33%)
Got trapped in ques 1….due to hurry…one of the greatest weakness of mine
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