Subject of the week – Science & Technology (Questions will be based on current affairs)
[WpProQuiz 81]
Subject of the week – Science & Technology (Questions will be based on current affairs)
[WpProQuiz 81]
6 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:10
6 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:04:35
Superbug can be in Virus also.
4 /6
Ohk, thank u
No actually its the reverse, coz some viruses are used to combat superbugs. Read Bacteriophage.
5 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:20
I’m doing PhD at Guessing ab to! Virus infected my score.
same here
6/6 ! Are you kidding me ?! I guessed two :p
4/6..1 unanswered
3/6 not happy
Join the discussion…5/6
Lowest for today.
@forumias-33ae9eb94694a259d349f7dcf294e863:disqus Do we include pesticides and other biocides in antibiotics?
6 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:42
You have reached 6 of 6 scores, (100%)
I wanted to know about the first option brother… Does not superbug refer to any microorganism that doesn’t respond to the respective antimicrobial drug??? I mean a bacteria not responding to antibiotic, virus not responding to antiviral… Are both these not the case of superbugs???
antibiotic doesnot wrk on virus
Yes,they can be,I too have read the same in magazine. Forum please look to the matter.
You have reached 5 of 6 scores, (83.33%)
5 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:00:38
You have reached 5 of 6 scores, (83.33%)
i found steeplechase of civils360 also informative… ( )
Can not superbug be any microorganism whatsoever? Does it necessarily have to be bacteria only???
Sahi sawal.
Superbug is a generic term for any microbe whether bacteria, virus or fungi that develops resistance (antimircobial) to prevailing medicines.
In case of bacteria, it’s called antibiotic resistance. Viruses develop antiviral resistance while fungi develop antifungal resistance.
4 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:08
You have reached 4 of 6 scores, (66.67%)
Areee dada……You have reached 6 of 6 scores, (100%)
aajj din chdhya tere rang vrgaaa
4/6 . Delhi door hai abhi .
Daily Quiz 2.0: March 27
5 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:38
You have reached 5 of 6 scores, (83.33%)
Thanks for attempting the Quiz.
Aah Finally Some Progress
I hit 5 too
3 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:04:45
In question 1, the answer has to be b) and not a)
CEPI is involved in vaccine development, so that epidemics can be tackled, before they happen.
Daily Quiz 2.0: March 27
4 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:21
4 of 6 scores, 66.67%
Thanks for pointing out …Corrected
cant virus be turned into superbugs?
4 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:05:00
@ForumIAS Kindly check question 1..the explanation shows that answer is option b while the answer given is option a..
Kindly check question 1..the explanation shows that answer is option b while the answer given is option a..
Was sure about mesentry wala question only!
5 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:42
You have reached 5 of 6 scores, (83.33%)
Thanks for attempting the Quiz.
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