[WpProQuiz 100]
[WpProQuiz 100]
3/5 … hague convention and national road safety opened my eyes thanks forumias
3 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:28
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Daily Quiz 2.0: April 6
2 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:14
You have reached 2 of 5 scores, (40%)
I think Hague Convention also includes abduction through child trafficking. Plz correct me if i am wrong.
Daily Quiz 2.0: April 6
1 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:08
You have reached 1 of 5 scores, (20%)
Thanks for attempting the Quiz.
Your time: 00:02:04
You have reached 1 of 5 scores, (20%)
Considering 4th question’s answer to be A, it will be 2 of 5
3 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:43
You have reached 3 of 5 scores, (60%)
I think,in 5th Qs,the last option should have been-“BOTH 1 & 2” rather than “1&2 ONLY”
how can i get pdf of these…?when i click on save as pdf…the options given in questions are missing
yooo you are right
Thanks team..!
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
2 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:59
3 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:49
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:16
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
Search “Traffic” word in article…!!
2 of 5 scores, 40%
IMO hague deals with both abduction and trafficking
abduction : the action of forcibly taking someone away against their will.
trafficking : deal or trade in something illegal.
abduction does not necessarily involve trade ??
from the explanation given by forum “The convention seeks to protect children from the harmful effects of abduction” > trafficking is not specified
Child trafficking is different from child abduction.
As far as I know, it deals with cases related to abduction of child by one of his parents to take child to another country from the one where he/she actually resides to avoid court proceedings and other legal issues.
I am not sure about traffic in children.
Can you provide the link of this source. I will also look at my source again – ADOPTION, TRAFFICKING – whether Hague convention covers them or not !!
I agree with her !!!
ques 1: is given answer correct? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5fe380ced4d869971d922a0c9bf408ef2a504ae9f70beb1ba28139166ecdc65a.jpg
ques 4: Answer should b “A”…As SherniZaad also raised same doubt.
Great questions and tricky option setting.
Whenever i do not mention my score it means i score…Digital number..
right, othrwise these options will b damn tricky
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
In my opinion the answer of question 4 should be A . Since the statement didn’t say “the index is published by CII only”.
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