Daily Quiz : UPSC Prelims Marathon – February 1

[WpProQuiz 26]



67 responses to “Daily Quiz : UPSC Prelims Marathon – February 1”

  1. Samarjyoti Thakuria Avatar
    Samarjyoti Thakuria


  2. Ajay Sisodiya Avatar
    Ajay Sisodiya

    5 of 6 questions answered correctly

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  3. mishthi Avatar

    4 of 6 questions answered correctly

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  4. Arthanari Avatar

    4 of 6 questions answered correctly

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  5. micro_CASTRO Avatar

    @forumias Can you plz explain the logic of Q6.

    VP is also formally oimpeache 50% vote in RS and 2/3 of total in LS

  6. micro_CASTRO Avatar

    I beg to disagree…..Justice soumitra sen was also about to be impeached despite being the judge and not the chief justice of kolkata HC

  7. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    Yes, Chargeable expenditure can be discussed, but not be voted. Now, if they can’t be voted upon means there can be no change in such expenditure even after facing any sort of criticism in both the houses.

  8. Lord Vorminious Avatar
    Lord Vorminious

    But can chargeable expenditure be discussed? Isn’t it supposed to be above reproach?

  9. Lord Vorminious Avatar
    Lord Vorminious

    I think the term ‘impeachment’ is only reserved for the head of Executive and Judiciary in Parliamentary Political systems. As such only the Chief Justice and the President of such a nation may be impeached, the rest are designated the term ‘removal’.

  10. Suraj Its Me Avatar
    Suraj Its Me

    5 of 6 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:02:46

  11. mahi returns Avatar
    mahi returns


  12. Aakash Yadav Avatar
    Aakash Yadav

    did mistakes , learned new facts , cleared my concepts ,thank u forumias- messiah of upsc aspirants

  13. Aakash Yadav Avatar
    Aakash Yadav

    On what grounds CJI can be removed by Prez.?

  14. 5/6 🙂

  15. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    hmm he is elected by the members of the Lok Sabha from among themselves, whereas Pro Tem speaker is appointed by President.

  16. Rockstar Avatar

    can you explain me the third question about pro term speaker
    answer given is-Mainly an operating and temporary speaker, when a final speaker is not nominated in loksabha or state legislature.
    but according to me this is wrong as final speaker is never nominated .he is elected among the members of lok sabha

  17. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird


  18. Rockstar Avatar

    can any1 explain me the third question about pro term speaker
    answer given is-Mainly an operating and temporary speaker, when a final speaker is not nominated in loksabha or state legislature.
    but according to me this is wrong as final speaker is never nominated .he is elected among the members of lok sabha

  19. Rohit Mishra Avatar
    Rohit Mishra

    6 of 6 questions answered correctly
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  20. Comment finally transformed into a post!!?

  21. “The Estimates Committee, constituted for the first time in 1950, is a Parliamentary Committee consisting of 30 Members, elected every year by the Lok Sabha from amongst its Members. The Chairman of the Committee is appointed by the Speaker from amongst its members.”

    I missed this question, was not sure about number of members.

  22. Hrangkekuala Avatar

    checking my pp

  23. Best desire Avatar
    Best desire

    4 of 6 questions answered correctly

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  24. yes… dear……..

  25. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    Agreeing means Simple majority needed from Lok Sabha side ??

  26. yes but waha p dono houses ek court ki tarah act kerte h… but vp k case me rajya sabha main hota h n uska faisla sarakhon p … lok sabha simply agree kerti h.

  27. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    Quasi Judicial process – because President can defend himself in impeachment process, whereas VP cannot – so his removal resolution not a quasi judicial process.
    Is it ?

  28. 4 of 6 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:02:30

  29. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    Agreed now 🙂

  30. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    This means Vice President cannot protect himself, taking help of Attorney General, and participate in the proceedings in the resolution process of his removal.
    You and Simran’s explanations have convinced me that it is not ”formal impeachment”

  31. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    No condition for removal of Vice President is prescribed in the constitution, whereas condition for removal of President is ‘Violation of constitution’ , however the meaning of violation of constitution is not defined in the constitution.
    Formal impeachment – I think it is what Lakshmikanth infers out of the provision and not mentioned in Constitution.
    But, as you and Envoy have mentioned, I will accept the impeachment process of Vice President is not FORMAL.

  32. :D…sahi hai, har ek Article se 2-3 question ban sakte hain Bhai 😀

  33. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    With reference to the constitution of India, the vacancy in the office of Vice-president has to be filled within (as soon as possible – no time period defined )
    However, the vacancy in the office of President has to be filled within 6 months from date of occurrence of such vacancy.

    Constitution of India is surely very interesting and a perfect piece for examiner to make MCQs 🙂

  34. Daily Quiz – February 1

    5 of 6 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:02:00

  35. Keep it up!

  36. Abhi,
    I think Formal impeachment is required only in the case of President’s removal,
    -investigation of charges is followed.
    -notice is signed by one fourth of the members of that house.
    But in the case of Vice president no such things are followed.
    -Vice president can be removed even when he does not violate the constitution.
    This is what I think.

  37. Hemant Kumar Avatar
    Hemant Kumar

    Daily Quiz – February 1

    4 of 6 questions answered correctly

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  38. 4/6

  39. Hemant Kumar Avatar
    Hemant Kumar


  40. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    Thanks 🙂

  41. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    _________ Addresses resignation letter to __________

    1. President to Vice President
    2. Vice President to President
    3. Governor to President
    4. Judge of Supreme Court to President
    5. Judge of High Court to President
    6. Speaker to Deputy Speaker ( of both Lok Sabha and Legislative assemblies )
    7. Deputy Speaker to Speaker ( of both Lok Sabha and Legislative assemblies )
    8. Chairman to Deputy Chairman ( of Legislative Council )
    9. Deputy Chairman to Chairman ( of both RS and Legislative Council )
    10. UPSC chairman and members to President
    11. CAG to President

  42. devmitra sen Avatar
    devmitra sen




  44. iska saral sa uttar mai deti hu- see impeachment vice president ki isliye nhi hoti qunki –
    1.Impeachment ek quasi judicial process hai.
    2. kahi p bi violation of constitution – vice president k liye mention nhi hai but president k lie mention hai tabhi uspe formal impeachment chlta hai jaha per usko apne bachav k lie attorney journl ki help mil jati hai.
    president k liye unanimous decision kahe sakte ek tarah se jage tho dusra bhi phir court bn jata hai like rjya ya lok sabha.
    but vice president k case me seedha rajya sabha k members ne ek bar remove ker diya phir wo lok sabha me jata hai jaha [ lok sabha agr agreed hoti hai tho wo remove ho jata hai.

  45. IndianSuperhero Avatar

    no such procedure such as investigation by other house is required in case of vice president aftr resoution,,,no 1/4,,,,no 2/3 of the total membership of the House.required ,,,so it is not formal impeachment in case of vice prez

  46. IndianSuperhero Avatar

    you knw the procedure for selection and impeachment procedure for president.
    for vice president you can read this article….

  47. finally 6/6 of yuvi paji….

  48. IndianSuperhero Avatar

    why stay long….kohli ko IAS nhi banna kya,,,;D

  49. IndianSuperhero Avatar

    4 of 6 questions answered correctly

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  50. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    Formal impeachment kyun nhi hai VP ka – can you tell me

  51. Koi naa.
    Kohli and local Kohli (you :P) are here to stay for LONG!

  52. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    Yuvi ke bhi sixes
    Kohli out ho gaya lekin and I too holed out today to deep long on 🙁

  53. Woohoo 😛 6/6
    Dhoni ke bhi sixers! *_*

  54. Dhananjai Kumar Rai Avatar
    Dhananjai Kumar Rai

    Daily Quiz – February 1
    4 of 6 questions answered correctly

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  55. 6/6

  56. Try one more time! Avatar
    Try one more time!

    Daily Quiz : UPSC Prelims Marathon – February 1
    01 Feb, 2017Post By : ForumIASComments : 6Category : Daily Quiz

    Daily Quiz – February 1
    6 of 6 questions answered correctly

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  57. pushpa rai Avatar
    pushpa rai

    5 of 6 questions answered correctly

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  58. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    Vice president waala question was the best.
    What is meaning of FORMAL IMPEACHMENT ?
    Why can’t be RESOLUTION by absolute majority in Rajya Sabha be a kind of ‘Formal Impeachment’ ?
    ( Just asking – I saw Lakshmikanth and the same line as mentioned in statement is written )
    Can anyone clear my doubt ?

  59. The Generalist Avatar
    The Generalist

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  60. Hrangkekuala Avatar


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    Thank you Forum Ias Team

  62. Lara croft Avatar
    Lara croft


  63. SherniZaad Avatar

    5 of 6 questions answered correctly

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  64. harsh rajpara Avatar
    harsh rajpara


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