[WpProQuiz 28]
[WpProQuiz 28]
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:49
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
Minamata(Japanese word) disease, sometimes referred to as Chisso-Minamata disease, is a neurological syndrome caused by severe mercury poisoning. Symptoms include ataxia, numbness in the hands and feet, general muscle weakness, narrowing of the field of vision and damage to hearing and speech.
Thanks @disqus_k2eLxy341D:disqus for pointing that out.
I remeber , I was going to write higher level of hydrogen ions and low pH but some how mind sliped and also forgot to give the second look to comment.
Will take care from now.
You’re wrong Flash bro. Acid rain has lesser level of pH not higher. Remember pH neutrality is at 7, anything below is acidic and anything above is alkaline. Acid rain is around 5.5.
And don’t mind, just felt like pointing it out so that a similar mistake is not made when it matters.
Yes, C is the answer and I marked that.
I got a Green on it.
Yes u r right only 2 statemnt is incrct . Its specifically for carbon dioxide but only word makes it incrct. So 1 is crct.
Ya acrdg to abv statement then thats crct. I will confirm once.
Daily Quiz : UPSC Prelims Marathon – February 3
03 Feb, 2017Post By : ForumIASComments : 52Category : Daily Quiz
Daily Quiz – February 3
3 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:25
You have reached 3 of 5 scores, (60%)
3 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:24
how does presence of sulphur di oxide and nitrous oxide causes acid rain? only reaction b/w them produces acid rain right
Vaccines are not under excluded category in minamata convention.
Vaccines where mercury is used as a preservative have been excluded from the treaty as have products used in religious or traditional activities The dental fillings using mercury amalgam will be phased out.
Yes, Emission trading as I know is defined in Kyoto Protocol, greenhouse gases like CO2, SF6, NOx, HFCs, CH4, PFCs are included in Annex A, and the Annex 1 countries are given target to reduce the emission of these gases. So, EMISSION TRADING must include them.
That is what I think.
* More than actual emissions units will be involved in trades and sales. Countries will get credit for reducing greenhouse-gas totals by planting or expanding forests (“removal units”); for carrying out “joint implementation projects” with other developed countries, usually countries with “transition economies”; and for projects under the Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism, which involves funding activities to reduce emissions by developing nations. Credits earned this way may be bought and sold in the emissions market or “banked” for future use.
In the Kyoto Protocol, the permitted emissions, in CO2 equivalents, during a commitment period. It is calculated using the Quantified Emission Limitation and Reduction Commitment (QELRC), together with rules specifying how and what emissions are to be counted.
So, here equivalents of CO2 is used.
I am not 100% sure, but what I infer from reading 2-3 articles is that CO2 is the most common greenhouse gas, and hence the term CARBON CREDIT has evolved, which specifically deals with CO2 emission.
Bhai CSE aspiant neih sahi seih explain kia hai . Just below this coment have a look.ATB
What I got is that carbon trading deals with CO2 but carbon credit contains all gas. if you find an correction please reply.
toh agar emission tarding likha hota toh kya yeih statemnt sahi hota?
What I got, is that carbon trading deals with CO2 but carbon credit contains all gas. if you find any correction please reply.
its kk,,,hota hai,,,,but dont do such mistakes on 18 june,,,:D
Thanks. Exam paas aa raha hai toh ab question bhi sahi se nhi pada ja raha
option is saying i t does nt deal with alteration of boundries,,,but question is asking to select the correct one na,,,,
carbon credit specifically deals with CO2 emmission…
Why is statement 3 incorrect ?
tum thoda fast ho gaye,,,,mai paste karne hi wala tha yahi…..ahahahaha
No alternation of boundaries in national parks and wildlife sanctuaries can be done without approval of the NBWL.
It doesn’t deal with alteration of boundaries, right?
I too felt the same and marked it.
But, there is difference between Emission trading and Carbon emission trading, later of which specifically aims at carbon dioxide.
And it approves the projects in protected areas and 10 km boundary around it. It is advisory body. 47 member body with even Chief of Army Staff, environmentalists, ecologists, NGOs being part of it.
Apex body to review all wildlife related issues in India – Surely one of the most important bodies in India
National Board for wildlife chaired by PM, Vice chairman is environment minister. A statutory organisation estd. by Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.
A carbon credit is a generic term for any tradable certificate or permit representing the right to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide or the mass of another greenhouse gas with a carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) equivalent to one tonne of carbon dioxide.
Source wiki.
Option 1 sahi hai na?
A carbon credit is a generic term for any tradable certificate or permit representing the right to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide or the mass of another greenhouse gas with a carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) equivalent to one tonne of carbon dioxide.
option 1 is correct na.
I guess if we can start adding more relevant points related to questions, this thread can be more usefull and better. So while adding your scores please try to add the details from internet/your knowledge and make it more informative. This will help each other if we are missing anything about the topic.
More about acid rain …
Acid rain is rain or any other form of precipitation that has usually higher level of pH. It can have hamful effects on plant, animal and infrastructures. Acid rain is caused by SOx and NOx which reacts with water in atmosphere to produce acid.
Happy quizzing
2 of 5
yep, wrote the same thing to Thor Bhai, Madam
Bhai, if both are incorrect- the answer should be ‘C’ -isn’t ?
ya i guess it should be c- both are incorrect so .. it should be c instead of d.. kyotto protocol and limited to co2 i guess.
Please Check Q2.. @ForumIAS @root
Carbon emissions trading is a form of emissions trading that specifically targets carbon dioxide (calculated in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent or tCO2e) and it currently constitutes the bulk of emissions trading.
This form of permit trading is a common method countries utilize in order to meet their obligations specified by the Kyoto Protocol; namely the reduction of carbon emissions in an attempt to reduce (mitigate) future climate change.
Its correct because it gives wrong options and is asking you to select the incorrect options.
its b only ..bhai.. ..:) chk again thats b only in test too.
Daily Quiz – February 3
3 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:04:02
You have reached 3 of 5 scores, (60%)
Average score 29.85%
Your score 60%
Thanks for attempting the Quiz.
2 me galti se mistake ho gaya.
3 of 5 scores, (60%)
Is answer to question 2 correct- anybody ?
Need clarification regarding Q2 & Q5 @ForumIAS
yes…answer should be b there..
indian rhino is also found in jaldapara national park(west bengal) and even dudwa national park(uttar pradesh)
Ans for question 2 should be both
Daily Quiz – February 3
3 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:04:17
It should be option B
2nd ka explaination kya h bhai logo?
Daily Quiz – February 3
3 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:14
Your time: 00:04:14
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
Average score 27.76%
Your score 80%
Jaldapara park was often in news last year as no of rhinos increased there.
4/5 …
Indian Rhinos are also found in in Jaldapara National Park.
How this statement is incorrect?
ऐसे प्रश्न मनोबल गिराने के लिए है क्या ? ?
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