[WpProQuiz 32]
[WpProQuiz 32]
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:00:46
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
No i was not rude but i asked apology because i am not present there in front of you so you can not judge the intentions…..or can misinterpret by worrds written:-)
Well we all are learners and gaining from each other’s:-)
Please keep pointing out mistakes, so that every1 can gain sometging .
Cost push inflation occurs when we experience rising prices due to higher costs of production and higher costs of raw materials. Cost push inflation is determined by supply side factors (cost-push inflation is different to demand-pull inflation which occurs due to aggregate demand growing faster than aggregate supply)
Causes of Cost Push Inflation
1.Higher Price of Commodities. A rise in the price of oil would lead to higher petrol prices and higher transport costs. All firms would see some rise in costs. As the most important commodity, higher oil prices often lead to cost push inflation (e.g. 1970s, 2008, 2010-11)
2.Imported Inflation. A devaluation will increase the domestic price of imports. Therefore, after a devaluation we often get an increase in inflation due to rising cost of imports.
3.Higher Wages. Wages are one of the main costs facing firms. Rising wages will push up prices as firms have to pay higher costs (higher wages may also cause rising demand)
4.Higher Taxes. Higher VAT and Excise duties will increase the prices of goods. This price increase will be a temporary increase.
Higher Food Prices. In western economies food is a smaller % of overall spending, but in developing countries, it plays a bigger role
Policies to Reduce Cost Push Inflation
Policies to reduce cost push inflation are essentially the same as policies to reduce demand pull inflation.
The government could pursue deflationary fiscal policy (higher taxes, lower spending) or monetary authorities could increase interest rates. This would increase cost of borrowing and reduce consumer spending and investment.
Some other measures–
>increasing production and productivity(help by govt in the form of subsidies, latest technology, raw material etc to consumer goods sector)
> rational wage & income policy-the govt freezes the wages, incomes, profits, dividends, bonus etc
> price control and rationing i.e. fixing an upper limit for prices of essential consumer goods
> Rationing-distributing consumption of scarce goods(essential consumer goods such as wheat, rice etc) to make them available to a large number of consumers(assuring distributive justice)and stabilize prices. Like the PDS we have.
The problem with using higher interest rates is that although it will reduce inflation it could lead to a big fall in GDP.
For example, in early 2008, we had a high period of inflation (5%) due to rising oil and food prices. Central banks kept interest rates high, but this pushed the economy into recession. Arguably, interest rates should have been lower and less importance attached to reducing cost push inflation.
The long term solution to cost push inflation could be better supply side policies which help to increase productivity But, these policies would take a long time to have an effect.
Thanks forum for providing this quiz.
One more suggestion that please provide solution for each question even if that question is very simple.Because there might be people who must be knowing the answer but then again there will be people called newbie like me.
Suggestion not binding on Forumias.
Mrunal _/_
yo baby – Exam is near and we need to be in full form
Hmm, right – Statement here mentions the TARGET FAILURE
TARGET is failed when inflation remains more than 6% or less than 2% for three successive quarters.
Now, if the RBI fails to achieve the target , it shall present a report to the government containing the estimates of the time period within which the targets would be achieved – this is what statement 2 says —-> Hence, it is correct.
Thanks for sharing the fact with me – I did not concentrate on successive failure for 3 quarters waala fact – will remember it now
Daily Quiz – February 7
1 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:17
When the Reserve Bank of India fails to meet the inflation target, it will send a report to the central government stating reasons and remedial actions that will be taken. A breach of the “tolerance level” for three consecutive quarters will constitute a failure of monetary policy.
thanks yar… very nicely explained with better example..
report only submitted if failed for 3 successive quarters.
5 of 5 questions answered correctly
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:07
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
I would say, let me try.
Demand pull inflation — when the price of a commodity gets inflated due to higher demand.
For example —
2010 : Farmers produced 1 lakh kilo Onion and the population had the demand of 1 lakh kilo Onion. It was a perfect Demand and Supply condition (Hypothetical).
2011: Famers produced 1 lakh kilo Onion again and there came a scientific report and the more onion you eat more your age will be –> the demand increased –> now even 2 lakh kilo Onion will not be sufficient. People will want to spend more than the normal cost of onions –> Demand side Inflation.
On the other hand, If in 2011, there comes a drought and the production of onions fall to 20k Kilos (1/5th of the previous year’s production) and the demand remains for 1 lakh kilos, then It will be Supply side Inflation.
Hope I could answer it correctly
can u explain demand pull inflation and cost push inflation and how to control both?
Just read.
Thank you very much Vib2017.
Keep up the good work
Just read.
Thank you very much Arpan
Keep up the good work
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:10
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
Average score 46.03%
Your score 80%
Thanks for attempting the Quiz.
first quiz attempt .
shout out to Forum ias people!!
n the lively discussions below.
Never mind. the term ‘estimate’ is there.
Never mind, the term ‘estimate’ is there.
Daily Quiz – February 7
5 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:21
You have reached 5 of 5 scores, (100%)
Hi Amarish,
Thanks for your concern. Please refer my response to Best-Desire which explains that I already read that article.
Thanks again and All the Best
what is cost side measures means
Was it needed for you to be rude???
If you think you didn’t and yet you were, I don’t accept your apology with all my innocuous intentions to your self-respect.
One should read my comment once again to understand that I said that the six to eighteen months are FIXED which means that RBI cannot give the target for an estimated period = before 6 months and after 18 months.
My comment was not so correct when I posted it on Raunak Vashish’s post and taking suo motu cognisance of it, I tried first editing and when it didn’t work out, edited it with two-three dots so that no confusion is created.
We all help each other while avoiding being RUDE.
And I appreciate your help.
Thanks and ATB
2nd statement is correct..
can u explain..how to control cost side inflation?
There’s truthfulness reflected in your name – Veracity
3 of 5 scores, 60%
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:22
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
Average score 46.12%
Your score 80%
ABG in full form….
Its correct !
@disqus_y1p5e5JeXC:disqus …go to last paragraph of link given..
RBI need to give estimated time within which target would be achieved.
3 out 5. Am confused with Q3 ..the 3rd statement.. can somebody please explain….
2nd option is correct.. for clarification go to last paragraph of the link given.
3 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:18
Q.5. why 2nd option in incorrect??
Q.4. anyone, please explain how to control cost side inflation??? looks like a & c but needed clarification…
Though the central bank already had a monetary framework and was implementing the monetary policy, the newly designed statutory framework would mean that the RBI would have to give an explanation in the form of a report to the Central Government, if it failed to reach the specified inflation targets. In the report it shall give reasons for failure, remedial actions as well as estimated time within which the inflation target shall be achieved.(Plz Read this )
Statement 2 is correct , you can refer explainatio given by CSE 2017 post and if not agree with him , please watch mrunal vedio and try google once , so that you can clear your doubt….
Sorry if i am rude:-)
Pls read the last paragraph , It says RBI has to give estimated time period….so statement 2 should be correct
2/5 correct
2 of 5
Yes you are right……mrunal also taught same thing
Good. Keep practicing
3 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:26
Because the Estimate doesn’t need to be told but the RBI will give a statement for periods already fixed which ranges from six to eighteen months.
I don’t think it required to publish a report with Estimated time period to the govt.
It will be out to public and not only to govt.
In the fifth question, the first statement is wrong (as the source of inflation is to be published every six months) but why is the second statement wrong?
Because the RBI doesn’t need to commit any time period to the govt.
It will release the reason for failure + its future course of action for containing inflation in public domain.
Hope it helps
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:04:47
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
Average score 45.37%
Your score 80%
Thanks for attempting the Quiz.
Why 2nd option is wrong in question 5..
yes, correct
half yearly monetary policy report publication.
Daily Quiz – February 7
3 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:59
5th answer should be -2 only – anyone ?
Though the central bank already had a monetary framework and was implementing the monetary policy, the newly designed statutory framework would mean that the RBI would have to give an explanation in the form of a report to the Central Government, if it failed to reach the specified inflation targets. In the report it shall give reasons for failure, remedial actions as well as estimated time within which the inflation target shall be achieved. Further, RBI is mandated to publish a Monetary Policy Report every six months, explaining the sources of inflation and the forecasts of inflation for the coming period of six to eighteen months.
So, I think statement 1 is wrong – as RBI needs to publish sources of inflation every 6 months – not annually
Statement 2 seems correct – In the report it shall give reasons for failure, remedial actions as well as estimated time within which the inflation target shall be achieved.
can anyone explain 5 th question.
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