[WpProQuiz 6]
[WpProQuiz 6]
6 of 7 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:46
I use NS material as reference and cover the topics she has taught from books. Mostly she has covered the whole syllabus in physical geo part.
Hello, how to read Physical Geography by Savinder Singh page by page or selective according to the syllabus?
first question options, are confusing. i was confused Which side is ABCD and 12345.
Ok thank you..!
Dear sir,
Please provide the detailed solution of these questions. It would be beneficial for us.
Keep up the good work
Hi Dear,
Here goes my review:-
Your answer talks about HEFA and the points related to it.
It has been answered like you are writing a ‘short note’ on it and is far from what the question has demanded.
When a question has EXAMINE as a directive in it,
You are expected to write both the pros and cons of the Subject in the Question i.e. HEFA in this case.
The Answer should have started with you talking about HEFA like What it is, followed by why the govt. enacted it, followed by what purpose would it serve and then a conclusion.
The purpose it served should have been written under Merits and Demerits categories.
Some other observations:
HEFA is ‘A’ government initiative which was ‘proposed’ in the Budget 2016.
Find the difference between ‘there’ and ‘their’.
India is a vast country.
By saying ‘Narrow minded people’, you generalized all which makes it eligible for getting struck off.
These both term OR Both of these are responsible?
as CompareD
cannot afford TO study.
Conclusion is the best part of this answer.
No issues.
Sir, I hope I could do daily. But sometimes I miss out.
It is better to follow standard books like Savindra singh, Rupa Made easy series and Human Geography by Hussain. Also it is ok to support it with some coaching notes for keeping track of syllabus and make own notes. My suggestion is that to follow the order if syllabus. Even I am a beginner with CSE, so it is better that you ask toppers!
both are good
Well, I too am not expert at it. You can refer to weekly essays posted here.
kohli jo , you can also refer SriRam economics notes
kholi ji, aap kya bata sakta ho how to start writing good essay for beginner
Mam, kya app forumias or insightias both site pa mains ka answer likha ho ? daily?
kohli ji , kya app forumias or insightias both site pa mains ka answer likha ho ?
good score
2-1-3 page sequence
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/28cf8db7adf60fca71ca3086675376892600182c9f72e7d44d95d04991098bef.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d705fe90e20c3c5ef4d0519a6e13745ee193bb19062d0aabbc36c49b8352d56c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12b7a25588f0f19ad1f8106bba755bb03222d29fad8368a94f52d8036202c5e9.jpg
Hey can u help me ?? Confused with lot of study material of Geography optional
happy birthday brother..
thanks SSS
That’s right.
belated happy b’day dost
Blated Happy Birthday!! have a great year ahead
Nice questions…. standard good and brain storming is must.M unable to get full score yet…
Sir please review my yesterday questions answers… Splly the second one bcz I wrote it wid a different approach….
Bhai.. Quiz tests bholo jauchi ti?
Get a rank next year. Period!
thanks alok
thanks rocker
thanks THOR
i got 4/6
@forumias-7f07ca326ce76cdde680e4b3d568bce8:disqus Please provide explanation with Answer.
great – ohhh so you are that monica mohan on IASbaba test series – you score very good. carry on. Thanks monica. It’s pleasure learning from your answers. Most of your points go directly into my notes.
This is going to be my first attempt. Completely relying on self-preparation. Preparing 8-10 hrs a day. I am doing two prelims test series: one from Baba and one from Insights and one mains test series MGP. Optional is Geography – strong support from graduation. I follow ForumIAS completely and Insights some times. I make it a point to read the entire portion for every test and write it and then revise from the question paper. And for Mains Marathon, I write my points and do read links before I write completely ‘cos I do not have in-depth knowledge in all topics. I have a lot of backlogs too. Hoping to catch up with my schedule.
I wanted to know about answer writing from you. You write very precise answers. What do you do (any test series, practice schedule), any tips regarding it.
Also, what’s your overall strategy regarding prelims. Is it your first attempt ?
happy birthday mitr
5/7 !!
this is the good way..many aspirants suggested the same..will follow ur strategy.
Sure. Ask me any query. Happy to help
Thank you U too score well. Keep the good work
Science student :-p
Happy birthday dude…
thanks sir,
Being a follower of your initiatives – it’s nothing less than treat for me, so how can I miss that even on my bday. I will try to be regular with mains answer writing too.
Happy bday bhai
Hey, Happy Birthday!! Enjoy!
Good to know.
abhi question galat hona matlab in future sahii hona hota hai
Sir plz provide explation of 2nd question (yesterday quiz)
hahaha, If I am able to achieve even 1% consistency that Kohli possess, I will be very happy
Kindly publish explanations as well asap otherwise d utility gets reduced significantly
Par Kohli to consistent hain na Usse seekho.
Oh wow!
Happy birthday Kohli saab
Kohli ke liye to waise bhi 2017 landmark year ban Gaya hai. I hope, local Kohli ke liye bhi landmark year saabit Ho! Best Wishes, Abhi!
Happy Birthday Brother
Its Ironic that I have been into Union Carbide for dozens of time (no kidding) and have been hearing about MIC since Childhood yet got this question wrong.
Thank you very much. Can I have you mail id ?
Can we have quiz on current affairs too? #ifthatispossible
Awesome monica Keep it up
Currently, I am learning from Mrunal and Ramesh Singh Topic wise and making very crisp notes. Also i am trying to make correlation with Current Affairs. But causal linkages of economic phenomena is a big problem for me
Well tried
Wow…same here….Science and Technology to mere khoon me hi nahi hai……
Awesome buddy keep that going.
Great!!!!!!!! same pinch.
Economics has been an issue with me too
Do share your strategy for tackling economics
lawl – consistency nhi hai – ek innings main to umesh yadav bhi century maar le jaata hai
Sachchii???? Happy birthday
3 correct, 3 wrong , 1 left
I am celebrating my bday today
kitne sahi?
Tumhare bhi 3rd rank waale kisse sune hain hum aaj. Tips tum do humko
Will work for it! #Determined
Where are your Mains answers for today??! Didn’t you write?
Good score.
It would happen over a period of time.
Tips please !!!
LOL! If it happens with Economy it would be a miracle
same pinch!
Yaaayy! For the first time in the PM I got a 7 on 7
Thanks ForumIAS
Actually had taken test twice as laptop got shutdown due to Battery issues.
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