[WpProQuiz 10]
[WpProQuiz 10]
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Channel name @upscgsdigest
Hello Parle,
Can you refer me a drive link where entire compliation of Daily Quiz explanations are provided?
Thanks for support ?
Same mistake here..
Good score… which book did u refer for history? Because most of the qstns are not covered from ncert
sorry that marks are for sunday current affairs its a mistake
2/6 ?
7th question kidhar hai ???
ya similar mistake made………….
please provide a little bit of explanation in the solutions. Thanks for such a nice quiz
Notes related to the topics of MCQ
Gori mam ko kya mooh dikhaoge darogaa !!!!
1. Prarthana Samaj
• Prarthana Samaj was a movement for religious and social reform in Bombay based on earlier reform movements.
• Prarthana Samaj was founded by Atmaram Panduranga with the help of Keshav Chandra Sen in 1867, with an aim to make people believe in one God and worship only one God.
• It became popular after Mahadev Govind Ranade joined. The main reformers were the intellectuals who advocated reforms of the social system of the Hindus.
• The movement was started as a movement for religious and social reform in Maharashtra and can be seen much more alike Brahmo Sama
• It adhered to the tradition of Bhakti that believed in spiritual equality of all castes.
• In the field of social reform the focus was on disapproval of caste system, raising the age of marriage for both boys and girls, widow remarriage
and women education.
2. Poverty and Un-British Rule- Book by Dada Bhai Naoroji
• During the early years, Congress passed the resolutions on the related to political, administrative and economic public grievances. The main political demand was the reform in the legislative councils so that the Indians get wider powers such as discussion on Budget, so that they work as representatives of the people.
• There was a demand of local self-government at a wider level.They wanted reforms in the Civil services and through a simultaneous ICS examination at India as well as England, so that the administration becomes more responsive to the needs of the Indian People.
• The other demand were
§ separation of Judiciary with the executive
§ Repeal of the arms act
§ Higher jobs in the army for the Indians
§ Rising of an Indian volunteers force.
§ Similarly, the economic issues were based upon the drain of wealth from India to England.
§ The Congress leaders wanted an inquiry into India’s growing poverty and famines, reduction in military expenditure and home expenditures
§ They wanted more funds for technical education to promote Indian industries.
This all was documented and published by Dada Bhai Naoroji as “Poverty and un-British Rule in India”.
3. Swaraj Party, 1923
• The sudden calling off of the non-cooperation movement disappointed many congress leaders.
• Motilal Nehru, C.R. Das and N.C. Kelkar (called Pro-changers) demanded that the Nationalists should end the boycott of the legislative councils,enter them and expose them.
• But the No-changers like Rajendra Prasad and Rajagopalachari adhered
to the Gandhian programme of Boycott of legislatures.
• The Pro-Changers formed the Swaraj party on January 1, 1923, contested the elections and embarrassed the government by opposing its measures.
• The party got a majority in the 1923 elections in Bengal and the Central Province.
• The Swarajists were split by communalism. The’responsivist’ group including Madan Mohan Malviya, Lala Lajpat Rai and N.G. Kelkar offered cooperation to the government to safeguard Hindu interests.
• The Swarajists finally walked out of legislature in 1930 as a result of the Lahore congress resolution and the beginning of the civil disobedience movement.
• The two sections were reunited in 1930 after the Lahore session
4. Gandhi- Irwin Pact 1931, March 5
Gandhi was authorized by the Congress to negotiate with Lord Irwin. The talks prolonged and the outcome of these talks was a pact known as Gandhi Irwin pact that was signed on March 5, 1931.
Its main points were as follows:
• Gandhi agreed to discontinue the Civil Disobedience movement, on behalf of the Indian National Congress.
• Congress agreed to join the second Round Table Conference to chalk out the constitutional reforms on the basis of
§ Federation
§ Responsibility
§ Safeguards for Indian opinion on matters of defense, external affairs, minorities and finances.
• The ordinance that was promulgated in the wake of the Civil Disobedience Movement was agreed to be withdrawn.
• All those detained in connection with the movement were to be released.
• The Government agreed to permit some people living at the sea cost to collect duty free salt.
• Government agreed to let the people picket peacefully, the shops that sold liquor.
5. Sir Stafford Cripps came to India on March 1942 to elicit cooperation from the Indians. It promised for the fulfillment of past promises to self-government to Indian people.
The proposal of the Cripps mission was that:
“India would be a dominion associated with the United kingdom”.
It promised that immediately after the war is stopped, steps would be taken up to set up an elected body charged with the task of making the constitution for India and provisions would be made so that the Indian states could participate in the framing of the constitution.
• Through the Cripps mission for the first time, British government recognized the “Right of Dominion’ for India.
• Indians were given promise of liberty to frame their own constitution.
• The Cripps mission which was a move to appease the Congress, Muslim League and Indian states at the same time was rejected by all of them.
• Gandhi wanted an undivided India, Muslim league wanted a separate Pakistan , Congress demanded a full control over defense “stating that a slave country cannot have any inspiration” .
• Muslim league said there was inadequate representation of Muslims.
• Sikhs rejected because of non-accession of provinces.
• Hindu Mahasabha rejected because the “Pakistan Virus” was alive.
• The Dalits and depressed classed also rejected because there was nothing new for them
• Failure of the Cripps mission:
§ Gandhi’s opposition led the Indian National Congress to reject the British offer.
§ Cripps’ modification of the original British offer, which provided for no real transfer of power.
§ The behind-the-scenes efforts of the Viceroy and Secretary of State for India to sabotage the mission.
3/6 really a good quiz
Sare question Sahi karne k liye history ka ganitgya hona padega
Worst score ever on any platform 1/6 :'(
Areee dada.. aaj to 1/6 hi rh gya score sasur
can anybody explain the question No.1 or were to look for it a wikipedia doesnt mention it
Hi.. Members of Swarajya party did not leave congress as they did not want to repeat the 1907 Surat Split Fiasco… Swarajya party was formed within the congress itself.. Hence the second statement is wrong….
3/6 – gross score but need to improve.
even 0.66 marks can make the difference ( negative mark)
Extension of permanent settlement into other areas – was demanded by DADABHAI NAOROJI in his book
Is it?? I never knew it and my instinct laid me to mark it as incorrect.
It was truly brilliant question – Thanks @forumias-7f07ca326ce76cdde680e4b3d568bce8:disqus
once again it is 7/7
Like Prarthna Samaj – Totally unexpected statements were given.
Same for poverty and unbritish rule in India. Questions wahi hai but covering and exploring new dimensions.
Acha lagaa dekh ke.
Bhut zyada hota
2 mark ki kimat tum kya jano ramesh babu
Are explanations not provided today like yesterday.
I liked today’s questions, got low marks (2/6), but learnt a lot.
Bahot delicate si line hai congress leave karne ke decision mein and leave karke elections ladne mein.
Got it.
So, they did not literally leave congress to contest elections!
Thanks, with your help, I’ve managed to save 2 marks! Bahot hota hai
They resigned president and secretary post
similar mistake made
good score
Keep it up
Hope this will help
I don’t have that book
Photuu bhejenge to ehsaan hoga bahot
Spectrums page 135-136
after release of gandhiji from jail in feb 5 1924,that swaraj party members agreed to work on behalf of and integral part of congress……….
Because of whatever i could recall , I think they had left Congress. Then only they formed a new party. But then, Gandhi-Das pact happened. Gandhi gave them the permission to contest elections under the label of congress ,and considered swaraj Party to be a part of Congress only.
But, I have not read that Das and Nehru had not left congress.
After CR Das, Nehru had returned back to Congress. That means they had walked out of congress.
similar doubt I have…
They Didn’t leave congress they worked from within it.
5/6 !
In the fourth question , why ain’t the second statement correct?
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