[WpProQuiz 20]
[WpProQuiz 20]
This is why I picked Indonesia and New Guinea. :'(
I think question 4 option 1 st is wrong as wind from subtropical high goes to equatorial low and sub polar low . Please correct me if I am wrong
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True.. Dats’s why i gave the fourth option.
It has a difference.
6 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:04:17
Now that’s crisp.
nicly explained…..
Daily Quiz – January 27
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Your time: 00:02:07
Daily Quiz – January 27
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Your time: 00:02:47
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Daily Quiz – January 27
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Your time: 00:02:47
See it blows in both the direction. U cn refer to tje diagram on air pressure belts from ncert. Since its a higj pressure belt, winds move towards Equator and poles. There’s a low pressure belt between sub tropical high pressure belt polar highs which attracts winds from high pressure belts. So technically, yeah the wind blows in the direction of polar region.
Hope i cud make sense:-)
volcanic is regional aspect
hi…( Its saying winds blow towards polar regions from STHPB which is true)..? is it correct… i think u can use cncept of low pressur to hgh pressure, density of air in polar region
5 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:04:42
Its saying winds blow towards polar regions from STHPB which is true. Winds move in both the directions,towards Equator and towards pole. Statement is correct because its not saying that wind blows only towards polar regions.
5 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:15
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superb score in all tests..
can u explain q4??pressure belts of earth.. how 1st option is correct??
4 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:24
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@forumias-7f07ca326ce76cdde680e4b3d568bce8:disqus .. 6/6 kb aayega??
4 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:24
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@forumias-7f07ca326ce76cdde680e4b3d568bce8:disqus … 6/6 kb aayega….
See earths rotational speed is highest at equator so airmass here experiences highest centrifugal force.This ejected mass gets subsided at subtropical latitudes leading to development of very high pressure and this is further reinforced by next lot of ejected mass,so high pressure built up here is more than subpolar one.Next u know high to low pressure movement
Winds from the Sub-Tropical High Pressure Belts flow towards polar region how is this correct can anyone help me with this
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Your score 83.33%
LUCK strikes again
question 5 is a little confusing though
3 of 6
Thanks Best desire.
Thanks Captain.
for ques 1, even precipitation should be correct as it indirectly transfers energy latitudinaly. please clarify someone??
According to me this option is wrong as wind flow high pressure subtropical belt to sub polar low pressure belt and also from high pressure polar be!t to low pressure subpolar belt.
Please correct if i m wrong
For the 5th question the answer would more sense if the option was reversed to Vietnam and Philippines in my opinion.
Towards pole – it is indicative of direction. There will be one more low pressure belt in between
At equatore there is a very high temprature due to reception of direct insolation . So high temp cause low pressure at equator and air becomes warmer and lighter ascend upward => rise up to high=> expands=> creat Low pressure equatorial Belt
5 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:49
yes, it will squeeze and will be forced to move up – but convection forces also play role.
i ddnt get one thing…polar region is already high pressure area….then why wind would flow towards that region…??
But what about the wind that is coming from sub-tropical highs.
Wouldn’t that squeeze it first?
Im fan of your consistency yaar….plze give some tips…;D
sahi pakde hain – par it is the closest option available. I made the same mistake.
expansion here refers to heating up of air resulting in rising up of wind. HEATING UP leads to expansion of air.
The air at the equatorial low pressure area expands and rises.
Hi all,
Please help me understanding this option from question # 4.
According to my understanding, it actually ‘squeezes’ and rises.
Your observation is right.
But we had to choose from the available options and thus the nuances didn’t matter.
thank you Thor Bhai
I can tell you that.
Volcanic eruptions seldom occur and when they explode, the transfer of heat and energy is in all directions except in some cases, when Rain and Topography etc may affect.
Due to their non-perennial nature of explosion, you cannot mark them in the answer.
Hope it helps.
Daily Quiz – January 27
4 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:33
You have reached 4 of 6 scores, (66.67%)
Average score 52.81%
Your score 66.67%
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the question never mentions esat and west ‘respectively’…thus they can be written like that, no issues >..
Hey, did you mark answer 1 correctly ?
can you tell me why Volcanic Eruption cannot be the reason ?
Philippines and Vietnam or Vietnam and Philippines ???
There is a difference.
Results 5 of 6 questions answered correctly Your time : 00:02:57 You have reached 5 of 6 scores , ( 83.33 % )
6 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:04:24
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5/6 , first time in geography ( weak subject for me) yay!
4 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:04:02
5 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:38
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