Surprise Test
[WpProQuiz 22]
Surprise Test
[WpProQuiz 22]
totally support you. They should post their sad scores on FB page of forumias.
BTW, questions are really good, didnt know forumias could do so well with questionss
Nope, I totally give a shit about them even though I don’t post scores myself (Thats coz I’m not regular and haven’t caught up with the latest quiz yet).
I really like this, allows me a glimpse at preparation levels of my fellows and seek out a knowledgeable person in here who has consistently high scores. I don’t think anyone here is an attention seeker, because answering UPSC quizzes is certainly not a credible way to earn attention worth anything, so let us continue. Meanwhile you may vote down and refrain from polluting threads with vitriol.
Why can’t u ignore and move on….
So can you. LOL.
could anyone explain question 5 ?
Calm down man. Don’t dictate over what one should comment. You can make a request.
IMO posting genuine scores is fine but I have seen few people regularly posting full scores with time taken <40sec. Posting Fake scores should be avoided.
I think in q 4) Option 3 is wrong as it says only on ground of misbehaviour or incapacity. However, he can also be removed if judged insolvent. Plss correct me if i am wrong.
chairman and members are ineligible for appointment in any central or state govt services.. it doesn’t talk about their reappointment to be chairman or member of NHRC, so accordingly they are eligible for appointment.. please correct me, if I am wrong..
And writing such a long critique shows u are employed in the Hindu. Why can’t u ignore and move on….
sahi pakde hain ( good luck
3 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:04:32
You have reached 3 of 5 scores, (60%)
Average score 55.78%
Your score 60%
Cool friend
Found that friend thanks
Got it clear page 5
Hey got that
Guys clearing the air from question 4 (it is perfectly correct) read page 5 of this
The question ia absolutely right read page 5 of this
Thanks for the information.
Sure Divya will check it and update you friend.
In SHRC , the members are eligible for reappointment. Plz update if you get to know abt NHRC
Yes, ans of 4th seems wrong. It has to be 1 n 3
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:24
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
Average score 56.4%
Your score 80%
Daily Quiz – January 29
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:35
I am not sure laxmikant is silent over this may be the quetion is correct and so the answer but surely need to cross check.
Thanku…We all do motivate each other in some way or the other. ?
Congrats man!
Good! No problem.
Haha.. Happens. Scores do not matter. Agree. Improvement only is needed, over a period of period.
You are a motivation.
same,,,nd got wrong,,,,
i think only members are eligible fr reappointments,,,,nd that option is correct
1 & 3
which one u marked in Q.4 ??
No clue why got question 4 wrong.
I guess need to check that.
It is written that they are not reappoint in central ans state govt. but for the National commission for Human Rights they are eligible for reappoint according to me…..
Okay I have something to say
Please DO NOT POST YOUR SCORES. No one gives a SHIT about them. Also no one cares.
Sometimes people like me who attend the quiz late are not able to ask questions because of your shitty comments which show your scores.
If you want likes and upvotes go to facebook or instagram.
Please behave maturely, you are all at least graduates. Try to understand if you post these useless comments we all lose, as people are not able to ask doubts.
I ask everyone to down vote these comments. If we don’t do it .These kind of comments will only increase, which is not good at all.
Please use the thread to discuss and evolve your knowledge base.
PS:Your shitty comments also show how much unemployed you are.
Good initiative for prelim. now i will take it daily onwards!?
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:07
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
Average score 54.67%
Your score 80%
Question no 4 option _2nd is correct not all of above bcz members or chairman don’t eligible reappoint.
Score 4/5
3 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:24
You have reached 3 of 5 scores, (60%)
Average score 54.46%
Your score 60%
I also got this one worng :(.
It says memebera and chairman are not eligible.
Someone clarify please.
4th Question. wrong (correct me if i am wrong)
chairman and members hold office for term of five years or untill they aatain 70 yrs which ever earlier. After tenure members and chairman are not allowed in any service in both central and state govt
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:04
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
Average score 56.18%
Your score 80%
Not categorized100%
Current Affairs75%
2/4, one not attempted
First time scored 100%….
Awesome.. Keep practicing.
5 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:04:17
You have reached 5 of 5 scores, (100%)
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Not categorized
Current Affairs
Surprise indeed !! Thanks
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:43
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
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