Daily Quiz : UPSC Prelims Marathon – January 9

[WpProQuiz 3]



92 responses to “Daily Quiz : UPSC Prelims Marathon – January 9”

  1. N@veen Avatar


  2. darkknight Avatar

    5 of 7 questions answered correctly

  3. darkknight Avatar

    5 of 7 questions answered correctly

    Your time: 00:03:14

  4. Best desire Avatar
    Best desire

    Thanx 🙂

  5. Aurangzeb who was Orthodox and austere in nature removed Kalimantan, the Islamic article of faith from.the coins and started to incorporate name of the ruler, date of issue

  6. thanks

  7. just gone through it,great work brother

  8. Silver_Star Avatar

    Did you prepare this?

  9. hey forumias 🙂 can you please incorporate explanations too

  10. Digvijay Hial Avatar
    Digvijay Hial

    it would be better if you provide detail answer after test

  11. THOR nd MJOLNEER Avatar

    I wish you the same partner 🙂

  12. That’s okay. 🙂
    I’m good.
    All the best.

  13. THOR nd MJOLNEER Avatar

    Hey Thinker,
    I am Great.

    And how are you?

    It is like I keep reading your comments and thus have forgotten to ask How you are. My bad. 🙂

  14. Heyo Thor 🙂
    How are you?
    Quiz is posted in the evening at 8 pm. 🙂

  15. THOR nd MJOLNEER Avatar

    Hey Thinker,
    What time does Forum post this quiz?

  16. 2/7 (lowest I suppose)

  17. Best desire Avatar
    Best desire


  18. ForumIAS Avatar


  19. ForumIAS Avatar


  20. Positive Avatar

    Good questions forumias team..
    Keep up the good work.

    Thank you.

  21. rayasam seenu Avatar
    rayasam seenu

    sir can you provide prelims quiz in pdf format also then we can save and revise them

  22. Jyoti Chaudhary Avatar
    Jyoti Chaudhary

    please add detailed solutions
    it will help us more
    thank u forumias heartly <3

  23. Ganesan Eswar Avatar
    Ganesan Eswar

    Pls provide answers with explaination.. so that it will be more productive for aspirants@Forumias

  24. Thanks for this piece of information!
    Found this interesting info too from RBI website – https://www.rbi.org.in/currency/museum/c-mogul.html

  25. abhinav Avatar

    Kya bat h ….pta nhi lga ki test de rha tha ….thank you fouram ias!!!

  26. Alok Panigrahi Avatar
    Alok Panigrahi

    Good one…

  27. ForumIAS Avatar

    Hehe.. Keep practicing.

  28. Yeah!! Coming out of it is really difficult
    thank u…
    Same to u too
    Let’s give our best

  29. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    🙁 that’s unfortunate – i wish you all the best in 2017.

  30. No ABG it’s(2016)my 2nd ….wrote Mains in 2015

  31. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    hahaha – guess what – we have similar experience in our first attempt – gone in prelims

  32. No gone in pre last year(2016)

  33. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    your first attempt ?

  34. I’m 100% sure that it is only after independence
    But one doubt: is it after constitution was adopted? Or 1947 act
    Will check n let u know….if u do it first pls let me know

  35. Superb ??

  36. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    I think so
    Because 1935 act just extended the franchise to 10% of the population.
    Hence, most probably it will be 1947 Independence act.
    I am not sure – it’s my most probable guess

  37. India independence act
    Isn’t it?

  38. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    Thanks @forumias-7f07ca326ce76cdde680e4b3d568bce8:disqus for good questions

  39. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    KISSA SIKKON KA ( Found history of currency in India interesting and important due to recent demonitisation )

    Arthashastra, written by Chanakya, prime minister to the first Maurya emperor Chandragupta Maurya (c. 340–290 BCE), mentions silver coins as rupyarupa, other types including gold coins (Suvarnarupa), copper coins (Tamararupa) and lead coins (Sisarupa) are mentioned. Rupa means form or shape, example, Rupyarupa, Rupya – wrought silver, rupa – form

    Coins: Tanka and Jital Iltutmish introduced Silver Tanka and Copper Jital , the two coins of the Delhi Sultanate. The coins prior to Iltutmish were introduced by the invaders which bear the Sanskrit characters and even Bull and Shivalinga. Iltutmish was the first to introduce a “Pure Arabic Coin” in India. The Coins were engraved with “The Mighty Sultan, Sun of the Empire and the Faith, Conquest-laden, Il-tutmish,” after he received an investiture of Sovereign Sultan of Delhi from the Caliph of Baghdad. The Silver Tanka issued by Iltutmish was weighing 175 grains. Gold Tanka of the same weight was later issued by Balban.

    Sher Shah Suri, during his five-year rule from 1540 to 1545, set up a new civic and military administration and issued a coin of silver, weighing 178 grains, which was termed the Rupiya.[3][6] The silver coin remained in use during the Mughal period, Maratha era as well as in British India.

    A Dam was a small Indian copper coin. The coin was first introduced by Sher Shah Suri during his rule of India between 1540 and 1545, along with Mohur, the gold coin and Rupiya the silver coin [1] Later on, the Mughal Emperors standardised the coin along with other silver (Rupiya) and gold (Mohur) coins in order to consolidate the monetary system across India.

    Watch Your Language lists the coin as one of the possible sources for the English phrase “I don’t give a dam[n]″, due to its small worth, but provides other sources as well

    (from wikipedia and GK today)

  40. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    Can you tell me which act provided universal adult suffrage ?

  41. It’s k we will improve before prelims

  42. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    3 r , 3 w , 1 left
    so, 4/14 🙂

  43. Thank u

  44. 5 u?

  45. Sir detailed solutions plzzz

  46. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    NO !!!!!
    I made the mistake because of this – Montford reforms of 1919 allowed women to vote – but restricted the voters on basis of property
    While universal adult suffrage practiced now in India provides right to vote to all the adults
    Kitne marks aaye ?

  47. H________R Avatar

    free service, that too this fast, awesome

  48. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    me too – i used to commit same error

  49. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    1813 is right answer
    If question specified complete abolition of monopoly – 1833 would be the right answer.
    Hence, word ”complete” plays an important role
    Monopoly khatam to hui thi 1813 main – lekin incomplete

  50. Sure…u too?

  51. Try one more time! Avatar
    Try one more time!

    This is awesome, scored 2/7 but will improve tomorrow 🙂

  52. Alok Panigrahi Avatar
    Alok Panigrahi

    Great….. Work hard… Keep Reviewing…. 🙂

  53. Even i used to be confused with this but answer will be 1813 only because tea and china are exceptions

  54. Yeah I attempted in 3min.
    Got 5 c,2w
    Got confused b/w women enfranchise and adult suffrage

  55. Sir, pdf is not showing options and answers so can’t save it as pdf for future.. Plz see to it

  56. Alok Panigrahi Avatar
    Alok Panigrahi

    Where sir ??? Solution as in m asking abt explanation …

  57. Agent ColourBlind Avatar
    Agent ColourBlind

    Pls provide details of answers after submitting

  58. Alok Panigrahi Avatar
    Alok Panigrahi

    Aree nahhh…
    I knew few of dm …. 2 guessed.
    One got wrong ..
    Now d tym has changed…

  59. Agent ColourBlind Avatar
    Agent ColourBlind

    Please give detailed answera

  60. Monica Mohan Avatar
    Monica Mohan

    Thank you for the initiative @forumias-7f07ca326ce76cdde680e4b3d568bce8:disqus . If possible, change “View questions” button to “View Explanations” or alike. It would solve some confusions.

  61. One doubt : is women enfranchised and universal adult suffrage same
    (In terms of british policy)

  62. Grt in 100sec 6 correct
    Keep going!!!

  63. Fab questions thank u so much
    Attempting lately helped me as I got extra time?
    Though utilised only 80sec more

  64. Even I thought the same.

  65. Finished the test at Dhoni’s speed. 😛
    Thank you @forumias-7f07ca326ce76cdde680e4b3d568bce8:disqus for the fun! 🙂

  66. Hehe.. Changed now! Timings. Delete your cache and try again!

  67. Anurag Pundir Avatar
    Anurag Pundir

    Nice Questions….. But Need Explanations..

  68. frontrunner Avatar

    thank you sir for this great initiative

  69. ForumIAS Avatar

    Solutions achi Alok.

  70. Monica Mohan Avatar
    Monica Mohan

    Felt like racing! just less than a couple of minutes for 7 questions that too with long phrases… ! Definitely felt like competing with a lightning!

  71. ForumIAS Avatar


  72. ForumIAS Avatar


  73. Best desire Avatar
    Best desire

    under charter actc1813 monopoly of B.E.I.C was ended except trade with china and of tea.It was completely abolished by charter act 1833.

    So i think 1833 is the right answere.

    please correct me if i m wrong

  74. thanks a lot.. sir but time is limited..

  75. Alok Panigrahi Avatar
    Alok Panigrahi

    And sir what about solutions ???

  76. H________R Avatar

    very limited time

  77. ForumIAS Avatar

    Yes. You are correct. Changed now 🙂

  78. ForumIAS Avatar

    Yes. Changed now!

  79. First a big thanks to dorumIAS.sir if possible please provide the explanation part.

  80. Mahesh K Yadav Avatar
    Mahesh K Yadav

    Sir. Really great questions..just a request ..after test is over do give explanation also.thanks

  81. Alok Panigrahi Avatar
    Alok Panigrahi

    100 seconds per question??
    For 7 ques it was around 1 min some seconds

  82. Assassin Avatar

    it gave 100 sec for entire test ..some technical problem i suppose??

  83. ForumIAS Avatar

    Alok Bhai.. 100 seconds per question achi 🙂 Sufficient hobo we think.

  84. ForumIAS Avatar


  85. ForumIAS Avatar

    100 seconds per question 🙂

  86. thanks alot team we really appreciate this effort of yours thanks

  87. @ForumIAS,

    I was eagerly waiting for this quiz series to start. Good to see that now we can opt for the ans and find instant results not like last year when we needed to post them in comment section.
    I really appreciate the efforts you are putting in for us (aspirants).

    Thank you very much.

  88. Assassin Avatar

    very limited time….atleast a minute per question should be there

  89. Alok Panigrahi Avatar
    Alok Panigrahi

    Sir good questions… Tym is very limited.. please give explanation too after the test is over… That will be great…
    Like dat coin ques.. if only one is correct what other actually are… It will help us greatly…
    Thanks sir… It’s awesome

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