[WpProQuiz 168]
[WpProQuiz 168]
Thanks Friend…..!!!
God Bless You With Love and Peace….!!!
Wish u and all other aspirants all the best
6/8 :_
And as for the last one year journey and preparation, the below quote captures it much aptly than I can write on my own words.
As Motilal Nehru wrote to his son: ‘We have stood firm.’ While some in their ranks fell by the wayside as was inevitable in the parliamentary framework, the overwhelming majority proved their mettle and stood their ground. They worked in the legislatures in an orderly disciplined manner and withdrew from them whenever the call came.
The Years Of Stagnation — Swarajists, No-Changers And Gandhiji
India’s Struggle For Independence
Bhakti movement was not a spontaneous movement . it started with Adi Shankaracharya in 8th century and goes till 17th century!
Gandhiji never lost confidence in masses. He felt that he needs to work more to prepare them.
I doubt regarding patronage of Gupta. As nalanda flourished in that period only as well as they are quite liberal towards giving grants as per old ncert.
Statement in Vedas could be better phrased!
ya even historians like irfan habib had said the same thing.
sir bhakti movement was not a spontaneous movement.
Gandhi ji was patient enough !!!
He believed in Struggle – Truce – Struggle, the formula which Nehru ji has to accept after winning Provincial elections in 1937.
Struggle till the victory drench the energy of the aspirants – which may lead to ultimate failure
Hence, IAS aspirants should follow the path of Gandhiji
Infact – name Prelims MARATHON is relevant. CSE is a marathon and Gandhi mantra may help in winning this marathon
ha ha ….gandhi ji took more attempt to clear cse…..
best wishes to u too…….
It should have been rephrased – According to Gandhi ji , people were not well prepared for Satyagraha. Isliye prelims main fail ho gaye. Firse tayaari ki ek saal and NCM main accha perform kiya public ne
On April 18, 1919, Gandhi withdrew the movement and called it a “Himalayan blunder“.
So, yes – Gandhiji did feel that he miscalculated and public suffered because of it. But, then also – I think this statement is Wrong – it has to be more specific !!!
btw – aaj ke questions were very good – enjoyed the last prelims marathon quiz
All the best for prelims – do well
yes correct
Thank you FIAS. you did the great job, specially for the people doing self study like me.
I appreciate your work and hope to continue with best way to help civil service aspirants.
Hope, will do best in prelims and will continue with you for the further journey.
All the best friends for prelims, let it be the best JUNE18 for you.
With best regards
Masihuddin Kuraishi
in 1st question gandhara art was patronised by bactrians.kushans patronised mathura and amravati arts please someone clarify
same thought , mera bhi galat hua
jallianwala bagh massacre was the reason as gandhi ji withdrew the movement..(spectrum)..
Yo bro..
Best of luck to you too…
I remember exam me god k bad aapko yad krna hai..
7 of 10 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:05:52
Having doubts about Rowlatt satyagraha question – Did Gandhi ji lose faith on public using non-violent satyagraha as a method of struggle. Then what was Non Cooperation movement
Thanks ForumIas – It was a great initiative – learnt a lot from Prelims Marathon
Best wishes bahaniya……:P
Achche se exam dena…..my twin-ti…..:P
Thanks Lara….Very best wishes to you too.
thank you so much forum for all quizes and support,,,,it was really helpfull fr revision….:)
All the best solitude ?
Thank You So Much Lara.
All The Besttt To You Too For That Special Day JUNE 18th….!!!
I admire your positiveness ? remain like this..All the best ?
Thanks Forumias for your support. Some time your initiative realized us about our flaws and another time it also boosted up our confidence.
This plateform is good enough for people who are not surrounding by many IAS aspirant because plateform give you the feeling of healthy competition.
All the very best to all of the forumiasians.
Good luck for the exams.
Hope all of us will win.
Yeah , that is what i felt , bec gandhiji didnt lose faith in masses he just thought they were not prepared , so a slight difference there
Wish You The Same Dear Friend…..!!!
Your Are Doing Very Well In Mains Marathon as Most Of Your Answers Are Properly Structured Which Is Pleasing To The Eyes ….!!!
Hey, all the best
how can we say that bhakti movement was a spontaneous movement? many sources have mentioned that bhakti movement was gradual in development
7/10 *sigh*
Thank you forum ias for all your support
Reg que 4 – nalanda
The foundation was only laid during kumara guptas reign, it became centre of Buddhist education later only
Kindly clarify guys
Thank You Sir….!!!
वो गलतियां काफी होती हैं।मुझसे भी हुई।
Good luck…
No issues.
अच्छे प्रश्न थे।उम्मीद है यही स्कोर पेपर में भी हो।
धन्यवाद forumias.com
Thank You FORUMIAS Sir and Team,You Guys Are The Best Because You Bring Out The Best In Us;Whether It Is In Mains Marathon or Prelims.
Your Inspirational Words Are Like Beautiful Footprints That Have Been Etched In My Mind And Heart Forever as I Learnt A Lot During Mains Marathon Days And Prelims Also.
Hats Off For Constantly Encouraging Us and Never Let Us Feel Down
I Would Also Like To Specially THANK My Friends From Mains Marathon @ Devmitra Sen @Emperor Reloaed @Rhythm @Neha ….as I Get To Learn So Many New Things From Their Answers.
On An Ending Note—
To Aspirant; Winners Are Not The People Who Never Fail But People Who Never Quit So No More Stress Only Blessings For All.
All The Besttttt Doston For JUNE 18th …..!!!
Hope To C U Soon Guys…..!!!
Very much thankful to this forum for this very good initiative.
Also thankful to all of friends who supported and encouraged me and have given such wonderful experience on this platform.
My best wishes to all of them for Prelims..:)
18th Jun’17 will decide my returning. I am going now to be hibernated.:P
I hope, EVIL will return back soon and will found all of you…:P
So be ready for next level battle with me…:P
Take Care….!!!!
so end up with avrg performance 7/10…
BEST WISHES to all & many thanks to FORUM IAS for appreciable effort ….
Only on 5th ques i realised it is asking incorrect also,so revisited all questions to check the word “correct/incorrect”
Thank you for all your efforts forumias,PRELIMS MARATHON really helped in revision
Same here….took it very casually… didn’t read the correct incorrect ones
Could have been 7/10. But did not read they were asking for incorrect. Hence 5/10 Need to read questions properly :-/
What ..really…3/10….??….how…is such easy questions
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