[WpProQuiz 57]
[WpProQuiz 57]
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:05:19
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:05:19
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
Average score 46.55%
Your score 80%
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:04:36
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
3 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:26
You have reached 3 of 5 scores, (60%).
Only attempted 4, no idea about Q2
really confused by the asnwers. first of all conveying the good fortunes for the forum for keeping aspirants on track.
But the lot of stuff to prepare ( and revise) in hardly 3 months, i request the admin members to post the explanation part for the quiz. As some answers are really confusing and taking too much time to study books or browsing net
western coast consist of both emerging and submerging coasts . i put this post once but they[site] have removed it. dont learn wrong things
5 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:04
You have reached 5 of 5 scores, (100%)
There’s a difference between continental shelf and coastal plain. Answer by forum is absolutely correct.
Yes there would some error from forumias.
Same here …
Himalayan river are vertical cutting rivers. They deposit sediments in the plains..
Upsc asks very particularly. I think forum should be very specific while asking que.
How do you explain the anomaly then?
NO no no Lordy that’s not how it works!!!
Thank you very much – I agree with you
Look at it this way:
– The WCP Coast is submerged, i.e. its conti shelf covers more area than the ECP conti shelf.
– BUT, the ECP shelf has wide accumulation of deposits from Himalayan and Peninsular rivers, making their shelf far wider and shallower than WCP.
– WCP Conti shelf is thus deep enough to facilitate good ports. Added with natural harbours, it makes for perfect port areas. The ECP shelf is its absolute opposite.
The anomaly of the map is easily explainable. The satellite image shows the submerged land, it does not take it into account alluvial deposits that has not stratified into sedimentary rocks yet. Therefore, it is an inaccurate description of continental shelf. You see the WCP is so much larger here because its submerged land is a well defined relief which hasnt altered much.
it is the way we think it , no?
actually , 4 th question’s answer is wrong,western coast is included both emerging and submerging coasts. you can search it
4 of 5 scores ,80%
Your time: 00:01:36
Daily Quiz: March 10
5 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:00
Daily Quiz: March 10
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:04
Agar “nearly/approx” likha hota to pakka sahi tha. You can still hazard a guess and mark it right.
4/5.. Q2 mein gadbad ho gayi
4/5 Ek question stupidity me galt kar diya
But its ok atleast weakpoints pata chal rahe h.Thank you forum IAS
Q1 b statement is incorrect. There is a difference in sun rise early rise in east then west.
Ab poora hi same hota to hume pehle hi pata hota.
Isliye, I interpreted ‘same’ as approximately same.
and that’s working
00000000 wow …….first time itte sare zero
*god …..defeated by the 1one…geo optional .uff
baat me dam hai bhai tumhari….ham bhi galti kar diye samajhne me …..:)
Q2. It should be V shaped valleys in Himalayas. But sediment deposits on river beds is definitely wrong?
[Guys, can we keep ONE official comment thread for every question that everyone works on. So it isn’t scattered across the comments of numerous people?]
Why is the 1st option of question 2 incorrect??
Can anyone explain Question number 2. U shaped valleys are indeed made in himalayas
Q2 statement 4 sediments are deposited at river banks. Ten how it became characteristic of Himalaya.
Main Supreme leader ki baat se sehmat hoon !!!
Please Note: During the formation of western Coast…it submerged into INDIAN ocean due to tectonic activity….Ab submerge hoga toh seedhi see baat hain ki shelf wider hee hoga….you can visualize it..!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/434b040186150b034a35df5145266131e3d333bf9a143ddc2206b3267dae4ad8.jpg
Waterfalls,rapids,potholes,plunge pool..all are part of the upper stage
Waterfalls often form in the upper stages
of a river where it flows over different bands of rock. It erodes soft
rock more quickly than hard rock and this may lead to the creation of a waterfall. Formation of a waterfall: The soft rock erodes more quickly, undercutting the hard rock…..Rock type pe depend krtaa hain sir.
I m having doubt regarding waterfalls
Haha bro same here
Thanks..that confused up a bit
Leave this ques: Yes they are.. Language is confusing….!! i marked it wrong though. But please note that U valley is formed by Glacier and V shaped valley by River…thats it.
Approximate measure Karna h kya…I was going for exact calculation…thus ended doing wrong
V shaped valleys banti hai early phase main
So aren’t they a part of Himalayas ?
They are formed by melting glacier..!! The same way river forms V shaped Valley during its course.
Can you please explain ques 2 about the U-shaped valleys ?
ques1: statement 1: Difference is approx : 31 Degree
statement 2: Eastern part of INDIA will see sunrise first. (Longitudinal difference kaa khel hain)
ques 2: Pattkai bum located in ARunachal pradesh…Not the Part of Peninsula (Do not confuse with Karbi- Meghalya plateau which is an extension of Indian peninsular)
ques 4: statement 1:Rivers flowing in west direction make Estuaries e.g Narmada, Tapti river etc, No delta formation.
statement 4: Not Emerged but Submerged
ques 5: Barren Island is located in Bay of Bengal ( Recently volcanic eruption seen)
For natural harbour depth of sea is also an important factor…..west coast is deeper and submerged in nature ….also east coast has lots of rivers and they bring lot of sediments ….making the coast further shalower
ab ye to satellite se hi puchna padega….
why continental shelves appear wider in satellite images – you can look in ATLAS too
Statement 1 of question 1 — 68 — 97 -> 29 degrees.
8-37 -> 29 degrees.
Statement 2 of question 4.
I too need clarity on that.
han to sahi baat hai na…….WCP are narrower than ECP.
Please look at the comment in which I have tagged you – inserted a figure there
@bhavika21:disqus , @Aniruddh Shrivastava:disqus , @night_thinker:disqus – please clear my doubts if you can
It is a narrow coast which is comparatively broader in the north and south.
Where did you read that WCP has large and wide continental shelf?
NCERT mentions the continental shelf extending up to 500 km into the sea for eastern coastal plains, which is very high.
However in the satellite images, we see wider continental shelf on western coastal plains
Considering, wider continental shelves to be a major impediment on establishment of ports, I don’t think it would have been possible for western coastal plains to have so many ports in case of wide continental shelves.
Someone, please clear the confusion.
2 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:04:09
Doubts : Statement 1 of question 1 and statement 2 of question 4 -anybody ?
Badhaiyaan !!
What about statement 2 of Q4?
Q.1- Typical Q. which confuses whether to go for “Exactly same” OR “Approx”. Is there any way to figure out what UPSC thinks when asking such Q.? (I mean it’s answer could’ve been the opposite also & still one could be able to justify that!)
jyada nahi bas .. ek JW blue label would do
I take exact degree calculation of lat- longh so got incorrect…
Yes…I thought patkai and Megha hills are nearby.. thanks Bhai
2/5 ?
Ho sakta hai Zyada Expertise laga diya ho!!…Aam aadmi ki tarah answer kariye!!..;)
Yes. U r right.
You may be remembering Meghalaya Hills (Garo,Khasi, Jaintia)
Patkai Bum is part of Eastern Himalayas (Running N–> S) . SO Formation must have been the same as Himalayas i.e. Indian & Eurasian Plate Fold Mountains!!
PS- May correct me if Reqd!
Q4. Wide continental shelf and submerged coast. Statement 2 is correct
Patkai bum is extension of Peninsular plateu I have read it somewhere, anyone have idea about the patkai bum formation…
party party…..mangao daaru…..
Mera bhi… Eco history aur polity Ke baad ab geo bhi 100%
Same here bro. Party
6°4′ (8°4′ for
mainland) to 37°6′ north (Latitude)
68°7′ to 97°25′ east (longitude)
Difference approx same hain…(31 degree).
02/05 correct and Geography is my optional….Ab upar wala hi bachaye..
Daily Quiz: March 10
3 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:12
Q4 , statement 2 should also be correct …submerged cost….wider continental shelf…..
bhaaisaab……pahli bar geography me 100%
Patkai bum is extension of Peninsular plateeu, I have read it somewhere… Please through some light
Approximately not exact same degrees
approximate sense main YES – it is correct. NCERT main bhi shayad mentioned hai
You have reached 3 of 5 scores,
(60%) Average score 36.92%Your score 60%
P.S: Phatt lee bhaii..!
Ha….approximately same extent h
First question ki first statement pakka sahi hai?
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