Essay Test – December 24

Instructions:  Write an essay on any one of the following in about 1000-1200 words.
Time : 90 minutes

Marks : 125

Kindly review each others answers, so that everyone improves.

1.A strong legislation requires an effective enforcement.

एक मजबूत कानून के लिए प्रभावी प्रवर्तन की आवश्यकता होती है।

Best essay:@the green bird

2.Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.

शिक्षा जीवन के लिए तयारी नहीं, शिक्षा ही जीवन है।

Best essay: @thebatman_returns

Note: Thank you for the overwhelming response to the Weekly Essay Test 🙂

Start answering!





222 responses to “Essay Test – December 24”

  1. Dhanu_2017 Avatar

    Hi had doubt help u had joined prelims forum test series na ek doubt can we do our test after few days can we download them Nd is there ranking after writing tests after allocation of date what’s ur experience Nd help I am seeking to join ..

  2. Harmayani Avatar

    Thank you 🙂

  3. You are very hardworking , hope I could also learn from this

  4. devmitra sen Avatar
    devmitra sen


  5. I will improve my presentation skills. thanks for the review. Keep writing and reviewing 🙂

  6. Good!

  7. Great!

  8. Well tried.

  9. Agree.

  10. Try one more time! Avatar
    Try one more time!

    Thanks Boss!! Thanks for being a good teacher and pointing out my improvement areas….This is my 2nd essay and will try to write better essay next weekend….thanks a lot 🙂

  11. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    dont forget to give my golden plate back 😛 haha

  12. devmitra sen Avatar
    devmitra sen

    Superb..all takeaways..lack of trust is mentioned though in the answer..We had a lengthy discussion also next essay will do better inflow..

  13. thanks captain..yeah there were lack of examples in this essay even i felt same…howver i wrote 1265 words so i think enough for 125 marks…i had a look on 2 was ok…others was centring around India which should not have been the case ideally..but i learnt many points from both essays…thank you for feedback

  14. santanesque Avatar

    Good essay….Dist x and y , then historical like tugloque ….Could have included ways to improve effective implementation…

  15. santanesque Avatar

    Thank u sir…Will work on it

  16. santanesque Avatar

    U r right….Working on it

  17. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    haha the capital part (you know meso well 😛 )!! yeah sure lady!! 😀

  18. Harmayani Avatar

    Thank you Devmitra.. will try to work upon the missing part definitely..:)

  19. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    Devaaa!! lovely 😀 It was so tough to crticize this wonderful piece of writing 😛 but as you say you love my criticism so specially for you – fresh hot criticism served on a golden plate 😛

    -the content is comprehensive and beautiful
    -covered all the dimensions (loved the monuments point)
    -loved the way you modified the introduction, see it helps the reader to recreate the scene
    – closing line iswonderful
    Now the things you can work on
    -the opening story is fab but the introduction of the essay could be better. It was a little short. Try adding 1 or 2 lines more and the result will be fab
    – lack of flow : you have to keep the reader engaged till you conclude and leave him wanting for more and this could be achieved only if there is great flow in the essay (remember the examiner is already tired reading 100s of essay before evaluating yours, keeping engaged is the key)
    – you could have mentioned about the chaos created by the ineffective legislation, people do not take laws seriously, results in lack of trust of general public on the enforcement agencies, wastage of resources etc etc

    Rest lady you giving me tough time nowadays to criticize 😛 Cheers !!

  20. devmitra sen Avatar
    devmitra sen

    What an opening..:)lovely..!The structure is good..but as this is an essay you will have to be comprehensive and a lil expansive in expression :)..So many laws if well remebered should be ideally roped with their enforcement issues with examples as to how the efficiency of implementation was reduced simultaneously.Otherwise..just like your answers ..your presentation and technical contents are exemplery..Keep writing so and developing..:)

  21. devmitra sen Avatar
    devmitra sen

    You know it..more concrete substance 🙂 and a targeted answer..:) demanded from you..
    Your structure and flow of thoughts is unmatcheable but content will add command to your opinions.So..keep writing as much you can..LOOKING AHEAD FORMORE

  22. devmitra sen Avatar
    devmitra sen

    Intro needs a lil refinement..its good..but intro has to raise a nerve in the reader..a sense of fascination to read further..structuring is a high impresses the reader as to your flow of thoughts..And do have a cross check on content..I commented @arnavidevnath:disqus on it..have a look at what i intend to convey..
    Otherwise,this answer is a fact that you have goodvocab/ideas/presentation flow and all you need is to structure your answers as well..Looking ahead for moresuch enlightening pieces ofread 🙂

  23. devmitra sen Avatar
    devmitra sen

    Hi 🙂
    Your intro is very diffferent..very likeable 🙂
    The content I think must be targeted towards how education in learning can impact life when we employ practicality to learning..which means bring the world outside in classes and teaching that helps to adapt to life have showed importance of education from a journey of ancient to modern era..but the missing part is connect teachin/edu to edupowerment..But this is my interpretation of the have a cross check..because you write so well and with so many points that you must channelise your work towards hitting on spot..earning all the very deserved brownie points..:)
    Waiting for your answers as well 🙂

  24. devmitra sen Avatar
    devmitra sen

    Hi 🙂
    Good Intro..contents needs metioning more of acts/legislations..say something and back up with evidence like you did in NDRF case..!A proper structure would add more meaning to your already well thought points…Write answers as well:)..Waiting for more 🙂

  25. devmitra sen Avatar
    devmitra sen

    Its 5:00 am and this little village in Rajasthan is all filled with noise and group songs. Lali is dressed in red today,with a heavily embroidered saree and dull gold jewellery adorning her lacklustre face.She has hardly understood all that has been planned for her in the next few hours and is only calm to find her favourite doll in her takeaway luggage.After a few hours she will be married off to her groom who is a minor himself.
    This is a prevalent phenomenon in Rajasthan and many other states with simultaneous existence of counter- laws like Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929 and Child Marriage Prohibition Act 2006 that enforces fine and imprisonment.This example is to draw the attention towards several social evils that are prevailing despite firm legislations due to an ineffective enforcement of the same.
    Social Dimensions
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    A dearth of laws for the unborn babies,children,women,migrants,prisoners,disabled and the elderly have been discuused,agreed,constructed or amended.Yet with the myriad of legislations,we are yet to achieve the basic security of women in even urban areas,a right to dignified living for the disabled,migrants and elderly that is achieved in true sense and spirit and the absolute security of the right to life of the unborn babies through PNDT Act.
    We have several legislations like Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 2016,RTE Act 2009 to ensure free and “compulsory”education for children within 6-14 years,Anti trafficking Act,Domestic Violence Act 2005,Anti-Dowry Act,Act against Sexual Harrasment at Work Place,RPWD Act(Amended)for disabled that has also ensured increased areas of disability including blood related diseases and acid attacks with increased state attention,Maintainance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act 2007and many more.
    Even with such many laws we still find the socially vulnerable in the garb of dire situations.The elderly’s are mostly shifted to creeky old age homes,the physically disabled hardly get even access to basic facilities like education(SDR 2016 mentions 45% disabled being illiterate)or healthcare and rarely do we find custodial tortures decreasing in intensity owing to legislative regulations like Crpc1973,Indian Police Act or Indian Penal code 1860.
    Environmental Dimensions
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    With a nodal body like NGT and several environmental legislations,Delhi this year still turned out to be dangerously grieved by pollution related smog that affected the normal functioning of the city ,so much so that schools and offices were shut down for a couple of days.Wildlife Protection Act 1972 has undeniably restored the biodiversity to an agreeable extent ,yet the optimum execution of the legislation is still a question mark.The eco-crime of illegal trade has increased count of poaching in Kaziranga for one horned Rhino,red sanders poaching,bear bile,turtle shells,shahtoosh for the fur and many more.Open burning of biomass is still practiced in several areas though it attracts a fine.Several old diesel vehicles are still on a run in the most urban cities and taxes and water/air(prevention and control )Act are yet to receive due dividends and optimized result.
    Economical Dimension
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _
    Tax compliance though we have an array of tax related legislations is shadowed by wilful financial evasions and effectiveness of such decisions become an obscurity.Even with a black money and money laundering act at hand,several offenders yet go scott free and stash tax abroad or in house without stringent punishment being meted out to them.
    Information and Technological Dimension
    _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    Several acts with respect to cyber security like Cyber security Act,Cyber policy and ITact(Amended) are passed but the implementation of the same dilutes their essence of action.Yet today the internet content and critical information is vulnerable and continuous cyber attacks are on the rise.Banking ,e-commerce and government websites remain prime targets and inefficient handling of cyber laws provide scope for further deterrance.RTI Act2005 though functional in letter is yet to find its absolute spirit when we see the delay in providing information and sometimes even refutal for the same.
    Untouched Cornerstones
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    Areas demanding empathetic attention like those pertaining to the Forest Rights Act 2006 where the native forest dwellers lose forest Rights and access to due forest resources that remain a single point of livelihood for them, due to biased and inefficient implementation machinery are a consistent cause of concern.SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act will show its true colour when the oppressed classes are provided an enabling atmosphere of true growth and potential of these backward classes.
    Ancient Monument Preservaton Act 1904 remains a mainstay from the time of Lord Curzon,yet the dillapidated state of Indian monuments is a testimony to the poor implementation of the act.Humayuns Tomb,Golconda fort and Konark are reminders of the same.
    A centralised approach towards working and a sense of accountability remains a missing conjecture.Furthermore several laws on similar issues make it difficult towards inter operability and long term functionality.For example,Cyber Security Act and IT Act( amended ) cover cybercrime but the convergent operationalibility becomes a hurdle.Multi nodal administration with no clear role guidelines as in the case of urban planning in hazardous zones make the areas low equipped to deal with vagaries of nature like cyclones .Collusion and corruption disrupt the otherwise effective processes like not many villages that have been adopted as sansad villages or are supported under MPLADS scheme find themselves on the vision of turning a model village though the guidelines are well set up.Subsidies fail to reach the target beneficiaries but names of high holding influential people find a place in BPL list ,though allegedly termed a “mistake”.A cold attitude to deal with offenders or towards not meeting deadlines has been another challenge towards the already fragile administrative system.A sense of missing appreciation and trust between the rural targets and semi urban executive officials is a source of loss in faith of public towards administration and hence creates a delay and inefficiency towards legislations.
    A sense of freedom towards working,incentivizing innovation in project execution,development of a spirit of competition by awarding performers,encouraging transparency and improving people to people connect would act as a sustainable stimulant in the direction.Taking to task the offenders and non performers is equally necessary through respective authorities.A shift from multi modal authority system to a single point of execution can serve the dilemma in positive along with a zero tolerance policy towards corruption and selfinterest over people’s interest.

    It is imperative to have effective implementation of novel objectives meted out through the legislations to maintain an amiable and coordinated national atmosphere.When channelised effectively,the legislations that are targeted to beneficiares will reap social benefits and the idea of India being a “welfare state” would turn an absolute reality,thus enforcing in true spirit the ideals of our Constitution makers.

  26. Great quote!

  27. Agree 🙂

  28. Agree.

  29. hey mynak how are u man,its me rohith,read your essay its good,gathered good points with good timing…,i will post mine by today i wrote but waiting for my frnd to upload photos

  30. fine…looking forward for ur answer next week

  31. Rhythm 2017 Avatar
    Rhythm 2017

    so much thanks @Raashi , points duly noted
    I will definitely try to improve

  32. Hi rhythm.. thanks for yesterday’s review and motivation and im sorry for late review..

    My observation of your essay:
    1. Start can be improved.. starting should be impressive enough to make the reader feel like reading (i cannot review more than 5-6 essay continuously, its draining.. our examiners will have to review more.. so 1st impression matters)
    2. Take this Sat essay writing exercise as an opportunity to learn few quotes too and try to use it.. it gives an example of well read person
    3. If you can be little creative, then be one by stories or anything innovative
    4. I think ‘weird’ is slang word.. if not then im sorry.. if yes, then avoid using such words in formal writings
    5. Writing should be little mature.. idk how to explain it.. e.g. u have used sentences like ‘it is like….’ which we use in day to day conversation should be avoided
    6. Try not to be repetitive e.g. oxygen example which was very good but repeated twice

    I find scope of improvement.. and hope we will do that soon 🙂

  33. Well written but i find scope of improvement.. transitions can be better.. u can be a little elaborative in examples

    Sorry for late review

  34. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America

    Content is good.. But you might want to elaborate a little more.. 125 marks you are writing for..
    Liked the way you interconnect each paragraph.. The village example was good.. but you need to add some more examples to prove your point.. Have a look at other essay on the same topic.. Keep learning.. 🙂 KWAR.. 🙂

  35. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America

    Thanks for such detailed review.. I appreciate.. 🙂

  36. i read yours….ur essay was having good information…i too liked ur essay…

  37. ForumIAS pls review sir, my first essay……pls

  38. thnks aspirant…

  39. thanks batman…..

  40. sure bhai.I shall review regularly 🙂

  41. thanks bhai..i am the believer of same philosophy..i learn like this only…critical peer review would help in long i request you to be critical wrt my essay..will help me…i hope you would help me with your regular reviews on my essays…i would review yours for sure whenever you write

  42. Captain it was a well written piece… i have following observations wrt your essay: talking about India in intro itself you narrowed down the scope of your essay..topic is general could talk generally…imp when problem of effective implementation is not limited to India…could talk about simply abt strong legislation and effective implementation income tax laws u got the right chord i think…rather than bringing Bihar alcohol immediately u could talk about its “strong legislation’ proving to be there were many laws,there were raids,how it impacted life of common man and economy and how govt came up with new new ideas…demonetisation being one of them..this would have presented a strong case i think(just food for thought here)
    3.Bihar example is repetitive presenting same ideas…examiner would catch u easily..atrocities point was good
    4.parliamentarians breaking laws was good
    5.can use connectors to make jumps segue
    6.conclusion with citizens and lawmakers was brilliant..could avoid last line however
    please review mine

  43. I acknowledge your genuine suggestions and believe that critical peer review is valuable for collaborative learning. I shall work upon your suggestions and try to improve my presentation skills.thanks for the review. keep writing and reviewing 🙂

  44. It is true that I should have spent some more effort in presentation and will take care hereupon.thanks for the review. keep writing and reviewing 🙂

  45. 1.apt use of quote in the beginning
    2.this is essay so if possible please avoid writing in points…also essay needs analysis more than the presentation of facts the section where you say criminals know their rights than wrongs..u need to prove than how corruption and nepotism etc are taken by him as his rights..mere mention is not making point clear as per me…also link it with your head that how it is an obstruction by state
    4.there is an overlap of obstacles by state and could use them
    5.take one or two case of effective/ineffective implementation and show how were they successful/failed..same goes for later part
    6.conclusion-tell the reader how would you change mindset,how bureaucratic honesty can be brought etc.
    you got good content..u only need to work upon ur presentation part i think..sorry if i was over critical
    thank you

  46. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    Hi! IMO You started the essay directly. The opening line was fab but the introduction could be better. Regarding content – it is good and comprehensive but the way you have presented it looked more like preparation of an essay than an essay. Views are personal.

  47. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    🙂 thank you

  48. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    🙂 Sure I will

  49. Good essay with nice quote. Keep writing and reviewing 🙂 Please review mine if possible

  50. NIce and comprehensive essay. Keep writing and reviewing 🙂

  51. thank you bhai..will review yours..give me sometime

  52. Good attempt. I liked the conclusion. Keep writing and reviewing 🙂

  53. NIce essay.Your essay covers several dimensions.Keep writing and reviewing 🙂

  54. Wide use of examples makes your essay unique. Good one. Keep writing and reviewing 🙂

  55. Good use of quotes. Keep writing and reviewing 🙂

  56. Nice essay with brilliant introduction and examples. Keep writing and reviewing 🙂

    According to Shakespeare, life is a stage where we come, perform our part and leave it. In that stage we want to give our best so that we can survive for long as well as we can leave an imprint upon others. To meet the objective of survival for long, we try to educate ourselves. This education means that we try to learn the things, absorb them, have experience about good and bad moments and whenever such moments come again we want to be prepared so that our adaptation does not become problematic.
    But shall this give an impression that before learning things and having experience we are not educated? Answer is no because the moment we take birth, our education starts. Here it may be argued that it is foolish to make a statement that an infant who has taken birth today only is getting educated. However, it is to be noted that the moment an infant takes birth, he cries. He is given warmth and comfort of mother. Result is that it becomes quiet and the lesson he learns is that if I cry then I can get attention of my mother and he repeats the process later for many years. So yes even an infant can learn.
    When an infant grows to a kid he is made to learn some etiquettes and he is made aware of his social relationships. This process of learning is life itself as his world now revolves around his family and friends and he is playing his part. After initial learning he is put into school.
    Perhaps it is school and college education for which reference of preparation for life is given. It is believed that it would help us in learning letters, understand the language, society and culture; bring us out of our comfort zone, would help us in earning our livelihood in coming times and develop our rational power.
    We would learn letters and commit mistakes. Our teacher would correct us. We would learn language as teacher would teach us and probability is that we may meet people of different language who also help in learning language. Similarly we would learn about society and culture through our textbooks and our assimilation with other people. After learning and understanding things, we would give our entrance exams and interview. Here our education would come handy in our selection. And we would be settled hereafter with decent salary. Then we would make an entry to grahsthahram in subsequent period of time and would live happily hereafter.
    The fancy tale ends, so is our education if this theory of education is to be believed as we have prepared ourselves for life. But, many arguments may be propounded here to bring home the point that this is neither education nor preparation for life but simply a part/phase of life where we are learning and having education to make our lives better.
    Firstly, This theory invalidates that the knowledge of letters which we received at home is not education. So the role played by family in imparting such education is ignored here. Further, those who are unlettered are not educated and hence they are not preparing themselves for life. But we see that many of illiterate people even without knowledge of letters are able to survive and even sometimes make better choices than lettered ones. Example to be quoted here is of many village sarpanches. It is true that education level at village is less than towns in India. But work of many village sarpanches in building infrastructure of road, schools and canals etc, launching cooperative societies and organizing gram panchayats to solve a matter is laudable. They are better than those municipal corporation members who never pay attention to slums, garbage dumping, and environment and when asked to do so simply rebuke the common man as they are more educated. Perhaps former are living life through education and experience than latter here.
    Secondly, in terms of learning language this theory of education says that one can’t learn language without going to school. It is partially true to the extent that people may not learn sophisticated language but they are learning other languages. They are learning language of communication, language of sympathy and empathy, and language of assimilation. Perhaps this learning is livelier than the language being taught at schools and colleges with no practical exposure. Same argument goes for learning culture and about society. People learn better in practise than in theory.
    Thirdly, theory of school education says that education prepares us for life by bringing us out of our comfort zone. This means that those who never see the doors of schools/colleges are living in comfort zone which is not true at all. Consider the example of an uneducated rickshaw puller of Delhi here. He came out of his comfort zone when he left his home to earn livelihood. He got exposure when he had to face hardships in purchasing rickshaw, then paying back borrowed money and then making choices between having meal in the evening or saving money to send to the family. Perhaps he was never in comfort zone but he learnt from experiences and hence is living better life than preparing for life.
    Fourthly, this theory of education believes that people who have not gone to school can’t earn their livelihood. This again can be refuted. Indian literacy rate is currently 74%.So does this mean that those 26% are not earning their livelihood and they are not preparing themselves for their lives? Answer is no as they are surviving even today and learning to earn. That is life for them.
    Lastly this education theory says that it develops our rational power. But philosophers have always said that what distinguishes human beings from other creatures is rationality. So those who don’t go school/college cant be said to be irrational and indecisive. Sachin Tendulkar was a class 10th dropout but on field he was always heavy upon his sophisticated and learned counterparts, be it Indian or foreigner. His records clear the picture that he was a better decision maker than others. Einstein was yet another school dropout who proved that he was more educated than others even in scientific knowledge.
    So education is not only about school/college education. It is preparation for life neither. It starts with the moment we open our eyes in this world and ends only when we close our eyes. Every moment, every phase, and everything gives us education if we want to learn. If we want to learn then an ant can teach us that to reach our destination we need to work hard and face failures many times. If we want to learn then a beggar at railway station can teach us that we should not waste our food as there are many who does not get it and sleep hungry.
    Thus, education which we receive at schools/college is undeniably important as it helps us learn quickly and make quick and calculative decisions even in the face of adversity. It helps in developing our emotional intelligence and Intelligence quotient. It helps us in being ethical and moral even to irrational creatures. It helps us in integrating in global village and have more economic opportunities but it is not preparation for life. If thought in Shakespeare’s way then it is simply playing out our character in a better way with better experiences and to make indelible imprint. But cycle of education starts the moment we enter the stage in which there comes a period where we have play the role of a school/college going kid. Even after coming out we use that education in adapting and learning more till we are at our death bed. So,education ends only when we leave the stage.

  58. @forumias-7f07ca326ce76cdde680e4b3d568bce8:disqus and friends please review

  59. “Writing laws is easy, but governing is difficult.”
    ― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

    As Leo Tolstoy says the real battle of governance begins only with effective implementation of laws

    The problems that Contemporary India is facing is that we have laws for tackling everyday common issues and social issues affecting the society. Right from petty issues such as traffic violations to serious offences like terrorism and tax evasion, we have laws for everything. However India lags far behind in implement of such laws.
    “We live in a stage of politics, where legislators seem to regard the passage of laws as much more important than the results of their enforcement.”
    – William Howard Taft

    In accordance to the words of the the then US President William Howard Taft, the process of tackling any social problem of the nation ends abruptly with the process of merely making legislations failing to focus on the next crucial step of effective implementation.
    With ineffective implementation of existing legislations, social issues such as corruption, women safety, accidents due to traffic violations, domestic violence etc. have remain unsolved. This in turn brings in the need for effective enforcement of laws. An effective implementation of laws could result in the removal of social evils, reduction of crimes and the creation of a harmonious and just society. The strength of a tree lies in its roots. Similarly the strength of a law lies in its effective implementation.

    Hindrances to effective enforcement can be grouped under two categories- by the State and by the individuals
    i) Obstacles via loopholes of State system
    “The trouble with the laws these days is that criminals know their rights better than their wrongs.”
    – Anonymous

    As the above saying goes, the following loopholes in the State system have been exploited leading to ineffective enforcement of laws
    • Corruption
    • Bending rules according to rich and poor
    • Delayed/weak punishments
    • Compulsion by superiors
    • Nepotism/Favoritism
    • Conflict of Interest
    • Abuse of power by politicians and bureaucrats
    ii) Obstacles by Individuals
    • Disrespect to rules
    • Failure of compliance with laws
    The following laws have seen the effective enforcement leading to large scale benefits to the society. With these laws, social evils such as child marriage, unemployment, sexual harassment, corruption, prevalence of non performing assets etc. have been curbed to some extent
    • Right to Information Act
    • National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
    • Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006
    • Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009
    • Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
    • The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961
    • Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act
    • Gram Nyayalayas Act, 2008
    • Consumer Protection (Amendment) Act
    • Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
    • Biological Diversity Act, 2002
    • Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005
    • Prevention of Corruption Act
    • Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006
    • The Scheduled Castes and Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989
    • Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006
    • Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010
    • Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013
    • Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2011
    • Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015


    The reasons for ineffective implementation be analysed by considering a few illustrations
    Prevention of Corruption Act
    The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 was enacted to combat corruption in government agencies and public sector businesses in India and the reasons for ineffective implementation are Poor conviction rates,Delay in the disposal of cases and prolonged departmental proceedings
    The Scheduled Castes and Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989
    The Scheduled Castes and Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 was enacted to prevent atrocities against Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The reasons for ineffective implementation include social bias in the society, lack of awareness of rights among people, failure to provide rehabilitation
    Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005
    The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 was enacted to protect women from Domestic Violence. Underreporting of cases, social mindset of people, abuse of power,bureaucratic corruption, vague statutes have made it ineffective
    Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013
    The Lokpal Act, is an anti-corruption act and the reasons of inefficiency include failure of States to establish lokayuktas, limited power of lokpal etc
    Gram Nyayalayas Act, 2008
    Gram Nyayalayas Act, 2008 was enacted for establishment of Gram Nyayalayas or village courts for speedy and easy access to justice system in the rural areas of India. However, the Act has not been enforced properly, with only few functional Gram Nyayalayas in the country against a target of 5000 such courts. The major reasons behind the non-enforcement includes financial constraints, reluctance of lawyers, police and other government officials
    Consumer Protection Act
    Consumer Protection Act, 1986 was enacted to protect the interests of consumers in India. The reasons for ineffective implementation are delayed court proceedings, lack of awareness of consumer rights, failure in reporting of cases, reduced empowerment of consumer courts etc.
    Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006
    Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 is a statute related to food safety and regulation in India and it suffers from lacunae such as financial constraints, corruption, under reporting of cases
    • Change in mindset of people to comply with laws
    • Bureaucratic honesty
    • Strict enforcement of legislations by enforcement agencies
    • Empowering of enforcement agencies
    • Quick disposal of cases by judiciary

    Law is nothing unless it si implemented by effective enforcement. Hence effective enforcement is the need of the hour to ensure strong legislations in India

  60. anurag trivedi Avatar
    anurag trivedi

    my medium is HINDI , so usually I only read here but topic was interesting so trying first time. bare with the lingual mistakes . ..
    A strong legislation requires effective enforcement.
    A legislation is a rule made by the government of a state. there are few phases in the life of a law, it starts as an Idea with in the bureaucratic people and then those structured ideas become a draft of the legislation and in case of deliberative democracy the next step is to have wide spread discussions with all the stake holders and make the legislation more inclusive , after that it gets executive clearance and then by going through house or houses of parliament where it will be scrutinized wholely by members and minutely by commettiees and after getting clearance from president the legislation becomes LAW of the land. now , law needs to be implemented , it is implemented by civil servants, representatives and for the better enforcement it also needs the awareness and acceptance among the people on whom it will be enforced.
    so , after completing one half of the journey that is from legislation to law , if the law is newly formed law and not a amendment to the existing one , after the passing of the legislation the executives have to form the subrules and guidelines of the law and attimes it becomes first hurdle in better enforcement which can be seen in case of benami transaction act where since 1988 laws were not formed and lead to the poor implementation.
    after forming the law, if the law is on concurrent list , union shall/can ask state to formulate laws adhering to frame work of union legislation and here again enforcement gets delayed because of the same process getting repeated , however in case of state list their can be a conflict between the two and union law will prevail except to that of when president gives nod to the state law and in such case state government have a tendancy to be not so active in mobilizing state machinery in enforcement of such a law.this will also be a challenge to recently passed PERSON WITH DISABILITIES bill.
    THE laws of union list often meet with the reluctance of cooperation from state because state is more close to the people so in the better position to enforce and also it has more bureaucratic control and control on local self government bodies, here example of RTE can be taken , where its upto states to ensure presence of teacher, regulation and smooth functioning in schools. Representative of PRIs{ pradhan or sarpanch} is the convenor in case of mid-day meal so a part in enforcement chain.
    Other part and key players in act of enforcement are facing many issues that is lack of resources, inefficiency and lack of rights, for example a pradhan of village can only take a decision on a project upto 50,000 which bars him from procurring necessary machines for the primary health care center or for any construction in school. we have many enforcement agencies for various laws ranging from ED to ACB , CBI , NHRC , MCI and every agency has its own problem and they are different in nature like MCI faces increasing private sector participation and eroding ethics wheras NHRC are a toothless tiger without power of binding orders to government and its agencies.
    but there are few key issues in implementation after addressing which we can move in positive direction that is creating awareness among people {right based development} , enabling the e mode of service delievery , try to change the role of government and bureaucracy to service fecilitator and service delievery persons , by effective use of services like PFMS we can more faithfully delegate power to the lower hierarchy as they are close to people so effective enforcement agent, a strong political will, bureaucrats with high ethical values and integrity, participation of people in form of civil society in enforcement , enforcement should be flexible blended with emotional intelligence of a emforceror otherwise it will sway away from the main purpose of a law { considering the policies of a welfare state} .
    so for the effective enforcement the whole process after being cleared as a legislation should be inclusive, transparent , clear and it should not only delegate the powers to the people who enforce it but also it should have a proper regulatory mechanism to keep checks and balances on those people who enforces the law.

    WHEN i read it myself I thought of leleting it because I wrote it in 30 minutes or so , but posting it so that i could learn whether the brain storming exercise is average or too low.

  61. No frnd I didn’t start to write the essay ,today is the first time I’m viewing the model answers nd got an idea…i too il start writing hereaftr 🙂

  62. Harmayani Avatar

    I understood your point.. You are actually right.. And review makes us improve.. Keep Reviewing.. Shubharatri 🙂

  63. sir review plzzzz

  64. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird


  65. Your essay is good 🙂

  66. Gajendra Singh Avatar
    Gajendra Singh

    Thank you bro!!
    Will keep your suggestions. 🙂

  67. U didn’t write?

  68. Of course!! U can connect with contemporary examples your essays are the best reg that but here they are asking that “education is life in itself” this needs some additional points than what u have mentioned

    Moreover It’s just my opinion and I may be wrong too

    so don’t get disheartened and hope @ForumIAS:disqus would throw some light

  69. Harmayani Avatar

    Sure 🙂

  70. Good essay :-),its a different one,keep on writing

  71. My pleasure…

  72. Thanks for encouragement…..
    But I need to improve much more

  73. Harmayani Avatar

    Understood well.. thank you Abhilash ji for great insight.. Mere doubt ko toh perfectly solve kar diya aapne 🙂

  74. It’s not like u r beating around bush but u can bring varied points

  75. May be true…..but as per views of many toppers it is not bad to start an essay with a story
    And as far as I know starting with a quote or a story would be a better start
    Keep writing and reviewing ?

  76. Your essay is superb!!! As u have covered all the dimensions 🙂

  77. See
    जब प्रगौतिहासिक काल में मनुष्य को कुछ भी नहीं पता था फिर भी उसने अपने जीवन के अनुभवों से सब सीखा(आग का अविष्कार)किया..इसका मतलब है कि शिक्षा ही जीवन को अच्छा बनाती है ऐसा नहीं है क्योंकि शिक्षा यही जीवन है अर्थात शिक्षा जो हम लेते है वह जीवन के अनुभवों से ही प्राप्त है।
    या आप ये भी कह सकते है कि जो इंसान किताब पड़ते है जरूरी नहीं की वो हमेशा अछा इंसान ही बने,,,परंतु जो अपने जीवन के अनुभवों से सीखता है वो कभी बुरा नहीं बनता..क्योंकि वह असली शिक्षा होती है।

  78. See the difference can shown as
    जब प्रगौतिहासिक काल में मनुष्य को कुछ भी नहीं पता था..शिक्षा भी नहीं थी तब मनुष्य ने अपने जीवन से मिलने वाले अनुभवो को ही किताबो में शिक्षा बना लिया।अर्थात शिक्षा ये जीवन नहीं बल्कि जीवन (अनुभव) ही शिक्षा है।

  79. thebatman_returns Avatar

    haha…itna innovative description and thinking…bas yahi karna he essay me 😛

  80. Harmayani Avatar

    Mera toh Dimag khali ho gya or bhukh lag gayi.. Itni padhai karte hain or dimag ka storage purane zamane ke cassatte jaisa bus 30-40 songs.. kab bnega mera dimag memory card jitna shaktishali 2000 songs+ pdfs+ games #Humor

  81. thebatman_returns Avatar

    aise to muje bhi nai aata essay itna…ye to education pe aa gaya to likh diya baki abhi kafi improvement chahiye…practice se ho jayega…par 1000 words likhte likhte dum nikal jata he…:D

  82. Harmayani Avatar

    Hmm ye toh kar rahi hun… Essay ko aise nahi jane de sakte 😛

  83. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    @forumias-7f07ca326ce76cdde680e4b3d568bce8:disqus and others please review!

  84. thebatman_returns Avatar

    yes…abhi wo no-detention ka chal raha he…
    ye health poverty education topics ke liye related yojana padhna chalu karo…may be agar yahi likhna aaya to likh denge usme se ache se…and abhi RSTV and AIR dono pe year end series chal rahi he uske imp point note down karlo…

  85. thebatman_returns Avatar

    ya..abhi wo no-detention ka chal raha he…
    ye health poverty education topics ke liye related yojana padhna chalu karo…may be agar yahi likhna aaya to likh denge usme se ache se…and abhi RSTV and AIR dono pe year end series chal rahi he uske imp point note down karlo…

  86. Harmayani Avatar

    You’re right! Offcourse mai philosophy ke layak nahi hu waise bhi.. isiliye isi topic ka essay maine syllabus wise likh diya.. Dimag me jo bhi tha vo likh diya..
    Last days Hindu bhi kuch primary education ki series chala raha tha vo bhi dal diya..
    I feel I am random writer..#Introspecting

  87. Harmayani Avatar

    Hmm thoda improve karungi.. Title ko dhyan me rakhke aage badhungi!
    Actually mujhe in dono me jo difference hai vo dikh nahi rha hai.. like education has made life better.. toh education ne hi life bnai hai to life education se hi bani hai best yehi kehne ki toh try kar rahi thi.. Well philosophy pe thoda kam karungi.. 🙂

  88. thebatman_returns Avatar

    haha…aaj ke dusre wale essay me itna content nai tha mere pass…
    and ha exam me try to avoid philosophical essay…koi option na ho to hi end me wo wala likhne ka…

  89. @harmayni…today as I was busy but I make structure of this eassy…now I found. It was nearly abt same …just one thing I note that…u r not focussing to say the main title of eassy जीवन के लिए शिक्षा नहीं बल्कि जीवन ही शिक्षा है….ur focus highlife on शिक्षा ही उच्च है या शिक्षा का महत्व so I think yahi bat dhyan me rakhiye…baki to sb jabardast….!!!

  90. Harmayani Avatar

    You and me did the same.. :D..
    Actually I read somewhere that even the essay looks philosophical you can give contemporary examples and can be on line of syllabus..
    Pta nahi karna kya chaiye #ConFused!

  91. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    A strong legislation requires an effective enforcement.
    “Oh the principal has said that there will be a fine on latecomers from tomorrow” exclaimed Ramesh.
    “ha-ha as if its really going to happen, just the way our attendance goes to our parents on a daily basis and we are punished SEVERELY for late submissions of assignments” laughed Suresh
    “ha-ha-ha-ha then I think I do not need to pre-pone my morning alarm timings” sighed Ramesh
    “Yeah sure! by the way have you submitted last month’s assignments? I haven’t submitted since last two months” replied Ramesh
    “Neither did I. Don’t worry nothing will happen. Nobody will punish you severely for that. ha-Ha Have this chocolate and enjoy” Said Suresh

    Yes that is what happens when there is no enforcement of the laws made. They become the subject of MOCKERY and nobody takes them seriously. The culture of “Nothing will happen” gets a boost and the order of the society takes a hit. Not only this but the entire exercise starting from the brainstorming about the issue till the framing of the law goes waste.

    A legislation does not become strong only because of the impact it creates but the way it is enforced plays a major role in getting the desired objectives fulfilled. Till the time the enforcement is not taken care of, even the best legislation will become a failure.

    Let us see the picture of very own nation – India.

    Everybody here talks about women rights, women empowerment, feminism etc. We have well thought of legislation in place as well. So many NGOs are also working for the cause but still we witness so many cases where women suffer a lot. They are paid less as compared to their male counterpart. They are still considered an inferior sex who should remain within the four walls of the house. There are plentiful of cases specially in Haryana and Rajasthan where women do not even get the right of being born i.e. practice of female foeticide is prevalent. Not only this, our very own capital – Delhi is infamous for an alarmingly high number of rape cases. The number of cases of domestic violence and dowry deaths are also very high.
    Don’t we have effective, sound and stringent legislation for each of the cases?
    Don’t we have near-adequate infrastructure to provide security to our women?
    Yes we do have it and despite this we have failed miserably. The problem is not in the legislative part but the execution and enforcement is the weak link.
    No matter how many Prohibition of dowry act, equal remuneration act, prevention of domestic violence act etc we legislate, no matter how many National Tribunals we make, or CCTV cameras we install, no matter how much we talk about giving 1/3rd representation to women in parliament, the position of women will not change for good if these are not executed properly and the convicted are not dealt severely.

    Not only the women is suffering, the same chaos and problems are everywhere, be it is with the elderly or the children, farmers or the labourers, salaried class or the businessmen, Scheduled Class or the Scheduled Tribes; the lack of effective enforcement has resulted in the dilution of individual’s rights and spread of arbitrariness and corruption.

    This has created enough troubles for the nation’s security as well. In the Jan 2016 Pathankot Air Force Base attack, we witnessed an utter mis-coordination between various security forces and the execution was thus in a chaos. Although we succeeded in thwarting the attempts of terrorists at the end and saved critical infrastructure of the Air Force Base, but the unnecessary chaos could have been avoided resulting in better execution. Realizing the importance of effective coordination, there have been suggestions of framing National Security Doctrine which will act as effective guide in such critical situations. However even that doctrine will not become effective if it is not executed properly.

    Similar is the case of natural disasters, we have a specialized force called National Disaster Response Force formed under Disaster Management Act 2005 to respond in case of a threatening disaster situation or a disaster. But we have witnessed it time and again that in almost all of the big natural disasters like flood or landslides or earthquakes, it is the Army that is taking care of entire rescue operations. Even after having a speacilized force to respond to natural disasters, if the Army is required to be called in more than 90% + of the cases, it is a clear sign of failed legislation and poor enforcement.

    There have been many instances where the poor execution has nullified the impact of sound legislations. For example there are legislations that mandate a minimum number of health centers in a community, the minimum staff, the minimum infrastructure but we have often seen that the doctors allotted to that particular health centers do not even visit it and rather carry on their private practice. The end objective of such legislation i.e. to provide quality health services to one and all gets a major hit. Had there been proper enforcement and stringent actions, the same legislation would have had changed the existing scenario of rural health ecosystem. Similar is the case with other sectors also like education, administration, sports etc.

    The biggest obstacle in the path of effective enforcement is the prevalent high level corruption and red tapism. Such practices give the offenders an easy way to come out clean without much troubles. It act as a lubricant in the machinery of wrongdoings. There have been multiple cases where the rich and influential do not get caught even after having serious charges against them. The biggest example can be quoted here is of the NPA Case of a famous liquor baron.

    Hence it is quite clear that it is the implementation, execution and enforcement that counts. Proper execution of an average legislation will lead much better results than poor implementation of a well crafted high end legislation.

    But there is another side to it. We cannot ignore the importance of availability of proper infrastructure and resources for effective enforcement. The work has to begin at the grass-root level. We must build effective schools to have better teachers later on, we must have good number of medical colleges to have required number of doctors later on and the like. There must be proper skilling and training centers for skill development so as to have effective workforce. There must be included in the syllabi at all levels of education the classes on ethics, integrity and aptitude. Once we achieve in providing adequate infrastructure, the effective execution will not remain a bigger problem to solve. And once the enforcement becomes effective, the legislation will regain their lost strengths.

  92. Harmayani Avatar

    Yes.. you can say that.. because right now I don’t know how to write philosophically..
    And will work on that rather than beating around bush..
    Thanks 🙂

  93. Vikas Chandra Das Avatar
    Vikas Chandra Das

    I meant that examiner may have a conservative view of essay. And he might not the idea of a story. Just my feeling. Otherwise, when you are bold and confident enough, you need not be bothered about anything else. Just be yourself.

  94. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    Sanskrit is the only language among the world which was understood by computer after binary language i.e 0 and 1.
    Can you elaborate.

    → Shiksha mitra employed in every school to make learning in new ways
    It infact depicts the failure of UP to produce qualifies teachers.

    Quotes are good – copying them.

    Some excellent examples – but you needed to widen perspective. Most of the concentration was on Indian perspective and achievements of India.

    Topic was – Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.
    So, you needed to revolve around this topic only. Why has it been compared to life itself. 🙂

    A very good try – keep writing

  95. Good quotes
    But u mainly focused on imp of education
    But I think we need to focus on how it is not just about what we get in school etc….
    My opinion

    Pls review mine

  96. Harmayani Avatar

    Mujhe to itni philosophical baatein ati hi nahi hai 🙁 #SAd
    Good read ! #KeepInspiring

  97. Didn’t get it
    Can u pls elobarate

  98. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America


  99. thebatman_returns Avatar

    haha…read the question carefully ! so as comment 😛

  100. Vikas Chandra Das Avatar
    Vikas Chandra Das

    I read yours. No doubt it was interesting and liked it. But in my opinion a little risky.

  101. thebatman_returns Avatar

    classic one…:) Innovative way

  102. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America
  103. Harmayani Avatar

    Education is known for the overall development not only in recent times but from ancient times.
    Importance of education can be understood through following Subhashita

    विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयाद्याति पात्रताम् ।
    पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोति धनाद्धर्मं ततः सुखम् ॥ ५ ॥

    vidyA dadAti vinayaM, vinayAdyAti pAtratAM |
    pAtratvAddhanamApnoti, dhanAddharmaM tataH sukhaM || 5 ||

    It means education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth. So a person who don’t own even beauty, even money, but own education, is in himself rich and prosperous.

    With the discovery of Indus Civilization, whose script is yet to decipher, it can be assumed that people of the town were well-educated because they bring urbanization so early as well trade at the time, when the other areas of the same time had earlyman hunting and living in caves.
    Education brings the development of society.

    When we read Vedas, Upnishads and various Puranas of ancient literature. It highlights that how intellectuals used their knowledge and tried to create a system to run society ethically and morally to bring greater good and pleasure among all.
    Panini with his Sanskrit literature knowledge created Sankrit Grammar. Sanskrit is the only language among the world which was understood by computer after binary language i.e 0 and 1.

    During early vedic times, India witnessed many scholars who highlighted different philosophy and taught society how to live in. Even village headmen were not only appointed on the basis of property they had, but also knowledge of Vedas was important. Girls were also encouraged to learn. Gargi and Maitreyi were among the women scholar who were respected equally among the men scholars.

    Many institutions were established in India like Nalanda and Takshila (presently in Afghanistan) to enhance the knowledge of not only Indians but also foreigners. Education opens up new subjects like Economics, public administration and taxation to establish the stable king rule in the society. Hence, advent of money in the forms of coins became possible replacing barter system and gave better administration of the wealth of the society.

    Education had enlighten us with many inventions like zero invented by Aryabhatta. It gave us subjects which enhanced the quality of life like mathematics, literature, astronomy, astrology etc.

    Not only in ancient India, but in medieval India as well education well played its role. Scholar like Sawai Jai singh built Jantar Mantar at Jaipur with his qualitative knowledge of mathematics and astronomy.

    Education widen the paradigm of mind which sees beyond horizon. This helps in developing the ability of analyzing and restructuring thoughts. With wisdom of education person can feel the necessity of the people and society and create wonder, like creating electricity as by Edison, enhance the quality of living standard of people.

    Education let us know our rights. That is why, educated class of India taught masses to fight for their freedom from British in every possible way. Gandhiji, the educated lawyer enlighten India and the world with his knowledge of non-violence. Education create revolution which is in favor of society.

    In this 21st century, education has become more widen. If a person is well educated, he can have job according to his competence, ultimately resulting in enhancement of GDP of the nation.

    Education at primary level : Our constitution has given right to education to children from 6 to 14 years of age.
    Though country is facing the problems related to
    → child labor,
    → child trafficking,
    → girl child discrimination,
    → school dropouts,
    → deteriorated quality of government school,
    → absenteeism of child as well teachers,
    → untrained teachers,
    → extravagant duties of teachers in election and other things affecting quality of education

    Hence, government has taken many measures to derive solution for above problems in every possible way like
    → Sarva shiksha abhiyan as free education to teach every child
    → Mid day meal to treat absenteeism as well nourish child’s health
    → Shiksha mitra employed in every school to make learning in new ways
    → Beti bachao beti padhao to enhance gender equality
    → Development of toilets and infrastructure of government school

    Education at higher level: Today’s India is taking steps for overall development of its youth by enhancing the quality education via world class institutions like
    Ø Indian Institute of Management (IIM)
    Ø Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)
    Ø All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS)
    Ø Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)

    And many more.

    Problems faced by these are :
    → Privatisation doesn’t let government interfere in the mangement
    → Low ranking among other universities in the world
    → Tradition approach of teaching
    → Quota system prevalent here

    It is needed to create affordable and best possible overall education paradigm for youth to use the best talent among the country for its development.
    Needed to create skill among youth and make them sensitive towards societal , environmental and developmental issues to use national resources in sustainable and innovative ways.

    Education create an mindset which create a personality of a person. Without education, life is just like an ship without its radar. It is combination of philosophical and practical knowledge of life. To sustain life with best practices, education create wisdom if conditioned with best values in a mindset of person.

    At the end best said by Chanakya

    विद्वत्त्वं च नृपत्वं च नैव तुल्यं कदाचन ।
    स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते ॥

    vidvata.n cha nRRipata.n cha naiva tulya.n kadaachana
    svadeshe puujyate raajaa vidvaan sarvatra puujyate

    Meaning: Scholar and king are never comparable. King is worshipped in his country, but scholar is worshipped everywhere.

  104. Superb intro
    Ur idea of comparing oxygen and education is fab….
    Overall- good

  105. thebatman_returns Avatar

    So, I have also asked for gmail 😉

  106. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America

    No I use gmail, but not the community.. 🙂

  107. thebatman_returns Avatar

    seems like u also don’t use gmail..;p..anyway np 🙂

  108. I think u focussed more on how education has been influencing our way of life

    We need to write about how its part of life i.e., education is not just confined to one we get when we get to school etc…

    -my opinion

    Please review mine

  109. Vikas Chandra Das Avatar
    Vikas Chandra Das

    This is not my strong area. but I will tell you what I felt after going through the essay.
    IMO, you have given more than required examples. Would be better if you could take few example and go deep into it with regard to the question and relate it with other examples then.
    All the best.

  110. Try one more time! Avatar
    Try one more time!

    Thanks buddy, your review was a mini-essay in itself. Will definitely work on this…thanks

  111. Gajendra Singh Avatar
    Gajendra Singh

    Good essay. You’ve touched various dimensions.
    Some observations:
    -Mention about the ancient education system, taxila and nalanda.
    -We need to break British system ‘Macaulay system’ of clerk mindset.
    -Educaiton not to get employment but to provide employment-‘Start ups’
    – Less penetration of education among female, minorities.
    -Quote example of Ram mohan roy how education changed his life and he advocated women rights, equality of reglious (which is immensly important to tackle communalism), APJ kalam how education made his life and he became missile man, example of Ambedkar is gleaming example of importance of education.
    -Touch philosophical aspects also-patriotic values, education for women dignity, love for poor
    -Education must only to brain drain.etc.

  112. Thanks….criticisms if any are welcome
    Keep reviewing

  113. Thanks…..
    Keep reviewing

  114. Thanks….
    Keep reviewing

  115. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    Yeah that will enrich the essay! Thank you Try 🙂

  116. Gajendra Singh Avatar
    Gajendra Singh

    Thank you very much for reviewing my essay.
    Yes… You’ve pointed right. I will keep your words.
    Thanks again.

  117. Try one more time! Avatar
    Try one more time!

    Over all good, but i think some words should also be on education system in India and how to improve that, what do u say?

  118. Try one more time! Avatar
    Try one more time!

    Nice use of words…good intro….but wasted too much on explaining various act….sentence can also be restructured to save words for eg Someone has said ‘Justice delayed is justice denied’ which is absolutely correct to ‘Someone has rightly said,Justice delayed is justice denied’ which is absolutely correct’
    Rest all is good, need more concrete conclusion….keep writing 🙂

  119. Alok Panigrahi Avatar
    Alok Panigrahi

    Okey… I will hence forth write.. it’s a nice experience. Thanks sir 🙂

  120. Alok Panigrahi Avatar
    Alok Panigrahi

    No no… I respect Ur view.. thanks .. I too felt some where I lost d connection.

  121. Try one more time! Avatar
    Try one more time!

    A child without education is just like a bird without wings. If we look at all the political thinkers, motivators, social scientists or any reformers one thing is Atleast common in all of their views and that is education is must and it should be the first building block for any child life. Education gives child an overall growth which teaches s/he how to differentiate between good and bad; wise and unwise; morality and immoral. Education is just like imparting a development in human life, development of not only personal as well as professional and mental growth.

    Education is the dividing line between a mature and immature. Education gives us the thinking, reasoning and right decision making ability. Education is not only the basic right of any child but it is life itself in its own else there is no difference between educated man and animals. Education teaches us basic of life, how to take decision based on various inputs. Without education life succumbs to external interference.

    When education is such a huge virtue in one’s life, we must also think if the education system which is given the task of imparting basic and higher education working properly? Is the system sustainable in new world? Is the system is efficient in development of children? And is there any scope of change to the 2-3 century old education system?

    Answering these question may not be an easy task for India because if it is ‘yes’ for most of the answer then we are in grave serious situation as if education system itself is not working properly then how can we assume that children taught in this system will develop as a mature personality in future? How they will be able to achieve things they desire for in their childhood times? How they are going to survive in this world?

    To answer some of this question, govt has worked a lot in past and is also doing so. After getting Independence we started with IITs (Indian Institute of Technologies), AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Science) and NCERT (National Council of Education and Research Technology) to handle education system and to streamline the process at national level. Based on various committees on education changes has been done from time to time to change the education system as per the growing demands. National programme like bring up more institutions, allowing private institutions so to cover more students, govt schemes like Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Sarva Sikha Abhiyaan, Mid-Day Meal etc and imparting Hindi, English and State local language in education system to make Indian population aware of Indian common language and world common language.

    More autonomy to states’ is being provided to design the curriculum as per the its condition by providing more funds. Other NGOs are also working in lifting education level in rural areas by providing night classes, books etc. We are spending nearly 2% of GDP into education and also have collaboration with other countries for student exchanges, special classes, scholarships etc. Indian govt also provide special assistance to SC/ST and rural children to excel in education.

    Having so many measures taken by govt in past decades are not yielding any significant result as expected. India is lagging very far compared to International level. Indian top institutions are nowhere in world rank which shows that there is still a lot to do in this field. Firstly, good teacher has good effect on children and their education. We should give special effort in recruiting teachers for primary and secondary schools especially for Govt School. Secondly, teachers should not be involved in other work like election process, survey etc which also affect their performance. Third, India should change the system of redundant teaching scheme where passing an exam held yearly is the only criteria but along with that should also include things like physical exercise, art & culture, counselling, creativity etc. Fourth, child development should be given more stress rather than passing the exam with highest marks, children tend to follow the rat race affecting his/her creativity.

    Good education from the starting of life by parents also have a very huge impact on child overall development. Parents should not force their decisions on children and should teach them morality, decency, manners etc. Good education will have ever lasting effect on child development and will help in achieving his/her as well as country dreams.

    Education is life and life is education. Without education, a man is just an entity un-known of this world and sink in itself. They are not only get backward or push by others into darkness but also faces situations like poverty, backwardness, depression etc. So it is must that all the children should have minimum level of basic education which is required to sustain. India has long history of education Nalanda being the prime example. Personality like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, B R Ambedkar etc gave full importance of education in child life.

    Indian govt should plan more on this front as today’s children are tomorrow India’s future. Providing seed with quality irrigation facility for good crop is similar like providing good education to children for a better future. India should increase funds for education from current 2% to 8-10% of GDP. We should also start and implement projects which can attract rural, disabled, SC/ST children and their parents more since still 70% of Indian lives in rural. We should also check on time to time how the schemes are working and check corruption and loopholes if any. Corruption in education is like cancer and it should be dealt with strictly.

    Education is all a child need and depriving him/her from education is similar to depriving them from fundamental rights. India has enacted RTE act to provide free education to children upto 14 years but results are not good which need some improvements. We as a country can become super power and developed only if all the children are granted with education which will help in developing mind and helping them in taking well thought processed decisions. There is a lot more to do and lot more to achieve. India should not sleep unless its achieve 100% literacy rate so that this children can help India becoming once again global power.

  122. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird


  123. thnks@ captain….i wrote what i thought that time..

  124. thnks yar….

  125. thnk u sir….sir in last essay u told me to focus on presentation style. so sir this time i tried that…thnk u sir for such valuable comment.

  126. yes u r write…i will try next time..

  127. yar i also donot know much how to evaluate. i read your essay. wht i found that u were knowing what to write but there was some issue with presentation. secondly what i think in this essay we were to write about relation between education and life. ur essay was more on perspective of education. yar i wrote what i think…may be i m wrong

  128. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America

    I don’t use the community.. 🙂

  129. Jyoti Singh Avatar
    Jyoti Singh

    Yaa for sure. I definitely give my view point on your eassy. I hope you are way out of league to me…..!!! All The Besttttt…..

  130. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America

    The essay was nice but handwriting difficult to read.. No offence, but if possible type.. Will be easier for us to review..
    Anyway KWAR.. 🙂

  131. Jyoti Singh Avatar
    Jyoti Singh

    Thank you so much. I really appreciate your viewpoint. I will try my level best to scribble down a good essay. I know my essay is not that much good as it should be. I will work on it. Thank you once again…..!!!

  132. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America

    Nicely written.. used the quotes nicely.. KWAR.. 🙂

  133. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America

    Learned a new way of writing an essay.. Liked the content too.. Keep writing.. 🙂

  134. AKASH PATEL Avatar

    got it, will try to implement in my next essay.

  135. Gajendra Singh Avatar
    Gajendra Singh

    Please add more words.

  136. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America

    Liked the way you write.. Generates curiosity.. keep writing.. 🙂

  137. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America

    Nice essay with tons of quotes.. liked it.. 🙂

  138. Aakash aapke pichle eassy se ye better h…good start…but when u write eassy keep some points in mind
    1)eassy first para nd last para should be more impressive….like sharir ki jan
    2)try to make flow…
    Ex..मैने खाना खाया।बाद में हम घूमने गए।
    Correct- हम बाहर घूमने गए जब मेरा भोजन ख़त्म हो गया।
    See 1st statement me chance h ki aage wala fist line padke padna chod de…lekin 2nd statement aage wala majboor hoga pura sentenCe padne ke liye….
    Ye just ek sentence ka example h…jise hame paragraph me karna hota h…I hope u understand..k.
    If got any prblm…ask me

  139. Sir he is aakash…I m Abhilash

  140. Rhythm 2017 Avatar
    Rhythm 2017

    very nice @Rashi27:disqus
    Your usage of examples is very nice.
    The main focus of essay is to establish that education is inalienable part of our life, you have done that aptly
    please review mine

  141. Rhythm 2017 Avatar
    Rhythm 2017

    Very nice @sss10:disqus .. your writing is lucid and the example of 1857 revolt is very apt.
    keep writing ..
    Please review mine

  142. Rhythm 2017 Avatar
    Rhythm 2017

    Thank you Sir !

  143. Gajendra Singh Avatar
    Gajendra Singh

    A strong legislation requires an effective enforcement.

    In this famous speech ‘Tryst with destiny’ our first Prime Minister Nehru pointed out:
    “The service of India means the service of the millions who suffer. It means the ending of poverty and ignorance and disease and inequality of opportunity. The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every tear from every eye. That may be beyond us, but so long as there are tears and suffering, so long our work will not be over.”

    With this vision and cherishing the values of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity, we marched on the era on independence. The era where all will be equal, all sections of society will have justice and everybody will be free to cultivate his own destiny.
    Have we achieved all that even after 69 years of independence?? Has everybody got what, that was his expectation? Do we have equality, justice & fraternity? We have best of best legislations present in the entire world, but still we can’t claim that we have expected what was expected.

    The dignity of individual as enshrined in the constitution has special meaning to women. Various laws have been made to uplift the pitiable condition of Indian women. For instance: The Dowry Prohibition Act, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 and The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace. These laws have stringent penalties and imprisonments, but they have done little to secure the dignity of women. Even out capital Delhi has the highest rate of crimes against women overall. Crimes against women have more than doubled over the past ten years, according to the National Crime Records Bureau. IN the cases of human trafficking most of them include women who are trafficked to be forced into prostitution.
    In case of children there are strong laws as well. These include: The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, Child Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act etc. in spite of these rigorous legislation the crimes against children is on rise. Every year the rate of crime against children is shooting up.

    On the other hand if we have a look on crimes against SC/STs, we come across to an unpleasant reality. The centuries old practice of untouchability is still practiced, people from depressed class are even denied access to cremation ground and more tragically they are denied the way to cremation ground. Manual scavenging is still a stigma on India’s reputation in the world. This is not like that there are not stringent laws for the protection of these vulnerable section of society. Even the constitution provides many a safeguards including Article 15(4)17, 46 etc. IN addition to these, there are a number of laws for instance: Protection of civil Rights Act, Scheduled castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. But the statistics show an almost 40% increase in incidence of crime against Dalits across India between 2011 and 2014.
    This is not the situation, in only the cases discussed above but this is more or less same in the areas including environment, corruption, terrorism, drugs, black money etc. what is common in all the cases that we have top and matchless legislation but some where we are lagging and the result have not been up to the expectations. The lacuna appears at the level of enforcement of laws. A law whatsoever stringent will prove useless unless and until its implementation is done diligently.

    We have several law enforcement agencies, but unfortunately many of them are grappled with some sort of inconsistency. If we take the example of police which is front runner, we come across with different problems. Police is still under the influence of British legacy. Today when the state is a welfare state the concept of police state is inconsistent. Even today the mindset of police is to rule the public not to serve the public. Police is still used as a political tool to suppress opposition. Corruption and inhumane face are other problems related with the police. People of the vulnerable section are often denied the assistance. Many a times FIR is not lodged and they are thrown out. So if there is a crime and enforcement agency is not willing to help, the stringent laws will remain showpiece.

    The other law enforcement agency is judiciary which also has several issues. The long pendency of cases and shortage of judges are frequently discussed crises of the Indian judiciary. Someone has said ‘Justice delayed is justice denied’ which is absolutely correct. Our judiciary proceeding are infamous for its sluggishness. Decades pass till the justice is delivered. Sometimes the justice delivered has no value at all. Shortage of judges is the other menace, it is estimated that Over three crore cases remain pending in Indian courts. Even CJI has estimated that to clear all cases 70000 judges are needed.

    The other institutes like CBI has also been used as political tool, Supreme Court has also called CBI as the parrot of the cage. Even today various institutions are remained vacant. CVC, Lokpal and various state Human rights commission are devoid of their heads. ON the front of enforcement some institutes lack teeth, their proceeding are just recommending not punitive. There include NHRC, CAG, National commission of SC/STs etc. in this situation the strongest laws are pointless.

    To cope with the dilemma we need to work both on laws and their enforcement. In this process the special focus is needed on enforcement front. We need to fix the gaps of laws and their implementations. Fortunately we on the path of progress. Various reforms are taking place, today we are talking of SMART police and police reforms. We are doing away with useless laws, on the other hand various tribunal are being setting up which have lessened the burden of judiciary. Lok-adalats are playing a major role. In the whole process the responsibility is not only of government and its agencies but the biggest responsibility is of people on India. People have compelled govt to make glorious laws like right to information act, right to education act etc. unless we stand up the meaning of rule of law will be baseless. Due to the impact of pressure groups, voting power and desire to change we can have the India of our dream.
    Dr. Ambedkar has rightly said:
    “Law and order are the medicine of the body politic and when the body politic gets sick, medicine must be administered.”

  144. Thanks Raashi….
    Criticisms are welcome if any☺

  145. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    “There’s child trafficking , there’s women abuse, there’s unemployment & poverty, there’s open defecation, there’s traffic rules violation, there’s crime, there’s corruption and then there is education – the ultimate solution!”

    The line kept echoing in the ears of Samaksh. He could not get his mind away from it after he read it at the back of his Social Studies text book. He kept wondering what is so special about education. Why it is so powerful? How a single thing can be the ultimate solution of all the problems of life.

    Such curiosity pushed him to seek answers and he was able to fill a few blanks of the larger puzzle of life.
    If there’s corruption – educate them in best practices
    If there’s poverty – Education can let them come out of it
    If there’s crime – educate them about the right and wrong and help in getting meaningful employment
    If there’s abuse – educate everybody about their fundamental and other rights
    If there’s open defecation – educate one and all about the importance of sanitation
    and so on!

    Even after finding some answers, Samaksh could not understand whether education was simply a means to a good life or an end in itself.

    The dilemma is not a simple one. Education is something which can change your life or you can say it is the supreme form of life. Why not take the example of water, if it is kept at a single place, it will stagnate; it needs to move constantly. So is life; if one does not move ahead in one’s life, stagnation is bound to occur. And such movement in life is fueled only and only by learning new things, acquiring maturity and growing oneself – all the direct effects of education.

    Education brings in understanding, concentration, confidence, dedication and what not. It makes one a better person and forces to give the best out of oneself in every walk of life. It is that fuel which ignites the spirits of broken and lost, provides energy to tired and exhausted and hope to depressed and despaired. With education, one can even aspire to go into the outer space or swim across the deepest trenches. It gives one the understanding to differentiate between right and wrong, good and bad.

    Education is the one thing which can take any individual, society or nation to the pinnacle of success. It has the power of eradicating the ills of the society and make it a better place. It empowers an individual to be independent – be it financially, spiritually or emotionally. An educated person is an asset to any society and the return s/he generates is enormous. Any nation can be developed when its human resource is highly educated. It will lead to better ideas, better innovations and better standard of living.

    But there is a difference between having a literate human resource or an educated one. Learning has two aspects – one which helps you acquire knowledge and skills and the other which develops you. The former is a means (literacy) and the latter is the end (education). Just being a literate will not transform one’s life, the correct application of literacy acquired is what is taught by education. We have seen situations where highly literate people turn towards the wrong sides of society e.g terrorists like Osama Bin Laden used the specialized knowledge acquired by them for destructive purposes. On the contrary we have many illiterate people contributing enormously to the development of society. So it is not the literacy in you that counts, but the education. Literacy can be one of the means to attain the desired end i.e. education which in itself is a way of life.

    As just mentioned literacy is just one of the means to attain education. The other paths to the end can be observations and experiences, successes & failures, surroundings & environment, reading & writing etc. They all lead to one destination i.e education. If we club all of these together, what we will get in our hand is our entire life. Thus it is very right to say that education is not a preparation of life but life itself.

  146. Wolverine Avatar

    @forumias-7f07ca326ce76cdde680e4b3d568bce8:disqus Please review

  147. Vikas Chandra Das Avatar
    Vikas Chandra Das

    Sir, Would you please tell me about the required perspective? I might have missed it, I admit – as this is my first essay. P

    You could give me few hints with specific words, concepts etc. and how to improve – any advice?

  148. Wolverine Avatar

    Education is not preparation for life, Education is life itself

    Life starts from a mother’s womb and continues till we take our last breath. And throughout this journey of man’s existence he acts as a functional agent to the social atmosphere, to the environment around, to the politico-economic system and many other fields. As Nelson Mandela once said, that

    “Never stop learning because life never stops teaching”

    It would be fitting to draw its parallelism with Education. As learning never stops, so does the act of receiving, interpreting and using it – i.e. education. It is a continuous process that starts with the development of mind and sensory organs, which enables a child to recognise voices while still being in a womb; who, while taking birth gets introduced to altogether a new horizon of this world, where imitations, actions, family members, smells and sounds contribute to his initial education.

    Schools and colleges are the next step – these are perceived as institutions for making an individual literate, competent and cognitively able for the upcoming challenges in life, but they are much more than that. As a famous Indian author Premchand has put it,

    “To be successful in life what you need is education, not literacy and degrees”,

    These institutions are the first step in inculcating civic behaviour within students. They sow the first seeds of friendship, introduce the concept of competition, make student respect and regard their teachers, make them learn to be moral, ethical and kind to others, and more importantly they help individuals in knowing themselves better. Morning assemblies for devotion to God instills spiritual and philosophical dimensions and standing for National Anthem enables them to act responsibly towards their country. The monthly sessions on social work in colleges or a CSR activity in corporate offices are also a medium to educate people about the ground realities. Thus, it is agreeable that institutions of school and colleges aren’t just places to get degrees and jobs, these places, in addition to family and friends, are responsible for all round growth of an individual. And all these ingredients thus, not only prepare someone for life, they make the life possible in its truest sense.

    As life is a cycle, parents also learn from new age children. For example in Indian history, many vices and social customs that used to deprive society of their liberal rights have been ably removed by educated generations. This is even true with using technology, where in this digital age children are proving to be the potent source of induction for the elders to these devices.

    Education from surroundings and environment

    When you open your mind with empathy towards others, you get aware about the problems the world is going through and risks associated with the future. And only an ‘educated’ person can contribute towards holistic wellbeing of society – One who is empathetic to understand people’s grievances, one who is kind hearted, one who is calm and patient in testing situations. That is why Bureaucrats, legislators, judges and civil society workers are required not just to have requisite degrees and brains, but some of the above mentioned qualities as well. Thus, education is not just life itself, it can also be used as a means to give life as well – i.e. as a means towards holistic betterment of society.
    For example, only if the governments of the top 10 GHG emitters could be more concerned, educated, and mindful of the havoc of climate change, then only they could be life-givers to people, environment and animals facing distress, famine and other havocs of climate change.

    Education from Experiences

    In Hindu Mythology, Ramacharita Manas presents before us the perfect example of how school education can act as a sound base but which is not a sufficient condition for all the teachings in life – in fact it is the combination of learning, ethics, situations and experiences that educate a man. Lord Rama got much of his teachings not in the ashram but on his abode as a wanderer in forests. Similarly, Asoka and Chandragupta Maurya were very tacit, skilled, competent and learned but they are remembered for their greatness not because of these qualities but because some experiences have made them great. Asoka could preach Dhamma only because of his bad experience in Kalinga War.
    Thus, similarities can be drawn with respect to experiences in life.
    The older you grow, all the more mature you get, and the bitter your experiences are, the wiser you get. The experience one gets while tackling complexities of life is the best education one can get. Not only it can make people strong emotionally, it could even help improve relationships as well. Thus, whichever relationship one is in, father/ mother, husband/ wife, brother/ sister, son/ daughter, while one continues to don their roles, education is the continuous clock that keeps ticking. And if one has set his mind open and free, only sky is the limit to learn.

    An educated person is rich in experience, knows himself best, is morally sound, and continues to evolve. Thus it is nearly impossible to estrange education with life because education is life in itself. It has made us who we are today and if we want to live a worthy life in future, we should walk hand-in-hands with education for all our lives. It would not only make us better human beings but will also carve out a better future for coming generations.

  149. Great job @SSS.. good start and even linking of paras

  150. Thank u….
    Sir, what about the remaining part? Is it ok

  151. varsha singh Avatar
    varsha singh

    ok sir but is it good style of writing? Also review my another essay.

  152. varsha singh Avatar
    varsha singh

    Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.

    शिक्षा जीवन के लिए तयारी नहीं, शिक्षा ही जीवन है।

    Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself is a quote said by John Dewey
    Education is a lifetime process with no true beginning or ending. Education consists of experience, environment, socialization and communication. John Dewey assumed that “all genuine education comes through experience.” and education does not start and end in a classroom. The education that we actually receive is the sum of experience that we let ourselves to be exposed to.
    Everyone wants to be educated some of us are in the stage of getting education but very few of us understand the real aim of the Education. An uneducated person is like that fused bulb which is only for the show but no light can be hoped from it. Educated person gets a marvellous welcome in any part of the world on the other hand an uneducated is treated very badly everywhere.Today in the modern world everyone has created a mindset that anyone who is educated should have a high class job, earns a lot of money and carry out the family well and this is what education meaning ends here. But we have to only think of a moment that work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor. we can live without education but will die if we have no food. Infact all of us must be educated in such a way that first of all we must be educated and do job whatever suits to our mind and ability secondly, we have to realize that all jobs are necessary for the society.Only such type of education can be called valuable for the society and ours as well.
    Importance of education in the modern world cannot be negated. It is important for religious, political and socio-economic progress of the society or a nation. It distinguishes one nation from other; it gives civic and social awareness to the people of a society. A true form of education prepares one to understand the reason of his creation and prepares him to achieve the higher purposes of life.The purpose of life that help for the ideological, spiritual and moral progress of the humanity.Life belongs to any area or country contains a social atmosphere, an economic system, religious beliefs, political views and many other areas and fields.Similarly, education is a part of life like many others areas of life. But,it is important in it sense that it prepares an individual of society to perform in all other fields of life. In contrast to this, if we assume education “a life itself” it would set limits for the universal and broad concept of education. It betrays the true meaning and purposed of education. True education prepares one to understand the purpose of life and the universe and its systems. True education is preparation for the life. It is means to achieve the end, and the end is the fulfillment of the purpose of life.
    So, it is clear that education is just needed to bring change in our society. When we change the way we are thinking our attitudes and emotions will change our values, habits, way of talking and behaving will change. In turn society will accept new values, culture and morality. This will change the system of life. People in the corridor of power will change. Ideologies and aspirations, impressions, heroes and villains will change in the same drama of life. So, when education prepares heart, mind and souls of people in positive way, the whole structure of the human life will change accordingly and this is what called a purposeful life.

  153. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    Well written !!

  154. You sprinkle your essay with more examples of legislations and their effectiveness. Conclusion could be written in a more holistic way.

  155. Idea of driving your point through district X,Y is good.

  156. Its impressive @mercury06:disqus

  157. varsha singh Avatar
    varsha singh

    Thank you sir any other suggestion as i have written what came into my mind about this topic what improvement is needed please suggest

  158. Nice attempt. You focussed on how education is life but somewhere you seemed to have deviated from the original perspective.

  159. Impressive opening. You may add few more examples.

  160. Nice facets. I think the second para on can we define education, both the ans of yes and no could have been better articulated.

  161. You choose a different topic??

  162. varsha singh Avatar
    varsha singh

    review mine also sir though not so good but my own words.

  163. Good examples. You may try for a better introduction.

  164. Thoughtful essay!

  165. varsha singh Avatar
    varsha singh

    please review

  166. Alok Panigrahi Avatar
    Alok Panigrahi

    Wrote for the first time please review….

  167. Alok Panigrahi Avatar
    Alok Panigrahi

    Mayank….. Nyc write up dude… Very unique style… Please review mine…

  168. varsha singh Avatar
    varsha singh

    A strong legislation requires an effective enforcement.
    एक मजबूत कानून के लिए प्रभावी प्रवर्तन की आवश्यकता होती है।
    One day on the road i saw a man driving bicycle and crossing road neglecting red signal he was avoiding the rules of traffic and suddenly a truck came in front of him but luckily he was not injured so much. He was very much scared then I went to him and asked him that instead of red signal why he was crossing the road he just answered politely”who cares of the rules and regulation and if everyone will start taking care of the rules no one can reach home” and went laughing.
    The answer of that guy forced me to think about the condition of our country and its people.This is one of the many examples telling violently that there is need of strong legislation with effective enforcement. There is ample of legislation, rules and every thing that is made to carry out the society well but these legislation lack strong enforcement.
    Now a question arises that how a strong enforcement can be done? The answer does not lie in one line. there are many steps that will take take strong legislation toward effective enforcement. The success of a legislation will depend on its effective implementation, enforcement and compliance mechanisms, supported by financial and technical resources, as well as educational and awareness raising strategies to ensure public support.
    And in all these the utmost important thing for effective enforcement is the public support. Yes when the people will not support then how can a legislation be implemented. It is the public support that make any legislation effective or ineffective. Let us take take the example of ALCOHOL BAN of bihar, the government is trying its best to make this ban effective but until the people will be not supportive this ban will not bring a little difference. But we can’t say only public responsible for this. Laws are made and then no one takes care of that how law is changing the society, what are its ill-effects etc. or we can say that there is totally absence of strong enforcement. Then how, the strong enforcement will come? it is also a matter of concern. In my point of view from the Government to public every one have to be sincere towards any rules and regulations. There should be fixed punishment for any crime or violation of legislation. Nowadays the situation in our country is that everyone is doing mistake as no care is taken as everyone is the defaulter somewhere. If a man is caught by the police on the road driving bike without helmet then what he will do is he will just give some amount of money as a bribe to the policeman and will go his way. But if strong legislation lies that anyone caught without helmet then he will be captive for 2 years or any other punishment then i am very sure that a time will come when not a single biker will be seen without helmet.This is the example of a biker but same condition lies in every section of our country which requires effective enforcement of the legislation.
    It is important to know your rights under the law. If your country does not have health and safety legislation, then your union may want to pressure the government to develop or adopt adequate legislation. If your country does have health and safety legislation, then your union may want to identify the limitations of the legislation and then pressure the government to strengthen the laws.
    Hence, we can say that Strategies designed to make legislation more protective should include stronger enforcement. Without strong enforcement, there is little motivation for everyone to comply with acts or regulations. Working at the policy level is generally a lengthy process but positive results can benefit all workers.

  169. Alok Panigrahi Avatar
    Alok Panigrahi

    Please review…

  170. Yes I liked it.. In the end, u can add a bit more on the philosophical part , taking some cues from ethics ..

    Personal opinion..
    Thank you.

  171. Loved ur conclusion….
    Apt quotes
    Overall good

  172. Good essay!! U have touched many points….
    As we have time pls work on handwriting….
    Conclusion is little difficult to read

    Pls review mine

  173. Nice one Raashi….great usage of quotes and Vivekananda ex too good

    I think u can add some ex of how our education sys is not the one which helps in building greater qualities which help us

  174. Good one….
    you can work on intro and can include some other points like some success stories etc…

    Pls review mine I wrote on same topic but mine is different from urs….don’t know how it is!!

  175. AKASH PATEL Avatar

    @forumias-7f07ca326ce76cdde680e4b3d568bce8:disqus Sir, any suggestion for improvement……..

  176. thebatman_returns Avatar


  177. thebatman_returns Avatar

    Yes @forumias-7f07ca326ce76cdde680e4b3d568bce8:disqus ..please give marks for essays..

  178. thebatman_returns Avatar

    I am also good…also read mine 😛

  179. Acha hai Abhilash 🙂

  180. Vikas Chandra Das Avatar
    Vikas Chandra Das

    Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.

    The evolution of man kind and education both started side by side when early human beings learnt and observed nature and thereby educating themselves so as to survive efficiently in those harsh times.

    Throughout the history of mankind, we have always been attached to conditioning ourselves with new development taking place in the form of new inventions, discoveries, innovations etc.
    All these are attributes of education – which shows how it has the ability to touch most of the aspects of life.

    Starting with Indus Valley Civilisation, Medieval periods, enlightenment period, industrial revolution etc to new age digital revolution, education has transformed our lives for a better living. In all these periods, man has learnt how to look forward towards evolution of betterment of mankind – all through the process of education.

    While, it’s not only the learning texts, education has more dimensions like philosophical, social, political , mysticism, religious, etc. A case in point could be taken from the ancient tradition of gurukul style of learning – where a teacher and a student both stay together for a long period time and learn the basic knowledge. Here, the course of education the student goes through is not just learning about science or grammar but it is a process of learning which stays within him till the end of his life.This is how his self identity takes its shape. All his future decisions would be based on the logic and reasoning he learnt through out the time being spent in his teacher’s place.

    Today, education has changed a lot in the process of development and in course of coping with new relationship taking place within the aspects of life. School education has spread all over the world , which takes place in a modern style within closed doors but with digital techniques being used in advanced countries and more or so in the urban centres of a city. Even there, a child goes to school and comes back to his house where his learning does not seem to be stopping. He would find wherever the world takes him, there is so much to learn and how every little thing is well connected within the space of knowledge.
    School turns to graduation, research institutions, etc and all these matter a lot in transforming how the individual transforms and nurtures his own identity. This identity is a direct result of his education in a larger context of life. Every transaction with living or non-living thing provides him a meaning full of knowledge manifested within the object.

    Even our modern values like democracy, equality, rule of law, legitimate political institutions, etc – have been a result of diffusion of various ideas and concepts learnt by scholars. An educated person has to make his foundation based on these modern values and also has to keep following them in times of need and dilemma that he may face. The modern institutions like the court of law, legislature, bureaucracy etc are all based on these values. This guides a man to lead a happy life.

    It could also be noticed how every thing a man learns directly effects not only his own life, but down the life , also the future of everything around him that makes the meaning of his life more satisfying. viz environment, ecology, society, topography. And this is where education being called a life itself has a meaning all together.
    How sound and effective an executive takes decisions keeping in mind of these factors around him is what would help and sustain life for the coming generation. Those factors are what form the basic physiological need for us to survive and live a life. And through education it becomes observable to us.

    While, it is also noteworthy how education makes an impact in our career building. Eventually, the latter takes the form of our livelihood. But unfortunately, there are a large number of people who do not have any formal education and the skills required to be absorbed in the needful industry.
    That is why, education has influenced the policy makers to take initiative in the direction of providing education. In India, government has come up with Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, Skill Development Schemes, and various other minor and major local schemes.

    In and around all these schemes and livelihood, education starts right from the birth of a child within his family, he learns the human emotions, and goes through education in school and college. He becomes a full grown individual and comes in contact with his contemporaries. He makes family, becomes a part of society – thus life makes a full circle with his education.

  181. hey thanks yar…but please tell whether it was good or bad…

  182. sir whether it is good or bad…please resolve my dilemma

  183. Pls review…..

    Essay on ” strong legislation requires effective enforcement”

  184. santanesque Avatar

    good one…but scope for improvement like what are the reasons behind ineffective implementation and what needs to be done …

  185. santanesque Avatar

    good one…precise yet holistic

  186. good one.precise and holistic

  187. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America

    Thanks.. But while writing it seemed that I had written a lot and thought it to be enough.. But after submission when I did the counting, I was around halfway the wordlimit.. Could have done better.. May be next time..
    Also can you please give some rough marks out of 125 so that I could understand the scheme..

  188. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America

    I m good.. what about you ??
    BTW thanks for reading.. 🙂

  189. Appreciate your style of conveying the message.

  190. Good essay!! 🙂

  191. Pls @ForumIAS or someone tell me how many pages do we get to write an essay in mains

  192. Rhythm 2017 Avatar
    Rhythm 2017

    Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.
    Education – noun, an enlightening experience (Oxford dictionary)
    Taking education merely as a training exercise to prepare oneself for life would be a very objective and narrow view. Education to life is same as what oxygen is to body. Our body never gets done taking oxygen and so is education which never gets complete. This seems a little weird, because we tend to see education as a course that we have to take in order to prove our eligibility in the society, which is actually noting but getting literate, on the other hand education encompasses much more to it than just an event of few years of schooling.
    Education is an evolving and continuous process and we never cease to educate ourselves from our surrounding consciously or unconsciously, since the time in memorial. Even before the advent of civilization when there was no concept of so called ‘education system’, man educated himself from his surroundings. Education can be seen as a process of receiving, interpreting, and applying what we have experienced for our best interest. Man taught himself to hunt, to gather, to cultivate, to settle, to build cities, etc. not depending upon any education system but on his experiences, evolving nature and continuously educating himself.
    Every life in this world has some amount of consciousness with which they continuously educate themselves to protect, feed and thrive in their surroundings. From microscopic viruses to small snails to mammoth elephants, every life is continuously receiving information from their senses and interpreting it. Education can be crudely related to adaptation which is nothing but a process of adjusting to one’s surroundings.
    Humans evolved to have a more complex brain and gifted with an element of choice, to become the most dominant life-form of the planet. Our brain continuously receives information like every other creature and we use it to make our life easier and more comfortable, but in the process we also educated ourselves. We questioned various process occurring in our surroundings and looked for answer to satisfy our curiosity. Throughout the evolutionary history we educated ourselves to make weapons, kindle fire, invent wheel which helped in making our lives better. Early man was much conscious of its safety and therefore was aware and continued learning more and more to understand nature and gather resources.
    The present concept of education is narrowed down or misunderstood to be a small preparatory part of life because of the notion that once you get “educated” life becomes a smooth road to tread on. This skeptical view of education has clouded our understanding and made us less conscious of ourselves. We don’t really know we are eating, way we are talking, what we are practicing, we don’t follow a proper routine and all this just lead to a complex life in which we attract diseases, depression, unhealthy habits. Compared to early man we are far less conscious of our state of being. Early man was always aware of his moves and continuously educated himself.
    We still receive information from our surroundings but we are not conscious enough to see it through and understand it. In other words, we have restricted ourselves to some books or college lectures during which only we allow the interpretation part of our brain to start working. We have stopped educating ourselves from our experiences as our conscious choice because of the ‘education system’ in place that we think or are made to think will do the job. It is similar to breathing, of which we are not aware normally but understand its importance only when we are suffocating or being strangled.
    Education therefore as rightly mentioned is an enlightening experience in which we just don’t receive information but also interpret it to make our life better. And if we see deep into more spiritual way of life – the teaching suggests that we must be always be aware of ourselves and in most cases the practice starts with observing our breath. The idea behind is simply to be conscious of something as subtle as our breath. So that we can evolve into more conscious life-from which is continuously not only receiving information but also interpreting and understanding its true nature.
    Education therefore is not just a preparation for life, it is eternal to life or life itself because without education as a process of earning from our surroundings, we become less aware and conscious of ourselves. Not conscious but living is not the best way to realize one’s true potential. It is like depending on something artificial and suppressing the natural instinct of educating ourselves which has got us here over the history of evolution.

  193. You have a different/unique style of writing. Keep writing.
    Others: kindly review.

  194. Raashi, well tried.

  195. No problem.

  196. Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself
    Sneha said to his father that “papa tomorrow is my essay test and teacher has given topic to write on -Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. But I am confused. This statement seems to me contradictory. Our society uncle used to say that we should study and have better education so that we can have better job, good life and good income. Whereas this statement is saying that education is not an instrument to live better life, it is itself a life. Please papa explain it.”
    Seeing her daughter curiosity, he asked her to recall and tell how she had acquire knowledge till now and how education has helped her. Now Sneha went into flashback. She started thinking and told that in childhood she learns from family member and when she came into adolescence she learn from teachers, friends, society, TV, newspaper etc. If she was not educated, she would not be able to do daily routine work like bringing items from shops, unable to understand what people or media is saying, unable to explore ourselves, unable to know her hobby, interests, etc. In a shocking manner she said “papa without education life will be meaningless. At every moment of life we need education. Or I can say education is life itself”. Again she asked “please papa tell me more”.
    Now her father take deep breadth and told that- imagine life as a body. In our body eyes, ear, tongue etc. are instrument to know about the world. But “breath” is the pivotal force which makes all these instrument works. If breath gone then all these parts will be useless. Similarly, in our life we have so many things like nature, people, relations, job, marriage, friends etc. but all these tangible things revolve around one pivotal intangible thing and that is education. Education is like a breath which makes life “live”.
    Today it is great irony that our motto of life has been shifted towards materialistic things and education is seen as instrument in achieving that materialistic life. But if we focus on our ancient philosophers they always laid importance on knowledge. They believe that it is only education which gives meaning to life.
    Education is a continuous process. It is not a means to achieve something it itself is a goal. Vivekanand ji said “education is a lamp which brings divine light to the body”. Through this statement he wants to convey that education enables a person to know himself or herself. He try to become fully functional person and strive to achieve self-actualization. But if a person lacks education then he always strive for physical needs.
    There is an ideological difference regarding “what is education and its purpose”. In western society it is seen as instrument to make life better i.e. more focus is on hedonistic. But in our society life actual goal is to get education. It not only focus on academic education but it focuses on practical as well as spiritual education. The word “BRAHMA” in our culture reflects “an educated person”. It means that education is life. We should always try to get education by any means either through our own experiences or from other’s experience, either through a teacher or a book, either by society or family”.
    If we see in contemporary world, this era is known for technology. Our parents are not used to such technology. If they don’t try to learn it then they will lack behind in this era and will feel dejected, isolated thus creating psychological stress whereas other Elder person who learn it they make their life smooth and integrated. This shows that education makes life smooth and easy.
    Thus education is life simply means that with change in the stages of life i.e. infancy to old age; education and learning is continuous process. It does not end after getting job or marriage. As earlier said it is only education which makes life “live”. It is not limited to prepare ourselves to get better life, it is useful to know the meaning of life.
    After listening these thoughts, Sneha was amazed to know the relation between education and life. Till now she only thinks education is an instrument but now she rephrased and thinks that education is a life itself by giving meaning to it.

  197. thebatman_returns Avatar

    Ya, will regular from monday on marathon…
    And in essay exceed the time limit (almost 2 hours)…Also some problem in sentence construction…

  198. Good Essay. Nice intro. Keep writing. Others, kindly review as well.

  199. Well written Captain.

  200. No problem.

  201. thebatman_returns Avatar

    Hey Captain, How r u ?
    Btw, good examples like alchohol ban, demonetisation, SC ST…

  202. Great.

  203. thebatman_returns Avatar

    Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who was one of the great scholars and philosophers and above all a great teacher of our country. Long back, he had said
    “The aim of education is not the acquisition of information or acquisition of technical skills, though essential in modern society, but the development of that bent of mind, that attitude of reason, that spirit of democracy which will make us responsible citizens.”
    These words remind us even today of the need for introspection with a basic question: What educational experiences are we providing to our children to achieve this aim? In the fast changing world of today where new ideas, values and concepts are rapidly replacing the old ones, the importance of quality of education for any student has further increased. The education has to liberate a person from narrow world view and the boundaries of caste, community, race and gender.

    When we say that education is life, what we mean is the fact that education is a process in which we learn throughout our life. It begins in our mother’s womb and continuous till we take our last breath. Robert Lee said, “The education of a man is never completed until he dies.” It is so closely integrated in our every moment that it becomes almost synonymous to life.

    Education prepares people to perform in different areas of life. Education is not mean, it is mean to achieve the end. Importance of education in the modern world cannot be neglected. It is important for religious, political and socio-economic progress of the society or a nation. It distinguishes one nation from other. It gives civic and social awareness to the people of a society. A true form of education prepares one to understand the reason of his creation and prepares him to achieve the higher purposes of life.

    Education is the essence of culture, vital for the development of our values and virtues. It teaches us how to lead our lives and transform us into mature individuals capable of planning for our future. Education always leads us to enlightenment and broadens our perspective towards our life. It removes impeding barriers in the way of success. It leads to the progress of society as a whole and propagates healthy attitudes.

    “An education system isn’t worth a great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living but doesn’t teach them how to make a life.” – Anonymous
    When we change the way we are thinking our attitudes and emotions will change our values, habits, way of talking and behaving will change. In turn society will accept new values, culture and morality. This will change the system of life. As rightly said by Allan Bloom, “Education is the movement from darkness to light.” So, when education prepares heart, mind and souls of people in positive way, the whole structure of the human life will change accordingly.

    Education is the only power that can take any country to the pinnacle of success and glory. India in particular has had a long tradition of well-established educational system that stretches back to the era of Upanishadas or perhaps even earlier. There are great universities like Nalanda, Taxila were known for practical education.
    After Independence, the policy makers worked hard to transform the Education sytem. Today, Right to Education was made a fundamental right with the formulation of the Right to Education in 2009 and a National Education Policy was also announced. Subsequently, policy makers tried to universalize education through measures like the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan and Mid Day Meal scheme.

    The radical potential of education has been understood deeply by thinkers like Gandhiji, Aurobindo, Tagore and others. Gandhiji laid great emphasis on the integration of the body, mind and soul of the learner. In the alternative understanding, education is seen as a process of awakening of the true potential of the student, to allow the spirit of creativity and freedom to blossom. Such an educational system would encourage the students to develop in them not only an awareness of freedom but a will to exercise it and the intellectual power and perspective to do so effectively.

    However, the spurt in education and desire to fare well, has led to a disturbing situation where there is a lot of stress on the students for achievement and performance. With the child being viewed as a product of the mechanical education system, the emphasis on the personal growth and life skill development has been overlooked. The individuals being churned out are unable to think for themselves or to assume ownership and take independent decisions. As Rightly said by Swami Vivekananda, “We do not want book worms, we want man making, character building education.”

    The education system needs to enable a child to deal effectively with the challenges of society by enriching the school curriculum with life skills training programme. Value based education also becomes necessary for the all round development of the child as a citizen of the country which can be achieved by focusing on value inculcation, nurturance and development at the school and college level.

    With miles already travelled, the continuous focus of the government would enable the country to build individuals who believe in themselves and are able to serve the real purpose of Education i.e. nation building and shaping our future generations.Education empowers and enables a nation. A sound education system is the bedrock of an enlightened society. To build India of our dreams, the foremost task before us is to improve the quality of education infusing modern technologies and addressing the concerns of equality.

    One is born learning and continues learning throughout one’s life, some learns in a formal setting of the classroom while others in informal setting of experiences in life. One does not stop Learning. Hence Learning is Life and Life is Learning. Thus, We cannot alienate education from life because education is life itself.

  204. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America

    (1) A strong legislation requires an effective enforcement.

    Governing such a huge country like India is not an easy task. What makes the governance even more challenging is the large number problems prevalent in the Indian society. The Indian Constitution is supreme set of rules, conduct, ideas & vision that one needs to follow to govern the country, to face the prevailing & upcoming challenges. For facing the prevailing challenges our forefathers have included enough legislations in the Indian Constitution , also they have put into enough provisions for constitutional amendmends to prepare us for the upcoming ones.
    The Parliament of India is entrusted with the task of law making. Also we have state assemblies that legislates on the issues subject to state list & on concurrent list. Also we have judiciary that makes sure that each of these legislations are in accordance with the Constitution & does not violate the fundamental rights of the citizens.
    We also have different enforcement agencies that makes sure that all the laws are followed in both letter & spirit. Because any legislation requires an effective enforcement. No matter how many or how good legislations the parliament makes it will not serve the purpose unless effectively implemented.
    To enforce effectively in such huge country we have various enforcement agencies working round the clock. Indian Police is the main enforcement agency in India. Also some legislations require certain expertise in order to enforce effectively for that we have agencies like Enforcement Directorate, IT department etc.
    Despite having so many agencies the implementation of various legislations has not been that effective. Take for example Income Tax laws, every year government comes with some new provisions in the law, still people tend to not pay their taxes. The reason can be inefficient law & ineffective implementation. Also the case with recent alcohol ban in Bihar, despite the fearful penal provisions there has been recorded instances of breaking the legislation. There are many other examples too, like the traffic laws- people break it because they know that they can get away easily, or the laws related to banking sector- increasing NPAs points to the in effective enforcement.
    The main point is that every legislation requires effective enforcement. No matter how tough provision you make for the non-followers it is not going to work unless the enforcement is effective, like the Bihar alcohol ban has some very serious provisions for breaking the law, still it is being broken & alcohol is being available. The SC/ST (prevention of atrocities) act has very serious provisions but the recent incident at Una in Gujarat points to the ineffective enforcement.
    We all know that the parliament makes law, but whats heartbreaking is when the parliamentarians are involved in law breaking. Unlike West where there is a tendency among people that they start respecting laws when they rise in power or position, in India unfortunately its vice versa. One can not expect the enforcement effective unless the one who legislated follows the law. Not only the parliamentarians, one can see bureaucrats, adminastrators breaking the law. How can one expect the railways to reduce ticket-less traveling when the enforcement agents i.e TTEs often travel without ticket.
    There examples of good enforcement too like in many school we see where the exams are conducted in fair manner & students actually study for the exams, the performance level has increased or the recent changes in child labour laws & its effective enforcement has led to the decrease in child labourers.
    Also it is us, the citizens who must make sure that the laws are followed because we have seen from the earlier stated examples that no matter how good laws are or how effectively implemented it will work only with the support of citizens. The citizens must respect the laws & must feel obliged to follow the laws not by fear. The enforcement agencies also need to make sure that the respect is inculcated & not forced. The parliamentarians too need to abide by the law & set examples.
    The pillars on which any democratic building stands are the legislations & principles it follows & only effective implementation of the legislations can make sure that it doesn’t collapse.

  205. will submit my essay late in the evening

  206. Ya sure…u can do it…we r here to help each other…k.keep writing…nd plz review mine..when I will upload it..k

  207. Now…it’s good sir…from today I m here continues…

  208. Yes Jyoti, you will improve with time 🙂 Keep writing.
    Thanks Abhilash for reviewing. How is your mother’s health btw Abhilash? Take care and keep writing.

  209. Jyoti Singh Avatar
    Jyoti Singh

    Thank you so much for reviewing my essay..I know my essay is not up to the mark.i didn’t even reach up to the level of desired words.but I am sure bit by bit I will improve thank you once again…..!!!

  210. Elaborate it more…as it’s should be for 125 marks…maintain the flow…overall it’s good

  211. Jyoti Singh Avatar
    Jyoti Singh

    Education is a lifetime process with no true beginning or ending. Education consists of experience,environment,socialisation. All genuine education comes through experience. Education does not start and end in a classroom. The education that we actually receive is sum of experience that we let ourselves to be exposed. It is the duty of an educator to inspire his students and enhance that desire to learn by the classroom environment that he creates it also involves the growth of knowledge and comprehension.An educational system is not worth a great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living but does not teach them how to make a life. The world is a battle ground and life like a battle it believes in the survival of the fittest. To fight and win the battle called life one needs to be armed with education. Education not only ensures our survival in this world but it also makes our life worth living or better still we can say that education is not preparation for life but education is life itself. When one says education is life what one means to highlight the fact that education is a process in which we learn throughout our begins in our mothers womb and continues till we take our last is so closely integrated in our every moments almost synonymous to life. The process of education initiates with the development of mind. It replaces an empty mind with an open one. It has been proved medically that a child begins recognize the voice of his parents while he is still inside his mother s womb. As he takes his first breath into this world and open his tiny eyes he is introduced to so many new things. The fragrance of flowers the colourful butterflies the velvety tenderness of rose petals the sound of thunder the brightness of sun the drizzling of rain the chirping birds and through them he lives his first experience of life. His mind opens and the horizon of his knowledge widens. When he starts going to kindergarten and then to school he gets introduced to the concepts of science geography history etc this knowledge not only inculates in him a spirit to cherish life but also teaches him to learn from the past and build the present to create a beautiful future . after the school comes the phase where the child now grown up individual choose his vocation and learn it’s nuances. Every thing which he learns decides the quality of life that he will embrace. Education is the movement from darkness to light. The grown up is now metamorphosed into a man a man ready to face the challenges posed by life these challenges turn out to be the best teacher of man.

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