This document had been prepared by IAS Topper S. Nagarajan, IAS and S.Sundar Rajan, IRS for Interview appearing candidates in 2014. I do not claim any rights to this document, which is solely for the purpose of guiding Interview candidates . This document was shared by a BITS Pilani ForumIAS member for the benefit of appearing candidates. The approach paper is very helpful for other candidates also.

3 things to remember

1. The candidate will be interviewed by a Board who will have before them a record of his/her career. He/she will be asked questions on matters of general interest. The objective of the interview is to assess the personal suitability of the candidate for a career in public service by a Board of competent and unbiased observers. The test is intended to judge the mental calibre of a candidate. In broad terms this is really an assessment of not only his intellectual qualities but also social traits and his interest in current affairs.

Some of the qualities to be judged are mental alertness, critical powers of assimilation, clear and logical exposition, balance of judgement, variety and depth of interest, ability for social cohesion and leadership, intellectual and moral integrity.

2. The technique of the interview is not that of a strict cross-examination but of a natural, though directed and purposive conversation which is intended to reveal the mental qualities of the candidate.

3. The interview test is not intended to be a test either of the specialized or general knowledge of the candidates which has been already tested through their written papers. Candidates are expected to have taken an intelligent interest not only in their special subjects of academic study but also in the events which are happening around them both within and outside their own state or country as well as in modern currents of thought and in new discoveries which should rouse the curiosity of well educated youth.

[_spoiler title=”Overall Approach“]

  • Dress Code
  • Interview Etiquette
  • Body Language
  • Answers – timing and structure
  • Arguments
  • Issues related to Biodata
  • Issues related to Tamil Nadu
  • Issues Related to India
  • International Issues
  • Current Affairs
  • Do not start extensive material collection or reading now
    • In most of the ‘external’ issues, you already have the knowledge, from your Mains preparation.
    • In issues relating to the home state, which is not extensively prepared for during Mains, basic material is available in coaching centres /common books etc. A group discussion would be useful to revise your knowledge and firm up your stance.
    • In issues related to bio-data, please think aloud / make tree diagrams / write down the issues and think about them. They are all known issues – known     to you better than to anyone else.


[spoiler title=”Issues Related to Bio-data “]

  • Questions from your Bio-data are asked by the Interview Board to make you feel comfortable.
  • If any particular item ‘stands out’ in your Bio-data, Interview Board asks out of curiosity on why you have done that, what is the speciality, etc.
  • However, if poorly prepared, Bio-data questions can make you feel uncomfortable or difficult.
  • Thus bio-data oriented questions, which are supposed to make you feel comfortable, will make you feel tense inside the interview.

[_spoiler title=”Common Mistakes “]

  • To prepare only for the simple, obvious questions like : why/when/where/how/how, etc. for each item in the Bio-data.
  • But, more questions will flow out of the answers given by you.
  • Or, the members of the board will relate to a similar situation elsewhere and ask about that.
  • e.g.: Student of Annamalai University – not only about history/ current status /problems of Annamalai University, but also whole range of issues on Private Universities, Deemed Universities, recent controversies about foreign universities, etc.
  • Make a ‘Tree Diagram’ of the Issues – Answers – Issues out of each item in your Bio¬data.
  • Hobbies: Generally we would have filled up some hobby we might not be very familiar with. In such cases, narrow down the area of interest and steer the board to your area of interest.
  • e.g: Watching films – is a vast area.
    You should be ready with what kind of films you watch, which ones you like, which are the latest ones, etc.


[_spoiler title=”Common Issues“]

  • Why Civil Services?
  • If IPS/IFS 1st choice, any particular reason?
  • Why this order of preference? (top few only)
  • Role of Civil Services – any future for Civil Services?
  • Why did you choose this optional?
  • How will your degree / optional be useful / relevant?
  • What were you doing till now? (if not working etc)
  • Why are you leaving your present job? ( if working – particularly in Govt Service)
    In all these questions, there is no one ‘right’ answer. Don’t hesitate to concede that optional are chosen for their ease of preparation and scoring.
  • Civil servants vs. politicians
  • Civil servants turned politicians
  • Role of civil servants in democracy


[_spoiler title=”Situation based questions“]

  • Ends vs Means is the crux of the issue: Means are as important as the ends
  • Rule of Law and spirit of the law matter
  • When can rules be broken? – in public interest, in public view, when you are ready
  • to face the consequences – upholding the spirit of the law
  • When can orders be disobeyed? – when illegal and against public interest
  • Constitutional imperatives to be borne in mind, over-riding the common and casual value judgements e.g. fake encounters;
  • Questions to test your secularism.


  • Use of force against – Maoists, Protestors, Street vendors.
  • Extra judicial killings.

[spoiler title=”Issues Related to Tamil Nadu“]
Tamil – Language and Society

  • Classical Language Status
  • Sangam Age – features
  • Two Language Policy: Reason / Justification; Constitutional position Advantages /disadvantages; Other States with similar position; Future

Dravidian Politics

  • Chronology – major events
  • Features of Dravidian movement
  • Contribution of Dravidian movement to Tamil Nadu (successes/failures)
    • Cultural, Social, Political, Economic
    • Women
  • Parallel movements elsewhere – Kerala, AP, North India ?
  • Greatest reformer in TN
  • Periyar, Ambedkar, Gandhiji – views & differences
  • Dynastic politics

[_spoiler title=”Caste based Parties, Caste clashes in Tamil Nadu“]

  • History of social reforms / anti caste / language -based / secular mobilization
  • Reasons for caste based mobilization in spite of anti-caste movements in TN.
  • Success / failure of Dravidian / anti-caste movements
  • Comparison with other economically developed but socially backward, (and vice-versa) States
  • Reservation in Tamil Nadu – 69% vs rest of India – success & failure
  • Reservation for Minorities
  • Continued survival of caste based parties


Cinema & Politics in Tamil Nadu

  • Reason for influence of cinema on politics, politics on cinema [historical background]
  • Hero Worship -why not elsewhere?
  • Role of media in Tamil polity /society
  • Parallels elsewhere (in other States)
  • Right to free speech vs restrictions: Dam 999 / Viswaroopam / Wendy Doniger’s The Hindus

Tamil Nadu Model of Development

  • Why is Tamil Nadu relatively better developed than other States [historical/economic reasons]
  • Is there a Tamil Nadu model of development? [compare Kerala model of developmet] is it replicable?
    • Legacy of Presidency Town
    • Education
    • Natural Resources, Transport
    • Role of State in infrastructure development
    • Major Public Sector industries / clusters
    • Role of social development policies of Dravidian parties
    • Reservation since 1920’s
    • Software in Karnataka vs. Automobiles in Tamil Nadu

Populist Schemes or Social sector interventions?

  • Midday meals
  • Amma Unavagam – mineral water
  • Freebies in general
  • Targeted vs universal subsidies

Cauvery Dispute

  • Genesis
  • Basic facts about the Madras-Mysore Pact
  • Basic facts about Tribunal Award
  • Implications of notification in GoI gazette and next steps forward
  • Similar Disputes
    • Andhra Pradesh/Karnataka – Alamatti
    • Kerala/Tamil Nadu – Mullaiperiyar – current stage – difference between Mullaperiyar and Cauvery dispute
    • Indus Water Treaty

Sri Lankan Tamils

  • History of the problem
  • Distinction between Srilankan Tamils and Indian Tamils in Srilanka
  • Phases in the Eelam struggle […-1983-1987-1991-2009 – revelations about War atrocities]
  • Support by India/Tamil Nadu/Tamil people – General Stance
  • Way forward : Minimum requirements
  • Death sentence for Rajiv Gandhi assasination convicts
    • Death sentence in general
    • Death sentence commuted by Supreme Court due to Presidents’ delay
    • Pocket veto of President
  • Fisher men issue – trawling – way forward

Ecological Issues [ if from sensitive areas]

  • Pollution of water bodies – Palar (Ranipet), Tiruppur (dyeing -Noyyal) etc
  • Sand mining – granite mining – beach minerals -over-exploitation
  • Project Tiger / Elephant; man-animal conflict – Coimbatore / Hosur;
  • Coastal Ecosystems – Olive Ridley Turtles, Mangroves, Tsunami, Coastal regulation Zone, Sethusamuthiram project
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • KKNPP – way forward – transition of PMANE to AAP candidates
  • Gas Pipeline, Cauvery Delta methane project, Chennai port connectivity;
  • One move you will suggest to improve the environment

Relations with neighbouring States

  • Kerala : Mullaiperiyar
  • Karnataka : Cauvery
  • Andhra Pradesh : Palar

Education Sector in Tamil Nadu

  • Private Universities, Engineering Colleges, Medical Colleges
  • Drs: DD Medical College, Universal Health Care, private nursing students, NEET
  • Engineers: Private Engineering Colleges; quality, contribution to IT sector / industrialization
  • Schools: Samacheer Kalvi, Right to Education – provisions of the law & implementation

Regional Disparities within Tamil Nadu – about your Hometown / region
[spoiler title=”Issues Related to India“]

National Elections 2014

  • Election Commission / CEC / ECs – statutory / constitutional status – mode of appointment / removal etc
  • Vs CIC, CVC – status
  • Who will win the elections? – in India, in TN, in your constituency
  • Have you voted? For whom? Can vote be revealed? Paper trial.
  • Presidential vs Prime Ministerial form of Governance
  • Gujarat Model of development
    • Is there a Gujarat model? Land allotment; HDI in Gujarat; AMUL;
    • Vs. Kerala, TN, Maharashtra
  • Dynastic politics – in India, TN.
  • Vote for cash
  • Paid news / Role of media
  • NOTA
  • Model code of conduct – Amma schemes, symbol-like sculptures in Govt monuments
  • Social media in campaigning
  • Your personal social media presence – anything interesting
  • Convicted candidates / ministers
  • Representation of the People Act
  • Pre-poll / exit poll
  • Kejriwal

Secularism, Communalism

  • Indian secularism
  • Freedom of religion vs social reform
  • Uniform Civil Code [Religious issue vs. Human Rights issue]
  • Godhra / Graham Staines / Ayodhya Judgment
  • Role of State in Gujarat Riots- election victory of BJP & Modi – what does it imply?
  • Are minorities really safe / secure in our country? Reservation for minorities –
  • Jains as minority
  • Dalit Christians as BC – SC status required
  • Wendy Donigers book
  • Murder of anti-superstition activist

Constitution: Basic features

  • Basic structure – FRs, DPSPs, Federal Structure : revise the Mains items
  • Important institutions
  • Successes of Independent India
  • Successes of last 10 years
  • Rights based framework : RTI, RTE, NREGA, Right to Food.
  • Equality of outcome vs equality of opportunity
  • Death penalty
    • Rajiv assassins vs Veerappan aides vs Bhular vs Delhi Nirbhaya convicts

Legislature /Government

  • Disruption of Parliament
  • Need for Legislative Council
  • Interim budget / vote on account
  • Various types of Deficits
  • Panchayati Raj – how effective has the decentralization effort been?
  • 2 year tenure for civil servants
  • One rank – one pension for Defence forces


  • Constitutional provisions
  • Judicial appointment/Collegium
  • Judicial Corruption – Unbecoming behavior
    • Impeachment provisions
  • Judicial Accountability Bill
  • Contempt of Court
  • Judicial Activism – at cost of other pillars of the State? Is Judiciary running the country?
  • Pendency of cases -why? Solution.
  • SC bench in other cities
  • Green Bench – National Green Tribunal
  • Need for Constitutional Bench

Ecology & Environment vs. Development Debate

  • General stance in the debate – Sustainable Development
  • Uttarakhand floods
  • Fast track clearances to projects
  • Conflicts – POSCO; Lavasa; Vedanta; Adarsh; Jaitapur Power Plant; mining in Goa
  • / Karnataka, , Tata steel land in Chattisgarh
  • Nuclear energy
  • New Land Acquisition Act vs Forest Act vs Forest Rights (Tribals) Act
  • Relation with Maoism
  • Western Ghat Ecology Experts Panel report – Kerala / Western Districts of TN
  • Success of Project Tiger/Project Elephant/Biosphere Reserve – Tiger census
  • Climate change talks – Indian stance
  • Supreme Court order on Interlinking of rivers – feasible? Is it the SCs prerogative?

Economic Growth/Economic Policy

  • Socialist principles in Constitution vs. Liberalisation?
  • FDI in Retail/Telecom/Banking

Roads, Railways, Power, Ports

    • Metro rails, Mumbai mono rail, Golden Quadrilateral, Port Connectivity – Chennai issue, Dedicated Freight corridor
    • 2G Spectrum issue outline

Science /Tech

  • ISRO Mars mission – cost vs benefit
  • Cryogenic engine
  • Dual use technologies
  • Benefits of basic science
  • Patents law – cancer drug order

Banking & Finance

  • Global recession and impact on India [reason for limited impact]
  • Role of SEBI, PFRDA, IRDA & RBI
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Sahara India issue – what is it? : recurrent scams since the 1990s

Agriculture & Food [specific reference to TN also]

  • Land Reforms: any future? Success/Failure?
  • Green Revolution – impact; 2nd Green Revolution/Evergreen Revolution [Others: Blue/Yellow/White]
  • Inputs:
    • Fertilizer subsidy issues – nutrition based; who is the subsidy for
    • GM crops; Hybrid seeds Vs GM crops
    • Irrigation – large dams vs small dams
    • Groundwater – overexploitation – role of free electricity
    • Micro-irrigation, precision farming
    • Credit – Co-operatives : future?
    • Crop insurance
    • Crop Diversification
  • Outputs:
    • Millets in PDS
    • FDI in retail – impact on agriculture – why restricted to single brand
    • Post harvest technologies /
    • Productivity or Pricing – Which is the right instrument of delivery of higher income in agriculture?

Trade & External Sector

  • Competition with China
  • Hardware vs Software [or]
  • Manufacturing vs Services Dichotomy
  • Balance of Trade/Balance of Payments [concepts & trend]
  • Special Economic Zones
  • FDI in retail
  • Ecommerce in India vs global

Public Sector

  • Role of State in industry – is it required
  • Air India – mounting losses, BSNL, Railways, Navaratnas – future.
  • Disinvestment


  • Reasons of recent inflation
  • Measurement of inflation- definitions of CPI, WPI
  • Petroleum prices decontrol – diesel price hike
  • Dual pricing of diesel – is it working / workable?
  • Export of food grains – why and how
  • Role of PDS – to mitigate effect of inflation

Patents regime:

  • IPR
  • Compulsory license issued for anti-cancer drug


  • Basic issues
  • Srikrishna Report
  • Demand for smaller States
  • First and Second Commission for Re-organisation of States.
  • Whether smaller States lead to better Administration?

Internal Security

  • Consistent stance – for National & International both – views on other countries ‘freedom fighters’ vs insurgents in India should be harmonious.
  • Role of Army
  • NCTC
  • Police Reforms – Recruitment, stable tenure, modernization of force.

Maoist Insurgency

  • Reason/Extent/Pattern of Maoism
  • General stance & approach & Compared with other internal security issues
  • Operation Green Hunt
  • Collectors abduction – recent article in the Hindu (18.3.2014) on success of his intervention / development
  • Ecology / Equity /Development

Jammu & Kashmir

  • Outline of the problem
  • Stance & approach to J&K issue
  • ASFPA – can it be repealed?

North East

  • Comparison with Maoist, Sikh and J&K problems
  • Peculiarity of each State : Outline of the demands & stages
  • Manipur/Nagaland
  • Mizoram
  • Armed Forces Special Powers Act – to be repealed
  • Exodus of NE immigrants from Bangalore etc


  • Constitutional provisions
  • Creamy layer – introduction to SCs/STs
  • OBC reservation in IIT AIIMS etc
  • Jats (OBC) & Gujjars (ST) agitation
  • Caste Census / Pros & cons
  • Tamil Nadu specific issues on reservation (69%)
  • Dalit Christians – should they be covered under SC?
  • Narikoravars recommended for ST status


  • Role of CVC, Judiciary, Civil Society
  • Control of CBI
  • Scams – Radia, 2G, Adarsh, Commonwealth games, PDS-Kerosene, Land allotment, Antrix, mining, Helicopter, Land dealings in Harayana
  • JPC vs PAC – powers of each body and comparison; earlier JPCs
  • Lobbying – can it be legalized?
  • Anna Hazare movement – morphing to Aam Admi Party – AAPs success / difficulties
  • Lokpal vs Jan lok pal provisions
  • One move you will suggest to reduce corruption

Social Sector: Food

  • Food Safety
  • Food Security Bill – pros /cons
  • PDS reform – food stamps, biometrics
  • Right to Food
  • ‘Tamil Nadu model’ -expandable to other states?
  • Non-cereals – why attention is given only to cereals?
  • ICDS/Midday Meal
  • Amma Unavagam

Social Sector: Education

  • Primary Education v. Higher Education – which is more important? What is the role of the State in each?
  • Right to Education – is it attainable? Features of the RtE Act.
  • Higher Education issues – autonomy of higher education institutions
  • Privatization of Higher Education – Deemed universities, Private universities, Foreign Universities
  • Education reforms of CBSE -no exams till 10th – pros/cons.
  • Role of AICTE, UGC, MCI, Bar Council of India.

Social Sector: Poverty Alleviation

  • BPL -Estimates of Poverty
  • Impact of MGNREGS vs Direct cash transfers
  • UIDAI (Aadhar) – legality of biometric capture – any outcomes?
  • Universal vs targeted subsidies
  • Micro finance (MFIs)

Social Issues

  • Womens safety in India / TN
  • Sexual harassment Act- Tejbal, Judge Ganguly; Visakha jusgement vs new Act
  • Slums – Unmanaged urbanization – Problems / causes / solutions
  • Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995 and recent Bill
  • Womens reservation


  • IPL Betting
  • Chess world tournament in Chennai – individual sport vs team sports

[spoiler title=”International Issues“]
West Asia/Arab States

  • Drone attacks – is it murder or war?
  • Syria, Egypt, Iran – basic outline of the issue and Indias stance /role


  • Climate Change

India and its neighbours

  • Pakistan
    • Minorities in Pakistan vs. Minorities in India
    • Pakistan – failed State? How did India succeed.
    • Elections result
    • Kashmir
    • Indus Water treaty
  • China
    • Border peace
    • Trade
  • Bangladesh
    • Refugees
    • Elections
    • Microfinance – Grameen Bank
  • Sri Lanka
    • After LTTE
  • Nepal
    • Democracy – relation with India
  • Afghanistan
    • Transition to democracy
    • US presence
    • India’s role

Global Issues

  • Global Recession and recovery
  • UNSC seat for India
  • NPT, NSG – Nuclear issues
  • European Union
  • Latin America
  • BRICS countries

[spoiler title=”Issues based on optional/Background“]
Basic science vs applied technology – debate and stance; role in third world countries; Higgs boson; Evolution vs creationism – why n dispute in India; Superstitions; Godmen; Scientific spirit / temper – in the Fundamental Duties; Nobel winner in your subject

Basics of the Engineering subject – application oriented – how does something [AC, fan, cellphone, LCD TV, car engine, …] work.

Computer Science
Super computer; 3G; India as a Software superpower vs. hard ware manufacturing; Facebook – Social networking; Wikipedia; E-governance; Cloud Computing; Cyber Terrorism, Software exports from TN. Role of Social media – Facebook, twitter etc.

Manufacturing Industry in India; Tamil Nadu -Automobiles – Detroit of India; CNG / LPG vs Petrol / Diesel; electric car

Electrical & Electronics & Communication
Power Situation in the Country, in Tamil Nadu; National grid – grid collapse; Demand side management vs. supply side management; New power plants – land acquisition; Nuclear energy; Renewable energy – Wind, Solar (TNs leadership – solar mission). 3G Spectrum

Construction boom; Major infrastructure projects -Delhi Metro vs Chennai metro vs others; NHAI- issues in connectivity; Chennai port road; river interlinking; Small is beautiful

Dependence on monsoon; Issues in TN agriculture, Indian agriculture; Post harvest Technology, Storage, Distribution; Sugar prices; Onion prices; Food prices;
Green Revolution – t Eastern India, Evergreen Revolution, Rainbow Revolution; National Horticulture Mission; Co-operatives, NABARD – credit flow t farmers; Farmers suicides

Why Civil Services? ; Public health – success of TN – role of VHN; Euthanasia; stem cell research; 3 year / barefoot doctors; impact of vertical programs on public health; super speciality hospital; polio free India. Epidemics.

Veterinary Science
Tamil Nadu’s success in Poultry; Milk Co-operatives; Bird flu; Swine flu

Tamil Literature
Sangam Age; Classical Language status – Tamil vs Other Classical languages Language families – linguistics; two language policy

Monsoon; Earthquake; Tsunami; Phailin cyclone Sociology/anthropology
Sociology vs. anthropology; Caste vs. Class; Corruption

Public administration
Public Administration vs. Management vs. Political Science vs. Business Administration vs. Public Policy; Civil service reforms; Civil Services Board

Social Sciences
Common social problems; Caste; Women’s status; Communalism; Child Labour

IPS first choice
Why? ; Broken Windows; great Policemen in your State; Gujarat riots; Internal security issues; situation-based questions