Marks : 125
1.Role of Banking in Rural development.
ग्रामीण विकास में बैंकिंग की भूमिका।
2.Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
धर्म के बिना विज्ञान लंगड़ा होता है, और विज्ञान के बिना धर्म अंधा होता है।
Marks : 125
1.Role of Banking in Rural development.
ग्रामीण विकास में बैंकिंग की भूमिका।
2.Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
धर्म के बिना विज्ञान लंगड़ा होता है, और विज्ञान के बिना धर्म अंधा होता है।
Thanks for your review.
Lol I wrote utopia instead of opiate.
i liked your essay ,well written
karl marx quote was written wrongly it should be ” religion is opium of the masses”
your understanding about the topic was similar to mine
you linked science with rationality and religion with ethics
if some recent examples could be added then it would have become more comprehensive.
Yea right.. I forgot about this totally
ok, if Banks are the only source of lending and when they bankrupt would cause recession and effects entire economy, ex: 2008 crisis in usa, it has cascading effect on all the formal economies , but India managed to escape because of informal source of lending.. for detailed analysis kaushik basu has written on it.
Thanks for your review
Thanks.. Can you explain point 4? Cant understand it well
Dear Raashi, Good one, especially flow here few points to make
Pblms with formal banks, you have mentioned only one Paragraph, try to expand it
1.banks presence leads to venturing for cash crops instead of food crops -> inflation
2.banks and debt waiver schemes – ethical and moral hazard of incentivising wrong doing and creating dependencies
3. banks arrogance in lending – only big farmers benefiting
4. complete formalization of banks only – reckless lending, recession cause, which will effect poor and villagers, quote kaushik basu of how india managed to escape 2008 recession
5.only banking transactions – take away secrecy, effects women who wants to hide income from husband
Add challenges of formal lending also i.e infra, literacy, cyber security and last mile beneficiary reach
Solutions to make and Government Programs to do it.
Now, you have become so good that I am learning from you the ability to link.
i liked the flow of your writing.
I think you can put more examples
otherwise it seems holistic
keep writing
yeah, i agree with all of your other propositions
i missed few perspectives..
but again its difficult to accommodate everything in one piece.
will keep trying
you are right i agree with your points
i don’t know may be with pressure of words and adequately doing justice to the points you have chosen leaves very less space to maneuver.
may be i need to evolve more
I deliberately chose unconventional topic so that i can increase the width of my comfort zone.
i guess…it can be
I think structure is (near) perfect. But do we explicitly need to Highlight what our paras are conveying(like the hindu) ? can be good idea though.
from cursory reading : I didn’t find following worth mention :
* Nobel prize winner Md. Younus :
* success of Vodafone’s m-Pesa in Kenya (technology is greatest leveler) wrt digital banking.
Need of Banking in Rural development.
* 70% pop lives there.
* formal Banking to farmers will also help maintain credit record of farmers -> helping to TAX rich farmers, which in turn will increase fiscal space for welfare programmes or building rural infrastructures.
* rural populace require not merely banking but universal banking…
Ambedkar has said “On the 26th of January 1950, we are going to enter into a life of contradictions. In politics we will have equality and in social and economic life we will have inequality. In politics we will be recognizing the principle of one man one vote and one vote one value. In our social and economic life, we shall, by reason of our social and economic structure, continue to deny the principle of one man one value. How long shall we continue to live this life of contradictions? How long shall we continue to deny equality in our social and economic life? If we continue to deny it for long, we will do so only by putting our political democracy in peril. We must remove this contradiction at the earliest possible moment or else…”
The statement is as relevant today as at the time of our independence.
Banking is first step in removing the economic inequality and bridging rural – urban divide.
* formal banking should become entitlement of rural not just privilege of urban.
superb … apt quotes icing on cake.
following dimensions i found missing worth mentioning or needed more elaboration :
* Science is inherently secular and free from bias.
* Science vs Religion is essentially an fact – value dichotomy.
* Neither science or religion is stationary ; they are constant pursuit to find answers/solution.
You have mentioned What religion brings to science? But what science can become devoid of true religion(virtue)? (essentially both r same question but, the second answer is more relevant for given essay topic. agree?)
it can lead to unethical scientific developments, degradation of env etc. Thus, religion becomes source of ethics, a guide towards virtuous life.
Similarly You have mentioned What science brings to religion? but what religion can become without science(logic)?
– Science can bring not only objectivity but also dynamism into religion, which are becoming static.
* Indianized examples(if read) – views of Abdul Kalam, Sayed Ahmad Khan, RR Mohan Roy,
Also, towards end, bring out Contemporary relevance of the TOPIC – increased use of religion (ISIS etc.) for geo-political ends. similarly, scientific community should work towards finding solution to problems faced by large population – cheap nutritious food, drugs etc – that’s true message of religion.
please review mine, same topic.
Topic #2 : Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.(kindly read the attached PDF link)
Thanks for review and suggestion
The essay flows like a stream.
I could hardly sense breaks in your essay.
Good coverage.
Nationalization of banks in 1969 can also be included.
you can also provide solutions of the above problems to make it more complete.
Okay. Agreed bro! Faith is a great driving force.
Is the role of religion as I wrote above seems relevant? Please let me know your thoughts on this.
hey lokmanya nice attempt
could have increased the depth by showing similarities
please review mine
this topic can have numerous interpretation
i m not saying science is driven by religion,
the act to know more and do more is driven both by curiosity of science and faith of religion. i m saying science without faith will lose motivation in long run if there are no promising results.
Again this is my personal view
thanks for reviewing
I think writing thunderstoms before fire will be better idea because grass used to get burnt at times of thunderstoms where they learnt to carry fire and later make it… So god came before religion here (though u didn’t mention who came first)
1st page 3rd para can be better.. too many thoughts randomly put together
2nd page is very nice
For first attempt, its superb
This is my first attempt of an essay. Forgive the word limit guys. Kindly Review if time permits.
Ok ma’am thank you
Thanks buddy
Nice one Rhythm
Structure is good
Keep writing
Good One Raashi
I think science is driven by human inquisitiveness rather than religious faith. Your assertion in this regard appears conjectural and contentious.
What religion brings to science is a value system that upholds human welfare in consonance with nature, among other things. Science can be deployed for destructive as well constructive purposes. But,what religion does is to direct the purpose of scientific discoveries towards more novel causes. Further, religion teaches us to look beyond narrow considerations of individual satisfaction and work for larger benefit of society.
Good start.. Your review is attached in a pic.. Please rotate pics before uploading and if possible, use cam scanner app.. Makes work easier
Then someone told me different perspective that you can strt with small story but donot drag it on to complete essay.. Cant say what’s correct way
Thanks for the review!
Well Written. Covered most of the aspects in a better and detailed way than what I did!
But from what I know, its good to keep the main character of your story, active, throughout the essay. I find it missing here.
Well done though! Keep Writing and Reviewing!
Very nicely written.. simple and effective..
Its my personal opinion and idk how correct it is.. in most of the places you have written ‘How’ things will be better.. instead of writing How, you should have explained How
Write challenges, future prospects.. maybe inculcated into the story itself as it tells examiner that you are not ignorant towards the gloomy picture
Review mine too
@forumias-7f07ca326ce76cdde680e4b3d568bce8:disqus @Rashi27:disqus @disqus_KqExjF9ruh:disqus
Start can be better.. it would have been good if u explained what Einstein meant in little detail rather than his clarification of not being an atheist
Overall well tried.. work on expressing your thoughts better.. and try to be as simple as possible in expressing
Hemant is a son of a farmer from a remote village Ikehara in Gwalior district of Madhya Pradesh. He recently got inducted as an officer in a nationalized bank and was lucky to get posting in a nearby village. He plans to play a major role in rural development of villages. He, with full of enthusiasm, narrates his plan to a group of people gathered to celebrate his success.
He starts with informing his parents about how effective and pervasive is banking system in India. Since agriculture is the biggest employer in rural areas, it is possible through planned approach to usher in development for the whole region by focussing on agriculture. The various schemes run by Central and State government, carried forward by banks, provide an exciting opportunity for famers to uplift themselves from poverty and encourage rural development.
Hemant starts with the need to have a bank account, specifically mentioning the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana account. He argues on why having a bank account is important, on how it inculcates habit of saving, how it keeps the money in safe custody and also allows regular users to have loan facility from the government. Villagers will be unable to leverage the benefits of Direct Benefit Schemes, which seeks to eliminate middlemen, in absence of a bank account. He gives them the example of a nearby village where after opening bank accounts, leakages have reduced substantially due to DBT and people are comparatively well off there. He also alludes towards the widely popular JAM trinity, on how Jandhan Account, Aadhar Cards and Mobile numbers can potentially change the landscape of service delivery.
Hemant also gave an insight about how money in your bank account in a formal banking system is used to extending loans to various beneficiaries, how it helps in education, health, infrastructure, roads and setting up of industries in the region.
A curious young kid sitting nearby asks Hemant, ‘Bhaiya, should I also get a Bank Account?’, to which Hemant replies with a smile, ‘the sooner, the better’, it helps one to plan his future and understand value of hard earned money. “And make sure you make your mothers too deposit money in their respective account, instead of hiding it in boxes at home”, the crowd giggled.
Taking a serious stance now, Hemant then speaks about banks extending subsidized loan facilities to farmers with interest subvention facility by the government. The Kisan Credit Cards have been a success in reducing farm distress. However, he laments about the issue of improper land records and how it becomes a hurdle in extending loans to the famers. He encourages his audience to get proper land records which can then help in getting a regular credit facility for famers, in case monsoon or any other natural calamity fails them.
The insurance facilities extended by banks in form of bancassurance can help rural families live with ease in case their sole bread winner passes away. It seeks to give stability to the people in distress and let the children complete education to become next generation worker. The mediclaim and health insurance extended by banks also seeks to reduce out of pocket expenditure of the poor.
Hemant then shifts his focus on human resource development in rural areas. Speaking about poor investment in field of health and education, he informs the gathering of various education loan facility and urges villagers to make sure their children are well educated so as to play a positive role in development of the country. The Anganwadi and ASHA workers, can get timely payment and will be further motivated to make efforts to reduce IMR and MMR, thereby leading to a healthy village.
Hemant observed a group of educated but unemployed young people listening to him, few of them were also accused to theft and indulged in drug and alcohol consumption. Understanding his responsibility, Hemant then, without pinpointing, refers to various schemes encouraging entrepreneurship in the country and how banks are a very crucial link to it. He informs the gathering regarding Start Up India, Stand Up India and MUDRA Scheme, all of which seeks to provide banking and credit facilities to promote entrepreneurship. He goes on to say that apart from these schemes, Skill India and Make in India also present a very good opportunity to youth to engage in meaningful activities. All these schemes are well supplemented by banking sector.
Concluding his speech, Hemant then shifts again to agriculture to keep the majority engaged. He speaks about how informal banking and moneylenders charge exorbitantly high rate of interest and trap a poor and uneducated farmers. This often leads to farmer suicide leading to a breakdown in family life of the concerned. He exhorts all to make sure they don’t fall prey to such moneylenders and always opt for formal banking system. He informs that Banking Correspondents and Bank Saathis make sure that door step delivery of banking facilities is provided to all.
He requests all of them to be a part of formal banking system and how then they will contribute to rural development. The crowd, happy with the discussion went to their home, with a pledge to open a bank account tomorrow.
The story of Hemant is just one of the many such Hemants our country has. The benefits of banking in rural development cannot be overstated and what is important is people should be made aware of it. It is important to generate awareness among them and make sure they realize its importance.
Lying on the bed, Hemant recalls lines of Robert Frost
“And Miles to Go Before I Sleep,
And Miles to Go Before I (WE) Sleep!
@ForumIAS sir, please review
“India’s way is not Europe’s
India is not Calcutta and Bombay
India lives in her seven hundred thousand villages”
By Mahatma Gandhi.
As said by Mahatma Gandhi India lives in the seven hundred thousand villages , it is important to strengthen the villages for rural development. Banking plays an important role in rural development. Now let’s see how exactly Banking plays an important role in life’s two person’s AJAY and KIRAN in short story.
Kiran and Ajay are both relatives , lives in the neighbouring villages. Kiran has access to bank in his village and has a bank account. Ajay was not accessible to bank and do not have bank account. Due to lack of knowledge ajay never though about bank account . Both of the depend upon monsoon season for irrigation and agriculture produce . Unfortunatly due to monsoon failure Kiran took loan from bank with lower interest rate for bores , depended on ground water and got the same agriculture produce as previous year. but in ajay case due inaccessibility of bank he took loan from village money lender with higher interest rate than banks . due to low agricultural produce he could not repay money and his agricultural land was given to money lender .Resulted in migration to cities in search of work. So from the above story we can understand that how banking played an important role in kiran life’s. Banks play an important role in rural development especially in providing loans during starting of agricultural seasons, monsoon failure.
If we see in British era , since banking sector was not so accessible in those days it was difficult to take loans and resulted in famines in large part of the country. Farmers were forced to take loans from local money lenders which resulted in debts (or) suicide of farmers.
Due to periodical monsoon failure , farmers approach money lenders with higher interest rates than banks which results in repayment of land to money lenders and migratration to cities in search of work.
In India, agricultural sector play important role in contributing to GDP. Banks in rural areas play crucial role in providing loans to farmers , industries , aganwadi kendras. Several women groups contribute in small amount and store in rural banks. Farmers do get loans with less interest rates and access to benefits from the government through Direct Benefit Transfer(DBT).
Punjab and Haryana have per capita income compared every other states because due to introduction of high yielding variety seeds during green revolution in India. This was only possible due to banks in rural areas and with low interest rates. During green revolution, banks played an important role in providing loans and development in rural areas such as building canals , providing modern machinery to agriculture , to setup modern industries , providing loans for high quality fertilizers .
Banks provide loans to farmers and in return India can have food security and high food subsidy can be given to poor people and eliminate poverty.
The other side of the coin is banks provide loans for agriculture , small scale industries etc. In agriculture sector heavy use of fertilizers in agriculture cause ecological imbalance and serious health issues such as cancer. In Punjab and Haryana farmers burn stubble which cause heavy pollution in Delhi. Banks and government should work on pragmatic approach in curbing pollutions.
International institutes such as SAARC’s saarc development fund (SDF) has started with main motto promote economic growth and poverty alleviation can achieved by INCLUSION in rural areas by benefiting government schemes through bank accounts .
Pradhan Manthri JAN DHAN YOJANA(PMJDY) SCHEME is a important step for social inclusion in this regard . PMJDY has open accounts in all rural areas for benefitting DBT’s.
Government should ensure that this inclusion can be achieved through coordination with all panchayats , districts and states.
RBI has also set up rural banks for easy accessing for loans.
States governments can also take long terms loans from NABARD to develop rural areas and where social inclusion can be achieved.
Due to innovation in solar energy, rural areas are developed with 100% electricity and use of solar energy in agriculture in which banks give loans subsidy for solar products.
Banks play an important role in rural development , results in higher per capita income, higher growth in GDP , higher contribution to country. Government must ensure that implementing the PMJDY for benefitting DBT’s to avoid leakages in subsidies.
Well tried.
Ma’am review mine’s if you have time
Please review friends and forum ias
Haha.. Yes i could see that
I focused more on structure and flow this tym..
Pad kar upvote bhi kar dia
Had no comments for improvement or anything.. I really like your expression.. ?
Nice one raashi,
Very holistic coverage…
Mera bhi padh do
Role of Banking in Rural Development
Banking industry in Infia has come a long way from the time was bank used to be deposite-taking and money-lending institute.Indian economy is an agricultural economy and real India lies in villages.
Village economy is a backbone of Indian economy.
In fact,economic progress and industrial development are determined by rural sector.
The aim of the bankers at that time was maximum profits with minimum risk.With the nationalisation of banks in 1969,concept and attitude changes.It becomes institutions with social responsibility.
They decided to go to weaker sections of society and help them.Rural areas were untouched by banks.So banks becomes special targets to the rural areas.
40% of banks are in rural areas.At least one bank for every 17000 population under apex organisation of National Agricultural Bank and Rural Development and Reserve Bank of India.
Already achieved for agriculture,mobilization,service sector.etc.Banks are not only giving loans for purchase of tractor,seeds,etc but also being active participants in bringing new technology and in educating them.
In education loan,banks play an important role.Education loan during the study period of students whose parential income is below 4.5 lakhs per annum.The literacy rate is increased from 12% in 1951 to 69% in 2011.
In Financial inclusion,banking industry has shown tremendous growth in volume and complexit,significant improvement in areas relates to financial viability,profitability and competitiveness.
Page no 3
It may reduce faith in banking becuz rural people believes faithful services
Npci debit card theft.. is it suitable for rural area perspective??
Haha ok
Good content and wide dimensions
Try to avoid crossings
Mention more challenges
Digital illeteracy power supply , infrastructure
Recent npci debit card thefts cyber security
Add post payment banks
thnx i will read your essay after trying to extend my essay otherwise i may steal some of ur ideas.
Actually.. i will say my 80℅ content is same as yours but i have just stretched everything in explanation and that’s what you have to do and include some other aspects as well which will definitely come with time
Keep trying and writing
ha yr content nhi aata dimag ma well i wud try to further increase it. Thanx for the read.
Acha hai.. bas essay ke according Tiny hai
200 word Ans k according badia hai..
Is the structure ok?
Well tried
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind
All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree – Albert Einstein
Both science and religion are practiced by human beings. They both have their own sanctity and they both evolve with time. They are both interdependent on each other in a way that they have many things in common.
If we try to break them down and look closely:
How science works – When certain humans don’t understand some phenomenon of nature, they invest in understanding them by making some hypothesis. Then in order to prove that hypothesis they formulate some theory and even sometimes create a new system like Calculus was invented by Newton to replace heavenly body with a point of same mass in his quest to understand gravitation. There are lot of assumptions that are made along the way and finally a theory is published.
How Religion works – When certain humans don’t understand some phenomenon of nature, they invest their faith in accepting the process as a part of life assuming that it can be due to some underlying forces of nature. They give it a reverent and higher standards that goes beyond understanding and popularize as practices of religion, for example the forces of nature where worshiped by early man and with time they took the form of God and reflected in various ways of life.
What is important to understand is that both of them are the way to bring satisfaction to the curious mind of humans. Science does it with logic and reason, whereas religion does it by accepting it the way it is.
What religion brings to science?
Science is not every time successful in bringing logic and reason to understand few phenomenon like the concept of black holes and string theory to understand matter. Religion brings faith and hope to science and helps them to continue their pursuit to understand nature. Without religion science will be working without any faith to achieve the sublime. This will make it impossible to carry out experiments for long time and will break down eventually to become lame. The spirit of keep going and having trust in something which is not yet visible comes from religion. As said by Issac Newton – “Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion.”
What science brings to religion?
Many religious theories have found their origin in scientific principles may it be Yoga – practice like Surya Namaskar, or may it be daily rituals related to the life of an ascetic. Religious practices when proved later by scientific principles give more strength to faith. For example in India there is a practice of throwing coins in the river as respect to the river. As it turns out that copper has property to clean up water and make it more pure.
This proves that religious practice are floated in the society after understanding the consequences of that practice. Not knowing the process doesn’t change the effect it will have on the lives of the people, as water will still get pure from copper.
Science by establishing the religious practice as valid keeps the religion from getting blinded with rituals and beliefs. The practice of lighting up Diyas in Diwali has an effect that keeps the rainy insect away. This is an indirect benefit of some practices which enhance the life of people.
Religion and Science must not be isolated from each other and certainly not turned against each other.
One century’s magic is another century’s science. Men never thought that they could fly in a big metal container unless there was who was willing to hope and go beyond challenging the status quo. This act was driven both by science and religion.
Problem in modern world is that religion and science as opponents of each other. Which is not really the case, religion is not just worshiping some God which has been there since centuries. People have taken a narrow view of religion and forgot the principles behind it.
For Example –In Hindu mythology Lord Shiva is characterized as Adi-yogi living in kailash in Himalayas, with snake wrapped around his neck, having a third eye on his forehead, river ganga flowing from his head. People who believe in science see it as an impossible figure created by someone and presented as God. But if we see the idea behind Shiva it is very logical and full of reason – Lord Shiva is depicted someone which is presented as an epitome of calmness and even with around his neck he is silent and focused, his head is so cool and calm, the third eye is represented as to see beyond which is visible. All the three qualities are essential for any Scientist working to understand laws of nature.
It also true that some of the practices in religion are superstitious and needs to be confronted but this does not imply that we should paint every aspect of religion in the same color. Science and religion working in unison is the best way to stay sane, hopeful and curious in right amount. They both complement each other and need each other and humans must understand this.
Science and religion therefore are not isolated and find common origin in understanding nature. It is the narrow thinking of human beings that are adamant to separate them and present as opposition. What Religions brings to science is very important for humans to keep evolving and what science brings to religion is reinforcement in beliefs and consolidating faith.
Role of banking in rural development
Banks are lifeline of an economy with the primary function of accepting and lending money.With the proliferation of banks in the form of payment banks and opening up of banks in almost every nook and corner , banking services are made to reach the last men.
Banks provide loans to people at reasonable rate of interest.Banks in rural areas prevented the rural people from getting entangled in the vicious trap of debt as the money lenders charged high amount of interest and if unable to pay their debts they lost their agricultural lands.
Banks provided loan to the farmers to buy seeds , fertilizers etc at low interest rates which helped the farmers in growing their crops.Various subsides like LPG subsidy ,pension are provided to the people through bank accounts.
Various small industries like cloth weaving, small co-operative societies by taking help from the banks were able to develop and thus provided employment to the rural households.
Banks also helped to inculcate the habit of saving among the rural masses as they deposited surplus amount of money in their saving accounts and provided a secure place to deposit their money preventing theft
Banks have greatly helped the rural masses but still a small portion of it are unaware of the advantages of bank , the procedure of opening bank account and obtaining bank loan . altough banks have reached the rural masses some ares are still inaccessible to banking facilities.
Banks are proliferating at a faster rate and govt’s Jan dhan yojna has helped greatly in the inclusion of banking services to the rural people.Banks are must for the development of rural ares.
Gm guys
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