Marks : 125
1.Inflation is taxation without legislation.
मुद्रास्फीति का दर कानून के बिना कराधान है।
2.The only source of knowledge is experience.
ज्ञान का एकमात्र स्रोत अनुभव है।
Marks : 125
1.Inflation is taxation without legislation.
मुद्रास्फीति का दर कानून के बिना कराधान है।
2.The only source of knowledge is experience.
ज्ञान का एकमात्र स्रोत अनुभव है।
Conclusion can be smooth.. It is little drastic… BTW very nice essay..
Nice essay bro
Thanks..U are right i had not made a rough outline befor writing. was writing with the flow..Now i understand why outline is important..:)
Thanks for the review..Yeah, reading my essay now again, i feel that it is a bit monotonus..will try adding various dimension in future essay..:) but u are wrong about my is political science and International relations..:)
Thanks for the review.. Yeah.. i lost the plot in between.. Will try to improve ..:)
Thanks for the review..:)
Your essay has a philosophical undertone. The first paragraph just went out of sync with the whole rhythm, please continue writing, I liked the earlier essay more than this one.
Thanks Raashi, will keep this in mind.
I just started writing this one without an outline but understood the different when I just couldnt move ahead after some 500 odd words, thanks for your valuable feedback!
Positive Point – Very easy to understand and the examples are good
Critical Aspect – I got lost into what is more important as an experience – ours or others, I would have liked it to be compared between theory and practical, however, your handwriting is good, keep writing!
Thanks for reviewing mine, I am replying to your comment as well inline.
Very apt starting quote
Very nicely written…
Next time work on word limit too
And create gaps between paras too
Liked the examples a lot..
Good one.. put some recent examples too like Brazil, Venezuela…
At places u could elaborate it which will obviously help meeting word limit too
U can add more dimensions like inflation’s effect on corporate sector, banks, borrowers etc.. (find them in one of the comments on my essay by Prashant)
I think you have majorly given only one reason for inflation and that is printing more currency.. there can be other reasons too.. excessive spending by government and running into deficit.. demand supply gap etc so dont restrict yourself
Btw now im almost sure you r philosophy optional person
Very nicely written.. in philosophical tone.. do u have philosophy as your optional??
Length is short.. in this topic a lot can be added and even elaborated like in 1st para u slightly touched on learning through nature.. there, few examples could be added like streamline shape of boats and airplanes, being inspired by birds and fish…
U missed a point that Why experience is ONLY source.. there are other sources too like Books, Internet, Elders etc
Here, you could have also touched upon, experience is the only source as it shatters myths too..
Work on making a rough outline before essay where u explore different dimensions.. expression is good.. keep writing
Nicely structured .intro good .keep writing
The only source of knowledge is experience
Mankind started its journey from zero, as they gathered experiance and clubbed them together to get better thing as initially people learn to ignite fire, wheel , agriculture its learned by him by accumulating long phase of experience. and further not for more admired him for more developments it also was based upon gathered knowledge. People to transfer there accumulated experienceshared with other this was through vervally in ancient time and after invent of literary sources they started to write down there gathered knowledge.
a great ex agriculture, primitive people was hunter and gatherer, but this skill was learnt by experiance only.
after they watched at how seeds sprout and a little bud comes from germinated seed , they learned how this grows and what protection it needs during flowerising period and after all things they learned how to preserve this produce for further futher use , this all processes does not completed in a day that was based on long experience over many times and many generations given for this eventualy we learn agriculture and how to produce food.
after long experience they been aware which things are acceptable and which not.
the things which we learn today in books is also the preserved and codified experience of someone, we only learn his views and its enovations.
Despit many knowledge youth needs experience elder for help because they know the obstecles that will come ahead.
ex: old but good story. there were a group of pigeon all were youth and one was old pigeon full of experience and they got struck in trouble, old pigeon lift out from problem by his experience all knows.
so all knowledge and everything is the derivative of someones experience .
experience makes our life easier and open to fight with further next challenges. be it social , political or any spare of life experience has a great roll by taking lessons of sortcomings they can make further improvement.
if by commiting failure move we becomes aware that succes path cannot achieved by this way.
Sure but 2moro frnd
Thanks a ton!! Can you take a look at the inflation essay also?
Your essay is very good and ??As said by hidden u can add eg to extend it.
thanks @rockersindia:disqus
thanks @disqus_huWdByZIle:disqus ……
Yeah..I wont mind if you review both of my essays..:)
Thanks, mate.. Milton Friedman has said: ” Inflation is created in one and one place alone: Government printing press”.. Yeah monetary Policy comittee does it.. But government finances the budget via deficit which has to be liquidated over a period of time..
Good introduction – historical taxation issues
Printing money : RBI decides it , can political class single handedly do that ?
Your essay looks good
But I think you need to tone down your essay to bit generalistic
Thanks a ton!!
Could you review my other essay pls?
well written madmax…….i agree what prabhat has suggested…
…it has sufficient technical base….now if you add some social will be a complete mark fetching essay……..
but the point you mentioned…like of pavlov’s experiment…..apprenticeship……experience feedback…….are very good….. i would note down these points…… ….keep writing……….?.
Thanks.. Will review ur essay by tomorrow now (if u dont mind)
Thanks for the valuable time u spent and quality review.. Appreciate the effort
Got it where i missed the chord
Nicely written.. Though the sentences are written fluidly and are easy to understand, I hope that there was better flow in the essay.. Do you make a rough outline before starting to write?
Please review mine essays too..:)
Hey good one..Nice into point..:)
Good structure..However i felt that crux of the topic was just above the title ” Burden of inflation tax”..Could have expanded it more..
Can you review my essays too?
informative and good essay
Short one.. Nicely structured and an easy read..
-ves: I am not sure how the farmers story is relevant..
Pls review mine too..:)
Thanks a ton!! Will incorporate it in future.. Can you review my other essay, pls?
Hey, great one… one of the few here that has extensively, directly dealt with the topic.. Could have added more examples also..
The only thing that I can complain of is the you have mentioned about ” Bookish knowledge”.. But is it not a example of Others experience that you have mentioned in the last line?
Pls review mine essays, mate..:)
Good quote & intro. I would suggest you to use few subheading and give your essay few other examples such as of M.K Gandhi(Indian freedom struggle) . Your essay is sounding a bit more technical. Your focus is more on men but you can expand it to society, nations etc.
Quote is by John Dewey..Oherwise good essay, good examples and great clarity in structure..However the balance is tiliting towards example..wished you could add more content since word limit is not touched
Pls review my essays too..:)
Well stuctured..The examiner will find it pretty easy to navigate through your essay..Handwriting is good and clear..
Pls review mine..:)
Good to include the relation between world economies (but i felt that there was more focus on this part)..Nice language. handwriting easy to read..
Please review mine essays, pls..:)
Good essay…However, a small clarification..Taxation does not lead to inflation…Inflation is a product of monetary policy alone…
Please review mine..:)
Nicely written .keep writing
self review..–could wrote around only 600 words…..language was too ordinary…. not satisfied with myself…… will improve next time…….salute to those great souls who used to write 2500 words essay in earlier time…
Plz Review, 1300 words, 90 mins, first essay https://uploads.disq
mera bhi review kr dena pls
bahut achha essay hai
bhai mera bhi review kr dena pls
pls review mine sir
good essay
keep writing
nice essay bhai
Nice attempt but its short like mine. Please review mine too.
Albert einstein proverb states that “THE ONLY SOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE IS EXPERIENCE” indicates that “Information is not knowledge .The only source of knowledge is experience ”
Actual experience creates knowledge that is respected and valued by others .we can read books, listen to tapes and take courses but the experience we have in life can provide the best lessons for others .The life story is rich in knowledge and people are ready to listen because it is the most compelling and authentic way to make a difference with someone.
The proverb iterates the fact that we can learn a lot of useful lesson from our experience. The wise advice on a number of things .we also come to know about other’s people experience through magazines and television .we seldom take these advice seriously .But it is only when we face difficult situation in life and realise the truth and the wisdom behind the words of the learned and the elderly .
Once there was a farmer who had four sons .They ware very lazy .They were not interested in doing any work and oly wanted to enjoy life.The farmers tried his Vp best to advice them but they paid no heed.So he decided to teach them a lesson .One day he called them and informed them that a huge amount of treasure was hidden In their farmland and that he wanted them to find out where it was.
As the four sons were too excited to wait and started digging the farmland straight away .By the end of the week they had dug up the entire field but did not find any treasure .They were angry and tired .The farmer consoled his sons and gently told them ” since the field is so well dug why don’t you sow some corn in it?The lazy sons agreed to this and did as they were told .
A few weeks later it rained heavily and soon the farmland was filled with fully grown corn.The farmer called his sons and told them that they will find the treasure once the corn and came back with a bag full of money.They asked their father where they could find the treasure. The farmers pointed out to the money and told them .This is the treasure that I was talking to you about .It was all along there in the soil.It just needed a bit of your hard work to bring it out.If the efforts continued .treasure will be forever yours.
The sons then realised their mistake and understand the truth.Their own experience was their best teacher .They have learned from their experience .Thereafter they continue sly worked on their lands and harvested a great deal of grains and sold them in the market to make big money year after year.
Failure is not the alternative to success.Itis something to be avoided but it’s also only a temporary setback on a bigger more significant course.Everybody encounters failure at one point or another what truly matters is how you react to and learn from that failure.
Bill Gates is now one of the World’s wealthiest individual but he didn’t earn his fortune in a straight line to success.Gates entered the entrepreneurship scene with a company called “Traf-o-Data”which aimed to process and analyze the data from traffic tapes (think of it like an early version of big data)
He tried to sell the idea alongside his business partners ,Paul Allen, but the product barely even worked.Itwas a complete disaster. However the failure did not hold Gates back from exploring new opportunity and a few years later he created her first MICROSOFT product and forged a new part of success
These words have imparted me because I I have learned that readily and talking about ideas is a good way to gain knowledge of the subject but experiencing it first hand is the best way to fully understand the subject .
That this apply to my life because I experienced many thing and still learning to gain better insight on them .The only way for me to learn the basics on how to do chores that I would need to know later on in life is by doing them now .
Former RBI governor duvvuri subba rao remarked about his haircut costs as they rose from rs 25 to 150 even though his hairline thinned.
Inflation is reduction in purchasing power of money.
Measures :
Inflation is measured by
Wholesale price index: measures the change in price of a selection of goods at wholesale, prior to retail sales thus excluding sales tax.
Consumer price index: measures change in prices paid by consumer at retail level.
The difference between WPI and CPI is that WPI does not include the cost of services. As WPI accounts for changes in the general price level of goods at a wholesale level, it fails to communicate actual burden borne by the end consumer.
Causes :
Inflation can be classified into different types based on causes
Demand pull inflation :This is commonly described as ‘too much money chasing too few goods’. It is caused by increase in demand due to increased private & government spending. For example food inflation in india is related to protein items has been due to shifting consumption patterns as increase in income.
Cost push inflation : It is also referred as supply shock inflation caused by reduced supplies due to increased prices of inputs. For example, crude prices globally had gone up till 2014 because supply constraints which means higher costs of production & so higher prices
Effects :
A little bit of inflation is always good for a growing economy. The act of borrowing money also increases as the rates of interests are low during this period. This increases the circulation of money in the economy.Mild inflation provides motivation to industries as they want to earn more profit. The workers work hard to increase the production and the industries need to increase their wages.
On the contrary high inflation hampers the economic growth. Talking about the market conditions, the products manufactured in the country becomes noncompetitive in international markets due to discouraged foreign and local investments and would eventually lead to fall in exports. Consequently, RBI becomes helpless and it increases the interest rates. If the trend of high inflation continues in an uncontrolled manner it would lead to hyperinflation where the situation worsens and the economy is crippled, eroding the value of local currency at a very fast rate.
This is one side of the coin. The other side is falling price level which is termed as deflation. Deflation is liked by people as it increases purchasing power of money. Deflation can be bad for economy because it often causes economic stagnation accompanied by high unemployment. One major reason for this is that deflation discourages spending, even though things are available at cheaper rates, people wait for the prices to come down even further. Also deflation brings bad news to debtors as paying off their debts becomes more difficult now.
Inflation affects people differently, some people gain at expense of others. Borrowers gain & debtors loose during inflation. Salary earning people loose during inflation. Investors who invest intelligently are going to gain during inflation.
Thus there occurs a redistribution of wealth. Generally during inflation rich becomes richer & poor becomes poorer. people who fall in middle class and lower middle class category are the ones that are adversely affected by inflation.The rich ones and the one in the creamy layer are actually in a way exempted from it as they don’t keep hard cash and keep their money invested. So the poor gets dragged into the dust of poverty when there is high inflation period, even their savings won’t be enough to get them out of it because by that time the money they had saved for all these years would have depreciated its value.
However redistributive effects of inflation can be minimal if all people anticipate inflation
Inflation is unintentional tax. It is not a direct tax . It is regressive tax. It is one of the way a government can raise revenue without increasing the rates. Inflation is a kind of tax that we pay for the raised prices of commodities not directly but as cost of commodity.
The burden of inflation tax can be reduced by
1. An economy should always try to increase the supply. One way to do is to develop and provide well equipped ware houses and proper transportation of goods so that the overall supply chain improves. Also there must be stringent rules against hoarding of all kinds of goods especially consumer products.
2. The government should try to reduce unnecessary expenses and increases the expenditure to provide good infrastructure, this will attract foreign investors and local investors both to set up their plants and factories in India so that the employment opportunities increases and thus the production.
3. Since 1991 reforms, agriculture has lost its importance which caused supply & demand gaps widen which led to inflation in food many times. So agriculture needs to be prioritised.
4. Inflation targetting : in this approach an inflation target is anounced- either a number or a range that central bank promises to achieve over a period of time. It focusses mainly on achieving price stability as ultimate objective of monetary policy.
Though inflation may not be completely controllable by RBI but it should strive to do so & as said by duvvuri subba rao RBI needs to listen to poor as they are most affected by inflation.
Please review!
The only source of knowledge is experience
“ I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand”
Confucious in very early times wrote these apt lines about doing or creating experience as compared to talking, seeing or reading as these modes very often fly in thin air in no time. The challenges or I would say learning opportunities faced while “practical working” on anything helps an individualunderstand the very basics of the task in hand. Any amount of rote learning or accumulation of degrees/doctrates cannot match the profound knowledge earned by doing things or getting experienced.
There are various exanples of “successful” people in front of us which second this opinion. Michael Dell, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates need no introduction and not going far away, our very Dhirubhai Ambani or Sachin Tendulkar who were/are mere school drop outs but went on to achieve tons on life only by creating experiences for themselves and for others. Be it the successes or the failures! In fact, contribution towards any specific field can only be enhances once practical application takes charge. The idea of getting one’s own hands dirty is the best way to learn and achieving success and knowledge in this world. Infact this ideology is the basis why theory and practical aspects are being taught in schools and colleges. Even higher studies have internships in their curriculum which are mandatory to be completed for the completion of the course taken. Articleship, On-the-job are different nomenclatures being used to emphasize the importance of gathering experience over plain reading of texts or journals.
Imagine a canvas with multiple dots depicted on it, this is the information that we gather through different sources like teachers, books, magazines etc.when you join these dots and make a logical connection between them is the time when you acquire knowledge and the connection is only possible when you have had multiple experiences of connecting different dots with each other.
Vedic texts like Ramyana, Mahabharta etc are not mere stories but they are the real life experiences of the people who existed some eras back. Had there been no experience there would have been no such books or I must say there would have been no history at all. Clinical trials, medical researches, multiple tests when the code is written in a computer application are all glimpses of the experiences generated before the theories get compiled and not the other way round. Infact, different experiences of the people living together helped human beings formalize the laws to structure a society. People learnt by doing and formalized the experience. Constitutions are written on the basis of experiences of millions of people around the globe who made influences to be binded in a book and become sacrosanct. Even, Buddha highlighted the importance of experience in his teachings and doctrines as well.
We give reverence to a professional who has an extended years of experience over more no of degrees accumulated. Imagine going for a cardiac surgery to a doctor who has just passed out of the most reputed medical college handling the first surgery of your heart . An arm chair politician will be ineffective and would cut a sorry figure in public life than a politician in the public arena for a considerable no of years, the hardships thrown upon on that person would be far more valuable to the citizens of the country than from one who has inherited politics from the blood line. Cooking as a simple art comes only by experience, no matter how many cook books you read, the real battle happens when you actually make something with your own hands. The taste, the flavor and the savour of the food is enhanced only by experiences in the kitchen which is a working laboratory for people interested.
Certain proverbs like a ‘fish-market’ or a ‘rubble-shop’ can only be understood when you experience these places and the noise and chaos that they create. From learning a simple formula in Mathematics to sending a mission to Mars every event has to be made a real life experience to have nay long term achievements or success. Hence, a reason why we are forced to practice Maths and not read Maths by our teachers and parents. The near-real life conditions at Mars are first experienced on Earth for months or years before sending any missions to Mars or any outer space. Imagine the situation, if there was no experience and NASA starts to send human beings to Mars
Lastly, to conclude, the mistakes as well as the successes that we achieve by doing things can never replace any number of books read or mugged in our lifetime, therefore, the quote the The only source of knowledge is experience by great Albert Einstein is truly apt.
The only source of knowledge is experience
“ I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand”
Confucious in very early times wrote these apt lines about doing or creating experience as compared to talking, seeing or reading as these modes very often fly in thin air in no time. The challenges or I would say learning opportunities faced while “practical working” on anything helps an individualunderstand the very basics of the task in hand. Any amount of rote learning or accumulation of degrees/doctrates cannot match the profound knowledge earned by doing things or getting experienced.
There are various exanples of “successful” people in front of us which second this opinion. Michael Dell, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates need no introduction and not going far away, our very Dhirubhai Ambani or Sachin Tendulkar who were/are mere school drop outs but went on to achieve tons on life only by creating experiences for themselves and for others. Be it the successes or the failures! In fact, contribution towards any specific field can only be enhances once practical application takes charge. The idea of getting one’s own hands dirty is the best way to learn and achieving success and knowledge in this world. Infact this ideology is the basis why theory and practical aspects are being taught in schools and colleges. Even higher studies have internships in their curriculum which are mandatory to be completed for the completion of the course taken. Articleship, On-the-job are different nomenclatures being used to emphasize the importance of gathering experience over plain reading of texts or journals.
Imagine a canvas with multiple dots depicted on it, this is the information that we gather through different sources like teachers, books, magazines etc.when you join these dots and make a logical connection between them is the time when you acquire knowledge and the connection is only possible when you have had multiple experiences of connecting different dots with each other.
Vedic texts like Ramyana, Mahabharta etc are not mere stories but they are the real life experiences of the people who existed some eras back. Had there been no experience there would have been no such books or I must say there would have been no history at all. Clinical trials, medical researches, multiple tests when the code is written in a computer application are all glimpses of the experiences generated before the theories get compiled and not the other way round. Infact, different experiences of the people living together helped human beings formalize the laws to structure a society. People learnt by doing and formalized the experience. Constitutions are written on the basis of experiences of millions of people around the globe who made influences to be binded in a book and become sacrosanct. Even, Buddha highlighted the importance of experience in his teachings and doctrines as well.
We give reverence to a professional who has an extended years of experience over more no of degrees accumulated. Imagine going for a cardiac surgery to a doctor who has just passed out of the most reputed medical college handling the first surgery of your heart . An arm chair politician will be ineffective and would cut a sorry figure in public life than a politician in the public arena for a considerable no of years, the hardships thrown upon on that person would be far more valuable to the citizens of the country than from one who has inherited politics from the blood line. Cooking as a simple art comes only by experience, no matter how many cook books you read, the real battle happens when you actually make something with your own hands. The taste, the flavor and the savour of the food is enhanced only by experiences in the kitchen which is a working laboratory for people interested.
Certain proverbs like a ‘fish-market’ or a ‘rubble-shop’ can only be understood when you experience these places and the noise and chaos that they create. From learning a simple formula in Mathematics to sending a mission to Mars every event has to be made a real life experience to have nay long term achievements or success. Hence, a reason why we are forced to practice Maths and not read Maths by our teachers and parents. The near-real life conditions at Mars are first experienced on Earth for months or years before sending any missions to Mars or any outer space. Imagine the situation, if there was no experience and NASA starts to send human beings to Mars
Lastly, to conclude, the mistakes as well as the successes that we achieve by doing things can never replace any number of books read or mugged in our lifetime, therefore, the quote the The only source of knowledge is experience by great Albert Einstein is truly apt.
Thanks harshal
Thanks for review
Thanks for points
great…..nice handwriting….
good write….
very well written and explain in simple terms,keep up the good work,kindly review mine as well…….
Hey , introduction part is well.. I thinkYou have emphasised more on inflation..But how it is taxation without legislation need more focus..
thanks @Rashi27:disqus …..
Good essay.
Some improvements:
demand supply management concept
you have mentioned inflation is sometimes good. Elaboration is required.
ex: In US inflation is 0.5% to 2%. Salary hike ranges around 2%. not much motivation among employees to work hard.
inflation is good for borrowers but not for banks
RBI monetary policies
Move towards cashless economy and reducing the liquidity in market
measures to curb artificially created inflation.
create more demand by hoarding (pulses)/ cartelization(cement producing companies) – common people are ultimate sufferers
Deflation actually not good for economy
oil crisis( OPEC countries economy shattered)
global slowdown ( no demand for products)
employment generation and investment suffer
import export impact
Wow.. complete justice to the topic as always.. u write really good
Thanks sir
Thanks for reviewing.. Actually I lacked in giving more concrete examples.. Your points noted.. Will work on that.
It was a good read.. u could have mentioned How Inflation is taxation without legislation though..
I got some ideas of how i could have elaborated mine
Review mine too
ha ha ha …i really appreciate it sir…thanks
Thanks @lastmystery:disqus
Thanks @rock1ias:disqus .
Thanks. Would do the same.
Well tried. have given very good examples
you should have touched more dimensions(refer to my early post)
Avoid giving multiple example for single concept
learn from failures : u have given Thomas Edison and Bill gates example
Thanks ratnesh
We need to have some points about “experience is not the only means there are other means to get knowledge” Otherwise it just becomes one sided essay
ex: Harappans did not learn advanced scientific knowledge from Mesopotamians. They kept on constructing the houses on the ruins of old houses. finally led to the decline of civilization.
importance of guide/mentor (Experience will not always help us to know our mistake, we need guide or mentor to show deficiencies and guide us)
A smart man learns from his mistakes. A wise one learns from the mistakes of others.
contemporary: Adoption of mixed economy. (it was not through experience we adopted this kind of economy(capitalism and socialism were common practice at that time)
Constitutional features(blindly not followed, customized as per our needs)
some points on what is stopping us from application of knowledge gained through experience?
Social inequalities still persist (marginalization of weak and vulnerable section of the society) – despite knowing the reasons.
regionalism, communalism( we have already experienced grave consequences but still we have not learnt lessons).
International relationship still not conducive for peaceful world
Political clean up still pending
How knowledge gained through experience is getting misused?
Nuclear weapons(Threaten the oppositions)
abortions and sex ratio decline
loss of privacy and security threats etc..
conclusion : yes, experience gives knowledge but it is of no use if we dont know how to use it properly.(some ethical dimension to be added) and conclude with positive tone.
No problem.
Thanks raashi for your review. And by picasso eg i wanted to say that knowlege comes through experience and cannot be acheived in one day. My essay is short as i was unable to think wat to write. About ur essay ,it is good?? and i cannot say much about ur topic.
Your handwriting is really good.
thanks sir….
Good. Well tried.
Acha likhe hain. Keep writing.
No problem. Thanks.
i am not in a position to give feedback cause i myself know very little about it,only thing i say ,i know a few things by reading your essay,well done,kindly review mine pls
a structural approach might be good ,examples givens are good,keep writing…(try to use app like camscanner to upload answer )
kindly review mine.
to be honest both the topic hit me in the head,but i tried my best to justified it,kindly review it please.
No problem.
Sir, Can you please tell me more points for this topic.. i could not think anything beyond whatever i wrote, that’s why it became mini essay today
Thank you sir
Yes, agree. Kindly review Raashi’s answers as well
Thank you sir
Its a good essay..
I think you should have written also on Why the ‘Only’ source of knowledge is experience.. i.e. what is the problem in other methods
Somehow i feel your starting quote is a little off track from the topic.. and if you had to use it, then you could have used it to put other side of the topic later
and you could have touched various other dimensions too like informal learning in social setup.. buddha’s learning through seeing a old, sick, poverty.. ashoka’s learning to practice Dhamma after seeing bloodshed in Kalinga war..
In science, you could have put development of vaccination and antibiotics, or discovery that sun is at the centre of solar system.. or even discovery of gravity
Review mine too
Good review Raashi.
Read the Articles only if you have less/no idea on the topic.
You have written good points.. the areas i feel you need improvement is
Proper illustration
Work on making the start good
Explain properly what you are trying to put.. like i could not relate Picasso example with topic..
And if you put so many examples, then link it to the topic with a line in the end.. like in Bill gates example you could have written his failure gave him the real knowledge that success is built on failures etc
Also it was too short for essay (though even mine is short today)
Work on linking paras too
Review mine too
Outline is good but it gives general idea only.. a lot changes when and how you write it..
Hi, My suggestion would be try writing the answer in multiple dimensions whichever comes to your mind first. Then read the article. finally refine your answer by reading the synopsis.
Problem with reading the article first and then trying to write the answer is your thought process will be restricted to the dimension presented in the article.
It is purely my experience, try out both the things, then stick to one whichever you feel comfortable.
if u have even lil bit knowledge about the question then attempt without reading relevant article and then match ur answer with article and if u have no idea atall then read the article first n then write.
Hi @forumias-7f07ca326ce76cdde680e4b3d568bce8:disqus , I have decided to follow answer writing of Mains marathon initiative. I just want one clarification “Wud it be good to first read the relevant article and then write answer or vice versa?” Please revert.
Keep writing..
Good Essay Keep writing.
Well tried. Keep writing.
Thanks for writing.
Scheme of essay no.2 ~ only source of knowledge is experience
Intro ~ detailed intro quoting historicAl sources through which afterwards generation got to know about everything.
— The books were written only on the basis of the experience of writers they had in there life {ex arthashastra, purana , even vedas}
— the relevation of knowledge by buddha
— concentration of data about knowledge developed with time in books
— upto developments of science pro and cons only came to be known with time
— quote example — upto last 70 years lights was a particle …than afterwards we known the dual nature I.e. light is a wave too..
— development as a great civilization
— culture and behavioral change due to revealeation of educational experience
— medical facilities also transformed
— clinical trials experiement — can be a example
— experience gave us quality to develop laws for civic life… Constitutions amended with time as per the required nature of the then public
— problems got solved regarding space, how earth developed , higgs boson particles etc.
— some Ethical points to give cream in essay ?
Conclude as per suitability…
Only source of knowledge is power
Wrote a miniature essay on Inflation topic.. plz review
kindly review
https://uploads.disquscdn.c om/images/83be435692e46731112116657965a6bcbde8c80cdc03ec1803deab7a454e7636.jpg by
Start writing!
Thank you @forumias
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