Essay Practice Test – March 25

Good Morning and welcome to Mains Marathon Initiative!

Instructions:  Write an essay on any one of the following in about 1000-1200 words.
Time : 90 minutes

Marks : 125

1. Reforming Higher Education in India. 

भारत में उच्च शिक्षा को सुधारना।

2. Poverty is the worst form of violence. – Mahatma Gandhi 

गरीबी हिंसा का सबसे बुरा प्रकार है।

 Happy Weekends 🙂



48 responses to “Essay Practice Test – March 25”

  1. Brar MS Avatar
    Brar MS

    thankyou forum 🙂

  2. ForumIAS Avatar

    Very nicely written..The flow of the essay is excellent..

  3. Dillip Dash Avatar
    Dillip Dash

    Plzzz review any view is welcome new to discussions

  4. Sherlock- the final problem Avatar
    Sherlock- the final problem

    seriously … hats off

  5. Sherlock- the final problem Avatar
    Sherlock- the final problem


  6. Parijat K Avatar
    Parijat K

    Sir mera bhi review kar do please..

  7. Sherlock- the final problem Avatar
    Sherlock- the final problem

    Ok sir. Point noted. Thanks for review ?

  8. Sherlock- the final problem Avatar
    Sherlock- the final problem

    Thanks dear..will keep that in mind


    Points are good and facts have been presented- good
    But it is advisable to write in para format for essay and can underline important points
    rest the essay have been nicely written
    Keep writing friend 🙂


    thanks sir

  11. Ravi Pratap Avatar
    Ravi Pratap

    Thanx neha for suggestion.. i will try to improve it

  12. Thank yo sir

  13. ForumIAS Avatar

    Nice essay..Keep writing..

  14. ForumIAS Avatar

    The points are good…But in an essay it’s better to write in para mode and avoid point format like in an answer…

  15. ForumIAS Avatar

    Excellent review…

  16. ForumIAS Avatar

    Very good …But only suggestion would be a better introduction..The content is excellent…

  17. ForumIAS Avatar

    Very nice points…the only concern is organising the essay into proper paragraphs… Rest is brilliant ..Keep writing..

  18. ForumIAS Avatar

    Very nice Jyoti…Good use of multiple dimensions…Improve the framing a bit..Rest is good..

  19. acha h bhut spelling mistak h. JASe Tabiz ko Talim, ulekh, udahran or b bhut try to improve spelling misatke. content is good. And is it good to write pointwise in essay.

  20. Ravi Pratap Avatar
    Ravi Pratap

    गरीबी सबसे बड़ी हिंसा है- महात्मा गांधी।
    जब भी गरीबी शब्द सुनाई पड़ता है तो सर्वप्रथम जेहन में कौन से बात उभरती है, यह उस व्यक्ति पर निर्भर करता है जो उसको सुन रहा है। अगर वह विद्यार्थी होगा, तो उसके दिमाग में ये बात कौंधने लगती है कि वैश्विक भूख प्रतिवेदन में भारत का 122वा स्थान है, मानव विकास सूचकांक में 131वा स्थान है, या यूनिसेफ ने अपनी रिपोर्ट में कहा है कि उत्तरी नाइजेरिया के 8 लाख बच्चो पर तुरंत ध्यान देने की जरूरत है या भारत में एक तिहाई गरीब आबादी रहती है इत्यादि इत्यादि। अगर वो सरकार होती तो ये बात आती की कौन सी समिति बनाई जाए, पिछली समिति की अनुशंशाये क्या हुयी, कौन सी नयी योजना इत्यादि, अगर राजनीतिज्ञ होगा तो वोट बैंक, अधिकारी होगा तो क्रियान्वयन की समस्याएं, सहभागिता जैसे आदर्शात्मक बाते, मीडिया के लिए बहस का मुद्दा, समाजशास्त्री के लिए समाज का शर्म, अर्थशात्री के लिए प्रतिशत और अन्य अन्य लोगो के लिए अन्य अन्य चीज़। पर सबसे बड़ा प्रश्न यह है, और होना चाहिए, जो शायद दुर्भाग्य से नहीं पूछा जाता है, वह है कि गरीबी का गरीब के लिये क्या मायने है। यही वजह है कि इस प्रश्न के आभाव में आज भी गरीबी अपने ही ढंग से और शायद पहले से ज्यादा वीभत्स रूप में मौजूद है। थॉमस पिकेटी, विख्यात अर्थशात्री है, उन्होंने अपने शोध में पाया कि पिछले 25 वर्षों में धन दौलत में बेसुमार वृद्धि हुई, पर असमानता भी उतनी ही रफ़्तार में बढ़ी, कुछ ऐसी है कहने ऑक्सफॉम की भी रिपोर्ट में कही गयी है। मतलब स्पष्ट है कि गरीबी और अमीरी एक साथ मौजूद है, यही सबसे बड़ा आश्चर्य है।

    2. बहरहाल, फिर से अगर आंकड़ो के दुनिया से निकल कर गरीबी के विमर्श पर लौटे और ये समझे की अकादमिक रूप से गरीबी किसे कहते है, तो शायद संयुक्त राष्ट्र की परिभाषा का उल्लेख वाजिब होगा जिसमें मोटे तौर पर ये माना गया है कि अपनी आधारभूत जरूरतो को लगातार न पूरा कर पाने की असमर्थता की अवस्था ही गरीबी है। इसमें बाद के वर्षों में अमर्त्य सेन और हक़ जैसे अर्थशास्ररियो ने अपने प्रयासों से कई और आयामो को इसमें शामिल करवाये, जिसमे शिक्षा, स्वस्थ्य, जीवन की गुडवत्ता प्रमुखता से शामिल थे। इसे ये संकल्पना उभर कर आई की गरीबी के बहु आयाम है, और बहुआयामी गरीबी सूचकांक जैसे मानक की गरीबी को नापने की शुरआत हुयी।

    3. पर मूल सवाल वही का वही रह जाता है… की एक गरीब के लिए गरीबी के क्या मायने है। इसको समझने के लिए प्रेमचंद की कहानी का एक उद्धरण सहायक साबित हो सकता है..

    “झोंपड़े के द्वार पर बाप और बेटा दोनों एक बुझे हुए अलाव के सामने चुपचाप बैठे हुए हैं और अन्दर बेटे की जवान बीवी बुधिया प्रसव-वेदना में पछाड़ खा रही थी। रह-रहकर उसके मुँह से ऐसी दिल हिला देनेवाली आवाज़ निकलती थी, कि दोनों कलेजा थाम लेते थे। जाड़ों की रात थी, प्रकृति सन्नाटे में डूबी हुई, सारा गाँव अन्धकार में लय हो गया था।

    घीसू ने कहा—मालूम होता है, बचेगी नहीं। सार दिन दौड़ते हो गया, जा देख तो आ।

    माधव चिढ़कर बोला—मरना ही है तो जल्दी मर क्यों नहीं जाती ? देखकर क्या करूँ ?

    ‘तू बड़ा बेदर्द है वे ! साल-भर जिसके साथ सुख-चैन से रहा, उसी के साथ इतनी बेवफाई !’

    ‘तो मुझसे तो उसका तड़पना और हाथ-पाँव पटकना नहीं देखा जाता।’

    चमारों का कुनबा था और सारे गाँव में बदनाम। घीसू एक दिन काम करता तो तीन दिन आराम करता। माधव इतना काम-चोर था कि आध घण्टे काम करता तो घंटे-भर चिलम पीता। इसलिए उन्हें कहीं मजदूरी नहीं मिलती थी। घर में मुट्ठी-भर भी अनाज मौजूद हो, तो उनके लिए काम करने की कसम थी। जब दो-चार फाके हो जाते तो घीसू पेड़ पर चढ़कर लकड़ियाँ तोड़ लाता और माधव बाजार से बेच लाता। और जब तक वह पैसे रहते, दोनों इधर-उधर मारे-मारे फिरते। गाँव में काम की कमी न थ। किसानों का गाँव था, मेहनती आदमी के लिए पचास काम थे। मगर इन दोनों को उसी वक्त बुलाते, जब दो आदमियों से एक का काम पाकर भी सन्तोष कर लेने के सिवा और कोई चारा न होता।”

    4. यह उद्धरण बताता है कि गरीबी अमानवीय होती है,
    जो माधव के बातो से प्रतीत होती है, गरीबी लाचारी भी होती है.. जब माधव कहता है कि मुझसे उसका हाथ पैर पटकना नहीं देखा जाता। गरीबी की जाती होती है.. चमारो का कुनबा था…. गरीबी में अँधेरा होता है, अवसरों की विपन्नता होती है, बहिष्कार होता है, तिरष्कार होता है इत्यादि इत्यादि। शायद गरीबी के गरीबी यही सब होती है एक दंश होती है, जो हर पल वो झेलता है, जिसे आंकड़ों में महसूस नहीं किया जा सकता।

    5. अब हिंसा की बात करे तो, संकुचित अर्थों में हिंसा को मारपीट या उपद्रव के साथ ही जोड़ कर देखा जाता है। इन संदर्भो में गरीबी हिंसा है क्योंकि हजारो किसान आत्महत्या कर रहे है, बच्चे कुपोषण से दम तोड़ देते है, पूरा सोमालिया, नाइजेरिया, सुब सहारा के साथ भारत की एक तिहाई आबादी इस आग में झुलस रही है। अगर व्यापक अर्थो में भी देखे तो, विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन के परिभाषा के हिसाब से हिंसा को ऐसा कृत्य माना गया है.. जो इरादतन किसी को नुकसान पहुचाने के उद्देश्य से किया गया हो। ये नुकसान भौतिक क्षति या शारीरिक क्षति पहुचाने, लैंगिक निजता को अतिक्रमित करने , सामाजिक रूप से नीचा दिखाने के लिए , राजनैतिक अवसरों में बाधा डालने के लिए, आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर करने या मनोवैज्ञानिक ठेस पहुचाने के रूप में हो सकती है। इससे स्पष्ट है कि हिंसा के कई आयाम है। गरीबी के वजह से अवसरों की विपन्नता, जाती भेदभाव के वजह से सामाजिक वहिष्कार, लिंग के आधार में घर में कैदी की स्थिति, जैसी कई आयाम है जिसे गाहे बगाहे हम सब देखते, सुनते या महसूस करते है।

    6. पर आंकड़े और सन्दर्भ जो भी कहे, ईन सब में एक अच्छी बात एक निकल कर आती है वो ये है कि आज न सिर्फ राष्ट्रीय बल्कि अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर भी ये माना जा रहा है कि गरीबी सबसे बड़ी समस्या है और इसका निदान समयबद्ध तरीके से होना चाहिए। इसके प्रत्यक्ष प्रमाण के रूप सतत विकास लक्ष्य में लक्ष्यों की सूची देखी जा सकती है, जिसमे गरीबी उन्मूलन को प्रथम स्थान पर रखा गया है, और 17 लक्ष्यों में से कम से कम 10 ऐसे लक्ष्य जो प्रत्यक्ष या परोक्ष रुप से गरीबी उन्मूलन से जुड़े है। राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर भी भारत सरकार गरीबी को बहुआयामी समस्या मानकर कई आयाम से इसके निराकरण पर जोर दे रही है। प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजना से घर मुहैया कराके, दीन दयाल उपाध्याय ग्रामीण कौशल्य योजना से कौशल प्रदान करके, प्रधानमंत्री फसल बीमा योजना से किसानों को बीमा देकर, महिलाओं के लिए तेजस्वनी, सबला जैसी योजनायो से निपटने का प्रयास किया जा रहा है। इसके अलावा आर्थिक सर्वेक्षण 2016-17 में सार्वभौमिक आधारभूत आय के बारे में चर्चा की गयी है, जो एक निश्चित आया प्रदान करने पर विचार कर रहा है, अगर ऐसा होता है तो ये भी निश्चित तौर पर गरीबी उन्मूलन की दिशा में मील का पत्थर साबित होगा।

    7. अंत मे, महात्मा गान्धी ने कहा था कि गरीबी सबसे बड़ा दानव है जिसे स्वयं मानव ने बनाया है। अगर इसे खत्म करना है, तो उलीखित योजनायों के साथ साथ गांधी जी के जंतर की नियति भी चाहिए जिसमें गांधी जी ने कहा था कि..

    मैं तुम्‍हें एक ताबीज देता हूँ। जब भी दुविधा में हो या जब अपना स्‍वार्थ तुम पर हावी हो जाए, तो इसका प्रयोग करो। उस सबसे गरीब और दुर्बल व्‍यक्ति का चेहरा याद करो जिसे तुमने कभी देखा हो, और अपने आप से पूछो- जो कदम मैं उठाने जा रहा हूँ, वह क्‍या उस गरीब के कोई काम आएगा? क्‍या उसे इस कदम से कोई लाभ होगा? क्‍या इससे उसे अपने जीवन और अपनी नियति पर कोई काबू फिर मिलेगा? दूसरे शब्‍दों में, क्‍या यह कदम लाखों भूखों और आध्‍यात्मिक दरिद्रों को स्‍वराज देगा?
    तब तुम पाओगे कि तुम्हारी सारी शंकाएं और स्वार्थ पिघल कर खत्म हो गए हैं।
    अगर ये जंतर हमें याद रही तो हम निश्चित है 2030 तक गरीबी पर विजय पा लेंगे, जैसे की सतत विकास लक्ष्य 2030 में अपेक्षा की गयी है।

    Pls review kijiyega aap log

  21. Sherlock- the final problem Avatar
    Sherlock- the final problem

    Sir Mera bi plz review kar do

  22. Sherlock- the final problem Avatar
    Sherlock- the final problem

    Bhai plz review mine

  23. Sherlock- the final problem Avatar
    Sherlock- the final problem

    Please review guys…

  24. Brar MS Avatar
    Brar MS

    Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides- Rig veda. Thought building and propagating process has been at the center point of Indian civilisation since vedic times. Crucial for personality development and ultimate development of society, nation and the world , education via formal institutions thus play a very important role. Despite our long association with higher education system and the huge significance attached to it , all is not well in the present day education system requiring some urgent reforms.

    Our tryst with formal higher education dates back to centres of higher learning in Nalanda and Taxila. Such was their status that it received international students from as far as china eg Huein Tsang. Not withstanding the general perception, their structure matched any of our present day universities in term of hostel facility, scientific subjects like astronomy etc. After their downfall and a gap of hundreds of years the higher education was revived in colonial era especially under hunter commission when modern universities like Delhi, Madras and Panjab university were setup. This pace was accelerated after independence leading to significant capacity increase.

    Founders of Indian democracy understood the importance of higher education which was the reason behind aggressive setup of technological institution like IIT, IISER, IISc etc and Management institution like IIMs. These centres of learning play a very significant role in skill development and productivity enhancement of labour needed for economic development. They act as places which promote debate, discussion essential for political and social reform process of the nation. Its significance also extends to promotion of research and development acting as hubs of innovation for the nation.

    However, our higher education centres have failed to reach their potential despite the availability of dedicated and motivated young population as seen in poor ranking amongst international institutions. There is a need to look comprehensively into the education system to find the problems plauging it.

    Biggest problem being the cost of education. Professional institutions in engineering, medical and management are cost intensive which hinder the participation of poor but eligible. Major reason attributable to it being lack of government funding. Recently, Panjab university is facing huge financial crunch leading to non payment of salaries to teaching staff. Commercialisation of education for churning profits being another such reason for cost increase.

    Commercialisation inturn has lead to decline in quality of education as these entities focus on reducing costs in Research and Development which require huge investments. Commercial profit oriented institution hire unqualified teachers at low cost and doesnot focus on infrastructure building especially labs. This has lead to severe impact on higher education.

    Issue related to teachers is not limited to private entities but even in public sector they face problem like huge vacancies, long working hours that impact quality and lack of adequate teacher training institutes. This compounded with teacher assessment via Academic Performance Indicators based on number of paper publised in any national and international journal has lead to frauds and poor quality of paper in fake journals.

    Professors and teacher are not always at the recieving end of the problem but at times few bad elements cause problems like discrimination with students of lower castes as seen in Rohit Vemula suicide case. Sexual harassment with women folk as happened in TERI institute is another significant issue. These problems can inturn be seen as problem of ineffective administration in higher education institutes.

    Administrative inefficiencies also arise from the fact that teachers have to perform administrative tasks which reduces their focus on education. These problems also arise due to political interference as most of VC posts in public funded universities are political posts. Role of UGC is also a cause of concern as the regulation framed are influenced by party in power at national level.

    Political parties usually play a spoil sport not indirectly via UGC but also directly via associated student political bodies which resort to violence eg recent ABVP violence and violence during student elections.

    Plethora of problems associated with highly significant institutions need comprehensive reforms.A Famous japanese qoute says- Fish rots top down and not bottom up. There is a urgent need to reform UGC and replace it with an autonomous and independent regulator that looks at private and public institutions in equal manner in funding and is free from political interference in fund release and regulation forming.

    There is also a need to open Indian education system to foreign universities in a way which improves quality of education but reduces the huge cost associated. Setting up an independent regulator would facilitate it. Government also need to increase public expenditure on higher education and promote an ecosystem where public and private universities work in tandem with corporate sector to innovate as seen in US.

    Teacher reforms is another crucial aspect of topdown reform approach. Ensuring appropriate qualified teacher at remunerative salaries which are free of administrative responsibilty is need of the times. The promotion and assessment of teacher shall also be looked into thoroughly by discussing various strategies like student based assessment, outcome in terms of research etc. Teachers also need to be sensitised to the problem of social discrimination and strict action need to be taken against erring ones.

    These teacher reforms would be beneficial if and only if, appropriate infrastructure is provided in terms of laboratories, equipments, internet connection etc. Government need to improve social infrastructure via cheap loans and accessing multilateral funds under AIIB, world bank.

    These steps need to be taken in addition to curiculum reforms where curiculum is set and revised dynamically to cater to need of the industry which in turn will improve the employability of students. Use of e-education to provide access to quality education to students in geographically isolated areas and to students belonging to deprived sections.

    Lately, Government of India has started to work consciously in this regard and improve the quality and accessibilty of the education as it is needed for government’s Make in India initiative. SWAYAM – Massive open online course has been initiatied to promote e-education under Digital India. Scholarship is being provided to SC ST Minorities and women to access education . Reservation is also provided to ensure social justice in education system. Universities on their own have also done their bit in education reforms. MoU have been signed with international institutes to improve quality. To cope up with the negative externality associated with student poliitics Lyngdoh commission recommendation are in place in Delhi university and other such universities to curb muscle power and to involve intellegent, dedicated students in election process.

    It seems to be the beginning of higher education reforms in our education sector which is a process in itself with no seeming end. Thus there is a need for constant lookout for the reforms needed in the changing global and national scenarios to make sure that our education system once again reaches the height of glory that existed in ancient Nalanda and Taxila institutions.

  25. Jyoti Singh Avatar
    Jyoti Singh

    Poverty Is The Worst Form of Violence—–

    The thought that poverty is an inevitability and is inborn and inseparable is entirety erroneous.—–
    Poverty is society’s way of perpetually dehumanizing people and subjecting them to unlivable conditions.The effects of poverty include mental and physical illness, inadequate
    nutrition, food insecurity, adverse effects on academic outcomes . . .
    the list goes on. According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die of famine each day.

    As Per APA report There are Few barriers–
    1 Social Division Poverty– First and foremost is marginalization, which is assigning and confining
    a group to inferior conditions. As a result of marginalization, access
    to good education and jobs are limited.Thus Poor have to all form of violence be it physical ,mental and psychological.People tend to disrespect them and fail to live life with full dignity.

    2 Economic Poverty–No person is inferior based
    on race, gender, sexual orientation or ability. We need to
    provide access, education and tools to those who are most vulnerable in
    our community . Ahead of all the causes of poverty comes the unequal sharing of resources.They are forced to live in a hand to mouth condition depriving them from basics amenities.

    3 Education Poverty–Being Poor you can not afford a good education which is also a kind of a violence. Womens’ lack of education leads to higher adolescent birth
    rates. This in turn over-burdens an already economically strained
    community, aggravating the situation and can not benefit a government schemes.

    4 Disparity In Income Poverty–Low wages, verses increasing prices of living supplies. As a result, the
    middle class is disappearing in most developing countries, and adding up to the poorer population. Millions of people live with hunger because they simply cannot afford to buy food.
    Beacuse of worse situation People tend to send their kids to work in unfavorable situation,Child falls in the trap as domestic workers or maid,child trafficking, and assaultation,After committing the crime rich get scout free but poor have to suffer all his life.

    5 Health Poverty– Poor people tend to face certain health issues as they are prone to it because of deprivation of basic infrastructure.They can not afford fees of private hospitals ,people in the hospital also shows indifferent attitude towards disadvantage section of people.and they remain in a denial of RIGHT TO HEALTH.

    6 Other Sphere—–
    # Politicians tend to ask votes during elections but do nothing for poor people in return they kept poor people in false promises and taking full advatange of them.Poor people can not walk up to the politicians to making things done
    # In Village Patwari System is prevalent to keep records of the land but administrative are indolent to co operate with the farmers or poor people.Sometimes their land are also took away from them in foul way.
    # Our Judicial system is such labyrinth it is so difficult for them to seek legal help
    # During disaster ie earthquake or floods it is the poor who have to suffer the most,they lost everything including shelter and employment and become hard nut to crack to recover them
    # In International Forum Poor countries voice went unheard,Rich countries look down upon on poor countries.

    Certain Ways To Make Some Changes—
    1 Need To Educate Yourself–Lack of affordable housing, sad state of public education, domestic violence
    that pervades every state in this country. By reading and educating yourself, you can strengthen your understanding of anti-poverty aspects of Womens’ rights,economic human rights and workers rights.

    2 Take Legislative Action–Citizen-driven resources like to support in areas such as affordable housing and education, living wages, food security, universal health care, child care recently Haryana Government launched MAHILA POLICE VOLUNTEER INITIATIVE and some other schemes like VANBANDHU KALYAN YOJANA (welfare of tribal population) and SWACHH SWASTH SARVATRA Scheme

    3 Volunteer Help–We can Volunteer with Kids,famlies and elderly people with computer teaching,sports.donate leftovers.

    In The Long run,we can poverty can be a reason to certain form of violence andis a growing beast that eventually will reach those on top of mountains. So, if the world takes no serious action, not only will the
    poor be victims of the wealthy, but the wealthy will soon be violently victimized by the poor.
    But in recent decade lot has been changed When Institution Body like WHO,UNICEF and UN,have come up with the idea like MDG etc poor people still being expolited in some way.
    Poverty is the worst form of violence” as GANDHI Ji said he clearly believed in the concept of living a simple life was necessary.

  26. ForumIAS Avatar

    Well tried Neha. Keep writing. And, spread the word about Mains Marathon 🙂
    Ask others to participate and Review your answers!

  27. ForumIAS Avatar

    Haan, Neha ka please Review kar do koi 🙂

  28. ForumIAS Avatar

    Yes, I agree 🙂

  29. ForumIAS Avatar

    Thanks for the Reviews loaded!


    Thank you friend.
    I will try to write it better next time.
    Thanks for reviewing


    Friend the Story was a good Idea however more dimensions Could have been covered like Crime(though indirect reference by mentioning kasab is there but need more on it)
    Some good Facts could have made it better.
    Also some sentence formation issues which I agree happens due to speed but needs to be checked.
    overall a nice try Friend 🙂

  32. ok thanks i wud try to improve.


    Friend your points are good
    but some structural issues are there.
    Intro could be written better like role of education I think a gloomy picture in intro could be avoided or could be written in a much softer way.
    Also the biggest issue was Facts are missing. Some facts supporting your point is needed
    overall a good one
    liked reading it 🙂

  34. Thank you so much my friend


    Jyoti really appreciate your Consistency in answer writing
    Great job keep writing 🙂

  36. hi plz review my essay.although it is short.


    Hats off for your consistency
    You are one of the silent players friend
    would like to see you shining
    Keep writing 🙂

  38. Importance of Education:
    Education is a critical tool for developing a modern economy, a just society and a vibrant polity. It provides skills and competencies for economic well-being and social mobility.
    Education strengthens democracy by imparting to citizens the tools needed to fully participate in the governance process. It also acts as an integrative force in society, imparting values that foster social cohesion and national identity.
    A well educated population, equipped with the relevant knowledge, attitudes and skills is essential for economic and social development in this century.

    Quality education:
    Imparting quality education to our youth is one of the highest forms of service, an individual or institution can render to the nation.
    Its importance was best described by the Greek philosopher, Diogenes, who said ‘the foundation of every state is the education of its youth’.

    Higher education: Status :
    India has the third largest higher education system in the world with around 652 universities and university level institutes that impart higher and technical education. They also provide affiliation to more than 33,000 colleges and institutes.
    Enrollment rates in our higher education institutions have gone up to around 17% but are still well below the world average of 26 per cent.

    Shortcomings in higher education in India:
    However, our higher education system continues to be afflicted with the three problems of access, equity and quality.
    Wide disparities exist in enrolment percentages among the States and between urban and rural areas.
    Disadvantaged sections of society and women have significantly lower enrolments than the national average.
    The higher education sector is plagued by a shortage of well-trained faculty, poor infrastructure and outdated and irrelevant curricula.
    The use of technology remains limited and standards of research and teaching at Indian universities are far below international standard.
    Curricular reforms leading to regular revision and upgrading of curricula, introduction of semester system, choice-based credit system, and examination reforms are yet to take place in higher educational institutions across the country.
    Exceptions apart, majority of our higher education institutions perform poorly in the area of quality on a relative global scale.
    Our system turns out nearly seven lakh science and engineering graduates every year. However, industry surveys show that only 25 percent of these are employable, without further training. The picture is more dismal in other disciplines if a recent, non-official, employability report is to be believed.
    In recent years, the massive expansion in enrolment in higher education in the country has resulted in unbearable burden being put on the physical and pedagogic infrastructure of colleges and universities. This is reflected in overcrowded classrooms and distortion of desirable student-teacher ratios, overall shortage of teaching and tutorial space, overloading of laboratory and library facilities, and often a lowering of quality of teaching. All these issues require urgent correctives.

    Reforms needed in higher education sector :
    Curricular and academic reforms are required to improve student choices, with a fine balance between the market oriented professional and liberal higher education.
    Higher education must be aligned to the country’s economy and also to the needs of the global market.
    Innovative and relevant curricula should be designed to serve different segments of the job market or provide avenues for self-employment.
    Emphasis must be given to the expansion of skill-based programmes in order to make our youth employable in the job market.
    Fact remains that today, around 60% of total enrolments in higher education are in private institutions. Some of them excel in their chosen areas. There also exist legitimate concerns about many of these institutions being substandard, exploitative and suffering from the general shortcomings mentioned earlier. Governance reforms are required to enable these institutions to have their autonomy to develop distinctive strengths, while being held accountable for ensuring quality and fulfilling their responsibility to society.

    Demographic Dividend and education:
    India has a younger population not only in comparison to advanced economies but also in relation to the large developing countries.
    In 2011, around 50% of our population was less than 24 years of age. By 2020, around two thirds of our population will be in the working age group (15-64 years).
    Over the next 20 years, labour force in India is expected to increase, while it will decline in industrialized countries and in China.
    This demographic structure presents us with an opportunity of a potential ‘demographic dividend’, which tapped, could add to our growth potential, provided two conditions are fulfilled.
    * First, higher levels of health, education and skill development are achieved.
    * Second, an environment is created in which the economy not only grows rapidly, but also enhances good quality employment/livelihood opportunities to meet the needs and aspirations of the youth.
    It is thus evident that education is a vital ingredient for actualizing the ‘demographic dividend’ and for achieving higher, sustainable and more inclusive economic growth.
    India has the potential to capture a higher share of global knowledge-based work, for example by increasing its exports of knowledge-intensive goods and services, if there is focus on higher education and its quality is globally benchmarked.

    Role of the governing bodies such as UGC, AICTE, MCI :
    Watchdogs for various areas – UGC (University Grants Commission) for University grant status to new/existing colleges/universities; AICTE for technical education and MCI (Medical Council of India). A private college must affiliate itself to an university; a private university must remain unitary and may not affiliate colleges. The infrastructure, faculty, facilities etc at the government colleges are often the worst of the lot.
    The bodies have been functioning in an extremely biased manner with rampant charges of corruption at all levels, no control over the colleges/universities that keep appearing all over the country etc. The system is widely abused by institutes of dubious claim – agreed. But not letting new institutes be set up is not the solution. Quality monitoring, transparency in information sharing, and swift action against the defaulters are needed. Unfortunately, the governing bodies fall short by a miles distance on each of these counts.
    Areas such as Management and Chartered Accountancy fall outside the purview of UGC – both have afforded free access to private colleges and which have been very successful. There is no reason to believe that the same model can not work in other fields as well. Even in undergraduate engineering level, the entry of private colleges has been relatively liberal and private colleges have managed to churn out engineers of adequate quality. Clearly, there are two forces active here: one of the industry demand for engineers which guides the return on investment for an engineering aspirant and the other of the 80:20 rule which guides that 20% of the good institutes/engineers will make up for the other 80%.:

    The future expansion of education would have to be carefully planned so as to correct regional and social imbalances, reinvigorate institutions to improve standards and reach international benchmarks of excellence, match demand with supply by improving employability, and extend the frontiers of knowledge. The reform of higher education system will require a comprehensive and collective efforts of the Government, private sector, academia and civil society, so that the three objectives of access and expansion, equity and inclusion, and quality and excellence can be achieved in a time bound manner.

  39. Jyoti Singh Avatar
    Jyoti Singh

    Reforming Higher Education In India———–
    Give up the idea that parents give ‘Janma to the child and not destiny (Karma). They can mould the destiny of their children by giving them education——-

    Education is very important for any individual as well as nation.With the dawn of freedom in India several reforms are being introduced in the field of education.During those days, one important deficiency in the education system was that education was heavily art and humanities-based. With passage of time, this deficiency has been removed to some extent

    Higher Education System In India–
    #India has the third largest higher education in the world,with around 652 universities and university level institutes that impart higher and technical education. They also provide affiliation to more than 33,000

    #Although Enrollemnt rates have gone up to 17 % but still below when comparing to the world average of 26%

    Unfortunately educational planning and implementation has not been quite satisfactory. Many shortcomings have come to the forefront which ultimately derail the developmental activities. That is why higher educational reforms have become the most in India to correct the shortcomings and failures.

    Reason Behind Volatility In HIgher Education—

    1 Stereotypical Education –our students are taught even those subjects in which they have no interest at all. Consequently, there is much waste of time an energy resulting among educated youths remain misfits in their practical life owing to their defective education.

    2 Lack Of Clear And Categorical Approach–there is over-crowding in the classes. The teacher pupil ratio is very high. Teachers fail to recognize even the faces of their students. There is no personal touch between the teacher and the taught. This is responsible for the growing indiscipline among students.

    3 Lack Of Enthusisam and Zeal– Students Do not develop any interest for serious study. Books do not attract them.Easy and short-cut methods are popular with them. They do not get any real knowledge.Our education is examination ridden.

    4 Poor Recruitment System– . Instead of the merits and qualifications of the candidate, religion
    and caste are considered more important by selection bodies. This sort of sectarian and communal mentality is proving injurious to the nation.

    5 Lack Of Intellectual Exercise– Purely theoretical education should not be given.Connecting education with the actual life of the community is the need of the hour.At present there is a wide gulf between the practical life and the education which is given to students.

    6 Wide Disparity–It exist in enrolment percentages among the States and between urban and rural
    areas.Vulnerable Sections of society and women have significantly lower enrolments than the national average.

    7 Other Sphere–

    # The Use Of Technology Remains Limited and Standard of teaching method below internationl level

    #Huge number of masses science and engineering graduate every year,industrial survey shows only 25 % candidates are employed.

    #Our education system inflicted with three problem.Equality,Equity and Access.

    Measures To Take To Deal With The Issue—-

    1 Emphasis must be given to the expansion of skill-based programmes in order to make our youth employable in the job market.
    2 Compulsory psychological tests to be introduced in schools and colleges. This will enable students to choose subjects of their choice. They will have planned careers from the very beginning, instead of chance careers.
    3 Fixing the maximum number of students in every class;Adopting such measures will bring the teacher and taught quite close to each other.

    4 Intelligence tests, personal interviews, and class-room work will be given importance rather than the final examination. Vocationalisation of education is urgently needed .

    5 The present Higher Education Public Service Commission for the selection of teacher, is a move in the right direction. But considerable improvements in its functioning is needed.So that only persons having real taste for learning are entrusted with this heavy responsibility

    6 Make every possible effort to make education cheap. Thus, education will not be for a selected few but for all..

    Demographic Dividend Of The India
    #India has a younger population not only in comparison to advanced economies but also in relation to the large developing countries.In Next 20 years Labour force in india is expected to increase leaving behind china.

    # We First need to achieve the health,education and skill development and then need to create such environment where economy not only grows but also promote and enhancement of livelihood or employment

    # India has a huge potential as global share of knowledge,it is thus crystal clear education is vital for demographic dividend and achieving higher economic growth in a more inclusive way.

    The attempt towards improving higher education should be made in keeping in view the interests, attitudes and aptitudes and creative activities of the youth.The approach should be comprehensive,collective and positive so that we could eliminate the differences of ,Equality,Equity,and Access.The Steps are required to take in a time bound manner so that could meet the criteria of demand with supply by improving employability, and extend the frontiers of knowledge



    Education is the gateway of knowledge . Our country is moving fast on the road to progress. Literacy rate has increased significantly with significant increase in enrollment ratios .The world today is not the same it used to be years ago and undergone phenomenal change . But our ailing higher education has not undergone any significant change.There is a dire need to revamp our higher education.

    We had a rich heritage of education in the form of Nalanda , Takshila university where students from abroad came to study in India. But today the sad fact is that none of our universities come even among the top 200. Most of students after completing their degree start running after jobs and the research takes a back seat, moreover the education provided to them also does not match the skills required for job.The mismatch between the skills imparted and the skill required in the industry also creates a problem of unemployment.There is an urgent need to reform the higher education.

    The higher eduacation should be a learning process not a mere rote learning .More focus should be on quality research.There is proliferation of private institutes at an unprecedented whose only motive is earning money and the quality of eduaction is compromised with .There should be check on such institues . Also there is huge shortage of quality teachers and most of the institutes are understaffed and the teachers are also appointed on contractual basis who lack the skills to provide the right education. More imporatnce should be given to appointing well qualified teachers and there should be a check on contract teachers .

    The practical skills can be enhanced through apprenticeship programes and the institution should make apprentiship programs neccessary so they can gain through the experience of well qualified scholars. Teachers should be appointed after following due process.

    The performance of private institutions should be made at par with govermental institutions. The higher institutions are under the control of UGC and AICTE should be provided with funds to have the right infrastructure so there are proper labs for research. Also the research work should be incentivised and trained profeesional should be there to guide them. Proper training to avoid the mismatch between skill required for industries and the skill acquired.
    Significant steps are neeeded to reform our eduation system so that we can regain our past glory and come to the level of world class institutes like MIT, HARVARD and the education can lead us to the road of progress.

  41. Reforming Higher Education in India

    Higher Education plays an important role in the development of the country by building a pool of talented scientists and scholars for the country. However the situation of Higher Education Institutes and Authorities in India is dismal today. Recently released ranking of Times Asian Universities places only 33 Indian universities in top 300 considering India represents 1.2 billion population. The existing state of affairs have also been highlighted by Ranjit Roy Choudhary Committee and the Lodha Commiteee overseeing the Indian Medical Council (IMC) which have pointed out that the existing regulations and bureaucracy have proved to be an inhibitor in the growth of higher education institutions in India.

    Higher Education was part of Indian culture as part of the Great Universities at Nalanda and Taxila. However these centres declined due to lack of funding. During the British Colonial era Universities in Calcutta, Madras and Bombay were opened in 1857 (Woods’s Despatch). Anglicist had also forced the British Parliament to set aside Rs 1 lakh in Charter Act 1813 for development of education in India. However much of these steps taken by the Britishers was in colonial interests and were abandoned after the rise of Indian National Congress. Post-independence Government tried setting up national institutions like IITs and IIMs which have developed themselves in centres of learning today. However various contradictions like lack of autonomy to IIMs due to which they could not provide a proper degree (recently resolved in IIM Bill) have proved a major setback for the educational infrastructure in the country.

    Broadly the higher education in India faces the following challenges. One, lack of autonomy. Higher institutions are directly under control of Regulatory bodies like Indian Medical Council, UGC and AICTE due to which these regulatory bodies practice an authoritarian regime. Key appointments, service conditions and functions of academic board are decided by these bodies which restricts the concept of academic freedom. Two, increased interference by statutory bodies provides for government control of these institutions. As a result the policies reflect populist measures rather than need of the day. Recent appointment in FTII which was opposed by Film Fraternity and the student is an example of the same. Three, government exercises almost 100% control on the finances of the institutions due to which these institutions do not get an opportunity for means to expand or invest. Forth, increased role of regulatory bodies as pointed by Lodha Committee (IMC) has led to wide spread corruption wherein one body controls everything. Right from licensing, approvals, inspection, course structure, appointments etc centralisation of control promotes an authoritarian regime.

    Fifth, apart from the above these institutions also suffer from infrastructural and human resource constraints mainly because lack of funds. Remuneration is not competitive therefore it becomes difficult to attract quality faculty and students. Sixth, campuses have to be responsive to change, inculcating new principles like ICT, Distance Learning, online courses, course modernisation (needs of the market) etc in the curriculum which is a challenge in India, due to slow growth in infrastructure. Many of these reasons is attributed to lack of corporate functioning and lacksadial attitude of the people. Seventh, competition from foreign campuses also plays an important role in the existing state of our institutes. Foreign campuses compete with Indian institutes for research, opportunities, funding, students etc. However due to existing state of events students and faculty opt to go out.

    Therefore as mentioned above higher education is going through a phase of difficulties which are both structural and regulatory in nature. Resolution of these issues will go a long way in developing the education infrastructure in India. Recently concluded IIM Bill, Higher Education Financial Agency and the SC Oversight Committee looking after IMC are some of the positive measures which the government in taking to ensure smooth and fair development of our existing institutions. Some of the measures than have been suggested to improve/ reform our higher education infrastrture are as follows.

    One, Government should address the concern of autonomy of these campuses for academic freedom. Institutions have much better knowledge of the grass root and are in a much better position steer direction of the governing board. Therefore independence in appointment and working of governing board to be ensured like the recent IIM Bill which empowers the management and allows them to give degrees. Two, regulatory bodies to work within the ambit of policy and not meddle in day to day operations. It should act like a facilitor rather than an inhibitor. Roles to be defined as per requirements and separated amongst bodies to prevent huge centralisation of power. Three, institutes should enjoy means of raising finance like through HEFA. Institutes can be empowered to raise bonds for infrastructure development, decide on free structures for certain courses etc so that autonomy through financial control is ensures.

    Forth, modernisation to be tackled by the institutions on a war footing. Modernisation to reflect changing environment like a shift from pure science & technical studies to liberal arts (recently opened Nalanda University & Ashoka University). Fifth, improvement in infrastructure development and facilities to attract talent. Infrastructure to also reflect the need of the increasing population of India. Sixth, human resource management of the staff, compensation etc to be reformed reflecting fairness in employment. Seventh, and lastly the entire reforms would hinge on the corporate attitude of initiating a turnaround. Institutions to function like a value (teaching systems) and profit driven organisation for efficient turnaround. Therefore instilling the corporate culture and attitude is important. 360 degree management feedback, KPI driven monitoring, competing on international rankings etc would go a long way reforming the way people see our campuses.

    Higher Education can be called as temples of modern India because they play a significant role in promoting all round development and enhancing the image of India as a centre of learning across the world. However reforming the entire infrastructure today is a necessity today. Campuses like Harvard and Oxford have developed over a period of 150+ years however due to technology in modern times we have the opportunity to leapfrog ourselves directly into world class institutes through commitment and required steps. India houses largest pool of young aspiring students and in order to meet their aspirations strong and resourceful steps are a need of the hour.

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