Mains Marathon – UPSC Mains Current Affairs Questions – December 13


Read the following questions and answer them by clicking on the links in not more than 200 words

Time: 40 Minutes


  1. 1.Enumerate the problems and prospects of inland water transport in India.

    भारत में अंतर्देशीय जन परिवहन कि समस्याओं एवं संभावनाओ को गिनाइए ? (GS 1)

  2. Link-1 | Link -2

  3. 2.What was held in the Coelho case? In this context, can you say that judicial review is of key importance amongst the basic features of the Constitution?
    कोहिलो केस में क्या अभिनिर्धारित किया गया था ? इस सन्दर्भ में, क्या आप कह सकते है की न्यायिक पुनर्विलोकन संविधान के बुनियादी अभिलक्षणों में प्रमुख महत्त्व का है ? (GS 2)

  4. Link

  5. 3.Use of Internet and social media by non-state actors for subversive activities is a major concern. How have these have misused in the recent past? Suggest effective guidelines to curb the above threat.
    गैर-राज्यों अभिकर्ताओं द्वारा इंटरनेट एवं सोशल मीडिया का विध्वंसकारी गतिविधियों हेतु प्रयोग सुरक्षा के लिए एक वृहद चिंता का विषय है | हाल ही में इनका दुष-प्रयोग किस प्रकार हुआ है? उपर्युक्त खतरे को नियंत्रित करने के लिए प्रभावकारी सुझाव सुझाइये | (GS 3)

  6. Huffingtonpost

  7. 4.What do you understand by the following terms in the context of public service:
    (i) Accountability
    (ii) Perseverance.
    (iii) Empathy.
    (iv) Commitment. Justify your answer with examples. (GS 4)
  8. सार्वजनिक सेवा के संदर्भ में आप  निम्नलिखित शब्दों से क्या समझते हैं:
  9. (i) जवाबदेही
    (ii) दृढ़ता
    (iii) सहानुभूति
    (iv) प्रतिबद्धताउदाहरण के साथ अपने उत्तर का औचित्य सिद्ध करें।




23 responses to “Mains Marathon – UPSC Mains Current Affairs Questions – December 13”

  1. Manish kumar Avatar
    Manish kumar

    Still no confirmation mail sir. Plz help me asap

  2. Whatever you think is better. Your wish 🙂 No hard and fast rule.

  3. Your wish 🙂

  4. Ok. Will try again.

  5. Hi, one query. Is it recommended to read the concerned article link given before attempting the question? Or should we try to answer based on what we know and then cross-check..? I ask because I have been prepping for a year and have a general idea about all topics but not desired level of clarity in many. Thanks in advance!

  6. biharkalalu Avatar

    sir am i write answer in here?or in my notebook then upload photo?

  7. sir ,yet confirmation mail is not recieved

  8. We have checked. Kindly confirm again. It should work fine now 🙂

  9. Kindly confirm again. It should work fine now 🙂

  10. Sir,I am net getting confirmation mail ,since I’m trying for last 2 days.

  11. Manish kumar Avatar
    Manish kumar

    Sir, why am I not getting confirmation mail. I have been trying to subscribe for last 3 days. I have also sent u my email ID. Plz help

  12. Purva srivastava Avatar
    Purva srivastava

    thanks a lot sir for considering my request…

  13. Thank u sir….nice work…

  14. H________R Avatar


  15. Thank you. Start answering 🙂

  16. Good going……..
    # Forum IAS team

  17. It was as per your request 🙂

  18. Purva srivastava Avatar
    Purva srivastava

    thanks sir, for adding ethics question… pl include some case studies too…


  19. Start answering Q 4 🙂

  20. H________R Avatar

    nice questions

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