Mains Marathon – UPSC Mains Current Affairs Questions – December 23

Read the following questions and answer them by clicking on the links in not more than 200 words

Time: 40 Minutes

Kindly review each others answers, so that everyone improves.

1.Recent Legion hack attack has strengthened the need for a strong cyber security policy. What steps has the government taken to tackle the cyber threats to India? Why these steps have not been successful? (GS-3)

हाल ही में हुए लीजन हैक ने एक मजबूत साइबर सुरक्षा नीति की ज़रूरत को मजबूत किया है। सरकार भारत ने साइबर खतरों से निपटने के लिए ले क्या किया है? ये कदम क्यों सफल नहीं हुए?

India Today

2.Comment on the attitude shift of western countries towards anti-immigration. What would be it’s implications on India? (GS-1)

आप्रवास विरोध के प्रति पश्चिमी देशों के रवैये में बदलाव पर टिप्पणी करें। इसका भारत पर क्या प्रभाव हो सकता है?

Live Mint

3.“The India-Indonesia relationship has been one of potential rather than realization”.Explain. (GS-2)

‘भारत-इंडोनेशिया के रिश्ते में प्राप्ति की तुलना में क्षमता है “। समझाएँ।

The Hindu

4.“More judges, more courts, more computers alone may not do much to improve the efficiency of courts or access to justice.” Discuss. (GS-2)

“अधिक न्यायाधीश, अधिक अदालत और अधिक कंप्यूटर अदालतों की दक्षता या उपयोग में सुधार नहीं कर सकते हैं। चर्चा करें।

Live Mint



39 responses to “Mains Marathon – UPSC Mains Current Affairs Questions – December 23”

  1. Announced now 🙂

  2. Ubermensch Avatar

    You are welcome 😛

  3. Ubermensch Avatar

    I understand. Thats why i am taking on ESE before CSE.
    Risk is there but as Nietzsche had put it.
    “The secret of a fulfilled life is: live dangerously! Build your cities on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius!”

  4. Despicable_Me Avatar

    I am from one of the older IITs myself. To be honest, I am not entirely sure about the exams, I am still evaluating my options, you know, the risk of leaving a nice job etc. But this forum provides a great platform! cheers to the infinite knowledge and new friends ! 😀

  5. Ubermensch Avatar


  6. Despicable_Me Avatar

    And I must thank you for bringing back the interest. I recently started another book of his, The birth of tragedy, his first.

  7. Despicable_Me Avatar

    I know! What college are you in ?

  8. Ubermensch Avatar

    nietzsche effect 😛

  9. Ubermensch Avatar

    Ohh god. :O How many things in common do we have 😛
    You sound nice and humble.

  10. Despicable_Me Avatar

    Oh I too graduated in electrical. And I ain’t nice, I am despicable! 😛

  11. Despicable_Me Avatar

    Haha. I graduated just this year. I think I’ll go with philosophy, though I am not sure yet. Still testing the waters here 😛

  12. Ubermensch Avatar

    And what optional do you have, senior? 😛

  13. Ubermensch Avatar

    Hahaha. Yes, still a student. Final year, Electrical Engineering.
    My optional for civil services would also be Electrical.
    Thank you so much, you are so nice 😀
    And true that – only then Uber will become Ubermensch. 😛

  14. Despicable_Me Avatar

    Ah, good to hear! Still a student, eh? 😛
    Well all the very best for the exam. I am sure you will do well. What stream are you in?
    P.S. Only Selbstüberwindung will make a person Übermensch !!

  15. Ubermensch Avatar

    Haha. Yes friend, Things are fine.
    I have project completion date at college. And ESE exam on 8 Jan.
    I will get back to writing after the exam.
    No break right now. Only Selbstuberwindung going on 😛

  16. Despicable_Me Avatar

    But I could see no answers written by you ! Everything alright? Or are you just enjoying a longer Christmas 😛

  17. devmitra sen Avatar
    devmitra sen

    That is ok but I still believe we need a month more of hand holding atleast and then we can take off on an auto-pilot mode..!

  18. Ubermensch Avatar

    agree with you mitra. Best answers were no doubt very carefully chosen among many well crafted answers. Even i was surprised the night they weren’t announced.
    But i understand their decision view too. May be paucity of time doesn’t allow – after all they give us many timely posts – from must read articles, daily editorials to 9 pm briefs apart from MGP.
    And there are so many answers. It must be tough choosing due to subjectivity.
    We all are gradually improving by reviewing, reading others’ reviews and answers. In times to come, we may start critically self reviewing our own answers and progress.
    I believe it must have been well thought to trade off between subjectivity and objectivity.

  19. Driger-TheBeast Avatar

    Its ok sir!! No problems!! jz wanted to let u know about the issue 🙂

  20. Thanks.

  21. devmitra sen Avatar
    devmitra sen


  22. devmitra sen Avatar
    devmitra sen

    You are right..where are they??..:P :P..hehe..Best answers will actually act as a guideline and reference i think..shd not be done away with..besides its a daily motivation for those who maymiss a day of participation or writting..its a very encouraging step..shdnot be missed..

  23. Ubermensch Avatar

    Hi mitra whats up 😀
    “We are giving weekly prizes, so dropped the idea of daily best answers actually.” ~ ForumIAS

    Now you may ask where weekly prizes are 😛

  24. Ubermensch Avatar

    Are no no sir ji.
    All of us understand. Thanks for keeping us writing answers to such awesome questions.

  25. devmitra sen Avatar
    devmitra sen

    Hello sir ForumIAS ..
    Your efforts are commendable towards the mains guidance programme..however,the best answers are not pointed out from a long time(I saw from dec20).They were to be mentioned every night as declared.Also a critical review towards development for answers written later in the day and declaration of weekly toppers will be very encouraging..:) 🙂

  26. What about weekly prizes ? Have you stopped it ? 😛

  27. Sorry Uber ji.

  28. Good catch!

  29. Hehe, ok. Thanks.

  30. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America

    Was constantly refreshing the page for almost 2 hours.. 😀

  31. Ubermensch Avatar

    Same here

  32. Its totally alright sir 🙂

  33. Sorry to both of you. Due to some technical reasons, mail notification was not sent. Issue resolved now.

  34. No Captain, due to some technical issues, posting was delayed 🙂

  35. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America

    You missed the timeline today.. 😀

  36. ForumIAS is getting fan of India-Indo relation?

  37. Noo.. me 2 😛

  38. Driger-TheBeast Avatar

    Am I the only one who did not get mail notification for today’s Mains Marathon?

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