Newspaper Must Read Articles of The Day– 16 September 2015

Newspaper articles bearing
to Civil Services preparation

The Hindu


  • Crowdsourcing to counter radical online posturing– In the recent wake of radcalisation of youth by Islamic State, police have suggested crowdsourcing a way to fight this menace. It talks about citizen using online protals and social media to report online radical activity.
  • India reaches out to North Korea– India looks to normalise its relations with North Korea, this was signaled when MoS for Home Affairs was seen attending North Korea’s independence day celebration in Pyongyang. India wants to gain from large mineral and rare earth metal deposits of North Korea.
  • Centre to allow foreign experts to teach in India– Indian government under its new program the Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN), will allow internationally renowned experts to undertake short teaching stints in Indian universities and higher education institutes.


  • Pentagon cell to push India trade ties – The purpose of setting up first of its kind country specific cell, India Rapid Reaction Cell is to work all the initiatives that are ongoing under (India-U.S.) DTTI (Defence Trade and Technology Initiative) and other initiatives that came out of the joint statement between the (U.S.) President and the (Indian) Prime Minister in January (in New Delhi)


  • Exports drop by more than 20%– The trade data released today for August shows that the fall in exports is becoming sharper month-on-month, signalling worsening of the global market conditions; imparts also have shrunk y 11.6%; trade deficit has marginally narrowed down.


  • Small leap forward in child health– The editorial looks into recent release of summary findings from the Rapid Survey on Children (RSOC). It looks into area of progress and compares it with international standards.
  • It’s not the Chinese economy that’s in crisis– The article looks into different approach by economic agents in West and China. The article further explains how the China is addressing its problem and how the west is not able to perceive it.

Indian Express

Editorials & Columns

  • A Europe Without Empathy – In the wake of refugees crisis, the article looks into the mindet of west which is complacent and conformist space of mind where violence, fear and indifference dominate. The term civilized which has always been referred to as moral superiority, on which west claims its superiority seems to be shattered under the current refugee crisis. The article looks into details of these aspects.


  • How to check onion prices – There has been a sudden and huge hike in prices of onion. The article looks into intervention and policies required to control the price hike.
  • Fixing India’s farm failures – In the wake of repeated monsoon failure, the agony of Indian farmers are at its peak. Interventions in agricultural market and pricing along with development of rural infrastructure needs to be done for betterment of India’s farm.


One response to “Newspaper Must Read Articles of The Day– 16 September 2015”

  1. Thanx 🙂

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