How to read HIndu Daily for current affairs

Newspaper Must Read Articles of The Day– 18 October 2015

Newspaper articles bearing
to Civil Services preparation

The Hindu


National/ Front Page

  • Blood banks can borrow from one another: In a major modification to the National Blood Policy, blood banks will now be able to borrow units from one another in case of a shortage.India has roughly 2,760 licensed blood banks. The National and State Blood Transfusion Councils were established in the 1990s to promote voluntary donations.(Science and Tech- HEALTH- GS Paper III)
  • Godavari to be declared national waterway:The Centre has agreed to include the stretch of the river Godavari from Nasik in Maharashtra to Rajahmundry in Andhra Pradesh in the revised National Waterways Bill, 2015, giving it the status of National Waterway. (Economic developmnet-GS Paper III)
  • GM cotton: whitefly attack raises anxiety among farmers:The whitefly attack on Bt cotton crop is the latest reason for the government to work and develop new crop technologies Bt cotton is around 14 years old technology and is effective against specific type of bollworms, but not insects such as whitefly. It is now recommend to farmers to sow traditional non-Bt varieties of American and indigenous cotton(Science and tech- GS Paper III)



  • Global tensions reinforce Sino-Russian bonds: Growing tensions between the U.S. and China over the South China Sea and the ongoing crisis in Syria are reinforcing Sino-Russian bonds, with Washington as the focal point. (International Relations-General Studies Paper 2)


  • Green worries keep foreign banks away from $3.3 billion CIL saleIndia’s plan to raise as much as $3.3 billion from selling a 10 per cent stake in Coal India Ltd. (CIL) could be thrown off course by global investment banks under pressure from environmental groups to steer clear of the share sale.(Government policies General Studies Paper 2)



Indian Express


The Economic Times/Financial Express



  • Pension system for the future needs new thinking: As pension reforms progress, the immediacy, flexibility and dexterity of a pension system to respond to the above trends will need to be balanced with the need for a long lead-time for designing a robust system and overcoming the tyranny of small numbers.(Government policies General Studies Paper 2)



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