How to read HIndu Daily for current affairs

Newspaper Must Read Articles of The Day– 26 October 2015

Newspaper articles bearing
to Civil Services preparation

The Hindu


  • Prior to Africa forum meet, India polishes its UNSC pitch: India’s main plank for the UNSC campaign at present is with the G-4 nations (Japan, Germany, Brazil and India), but they support the inclusion of two African nations whenever the U.N. top body is expanded. The African Union is yet to decide on its criterion for the nomination.(International Relations, Regional Groupings- GS Paper II)






  • The other oppressed minority: 25 years since the eviction of 75,000 Muslims by the Tamil Tigers from Sri Lanka’s North, the livelihood concerns of this marginalised section remain neglected. It is time for the political elite both Sinhala and Tamil to probe their own consciences and evolve a more inclusive resettlement framework.(International Relations – GS Paper II)
  • Growing forests in the air: In its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDCs),India committed to create an additional forest cover to hold 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 by 2030. This is to be achieved through  schemes such as the National Afforestation Programme, Joint Forest Management, the Green India Mission and compensatory afforestation..(Science and tech, Environment- GS Paper III)

Indian Express

Editorials & Columns

  • RTI still has miles to go: The removal of the information commissioner, as per Section 17 of the RTI Act, a Supreme Court inquiry is necessary on the governor’s referral. he information commission becomes fully autonomous and thus becomes a constitutional body.(Social development- GS Paper II)


  • Africa, the indispensable continent for India: The third India Africa Forum Summit (IAFS) in New Delhi this week, with over 40 African heads of governments and states attending, will be the biggest foreign policy event hosted by India in more than three decade.(International Relations – GS Paper II)

Economic Times

  • Financial inclusion and women empowerment: This August, the 2015 Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project report ranked India ninth among 21 countries in financial and digital inclusion efforts. This was based on four dimensions of financial inclusion: country commitment, mobile capacity, regulatory environment, and adoption of traditional and digital financial services.(Economic development- GS Paper III)


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