Newspaper analysis from The Hindu bearing
relevance to Civil Services preparation
Front Page/National
G-20 Discussions set to focus on impact of yuan devaluation : The two-day meeting of G 20 finance ministers and central bank chiefs at Ankara, Turkey will take stock of the global economic situation and the yuan devaluation is expected to dominate the agenda. Indian government see this devaluation as the threat to global economy as well as Indian economy but several economist tend to differ on the ground that over the last year, the Indian currency has devalued far more, than the Chinese one.
National Security / MoU with ISI dropped says Karzai : (This issue will be covered in a subsequent editorial) Afghan parliament witnessed uproar over the contents of the MoU reportedly signed by Afghan intelligence chief Rahmatullah Nabil and ISI Chief General Rizwan Akhtar in Kabul in May 2015. The reason cited was that the MOU was against Afghan interest and thus the people of Afghanistan has rejected it. Mr. Karzai also has urged India strongly to launch the Strategic Partnership Council envisioned in 2011; at the earliest .
GreenPeace India’s registration cancelled : (The Issue: Global NGOs vs Govt of India) Five months after suspending the license to recieve foreign donations the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) cancelled the registration of Greenpeace India. The decision it is said came in the wake of “pre-judicially affecting the public interest and economic interest of the state,” which violates the conditions of grant of registration under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA). The Greenpeace alleged government of onslaught of community’s right to dissent. It termed government move as an another attempt to silence campaigns for a more sustainable future and transparency in public processes.
Child Marriage remains Kerela’s Secret Shame : (Never never never forget to quote this, or even expect a question on the inverse linkage between education and social evil practices like child marriage , that is, more educated societies, do not necessarily mean more socially progressive societies.) The secretive nature of child marriage and also an inferred approval from leaders both religious and political has made it easy for people to engage in such activities. The government measures under Prohibition of Child Marriage Act seems to blunted out due to lack of prosecutable evidence.
India UAE resolve to combat radicalisation : In the wake of muslim youth from general walk of life being attracted to radical organisations like ISIS, New Delhi and Abu Dhabi on Thursday discussed steps to check radicalisation and deal with terror threats from transnational organisations.
Welcome step on oilfields : The government intends to auction off 69 small and marginal state owned oil field to private players even foreign companies. The government also intends to provide for unified license to explore all hydrocarbons both conventional and non-conventional. The first step was taken when government moved from profit sharing to revenue sharing. This is seen a major move towards ease of doing business as well as reduction in hydrocarbon imports.
India relatively insulated against deflation : Chief Economic Adviser Arvind Subramanian has flagged of deflation as being an issue of concern. According to MoS FInance Mr. Jayant Sinha, the public investment that we are shooting up now, strong demand trends and hopefully a reasonable monsoon will insulate India against any negative impacts of deflation.
Airfare cartelisation complaints keep coming due to nature of industry : The predatory pricing practices at times of domestic airlines and then the prices go up suddenly and are abnormally high sends a signal that the airlines are working like a cartel. The parliamentarians has raised this issue in-front of Competition Commission of India.
International/World Affairs
China flaunts military might : China has sent a resounding message to the rest of the world about the scale, depth and sophistication of its military deterrent, coupled with an olive branch that its growing technologically intensive armed forces would be scaled down by 300,000 troops. Four missiles, capable of the shifting the strategic balance of power in the Pacific, were the star attractions of the parade, which took place in the context of the US Pivot to Asia, a doctrinal shift by Washington towards the Asia-Pacific.
EU under pressure to open doors to refugees : The crumpled body of drowned three year old Syrian boy has become a defining image of human cost of refugee crisis. The crisis in middle east has led to biggest migration of people to Europe since World War II.The image has created public pressure on reluctant governments in Europe to step up and open their doors to the thousands fleeing war, hunger and economic chaos.
2 responses to “Newspaper Must Read Articles of The Day – 4 September 2015”
Thank you Sir..
Thanx a lot
Sir we will be v grateful if u can make an archive of d most imp editorials from jan to July (the Hindu)
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