PIB January Week 4: GOVERNANCE

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Govt lays down specific ‘timeline’ for completing enquiry against officers and members of All India Services

  • Government has laid down specific timeline for completing enquiry against officers and members of All India Services (AIS) within a given deadline, in a time-bound manner.
  • The AIS (D&A) Rules, 1969 have been amended to provide specific timelines at different stages of the enquiry, with a view to complete the disciplinary proceedings against the members of All India Services in a time-bound manner.
  • As per the amended rules, a time limit of six months has been fixed for completion of departmental enquiry and submission of report.
  • In case it is not possible to complete the enquiry within six months for justifiable reasons to be recorded in writing, additional time limit not exceeding six months at one time can be granted by the Disciplinary Authority, thereby ensuring accountability for completion of enquiry.
  • Further, 30 days’ timeline has been fixed for the delinquent officers to give his representation to the charge-sheet which can be extended to not more than 30 days by the Disciplinary Authority and, in any case, no extension will be provided beyond 90 days.
  • Similarly, a period of 15 days has been provided to send a representation on the advice of UPSC regarding the penalty to be imposed on the delinquent officer and for such representation also, no extension will be provided beyond 45 days.




2 responses to “PIB January Week 4: GOVERNANCE”

  1. ForumIAS Avatar

    Thanks Rock!

  2. Thanks ForumIAS

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