Share your APFC Expected Score & Expected Cut Off


ForumIAS User @modernashoka has created a poll for APFC Examination. Kindly submit your scores below so that expected cut off can be estimated.

Note: You can view answer key here for APFC 2015 by ForumIAS to calculate your estimated score.

[polldaddy poll=”9270408″]



13 responses to “Share your APFC Expected Score & Expected Cut Off”

  1. Right – 76
    Wrong – 22
    Marks – 57.22

  2. Sourin Saha Avatar
    Sourin Saha

    Let the results come dude 🙂 Then, you will see who has chance and who has not. Let UPSC decide rather 🙂

  3. 55 marks ,,,,,,,,,,is that any chance??????to clear

  4. abhienav mishra Avatar
    abhienav mishra

    Same here…I attempted only 85 questions. 71 right and 14 wrong. Even the cut-off seems distant now. In any case , qualifying alone doesn’t matter as the seats are limited one needed to do exceptionally well

  5. I have doubt I attempted 90 71 right 19 wrong and by seeing all this I guess no chance for me

  6. abhienav mishra Avatar
    abhienav mishra

    Just to make sure…..are people who are voting multiplying each correct ans with 5/6 and not 1, for calculating marks(and each wrong ans with -5/18)

  7. HoohaGuy Avatar

    but the total marks is 100 right.. the survey is not about question, rather about marks.

  8. Amanpreet Singh Avatar
    Amanpreet Singh

    but there were 120 questions right ,,,so how come score can be out of 100 ??

  9. modernashoka Avatar

    Yaar, If possible, please vote again out of 100

  10. HoohaGuy Avatar

    yes Man you are true… I voted for out of 120.

  11. modernashoka Avatar

    I feel, few of them are posting there score out of 120, though total marks is only 100. Otherwise, so much 75+ would not be possible.

  12. ariesrahul Avatar

    out of 100

  13. amargupta Avatar

    Out of 100 or 120?

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