[SOLUTIONS] – The Friday General Science & Awareness Quiz #2

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Please find the solutions of the Tuesday Economy Quiz #1. In case you have not solved the quiz, please visit the link below before reading the solution

Solutions to The Friday General Science & Awareness Quiz #2

Q1. Which of the following have been the reasons for opposition to Bt crops in India?

  1. Bt crops have been created by inserting a gene from soil bacteria into its genome
  2. There is a feeling that Bt toxin may get activates in the body and may cause leaky gut syndrome.
  3. The seeds of Bt crops such as Bt Brinjal are terminator seeds and require buying seeds every season again and again
  4. Introduction of Bt crops may affect bio diversity

Which of the above statements are correct?

(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 1, 2 and 4 only
(c) 1, 3 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only

Ans– b


Statement 1 is correct. Bt means Bacillus thuringiensis which is a gram positive soil dwelling bacteria. See here.

Statement 2 is correct Bt toxins harms the digestive system by effectively attacking normal gut cells and making holes in the intestines. This can cause problems such as leaky gut syndrome. See here

Statement 3 is wrong. It is just a myth which is not proven yet for case of Bt brinjal. See this Hindu article.

Statement 4 is correct as Bt crops can affect Bio-diversity

Q2) In contxt of Multiple Drug Resistant bacteria, consider the following statements

  1. Improper use of antibiotics leads to the rise of MDR Bacteria
  2. MDR Bacteria only harms those people who make improper use of antibiotics
  3. MDR is a concern because very little advances have been made in invention of newer anti biotics.

Which of the above statements are correct?

(a) 1  only
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3 only


Explanation- Statement 1 is right. Improper use of antibiotics lead to rise of MDR bacteria as it becomes resistant to it.

Statement 2 is wrong as MDR bacteria can affect anyone.

Statement 3 is true as this is becoming one of the biggest challenge of health industry. Check here

Q3) Consider the following statements

  1. Blue color of the sky is due to the process of refraction of light.
  2. The ocean looks blue because red, orange and yellow (long wavelength light) are absorbed more strongly by water than the blue color.

Select the correct statements from the choices given below –

a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2.
d) Neither 1 Nor 2

Ans- b

Explanation- Blue color of the sky is due to the scattering of the light. This youtube video explains it brilliantly this process. Statement 1 is wrong thus as it is talking about refraction.


Statement 2 is correct. Particular color of the object is due to the reflection of that color from it. Rest colors are absorbed by this. Ocean water absorb red orange and yellow. Check this scientific American link.

Q4)  With reference to pesticides and insecticides, consider the following statements :

1. Both pesticides and insecticides kill by poisoning, suffocating or paralyzing
2. Pesticides are a subgroup of insecticides that are specifically used for killing pests

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2


Explanation- Statement 1 is right as action mechanism of insecticide and pesticide work through by poisoning, suffocating or paralyzing only.

Statement 2 is wrong. Insecticides are subgroups of pesticides and not vice versa. Check this.

Q5) There are four fundamental forces in the universe

1. Gravitational force

2. Electromagnetic force

3. Strong nuclear force

4. Weak nuclear force

Arrange these forces in the order from strongest to weakest using the following codes:

a) 3,1,2,4
b) 3,2,1,4
c) 3,2,4,1
d) 3,4,1,2

Ans- c

Explanation-  Decresing order of arrangement of forces are:

  1. The Strong Force
    Responsible for binding of nuclei. It is the strongest force in nature. This force is so strong that it binds and stabilize the protons of similar charges within a nucleus. However, it is very short range.
  2.  The Electromagnetic Force
    Force between particles which have an electric charge. For example, negatively chared electrons bind nucleus of an atom, due to the presence of positively charge protons. The force is long range, in principle extending over infinite distance. However, the strength can quickly diminishes due to shielding effect.
  3. The Weak Force This force is responsible for beta decay and other other decay processes involving fundamental particles. The range of this force is smaller than 1 fm and is 10-7 weaker than the strong force.
  1. The Gravitational Force
    Force which holds us onto the Earth is gravitational force. On the scale of atomic world it is of negligible. Gravitational force can extended to infinity. Larger the body the stronger the gravitational force. But on the scale of individual particles, the force is extremely small, in the order of 10-38times that of the strong force.

Q6)  Recombinant DNA technology allows genes to be transferred

1. Across different species of plant

2. From animals to plants

3. From microorganisms to higher organisms

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans- d

Explanation- Statement 1 is correct. As you can see in this, donor and receiver are different species of plants.

Statement 2 is correct. As this article says,

“In 1953, scientists discovered the structure of DNA, and in 1972, researchers developed a method for cutting and splicing DNA. That method became known as recombinant DNA, or rDNA, because it enabled scientists to cut and recombine segments of DNA. Since then, researchers have learned how to move genetic material in the form of DNA from one plant or animal to another. They can also take DNA from an animal and place it in a plant, and vice versa.”

Above link proof statement 3 is correct too

Q7) Brazil is considered to be the world’s first sustainable biofuel economy where ethanol is

used to fuel cars. It is derived from

a) potatoe
b) rice
c) wheat
d) sugarcane

Ans– d

ExplanationBrazil is considered to be the world’s first sustainable biofuels economy. Ethanol for fuel is obtained from the fermentation of the sugarcane. You can read it here


2 responses to “[SOLUTIONS] – The Friday General Science & Awareness Quiz #2”

  1. Gajendra Singh Avatar
    Gajendra Singh

    In the first question…
    Option A must be correct if the Hindu article is considered.

    Please check…

  2. Spectre_007 Avatar


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