[WpProQuiz 41]
[WpProQuiz 41]
Daily Quiz – February 19
5 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:35
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Average score 67.18%
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You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
4/5 , 3 minutes time …
If you had a look at onion prices last two years back , they were soaring high, the government then implemented controls on export for supply shortage. But last year if you see the onions became very cheap which was a loss to our farmers. This uncertainty needs to go.
yes you are right when the government fixes the prices the farmers sow the crops which would reap them high profits but it causes increase in supply thus affecting the farmers again.
You have reached 5 of 5 scores, (100%)
Average score 65.82%
Your score 100%
Basel Convention is an obsolete convention. It has been restructured as the Rotterdam Convention now. I think its pointless to associate Basel with past treaties. Its more famous as the birthplace of Basel Rules in banking.
Nice questions..scored 100%
where are the solutions of prelims quiz?
Surprise Quiz : UPSC Prelims Marathon – February 19
19 Feb, 2017Post By : ForumIASComments : 33Category : Daily Quiz
Daily Quiz – February 19
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:04
4/5 answer correctly
Daily Quiz – February 19
5 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:15
5/5.. Is baar itna easy questions kyu ??? WHY
Bhai we can work with the example of pulses which is where price volatility has been observed most recently.
We do have a MSP regime in place for pulses but it has been effective only for cereals aka rice and wheat.
So for ex if in one good season a farmer doesnt even get MSP on his produce he will decide to switch to some other crops.This is precisely what happened.And because India is primary producer and consumer of pulses import is significantly expensive.(also keep in mind pulses is a key source of nutrition and high prices therein are not good for aam admi).On top of this govt can even impose arbitrary export bans if prices go towards higher end.This again eats into the margin of farmers even though it helps the average consumer.
overall just like upsc the price regime is utterly unpredictable.which then means that ek season me pulses ki glut ho skti hai and dire shortage in other.Main cause is dysfunctional MSP hence the CEA wali committee on improving pulse production suggested a monitoring body to ensure a better functioning MSP.
also same has happened for onion in the past.last thing is a dysfunctional MSP has also skewed cropping pattern with undue weightage to rice and wheat.as msp functions nicel only in this area.and the FCI has built huge often wasteful stocks in these two.
Thanks. But one doubt , Agar government procure kar rahi hai, toh prices meih uncertainity kyu aayegi ?. I mean, the govt fixes the price before procurement. And it pays handsomely well to the farmers.
Also how does govt trade control stops black marketing and hoarding.It only creates more stocks. Which may or may not stop hoarding and black marketing.
You have reached 4 of 5 scores, (80%)
Your time: 00:00:57
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:13
first line till inefficient ones …want to convey that jo bhot jyada inefficient hai unka exit yani bechna mushkil hai and jo thoda bht unviable hai unko v cn start or make viable again ……..ab dusri line frequent recourse to uncertainity to farmers…want to convey that jo govt stock krti hai food grains wheat rice etc and through essential commodities act govt trade control krti hai jisse black marketing n hoarding rok sake usse kya hota hai ki prices kam ya zyada ho jaate hai which creates uncertainity for farmers ki konsi crop they need to sow to reap max benifits …..hope u got ur ans
5 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:13
You have reached 5 of 5 scores, (100%)
Messed up the Basel Convention and Burning of Coal !
Bole the na!
5 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:52
exam se just pehle aise hi test banana
Daily Quiz – February 19
4 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:41
Can somone explain this statement from economic survey
This went as a bouncer
“In the fertilizer sector, where it is proving easier to rehabilitate unviable plants in the public sector rather than
facilitate the exit of egregiously inefficient ones; frequent recourse to stock limits and controls on trade in
agriculture, which draws upon the antiquated Essential Commodities Act, and creates uncertainty for farmers.”
especially the frequent recourse wala part. And why is government taking it and how it creares uncertainity for farmers.??
Thanks Mitron
Good. Keep practicing.
5 of 5 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:20
Coal burning ….nice question indeed.
Results 4 of 5 questions answered correctly
You have reached 5 of 5 scores, (100%)
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