Background: BE(Hons) Computer Science, PGDM
Hobbies: Chess, Table Tennis, Listening to music
Optional: Maths and Forestry
Interview Date: 01/03/2017
Board: Arvind Saxena
Related to my work experience (finance)
Some questions on 2008 financial crisis
Free basics and net neutrality
How could Google help Hillary Clinton in supporting her for Presidential Elections
US withdrawal from tpp good or bad for india
Is globalization coming to end due to protectionism
As a public servant how would you increase public trust
2 people from instrumentals side and 2 from vocals who received bharat ratna (my hobby listening to music)
Impact of climate change on farming in India
H1b visa issue and impact on India
difference between question hour and zero hour
What is operating system
Difference between iOS and android
Insecticide should we use them in forest?
Exotic vs indigenous tree species advantages and disadvantages
Tree species for natural dyes
What is watershed
What is sandal
How to use computer science in forest management
Unesco man and biosphere programs
What is buffer areas
Sal vs teak which is indigenous
How many Tiger reserves
Latest tiger reserve
Why climate change monitoring difficult
Why poverty areas overlapping with forest area
Advantage and disadvantages of monoculture
All the Best
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