Date: 20th March 2017 (First day of the interview)
Session: Forenoon, Duration: 40 Minutes,
Board: Mr. Arvind Saxena,
Optional: Public Administration,
Attempt: Third,
Work Experience: ~ 4 Years (An E&P company in Petroleum Sector)
Read the Interview Experience Here
We will post UPSC Interview Transcripts regularly under the Interview Preparation Initiative.
Why Interview Transcripts?
- These transcripts are just a collection of UPSC Interview experiences from different candidates.
- The purpose of these transcripts is to provide individual experience and how they faced the board.
- In a way, it affects the way candidates are understood, the information they share, and the conclusions drawn.
- You’ll be able to identify the constraints and opportunities before you when facing the interview board.
- Though providing transcripts, which is a behind a scene task, the aim is to provide a valuable input that you are looking for that you are hesitant to ask someone.
- It might help to re-evaluate your approach , and take a look at what really needs to be done.
All the Best
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