UPSC Interview Transcript: Chattar Singh Board

IFS Transcript
Chattar Singh Sir Board
8 March 2017
Reading fiction/Non fiction.
Civil Engineering


  1. Is that you ?
  2. You Did’t had specs then ?
  3. Hahah… So why wearing now ?
  4. Good… M2 asked what’s the power ?
  5. CM again: That’s not much… Ok which books have you read. Tell me which should I read and why ?
  6. Some of these books have stuff of carpentry.. if you know what I am referring to ?
  7. Ya that’s right ? What is your opinion about it ?
  8. Which book you think made impact on you and how ?
  9. Which is your favourite area in civil engg. ?
  10. Black cotton soil ? What’s special about it ?
  11. Which foundation suitable for it ? Any other ?
  12. Tell me about bandra worli sea link ?
  13. How load transfer occur in cable stayed bridge ?


  1. How can civil engg. cobtribute in IFoS ?
  2. Yes.. what else ?
  3. Cutting grass and then feeding cattle vs leaving cattle in open ?
  4. Apart from over grazing ? What else ?
  5. Right..  any impact on milk yield ?
  6. What else we get from herds ?
  7. Where is this manure used ?
  8. Hmm… Where else ?
  9. Yes.. Can tell more about biogas ?
  10. What is your opinion about declaring animal as vermin ?
  11. I agree.. but is it fair from nilgai point of view… It didn’t destroy your crops.. yet get killed ?
  12. That’s valid point… But don’t you think we should do something else too ?

M2 (Ma’am):

  1. Why smell just after rain ?
  2. What are floccs ?
  3. Difference b/w gpp and npp ?
  4. How to increase gpp ?
  5. How sewage treatment is done ?
  6. Use of sewage ?
  7. Sewage in aquaculture ?
  8. Difference b/w biogeochemical and geochem cycle ?
  9. Role of decomposers in ecosystem ?
  10. Heavy metals in sewage ?


  1. Define GDP, HDI and Sensex.
  2. Relation among them ?
  3. Mentorship and leadership.. what’s the difference ?
  4. Okay so a nation have high GDP growth, Does it mean it have high HDI ?
  5. Components of HDI ?
  6. Okay you mentioned earlier income inequality..tell me about it ?
  7. Asked about Ginni coefficient, Lorenz curve ?
  8. What should govt. do to improve HDI ?

It lasted for around 40 minutes (I think :D). Amazing experience.

We will post UPSC Interview Transcripts regularly under the Interview Preparation Initiative.

Why Interview Transcripts?

  • These transcripts are just a collection of UPSC Interview experiences from different candidates.
  • The purpose of these transcripts is to provide individual experience and how they faced the board.
  • In a way, it affects the way candidates are understood, the information they share, and the conclusions drawn.
  • You’ll be able to identify the constraints and opportunities before you when facing the interview board.
  • Though providing transcripts, which is a behind a scene task, the aim is to provide a valuable input that you are looking for that you are hesitant to ask someone.
  • It might help to re-evaluate your approach , and take a look at what really needs to be done.



3 responses to “UPSC Interview Transcript: Chattar Singh Board”

  1. Sunshine ☀️ Avatar
    Sunshine ☀️

    This transcript is quite ok as compared to the other two transcripts 🙂 Less number of static questions…

  2. Takeshi Manganji Avatar
    Takeshi Manganji

    A problem is called a problem when it has some solutions. When a thing has no solutions this is not a problem.

  3. Ajay Rathod Avatar
    Ajay Rathod

    25% question will be based on your area of specialization and your hobby thats for sure, baki bhagwan ki daya(Luck) and your hardwork. all the best bro !!

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