P K Joshi Board Afternoon Session
Questions were mostly from DAF and Forest, env etc.
Chairman: Why did you leave job?
I answered.
C: You studied probability and statistics as a subject in ur graduation. Tell about coefficient of correlation, dispersion, skewness etc.
I tried to answer but couldn’t satisfactorily as it’s been long since I have completed graduation.
C: Situational question – suppose I m posted in a district where there has been outbreak of malaria. How would I make use of statistics to find out whether a particular drug has been effective or not?
I answered something
M1: How far is Similipal national park from ur place? Have you visited? Have you visited Bhitarkanika? Significance?
Significance of Chilika lake?
There is one nations park which is bounded by a boundary wall. Which is that?
I couldn’t answer. He gave hint. Keoladeo Ghana it is.
Wetlands? Significance? Ramsar etc.
Protected areas in India
Difference between National Park and Wildlife sanctuaries
How is the performance of WPA act till now and what improvement I can suggest.
M2 : Why ifos. Why I left job etc.
Forest fires. How it can be controlled.
Where all have I trekked(hobby)?
Have I been to places in Himachal, Uttarakhand ?
What is gender equity? What all can be done in this direction?
How I can persuade local people towards conservation?
M3 : How can public policy help in forestry?
Suppose a river flows through forest area. What policy measures will you take?
Koraput district in Odisha – what are its importance from environmental point of view
It lasted for around 25 minutes.
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- These transcripts are just a collection of UPSC Interview experiences from different candidates.
- The purpose of these transcripts is to provide individual experience and how they faced the board.
- In a way, it affects the way candidates are understood, the information they share, and the conclusions drawn.
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- Though providing transcripts, which is a behind a scene task, the aim is to provide a valuable input that you are looking for that you are hesitant to ask someone.
- It might help to re-evaluate your approach , and take a look at what really needs to be done.
All the Best
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