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An Open Letter(s) to those who flunk(ed) Prelims

My GS 1  scores from all 6 attempts.

2015 - 92 ( just gave the exam after college with 4 months of preparation)

2016 - 132 ( had properly studied)-qualified

2017- 107.34 ( along with job)-qualified

2018 - 93.34 ( along with job) 

Resigned from the job , and then 

2020 - 81.63 ( had hopes because from  institute keys was scoring 92+)

2021- (81-85)

In CSAT in each attempt scores were in the range (92- 112).

I have exhausted all my CSE attempts. Also till now had not thought anything about IFoS.

@Neyawn Sir please gudie what can be done to attempt IFoS prelims with good amount of confidence and hopefully sail through it .

Sir, I have taken enough break after the results and today it is  1st December !!

What to focus in every month hereafter Sir? 

My optional papers are Physics and Forestry.

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