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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

@AureliusM I can feel ya mate. 
Only advantage Anthropology has is regarding a really well defined syllabus coupled with no dearth of guidance and study material.
But that too gets normalised due to the enhanced number of candidates with this optional in recent years.

Anyone of you aware about probable mains examination centre in Allahabad(Prayagraj). 

I need to arrange for accommodation n all.

What about Omicron and chances of mains getting postponed?

Has mains examination ever been postponed in past?

Is it possible to do so, because exam calendar is already very distorted with little room left?

@Purplesunbird Sorry Shaktimaan!

I feel terrible. I feel like I know nothing. I feel like I am doing nothing. I feel like I am not focused enough. I feel like absolute shit.
Nahi ho raha mere se.

I feel caught in a quagmire of non productivity. I remember stealing time for optional preparation before prelims, also delayed prelims exclusive prep till the last moment possible. My reasoning was, what’s point of clearing prelims if you’re not ready for mains.

Fast forward to now after clearing prelims, I find my pre-prelims productivity no where around.  In past one month, anxiety has subdued efficiency. In frustration and desperation, I even speculated about the flimsy chance of mains getting postponed due to Omicron for which I was rightly scolded by @Purplesunbird.

Now there are 30 more days left and piles of backlogs and to-do lists. I have heard umpteen number of folks calling this exam as our battle against ourselves. So much so that I almost wrote it off as just another cliche. But with each passing day, I have begun to realise it’s profoundness and my stupidity.

Consistency, time management, efficiency, emotional intelligence, strategy. Clichés  are cliche for a reason.

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