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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

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Tasks for 1st November 2021

1. Complex analysis questions set 1 IMS

2. Newspaper 

3. 12th Socio NCERT 2 chapters

4. Ethics Day 4

5. Uttarakhand GS

@Blind guy mcsqqueezy Done with today’s targets.


Targets for 2nd November:

1. IMS complex analysis set 2 + PYQs of analytic functions

2. Newspaper 

3. Ethics Day 5.1

4. Uttarakhand GS 


Fresh beginning. Trying to be regular now:

Macro plan for next 2 weeks:

1) 3-D Geometry except conicoids

2) Groups (bit too much ambitious but worth a try)

3) Ethics complete the theory part once from the videos and make notes

4) September Vision CA

5) Get started with previous year essays 


Target for 8th November 

* 3D geometry 1/11

* Group theory 1/12

* Ethics Emotional intelligence 

* Newspaper + Mrunal daily news analysis 

* Uttarakhand history ep 17


Target for 8th November 

* 3D geometry 1/11

* Group theory 1/12

* Ethics Emotional intelligence 

* Newspaper + Mrunal daily news analysis 

* Uttarakhand history ep 17

Done all tasks except pyqs of 3D and MA from the given chapters. Will do tomorrow.


Tasks for NOVEMBER 9

* 3D Plane

* Modern algebra 2/12

* Ethics aptitude + foundational value of civil services 

* Newspaper 

* Uttarakhand GS ep 18


Lagged in modern algebra task a bit and pyqs of plane, rest all done.

Same targets for tomorrow.

Status of 10/11/21 tasks
* 3D plane pyqs done
* 3D straight line(1/3) below par speed
* Modern algebra nothing constructive done in subgroup
* Rest all done
Tasks for 11 th November
* 3D straight line try to wrap up
* Backlog of modern algebra finish up subgroup
* Newspaper
* Ethics attitude 2/3
* Newspaper
* Mrunal CA
* Uttarakhand GS

Status of 10/11/21 tasks
* 3D plane pyqs done
* 3D straight line(1/3) below par speed
* Modern algebra nothing constructive done in subgroup
* Rest all done
Tasks for 11 th November
* 3D straight line try to wrap up
* Backlog of modern algebra finish up subgroup
* Newspaper
* Ethics attitude 2/3
* Newspaper
* Mrunal CA
* Uttarakhand GS

All targets achieved

Targets for 12th November

* 3D shortest distance

* Modern algebra: cosets

* Ethics attitude (3/3)

* Newspaper+ Mrunal CA

Status of 10/11/21 tasks
* 3D plane pyqs done
* 3D straight line(1/3) below par speed
* Modern algebra nothing constructive done in subgroup
* Rest all done
Tasks for 11 th November
* 3D straight line try to wrap up
* Backlog of modern algebra finish up subgroup
* Newspaper
* Ethics attitude 2/3
* Newspaper
* Mrunal CA
* Uttarakhand GS

All targets achieved

Targets for 12th November

* 3D shortest distance

* Modern algebra: cosets

* Ethics attitude (3/3)

* Newspaper+ Mrunal CA

Not a good day productivity wise though sat for required number of hours.

Underachieved in modern algebra and ramped up the last society ncert. Done with shortest distances and pyqs. 

Todo: make the formula sheets there and then only.

Targets for 13th November

* 3D skew Lines 

* Modern algebra clear backlog from IMS notes

* Newspaper + Mrunal CA

* Ramp up ethics video


Had two continuous bad days. Will be back on track from tomorrow.

Will revise and update the targets in morning.


Updating after a long time, will try to be regular from now on weekly basis.

Tasks till 30th November:

1.) Differential calculus

2.) Cone cylinder pyqs

3.) Group theory (remaining concepts i.e homomorphism, permutation group)+Pyqs ( Ambitious but try to wrap it up)

4.) Ethics case study answer writing practice + PYQ analysis 

5.) Ethics theory note making except moral thinkers(will do it sometime later)

6.) September monthly revision

7.) Daily 10 MCQS

After a bad week will try to make use of this one. Best of luck to all. See you on ypt.


Updating after a long time, will try to be regular from now on weekly basis.

Tasks till 30th November:

1.) Differential calculus

2.) Cone cylinder pyqs

3.) Group theory (remaining concepts i.e homomorphism, permutation group)+Pyqs ( Ambitious but try to wrap it up)

4.) Ethics case study answer writing practice + PYQ analysis 

5.) Ethics theory note making except moral thinkers(will do it sometime later)

6.) September monthly revision

7.) Daily 10 MCQS

After a bad week will try to make use of this one. Best of luck to all. See you on ypt.

Tasks done:

1) Cone pyqs 

2) Ethics 2018 case studies + 3 additional ones

3) Ramped up September monthly

4) Newspaper + 20mcqs


Updating after a long time, will try to be regular from now on weekly basis.

Tasks till 30th November:

1.) Differential calculus

2.) Cone cylinder pyqs

3.) Group theory (remaining concepts i.e homomorphism, permutation group)+Pyqs ( Ambitious but try to wrap it up)

4.) Ethics case study answer writing practice + PYQ analysis 

5.) Ethics theory note making except moral thinkers(will do it sometime later)

6.) September monthly revision

7.) Daily 10 MCQS

After a bad week will try to make use of this one. Best of luck to all. See you on ypt.

Tasks done:

1) Cone pyqs 

2) Ethics 2018 case studies + 3 additional ones

3) Ramped up September monthly

4) Newspaper + 20mcqs

Tasks done:

1) Group and subgroup pyqs 

2) Newspaper+ Mrunal CA

3) Ethics 2017 4 case studies + Ethics theory

4) August monthly 1/7


Updating after a long time, will try to be regular from now on weekly basis.

Tasks till 30th November:

1.) Differential calculus

2.) Cone cylinder pyqs

3.) Group theory (remaining concepts i.e homomorphism, permutation group)+Pyqs ( Ambitious but try to wrap it up)

4.) Ethics case study answer writing practice + PYQ analysis 

5.) Ethics theory note making except moral thinkers(will do it sometime later)

6.) September monthly revision

7.) Daily 10 MCQS

After a bad week will try to make use of this one. Best of luck to all. See you on ypt.

Tasks done:

1) Cone pyqs 

2) Ethics 2018 case studies + 3 additional ones

3) Ramped up September monthly

4) Newspaper + 20mcqs

Tasks done:

1) Group and subgroup pyqs 

2) Newspaper+ Mrunal CA

3) Ethics 2017 4 case studies + Ethics theory

4) August monthly 1/7

Tasks done:

1) Cyclic group Pyqs

2) August CA 2/7

3) Newspaper+Mrunal

4) Ethics Theory

5) Ethics answer writing

Overall not so productive day despite the number of hours. Got stuck for too long in some group questions. Hoping for a better tomorrow.


Updating after a long time, will try to be regular from now on weekly basis.

Tasks till 30th November:

1.) Differential calculus

2.) Cone cylinder pyqs

3.) Group theory (remaining concepts i.e homomorphism, permutation group)+Pyqs ( Ambitious but try to wrap it up)

4.) Ethics case study answer writing practice + PYQ analysis 

5.) Ethics theory note making except moral thinkers(will do it sometime later)

6.) September monthly revision

7.) Daily 10 MCQS

After a bad week will try to make use of this one. Best of luck to all. See you on ypt.

Tasks done:

1) Cone pyqs 

2) Ethics 2018 case studies + 3 additional ones

3) Ramped up September monthly

4) Newspaper + 20mcqs

Tasks done:

1) Group and subgroup pyqs 

2) Newspaper+ Mrunal CA

3) Ethics 2017 4 case studies + Ethics theory

4) August monthly 1/7

Tasks done:

1) Cyclic group Pyqs

2) August CA 2/7

3) Newspaper+Mrunal

4) Ethics Theory

5) Ethics answer writing

Overall not so productive day despite the number of hours. Got stuck for too long in some group questions. Hoping for a better tomorrow.

Tasks done:

1) August monthly 3/7

2) Newspaper

3) Daily mcqs

4) Unproductive ethics reading

5) Coset, normal, quotient subgroup pyq 1/2

6) started off with functions of several variables

Will try to keep tomorrow ethics heavy. If bored as always maths. :P


Updating after a long time, will try to be regular from now on weekly basis.

Tasks till 30th November:

1.) Differential calculus

2.) Cone cylinder pyqs

3.) Group theory (remaining concepts i.e homomorphism, permutation group)+Pyqs ( Ambitious but try to wrap it up)

4.) Ethics case study answer writing practice + PYQ analysis 

5.) Ethics theory note making except moral thinkers(will do it sometime later)

6.) September monthly revision

7.) Daily 10 MCQS

After a bad week will try to make use of this one. Best of luck to all. See you on ypt.

Tasks done:

1) Cone pyqs 

2) Ethics 2018 case studies + 3 additional ones

3) Ramped up September monthly

4) Newspaper + 20mcqs

Tasks done:

1) Group and subgroup pyqs 

2) Newspaper+ Mrunal CA

3) Ethics 2017 4 case studies + Ethics theory

4) August monthly 1/7

Tasks done:

1) Cyclic group Pyqs

2) August CA 2/7

3) Newspaper+Mrunal

4) Ethics Theory

5) Ethics answer writing

Overall not so productive day despite the number of hours. Got stuck for too long in some group questions. Hoping for a better tomorrow.

Tasks done:

1) August monthly 3/7

2) Newspaper

3) Daily mcqs

4) Unproductive ethics reading

5) Coset, normal, quotient subgroup pyq 1/2

6) started off with functions of several variables

Will try to keep tomorrow ethics heavy. If bored as always maths. :P

Tasks done

1) Functions of several variables 1/2

2) Read topper's ethics and essay copies ( still struggling to start essay writing)

3) Ethics case studies AWP + theory

4) Newspaper+ Mrunal CA

5) Daily MCQ


Targets for this week:

1) Conicoids part of 3D(Have to complete this week anyhow) Priority 1

2) Governance Vision VAM ( First reading in a fast manner) Priority 2

3) History ( From harshavardhan till medieval: giving just a glance with rattafication for later months) Priority 3

Will have to anyhow come over the answer writing especially essay inertia i.e write an essay this week. Priority 0 (computer science guys will get this :P)

After an unfruitful week(thanks to LinkedIn making me question myself for one whole week) am ready to get back on track. Looking forward to meet the targets and see you guys on YPT.  Have a productive and satisfying week ahead.


Targets for this week:

1) Conicoids part of 3D(Have to complete this week anyhow) Priority 1

2) Governance Vision VAM ( First reading in a fast manner) Priority 2

3) History ( From harshavardhan till medieval: giving just a glance with rattafication for later months) Priority 3

Will have to anyhow come over the answer writing especially essay inertia i.e write an essay this week. Priority 0 (computer science guys will get this :P)

After an unfruitful week(thanks to LinkedIn making me question myself for one whole week) am ready to get back on track. Looking forward to meet the targets and see you guys on YPT.  Have a productive and satisfying week ahead.


Done with all the targets except the essay one. Though done with breaking the writing inertia but not satisfied with the outcome.


Targets for this week:

Some foreseeable obstructions this week so making a rough draft and adjusting as the week progresses.


1) Internal security book first reading ( keep the syllabus and PYQ in front)

2) An essay 

3) Integral calculus + PYQs

4) Vector analysis + PYQs

5) Disaster management


Hi all, I am back to this thread after a long time. February had been a disaster, hardly studied anything due to some personal reasons and still cannot get over that guilt. The past week was all about self doubt and just cannot regain the earlier inertia to study. But now I will be regular here updating targets for accountability and make up for the lost time. Best of luck everyone and have a hard working March.

Targets for 02/03/2022:
  • SFG backlog: Ancient history 1/3
  • Indian Express
  • Numerical Analysis 1/n
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