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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

The new beginning...

Tomorrow's plan

1-Insights daily current affairs

2-Sociology paper 2 

3-Rs Sharma ancient

4-One notes Polity revision

5-Ethics and answer writing(5 answers minimum)

The order is same,need to make chapter wise plan but i think it would take 2-3 days to get the momentum.

It's time to show the leap of faith and move ahead.

PS-Discipline is the only way,there is no other way.

@Legible Neutrino 1,2,3 5 done(but still writing will not be able to write more than 2-3 answers today)

4 not done..

Only 4.30-5 hrs of study,this has to get better.

Ps-productivity should increase,less than 8 hours a day for me is a sin(profane).


1-The Hindu+insights daily

2-modernisation of Indian tradition sociology paper 2

3-Rs sharma (read at fast pace)

4-one notes polity revision

5-ethics+write 5 answers.

@Legible Neutrino 1,2,3 5 done(but still writing will not be able to write more than 2-3 answers today)

4 not done..

Only 4.30-5 hrs of study,this has to get better.

Ps-productivity should increase,less than 8 hours a day for me is a sin(profane).


1-The Hindu+insights daily

2-modernisation of Indian tradition sociology paper 2

3-Rs sharma (read at fast pace)

4-one notes polity revision

5-ethics+write 5 answers.

Done all,but wrote only one answer..things are coming to track again I hope me or the circumstances do not mess things up again.

To walk alone is fun and when we  work harder we can walk like a king.

Tomorrow's plan

1-TH (Two articles from today and Sunday completely)

2-sept vision monthly magzine(finish 60 percent)

2-test 2

3-test 2 analysis.

4-obstacle is the way (read between breaks)

That's it.

» show previous quotes

Done all,but wrote only one answer..things are coming to track again I hope me or the circumstances do not mess things up again.

To walk alone is fun and when we  work harder we can walk like a king.

Tomorrow's plan

1-TH (Two articles from today and Sunday completely)

2-sept vision monthly magzine(finish 60 percent)

2-test 2

3-test 2 analysis.

4-obstacle is the way (read between breaks)

That's it.

Done everything.

Point of concern-productivity in second half has to be increased,also breaks have to be less frequent.

Overall good day.



2-SOCIO PAPER 2(FINISH modernisation of Indian tradition)

3-Rs sharma(read with the intent to finish it this week with a fair amount of grasp)

4-ethics, attitude 

5-ans writing (5 answers)

6-one notes  current affairs revision.

That's it.

PS-Just knowing is never enough, everyone knows, learning to apply with conviction is key and that requires integrity.

» show previous quotes» show previous quotes

Done everything.

Point of concern-productivity in second half has to be increased,also breaks have to be less frequent.

Overall good day.



2-SOCIO PAPER 2(FINISH modernisation of Indian tradition)

3-Rs sharma(read with the intent to finish it this week with a fair amount of grasp)

4-ethics, attitude 

5-ans writing (5 answers)

6-one notes  current affairs revision.

That's it.

PS-Just knowing is never enough, everyone knows, learning to apply with conviction is key and that requires integrity.

Poor day as far as productivity is concerned anyway whats gone is gone tomorrow has to better.

As no substantial progress made today the Targets has to be repeated to keep things in mind for real can't rush now.



2-SOCIO PAPER 2(FINISH modernisation of Indian tradition)

3-Rs sharma(read with the intent to finish it this week with a fair amount of grasp)

4-ethics, attitude 

5-answer writing

6-one notes revision.

Note to self 1-Overall be rigid and mechanical in execution of daily plans,flexibility ,offering too much freedom is detrimental to discipline.

Also note to self 2

ta eph'hemin, ta ouk eph'hemin: What is up to us, what is not up to us.

  1. Take CSAT test --done
  2. SFG syllabus --done
  3. Newspaper --done [notes pending]

Today's targets 14/02/2022 --

  1. Test analysis, solve unattempted questions(practice more, improve speed)
  2. Newspaper
  3. SFG syllabus
  4. Clear newspaper pending notes

When did I last actually draw something, sad ! More to do with how lazy I am.

Note to self -- at least 1 hour on drawing this week.

  1. The institute website did not let me access the report :/ [Backlog for whenever it is available]
  2. Done
  3. Done
  4. Not done

Drew a little and felt good :)

Today 15/02/2022 targets --

  1. SFG Art and culture
  2. Newspaper
  3. Please clear notes backlog
  4. Walk [might skip if I don't mention it here]

So, keep going!  :)

  1. Not complete, backlog to be finished today
  2. Done
  3. Cleared a decent amount - pending some more
  4. Done
  5. Also completed analysis of CSAT test and practiced the unattempted questions

Today's targets 16/02/2022--

  1. SFG targets plus backlog of yesterday
  2. Newspaper
  3. Current Affairs monthly Jan
  4. Clear as much backlog of newspaper notes as possible
  5. Walk

@sjerngal Sharing a drawing as promised. Have a good day, everyone :)

This is brilliant 👍and here I feel smug after drawing India's map that too properly does not  look like India 😂.


Woaahhh people are still awake:) Joining the midnight study club..( may be for a day) 

So.usually i wake up around 5 to study but.. don't know is it the fear of this exam or the onset of March..  that i am not able to sleep properly...! Now time has arrived..every single minute counts ab...Also..wanted to share..that from last few days i am highly irritated (even if i am doing meditation..)

And some annoying judges( judgement giving people) will always be around tell ki you haven't studied much with their value addition tips on how to become a good person and what flaws do you have..:) 

But..What is more important right now?..( For me it is the number of days left for prelims.) So here comes the MARCH list...! 

Newspaper (backlogs)+ Economics (lectures+ notes) ... Geography( notes Revision) + Current magazines.+ test series..+ CSAT +Meditation and exercise..! And Environment ( late March) 

Today's Target:

1: Newspaper+ 

2: Economics( Notes+ Lectures)

3: MIH(test solutions) 

4: Videos (issues explained) + CSAT(paper solving) 

5: Geography ( 1 lecture+ 30 ques)

Hoping to have a productive March..! Let's do it..:) All the best Peepul..:) 👍

Bhai,next time if judges bother u ,preach them about emotional intelligence rhetorically,trust me they will recuse themselves.

Ps-no reaction is the best reaction (always)

More power to u for next 94 days and beyond.


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