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Official : Post Daily Routine & Self Assessment (Mains 2020)

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target for tomorrow 

Indian geography textbook class xi NCERT

pt 365 culture

World war 1, Ghadar, Home rule movement 

Deepak802,Dora-the_Explorerand1 otherslike this

26th August 2020


1) Shankar IAS EnvironmentDone

2) 4 Classes of Dipin Sir

Deepak802,Dora-the_Explorerand1 otherslike this

Another disastrous day. Had headache the entire day and struggled to study. Attempted 2 tests but didn't revise, 20 pages of Vision CA done. 

Target for 26/08/2020:

1. Complete the goddamn Vision Supplementary document (Culture is still left :(  )

2. Revise the mistakes of tests given in the last 2 days

3. Finish Executive and Judiciary from Laxmikabt

4. Finish Mapping - Mountains + Passes + Rivers

Feeling really frustrated as unable to move into the next gear of studies. 

Deepak802,Dora-the_Explorerand1 otherslike this





Deepak802,Dora-the_Explorerand2 otherslike this

25 August-

Tasks Completed-

  • Newspaper
  • CSAT test
  • Modern History mocks revision
  • IR CA
Deepak802,HotBloodPrinceand1 otherslike this


Hi, need some suggestions for prelims 2020:

I haven't prepared CA well, done 5-6 Vision monthly and now have completed S&T, envy. and Polity 365. Do you think revising 365 will be better or I should do something else.

And in static parts should I revise basic books of polity, mod history, environment( I have read them 2-3 times but not in recent 2-3 months), like I understand basic story/ concepts but make mistakes at facts.

So should I revise notes of Laex rapid reckoner or some other short notes or go by test papers. 

Please suggest, I am losing confidence from 2-3 days that now if I can complete things or not?!!

Just saying. 

  1. Just revise what you have already read sense of familiarity will be there. That will help in revision because you will have grip .Why to start something new. Kindly avoid that. 
  2. Same goes for static revise the already read main book of reference for each subject that you have covered previously.Dont rely on other notes or test paper solutions. Original text book are like concrete base test paper solution are complementary.
  3. I know one feel that they should do this too and that too. Keep things minimal covering the essential. Current affair if you are doing it from 365 stick to that. And since you said that you go wrong fact na so the problem is revision  you might be in rush  I understand but remember the main game is to avoid going wrong in what you have already revise .
  4. And  kindly stop worrying  do not give space to thought that  will I be able to complete or not. It's not good. So just keep a reasonable target for a day and then cover it that would reduce your anxiety and to build the confidence give test daily. That will kill your doubt about yourself. If you do well it's accha if you are scoring less it's more accha for you still have got time to correct yourself right so start now. Don't think much just start. Assessment part gives a chance to prepare oneself in a better way  so never skip test. 
  5. Your cycle should be like read the already done things . Give the test. See where you are going wrong and revise it again and then give your mind a break by sleeping. Practice clean eating too . 

There is saying na aage paath piche sapaat never fall in that bracket. Just saying  based on where I had faltered once. I hope it hold some relevance to you. 

Deepak802,Dora-the_Explorerand7 otherslike this
@Pavaki this gave me a sense of clarity and direction, thanks!!


26 Aug 2020

1. Give T35- (1)

2. SFG test analysis- (1.5)

3. Newspaper + CA- (1+1) | [Don't exceed]

4. SFG notes revise- (3)

5. MIH notes revise + Spectrum- (3)

6. Read for tomorrow's test/ Continue MIH- (2)

7. Map Work- 1

8. If time permits→ pending points from Evernote

Deepak802,HotBloodPrinceand1 otherslike this

9:00-12:00 Environment Done 

1:00-4:00 Environment Done 

5:00-8:00 PT365 Social Issues Done

9:00-11:00 PT365 notes+add on prelims booklet Done

The gargle lifestyle has been adopted, for all the Ratta creates strain on the throat. 

Watched the mirror has two faces on Netflix. To see Pierce Brosnan play a complete douche was weirdly satisfying. 

Deepak802,Dora-the_Explorerand3 otherslike this
review 25/8 [37/60]

*Focus to remain on effort.

Shift 1: Lakshmi part 3, 4, 10, judiciary. (not done)

Shift2: envt ca jun'19 to sept 19 (jun /jul /aug'19 envt/eco/socio parts done )

Shift 3: T 19 vision (done)

26/8 [36/60]

*Focus to remain on effort.

Shift 1:2 hr shankar revision chapter 23 onwards

shift 2: Lakshmi part 3, 4, 10, judiciary.

Shift 3: envt/eco/socio CA dec'19 to feb '20 {i hope this actually happens }

Shift 4: sfg environment tests 1,2 

Deepak802,Dora-the_Explorerand3 otherslike this


Hi, need some suggestions for prelims 2020:

I haven't prepared CA well, done 5-6 Vision monthly and now have completed S&T, envy. and Polity 365. Do you think revising 365 will be better or I should do something else.

And in static parts should I revise basic books of polity, mod history, environment( I have read them 2-3 times but not in recent 2-3 months), like I understand basic story/ concepts but make mistakes at facts.

So should I revise notes of Laex rapid reckoner or some other short notes or go by test papers. 

Please suggest, I am losing confidence from 2-3 days that now if I can complete things or not?!!

Don't go for la excellence directly,they are very short notes

About static

Give 2-3 days for each subject revise and give test re read your weak point

and then move to flt test

About ca

Revise that vision monthly which u have already covered

For new ca refer to any 60-70pages compilation like only ias quick revision or factly (only ias quick revision only contains 40-50 pages don't know its good to follow or not, but i will follow that only coz of tima paucity)

Lastly read pyq sincerely

Always Remember exam me pada hua kuch nhi ayega,sab pad lia revise krke confidence ayega aur us confidence se hi pre crack hoga(jitna me samja hoon abhi tak is exam ko)

Deepak802,Dora-the_Explorerand5 otherslike this

Hello, people!

I have been reluctant to post on this thread earlier.

Yesterday night, I spent a good half an hour going through the posts posted by fellow aspirants and the way they have been incorporating their previous day's learnings into their following day's schedule. Forty days away from Prelims, I think I have to dive right in!

25/08/20: To start off, I will allocate today's time to Environment and Polity in the ratio 70:30.

It was a productive day. I have completed the Part 1 of Indian Polity by Laxmikanth (till Chapter 11); Have revised 40% of my own Environment notes. Quantitatively speaking, I have studied for 7hrs approximately.

On the flip side, I was feeling very weak due to the lack of sleep the other day. I am trying to shift my sleep schedule – from sleeping everyday at 3am to falling asleep by 11pm. 

I am mostly proud of actually sticking to my study schedule (which is not my forte). A good first day!


26/08/20: Sticking to the same two subjects, considering their weightage in Paper-1 of CSP. And, yes, try to study for more than 7hrs. 

Deepak802,Dora-the_Explorerand4 otherslike this

Day 5 learning

A client who I was dealing with had a change of mind in the last moment they cited some emergency as the reason . So I had to do major changes in the blueprint.

Blatantly this individual went on for social media polls saying which one to choose 1or 2. Just to confirm I texted this individual that was it just for an option to choose you wanted to me to urgently work on another draft and unapologetically answer from other side was yes.  

Major impact of that was I scored below my average score in the mocks. I shared this because be ruthless to save your time for the more you invest for yourself the more you get reward.  I was not legally binded to help them but out of good will and the reference they had I gave them my time.But I made a wrong choice. So a good lesson. 

So for Day 6 

Any ways I am still lagging behind. Pace is bit slow for I feel like sloth after dealing with such mean people. So  I will go on easy : revision till I have my lunch then will sit for few mocks. So far I can think of doing this only. I hope my score improves 

Hope everyone have a contentful day with respect to their target.  :) 

Deepak802,Dora-the_Explorerand4 otherslike this
@Raillife thank you bhai!!


how rau ias compass for economy(Static + cA)

has anyone read that ?

can i rely on that book forstatic(this book + ncert)


Thank you everyone..this thread is inspiring...I will also assess myself daily by posting my schedule.

About me:

Not cleared prelim before

Working professional 

Day 1:

           Economic  survey Volume 2 Revision (vision summary)

           Test 24 ,test 25 (insights)

            Current affairs video for prelim(random)


            CA revision (if time permits)


Deepak802,Dora-the_Explorerand6 otherslike this

Completed following things since I started posting targets here (past 4 days) -->

a) 1/2 Modern History Notes

b) National Parks & Tiger Reserves Mapping [took too much time than what I thought would take, now will revise it regularly coz don't wanna devote much time to it again]

c) ~30 pgs of Laxmikanth

Review -->Wasted 80% Monday without doing anything substantial. Will try to never waste a complete day.

Now, will go into berserk mode to complete the following targets till 31st Aug -->

1) Complete Modern History Notes [1/2 remaining]

2) Physical Geography NCERT and few other notes [except Biomes, Vegetation, Soils, Crops and Rivers]

3) Complete Environment [except Fauna, Ramsar Sites, Biosphere Reserves]

4) ~200 pages of Laxmikanth [~170 remaining]

The only focus is to complete whatever I can do from these before 31st Aug ends. Ok, will see you on 1st Sep. 

Deepak802,Dora-the_Explorerand10 otherslike this



Hi, need some suggestions for prelims 2020:

I haven't prepared CA well, done 5-6 Vision monthly and now have completed S&T, envy. and Polity 365. Do you think revising 365 will be better or I should do something else.

And in static parts should I revise basic books of polity, mod history, environment( I have read them 2-3 times but not in recent 2-3 months), like I understand basic story/ concepts but make mistakes at facts.

So should I revise notes of Laex rapid reckoner or some other short notes or go by test papers. 

Please suggest, I am losing confidence from 2-3 days that now if I can complete things or not?!!

Just saying. 

  1. Just revise what you have already read sense of familiarity will be there. That will help in revision because you will have grip .Why to start something new. Kindly avoid that. 
  2. Same goes for static revise the already read main book of reference for each subject that you have covered previously.Dont rely on other notes or test paper solutions. Original text book are like concrete base test paper solution are complementary.
  3. I know one feel that they should do this too and that too. Keep things minimal covering the essential. Current affair if you are doing it from 365 stick to that. And since you said that you go wrong fact na so the problem is revision  you might be in rush  I understand but remember the main game is to avoid going wrong in what you have already revise .
  4. And  kindly stop worrying  do not give space to thought that  will I be able to complete or not. It's not good. So just keep a reasonable target for a day and then cover it that would reduce your anxiety and to build the confidence give test daily. That will kill your doubt about yourself. If you do well it's accha if you are scoring less it's more accha for you still have got time to correct yourself right so start now. Don't think much just start. Assessment part gives a chance to prepare oneself in a better way  so never skip test. 
  5. Your cycle should be like read the already done things . Give the test. See where you are going wrong and revise it again and then give your mind a break by sleeping. Practice clean eating too . 

There is saying na aage paath piche sapaat never fall in that bracket. Just saying  based on where I had faltered once. I hope it hold some relevance to you. 

awesome advice......will incorporate the same in my routine



Hi, need some suggestions for prelims 2020:

I haven't prepared CA well, done 5-6 Vision monthly and now have completed S&T, envy. and Polity 365. Do you think revising 365 will be better or I should do something else.

And in static parts should I revise basic books of polity, mod history, environment( I have read them 2-3 times but not in recent 2-3 months), like I understand basic story/ concepts but make mistakes at facts.

So should I revise notes of Laex rapid reckoner or some other short notes or go by test papers. 

Please suggest, I am losing confidence from 2-3 days that now if I can complete things or not?!!

Don't go for la excellence directly,they are very short notes

About static

Give 2-3 days for each subject revise and give test re read your weak point

and then move to flt test

About ca

Revise that vision monthly which u have already covered

For new ca refer to any 60-70pages compilation like only ias quick revision or factly (only ias quick revision only contains 40-50 pages don't know its good to follow or not, but i will follow that only coz of tima paucity)

Lastly read pyq sincerely

Always Remember exam me pada hua kuch nhi ayega,sab pad lia revise krke confidence ayega aur us confidence se hi pre crack hoga(jitna me samja hoon abhi tak is exam ko)

yahi ekmatra sachai hai prelims ki....CONFIDENCE

Dora-the_Explorer,Raillifeand2 otherslike this
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