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Official : Post Daily Routine & Self Assessment (Mains 2020)

14th July review-

Half day checked answers of 18 vision tests.. 5 still left.. As have not attempted them yet (initial tests and test n tech) 

Slept 3pm to 4 pm.. Wasted 1 hr to get up... So from 5 pm started revision of environment.. 

Plan to revise 1 day subject and then analyse test papers next day in batch..currently plan to do this way.. Lets see how many time I change it.. 

Now will study for mains optional upto 1 am hopefully.. 

Today lesson - after reading comments of 13th July performances by other thread members.. Realised that it is normal to have such off days..

And actually I am thankful to forum for providing such a platform in such time.. Where some r away from Delhi.. Some r away from libraries or coachings.. And Some r just away.. 

“And some r just away...” 

This hit me hard.

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