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Doubt Clearance Thread: UPSC 2021

@Shailputribecause tropical region gets more direct sunlight, whereas poles gets slanted sun light. Hence more sunlight means more UV rays too. Also there's no sunlight on poles for 6 months so naturally UV will be lower there.

@Shailputri The closer you are to sun, the higher UV you'll get. Higher altitudes receive more sunlight than lower areas. This is also the reason why solar panels placed at higher positions from ground, so that the receive more "insolation" as compared to putting them on ground.

@THE_MECHANIC between tropics and pole, incoming UV is more on tropics (reason explained above). Within either tropics or poles, areas of higher altitude will have more incoming UV as compared to lower areas.

@THE_MECHANIC bhai clouds ka sawal tb aayega na jb sunlight aayegi. 6 mahine sunlight nhi rhegi plus baaki time slanted aayegi toh cloud ho ya naa ho, kya frk pdega ? Equator pr hi zyada UV giregi kyuki direct sunlight aati hai waha throughout year.

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