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Doubt Clearance Thread: UPSC 2021

After 3rd Judges case, Transfer of Judges require opinion of collegium of 4 Judges+CJI and their appointment the collegium is of 2Judges+CJI only? Is this right or am I missing something?



After 3rd Judges case, Transfer of Judges require opinion of collegium of 4 Judges+CJI and their appointment the collegium is of 2Judges+CJI only? Is this right or am I missing something?

Yes, transfer of HC judges is 4+1; while appointment of HC judges is 2+1. Whereas appointment of SC judges is 4+1

Thanks a lot! Did not make sense to me in 1st instance, so asked. Appointment requiring only 2+1 but transfer requiring 4+1. May be the chances of punitive action is more in case of transfers, that's why.



@thepolicydreamer This is what is written in Laxmikanth. I think it's because if there's not more institutional protection against transfers there might come a situation where transfers happen at a whim or punishment etc. 

Yes, most probably that would be the reason to put more safegaurds in transfer than even appointment.


GDP data is released by NSO or CSO? Have found both of them given in different sources. Even in PT 365 at 2 places it has been given differently. Is it because both of them have merged and now the answer would be NSO releases GDP data?


35% power in india is from renewable energy . I have seen this in 2-3 tests but have not been able to find the source from where this number comes. (One of abhyaas/vision FLT had this question) In PT it is mentioned at 2 places, 72% coal responsible for power and at other place 70%. Due to that I kept marking renewable less than 30. Looks like I am missing something, if someone could please help here.


CITES secretariat is administered by UNEP but it was signed in a meeting of IUCN members. Will it be considered an agreement under UNEP? 

Sorry for asking such silly doubts at the last moment, but mind is getting stuck on such things. 

@thepolicydreamer under UNEP. take care and chill :) everything will go fine.

Thanks :) 

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