After 3rd Judges case, Transfer of Judges require opinion of collegium of 4 Judges+CJI and their appointment the collegium is of 2Judges+CJI only? Is this right or am I missing something?
Yes, transfer of HC judges is 4+1; while appointment of HC judges is 2+1. Whereas appointment of SC judges is 4+1
Thanks a lot! Did not make sense to me in 1st instance, so asked. Appointment requiring only 2+1 but transfer requiring 4+1. May be the chances of punitive action is more in case of transfers, that's why.
@thepolicydreamer This is what is written in Laxmikanth. I think it's because if there's not more institutional protection against transfers there might come a situation where transfers happen at a whim or punishment etc.
Yes, most probably that would be the reason to put more safegaurds in transfer than even appointment.
35% power in india is from renewable energy . I have seen this in 2-3 tests but have not been able to find the source from where this number comes. (One of abhyaas/vision FLT had this question) In PT it is mentioned at 2 places, 72% coal responsible for power and at other place 70%. Due to that I kept marking renewable less than 30. Looks like I am missing something, if someone could please help here.
@thepolicydreamer under UNEP. take care and chill :) everything will go fine.
Thanks :)